New research findings on the energy transition

A survey of 2,700 citizens, conducted by the Department of Empirical Media Research and Political Communication at theTU Ilmenau shows that the majority of the population doubts the reporting on the energy transition. Only 25% believe that Germany will master it well. Prof. Jens Wolling explains: "Completely independent of individual aspects of the energy transition, only a third consider the reporting to be appropriate. The majority think the reporting is distorted, and for many it even causes concern anddisenchantment with the topic ." "Our results show a lack of trust inreporting. This has far-reaching consequences. While media trust is very closely linked to political satisfaction and trust inpolitics , mistrust, on the other hand, provides fertile ground forconspiracy myths. These are becoming increasingly widespread in relation to the energy transition," explains Dr. Dorothee Arlt. If Germany wants to survive as an energy-intensive industrial location, we must therefore do everything we can to make the energy transition a success. This requires broad public support and there is still a lot to be done.

You can read and download all the results here: