
Ilmenauer Sommervergnügen

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Fr. 23.07.2021
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Kirchplatz Ilmenau
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Stadtmarketing Ilmenau

It was quiet in Ilmenau for a long time - no Old Town Festival, no concerts...

But finally it starts again and we can spread a little summer mood together.

From 23 - 25 July 2021 there will be concerts, comedy and of course the best food at the Kirchplatz Ilmenau. You can find the whole program at www.ilmenau.de/sommervergnuegen and of course the links to buy tickets. It's worth being quick, because there are only a limited number of seats. Tickets cost between €10 and €8 (reduced for children under 14 €6 and €4).


In the program are: Janis Dreilich Band| Nia Francesca & Duo Monet | Puppetto | Aurelia String Quartet | Kalter Kaffee | Die Eiskönigin | Jonas Greiner | Psycho and SKA Funk`L