
Citizens' Campus: Safely through the digital labyrinth: a look into the world of cyber security

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Fr. 13.12.2024
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In an increasingly connected and digital world, cyber security is more important than ever. From personal data to critical infrastructure such as energy and water supplies, cyberattacks affect all areas of our lives. In this presentation, you will learn about the threats posed by cyber attacks in everyday life and how you can protect yourself effectively.

The focus will be on practical tips on how to recognize phishing emails, prevent identity theft and ensure safe surfing on the Internet. It also looks at how critical infrastructures are targeted and what security measures operators of electricity and water networks can take to protect themselves against these threats.

Using real cyberattacks as examples, the presentation will show the sophisticated methods used by hackers and the possible defenses against them. defense options against them.

Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Nicolai, Head of Contract Research in the Cognitive Energy Systems department at Fraunhofer IOSB-AST in Ilmenau, has been running the Cyber Security in Energy and Water Supply learning lab since 2018 and will share his extensive knowledge in this lecture.


Admission: 5 euros