
8,000 Euros for the University Society: Donation enables funding for student research

The Ilmenau University Society was recently delighted to receive a donation of 8,000 euros. With the donation from the e.V., the association will support particularly committed and high-performing students and young researchers.

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Above all, the University Society would like to promote young academics, as seen here at the presentation of the dissertation prize by the Chairman of the University Society, Prof. Peter Scharff, to Philipp Götze in April 2024.

The Ilmenau University Society - Friends, Sponsors, Alumni e.V. is dedicated to promoting academic, cultural and student life. This is made possible by a strong network of partners in industry and society who support the work of the association both ideally and financially - such as DITS.

The non-profit association has set itself the task of promoting sustainable solutions for the benefit and protection of society through targeted research and cooperation. Its main focus is on promoting interdisciplinary networks and working groups. With its donation of 8,000 euros to the University Society, DITS is now particularly keen to support interdisciplinary research and the development of new digital technologies by high-performing and committed students and young researchers - a particular reason for Prof. Peter Scharff, Chairman of the Board of the University Society, to be pleased.

The promotion of our young researchers has always been a matter close to our hearts. We are therefore all the more grateful for the donation from DITS, which we can use to fund further scholarships, student research projects and awards such as the Dagmar Schipanski Prize for the best dissertation of a year.

Most recently, in April 2024, the University Society awarded Philipp Götze from the Databases and Information Systems Group for his dissertation on the new storage technology Persistent Memory (PMem).

Digital technologies and current trends in production, supply chain and services will also be the focus of the "Lean - digitalized - networked" conference of the Ilmenau University Society, which will take place in Leipzig on 21 November 2024. The conference is being organized by the newly founded specialist committee for industrial engineering and business informatics. With this event, in addition to supporting students, the association would also like to intensify the connection between graduates and their alma mater and open up opportunities for new collaborations between TU Ilmenau and companies of alumni and alumnae.

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Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Peter Scharff

Vorstandsvorsitzender der Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.