Scientific publications without theses

Results: 829
Created on: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:04:53 +0200 in 0.0833 sec

Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor; Bolotnik, Nikolai N.; Pivovarov, Michail; Yatsun, Sergey F.
Vibration-driven locomotion systems. - In: The 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, (2008), insges. 10 S.

The controlled motion of systems of bodies along a straight line on a rough plane is studied. In the first part of the paper, we consider a systems of two mass points connected by a spring. The system is driven by forces that act between the points and change harmonically. To provide the asymmetry of the friction force, necessary for the progressive motion in a given direction, it suffices to apply a brush-like or scaly coating to the contact surfaces. In the second part, we consider a rectilinear motion of a vibration-driven system, consisting of a housing body and two internal masses, along a rough horizontal plane. One of the internal masses oscillates in the horizontal direction and the other oscillates vertically. It is shown that by changing the phase shift between the horizontal and vertical oscillations one can control the velocity of the steady-state motion of the systems, for symmetric or asymmetric friction. In the third part, the motion of two mass points connected by a spring and actuated by two unbalance rotors is investigated. It is shown that the direction of motion of the systems can be changed by changing only the magnitude of the speed of the rotors, with the direction of rotation kept unaltered.

Kirchner, Isabel; Gerlach, Erik; Oberthür, Siegfried; Zimmermann, Klaus
Erstellung eines MKS-Modells zur Untersuchung der Dynamik einer Nanopositionier- und Messmaschine (NPMM). - In: Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation, ISBN 978-3-901608-33-9, (2008), S. 171-172

Im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereiches 622 werden an der TU Ilmenau die Grundlagen zur Entwicklung von Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschinen (NPM-Maschinen) erarbeitet. Im Rahmen eines Virtuellen Prototyping, für welches die Modellgenerierung eine wesentliche Basis darstellt, sollen die dynamischen Eigenschaften des Systems in frühen Entwicklungsphasen bestimmt werden.Die Analyse der Dynamik erfolgt durch die Simulation eines Mehrkörpermodells. Durch Integration von Antrieben und Regelungen in das Modell wird ein mechatronisches System computergestützt analysiert.

Zimmermann, Klaus; Naletova, Vera A.; Zeidis, Igor; Turkov, Vladimir A.; Kalmykov, Sergej A.; Lukashevich, Mikhail V.
Numeric calculation of a magnetizable elastic body dynamic in a magnetic field. - In: Book of abstracts, ISBN 978-5-8279-0072-6, (2008), S. 474-475

The deformation and the motion of a body made by a magnetizable polymer in an alternating magnetic field are experimentally studied. The cylindrical body (worm) which is located in a cylindrical tube is analyzed. These effects can be used in deigning autonomous mobile robots without a hard cover. Such robots can be employed in clinical practice and biological investigations.

Zimmermann, Klaus; Böhm, Valter; Zeidis, Igor; Popp, Jana
Ferrofluid based locomotion system with locally fixed electromagnetic field. - In: Actuator 08, (2008), S. 834-837

The article presents a system for the ferrofluid based locomotion of non-magnetic objects, preferentially for the microtechnical application. The uniaxial translatory motion of the non-magnetic object situated on the ferrofluid surface or partial in the ferrofluid itself is obtained due to the periodic change of the condition parameters of the ferrofluid by a locally fixed magnetic field. Here an overview is given on the different design options of such systems, on the theoretical and experimental considerations about the magnetic field of the described system, ensuing on that, on the ferrofluid behaviour, and on the characteristic features of the locomotion system according to measurements in laboratory testings.

Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus; Pivovarov, Mikhail; Bolotnik, Nikolai N.
An inertially excited two-mass oscillator moving on rough plane. - In: CD-ROM proceedings, ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6, (2008), insges. 2 S.

The motion of two bodies (mass points) connected by a linear spring is studied for the case where the coefficient of friction is independent of motion. The system is driven by two unbalanced rotors attached to the bodies. It is shown, that the direction of motion can be reversed without changing the direction of rotation of the rotors.

Zentner, Lena; Böhm, Valter
Zum Verformungsverhalten nachgiebiger Mechanismen. - In: Konstruktion, ISSN 0373-3300, Bd. 60 (2008), 1/2, S. 67-71, 74

Eine spezifische Nachgiebigkeit technischer Systeme ist in vielen Anwendungsbereichen, wie in der Medizintechnik und in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, eine dringende Voraussetzung. Diese Anforderung kann konstruktiv, durch den Einsatz von nachgiebigen Mechanismen, erfüllt werden. Im Beitrag wird eine Klassifikation mit praktischen Beispielen über das Verformungsverhalten nachgiebiger Mechanismen gegeben, um ihre gezielte Auslegung zu erleichtern. Dabei werden ihre möglichen funktionserweiternden Eigenschaften mit besonderem Hinblick und mit der Zielstellung betrachtet, sensorischen Aufwand durch intelligente Mechanik zu minimieren beziehungsweise zu ersetzen sowie zukunftsorientierte Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen.

Zentner, Lena;
Bionisch inspirierte fluidmechanische nachgiebige Strukturen. - In: Bio-inspired textile materials, (2008), insges. 39 S.

Naletova, Vera A.; Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor; Turkov, Vladimir A.; Pelevina, Daria A.; Friedrich, T.; Richter, R.
Deformation of a magnetic fluid surface due to ferromagnetic bodies in an applied uniform magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008, (2008), S. 747-751

Static and dynamic deformations of a magnetic fluid surface due to the ferromagnetic bodies in an applied uniform magnetic field are studied. The numerical solutions of the problem of the determination of the static surface shape of the magnetic fluid containing different magnetizable bodies in an applied uniform magnetic field are obtained. The flow of a layer of an incompressible viscous magnetic fluid on a plane under the action of a travelling magnetic field, which is created by moving ferromagnetic iron rods, is analyzed analytically.

Gerlach, Erik; Kirchner, Isabel; Oberthür, Siegfried; Zimmermann, Klaus
Untersuchung der Dynamik eines hochpräzisen z-Achsen Positioniersystems für Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschinen. - In: Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme, (2008), S. 207-211

Griebel, Stefan; Linß, Sebastian; Risto, Uwe; Uhlig, René; Zentner, Lena
Neue Anwendungen durch elastische Eigenschaften. - In: Erfinder-Visionen, ISSN 1861-9401, (2008), 2, S. 15-16


... until 2022 from the Technical Mechanics Group

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Created on: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:04:36 +0200 in 0.0178 sec