Main Research Interests of Research Group Media Psychology and Media Design

  1. Media and Technology Psychology
  2. Media Design
  3. Media-related Gender and Sexuality Research
  4. Health Communication
  5. Media Education
  6. Social Science Research Methods and Evaluation Research

Ongoing Research Projects


Third-party funded in cooperation with a consortium of the TU Ilmenau: Co-Presence of Humans and Interactive Companions for Seniors (CO-HUMANICS). Project Website and website of the work package evaluation.



Third-party funded in cooperation with a consortium of the Bauhaus University Weimar and industry partners: Project website and website for the Summative Evaluation sub-project.



Third-party funded: how are sexual debut, menstruation and abortion as topics of sexual and reproductive online health communication presented on Social Media Platforms. Project Website



Self-funded in cooperation with an international research network. Project Website



Self-funded in cooperation with the Working Group on Sexual Education of the AWO Counselling Centres in NRW. Project Website



Self-funded in cooperation with an advisory board from research and practice: Knowledge and attidudes towards sex work and prostitution. Project Website



Third-party funded within a research network dedicated to the exploration and scientific study of mindfulness in higher education. Network Website and Sub-Project Website



Third-party funded within a research network investigating differences and similarities in sexual interests within romantic couples. Sub-Project Webite


Completed Research Projects (Selection)

Contraception in Social Media

Third-party funded: how are different methods of contraception presented on various Social Media platforms. Project Website



Third-party funded in cooperation with a consortium of the TU Ilmenau: Digital, internationally oriented study programs with Social Virtual Reality application (VEDIAS). Project Website


Mindfulness in Higher Education Teaching

Self-funded with a research consortium of the Mindful Universities Network: Effects of mindfulness in higher education teaching. Project Website


Sexuality and Digital Media

Self-funded in cooperation with a consortium from psychology, communication science and medicine. Project Website


Sexual Well-Being and Sexual Education in Times of the Corona Pandemic

Self-funded with the Institut für Sexualpädagogik [Institute of Sexual Education] isp: Sexuality in times of the Corona pandemic from the perspective of sexual education professionals. Project Website