
Participation at MISDOOM conference

From September 2nd to 4th, CCS team member Jingyuan Yu attended the 6th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM) at the University of Münster, Germany. Jingyuan Yu presented a study that compares politicians' misinformation sharing behavior and public engagement from 4 countries (Germany, Italy, the UK, and the US).
This research is a collaboration between researchers from TU-Ilmenau (Jingyuan Yu and Emese Domahidi) and Italian universities (Duccio Gamannossi Degl'Innocenti, University of Padova; Fabiana Zollo, Ca' Foscari University of Venice). This research is part of the DECIPHER project, and is funded by the German Research Foundation.
Further information is available at: https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/decipher and https://www.misdoom2024.uni-muenster.de/