Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
Created on: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:10:03 +0200 in 0.0828 sec

Söllner, Fritz;
Das Dilemma der Integration - die Flüchtlingskrise und ihre Verteilungswirkungen. - In: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, ISSN 2364-3943, Bd. 43 (2018), 4, S. 461-481
Nissen, Volker;
Applications of evolutionary algorithms to management problems. - In: Innovative Research Methodologies in Management, (2018), S. 211-235
Nissen, Volker;
A brief introduction to evolutionary algorithms from the perspective of management science. - In: Innovative Research Methodologies in Management, (2018), S. 165-210
Wimmer, Jeffrey; Wallner, Cornelia; Winter, Rainer; Oelsner, Karoline
(Mis)understanding political participation : digital practices, new forms of participation and the renewal of democracy. - New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. - vi, 258 Seiten. - (Routledge studies in European communication research and education ; 13) ISBN 1-138-65878-2

Budzinski, Oliver; Müller-Kock, Anika
Is the revenue allocation scheme of Formula One motor racing a case for European competition policy?. - In: Contemporary economic policy, ISSN 1465-7287, Bd. 36 (2018), 1, S. 2015-233
Döring, Nicola; Pöschl, Sandra
Sex toys, sex dolls, sex robots: our under-researched bed-fellows. - In: Sexologies, ISSN 1878-1829, Bd. 27 (2018), 3, Seite e51-e55
La version en fran¸cais de cet article, publiée dans l'édition imprimée de la revue, est disponible en ligne:
Rothenberger, Liane; Müller, Kathrin; Elmezeny, Ahmed
The discursive construction of terrorist group identity. - In: Terrorism and political violence, ISSN 1556-1836, Bd. 30 (2018), 3, S. 428-453
Published online: 21 Jun 2016