Journal articles

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Nagel, Edgar; Münch, Konstanze; Vilser, Walthard
Durchmesserbestimmung von Netzhautgefäßabschnitten in digitalen Fundusfotografien - eine klinische Studie zur Methodik und Reproduzierbarkeit. - In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, ISSN 1439-3999, Bd. 218 (2001), 9, S. 616-620
Schack, Bärbel; Witte, Herbert; Helbig, Marko; Schelenz, Christoph; Specht, Martin
Time-variant non-linear phase-coupling analysis of EEG burst patterns in sedated patients during electroencephalic burst suppression period. - In: Clinical neurophysiology, ISSN 1872-8952, Bd. 112 (2001), 8, S. 1388-1399
Kaeding, Anne-Kathrin; Funkat, Gert; Detschew, Vesselin; Specht, Martin
Einsatz des Guideline Interchange Formates zur Beschreibung von Leitlinien zur Therapie des Schädel-Hirn-Traumas. - In: Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in Medizin und Biologie, ISSN 0943-5581, Bd. 32 (2001), 2/3, S. 185

Lemke, Klaus; Plagwitz, Kai-Uwe; Lutherdt, Stefan
Dynamic measurements using a Laserinterferometer working with polarized light :
Dynamische Messungen mit einem polarisationsoptischen Laserinterferometer. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 67 (2000), 1, S. 20-26
Witte, Herbert; Schack, Bärbel; Helbig, Marko; Putsche, Peter; Schelenz, Christoph; Schmidt, Karin; Specht, Martin
Quantification of transient quadratic phase couplings within EEG burst patterns in sedated patients during electroencephalic burst-suppression period. - In: Journal of physiology Paris, ISSN 1769-7115, Bd. 94 (2000), 5/6, S. 427-434
Nagel, Edgar; Vilser, D.; Fuhrmann, Gabriele; Vilser, Walthard; Lang, G. E.
Dilatation großer Netzhautgefäße nach Intraokulardrucksteigerung. - In: Der Ophthalmologe, ISSN 1433-0423, Bd. 97 (2000), 11, S. 742-747
Plagwitz, Kai-Uwe; Lemke, Klaus
Überlegungen zur Sicherheit bei der Applikation eines laserinterferometrischen Maßsystems am Auge. - In: Laser-Medizin, ISSN 0938-765X, Bd. 15 (2000), 1/2, S. 24-32

Lanzl, Ines M.; Witta, Birke; Kotliar, Konstantin; Vilser, Walthard
Reaktion retinaler Gefäßdurchmesser auf 100 % O2-Atmung - funktionelle Messung mit dem Retinal Vessel Analyzer an 10 Probanden. - In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, ISSN 1439-3999, Bd. 217 (2000), 4, S. 231-235
Karamfilov, Theodor; Weichold, Sven; Karte, Kerstin; Vilser, Walthard; Wollina, Uwe
Remittance spectroscopy mapping of human skin in vivo. - In: Skin research & technology, ISSN 1600-0846, Bd. 5 (1999), 1, S. 49-52

Background/aims: Remittance spectroscopy of human skin may be influenced by probe application pressure and body site. Methods: We investigated remittance spectroscopy qualities of human skin in vivo in different areas: a) forearm, b) frontal, c) back, d) back of the hand, e) palms and f) cheek. Twenty volunteers of skin type 2-3 free of inflammatory skin diseases, were enrolled into the study. Spectroscopy readings were performed with a fiber optic spectrometer (Ocean Optics, USA). The readings were taken with standardized force (0 and 100 pont) by applying the probe vertically to the skin surface. The remittance in relation to wavelength was registered. White light with wavelengths from 420 to 750 nm were used. Individual remittance values and their standard deviations were obtained from 20 readings each. Results/Conclusions: Spectroscopic patterns of skin are influenced by external force and regional factors. Standardization remains critical for the use of this approach in bioengineering of skin.
Plagwitz, Kai-Uwe; Lemke, Klaus
Neues Meßverfahren der Noncontact-Tonometrie. - In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, ISSN 1439-3999, Bd. 214 (1999), 1, S. 40-43