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Group Media Psychology joins FReDA panel

Module on sexual satisfaction will be included

FReDA - The family demographic panel is a scientific study. The name stands for "Family Research and Demographic Analysis". Twice a year, the study collects data on partnership and family living situations in Germany. FReDA provides researchers with representative, reliable and high-quality data, allowing for up-to-date analyses of the family and the population. The project reports key findings of political relevance to policymakers and the public promptly.


The Group Media Psychology and Media Design of the TU Ilmenau in cooperation with the UKE Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Peer Briken) won the application for an open module in the questionnaire based on a peer review process. The module "Sexual satisfaction and equity in couple relationships" will be included in the survey wave in fall 2023. We are very pleased that the module, which is important for the well-being of individuals and the bonding of couples, considers aspects of sexual satisfaction and equity and thus also builds a bridge to the population-representative GeSiD study (German Health and Sexuality Survey;, which also investigates sexual satisfaction.


FReDA panel

Open modules for the fall survey 2023