Study at the BMTI


What is Biomedical Engineering?

Biomedical Engineering is technology for life. It directly affects the human health, develops new methods for detection and treatment of diseases together with medical partners and implements them in medical technology.

Ilmenau University of Technology has a long and successful tradition in the field of biomedical engineering. As early as 1953, the Institute of Electromedical and Radiological Engineering was established at the former “Hochschule für Elektrotechnik” (HfE), which was the first university institute in Europe that introduced an on-campus Biomedical Engineering program.

What can be studied at BMTI?

The five groups organise the bachelor and master degree program. Furthermore, the Institute is involved in the following interdisciplinary bachelor and master degree programs:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  •  Industrial Engineering and Management

Besides, a comprehensive PhD program is offered by the institute.

Latest information and documents related to the Institute's courses can be found under "Teaching" in the main navigation.

Why study at BMTI?

Ilmenau's graduates possess substantiated engineering basics, excellent methodic competence, distinct comprehension for current medical issues and practical medical knowledge. This enables them to act as partners of medical doctors in clinical practice, in medical engineering research and development, in application and versatile other fields in medical technology industry.

Manifold lab courses, exercises and development work through the whole study curse ensure the high practical relevance. The discipline-oriented internship within the bachelor program comprises a completed practice-oriented project task in health care, industry or research. The design project within the Master program allows for the independent working on a task from the Institute's teaching and research portfolio.

A strong research focus of the involved institutes enables the students to work on highly topical and highly relevant research topics. Researchers in Ilmenau work in the development of novel methods in the following fields:

  • ophthalmologic technology,
  •  measurement and stimulation technique,
  •  data analysis, modeling and inverse methods,
  •  medical imaging and radiological technique,
  •  medical information technology.

Partner institutes and companies in the USA, Europe and Japan offer the possibility to complete parts of the study or internships, depending on individual conditions and requests of the students.

During the winter term 2007, the mentor program started for the study curse “Biomedical Engineering".
Mentors are postgraduates that support a group of students and facilitate the start of the scientific work at the institute. Furthermore, they act as contact persons for the students' problems.