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Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira;
Frame building on climate change in Indonesia : framework and summary. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (70 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024

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Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht den Prozess der frame-building in Bezug auf den Klimawandel in Indonesien, einer aufstrebenden Nation des Globalen Südens, die erheblich zu den Kohlenstoffemissionen beiträgt und stark von der Klimakrise betroffen ist. Anhand einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse von Pressemitteilungen der indonesischen Regierung und von Umwelt-NGOs sowie der Medienberichterstattung über den Klimawandel ermittelt die Studie, welche Art von Frames die politischen Akteure nutzen und welche Frames die Print- und Online-Medien in Indonesien verwenden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde der Ansatz der Process tracing approach verwendet. Durch den Vergleich der strategischen Frames der Akteure und der Medien-Frames zum Klimawandel zeigt sich, dass Journalisten häufig Frames zum Klimawandel verwenden, die nicht von politischen Akteuren oder NGOs gefördert werden. Nichtsdestotrotz sind die Pressemitteilungen der Regierung die einflussreichsten Quellen für Journalisten in ihrer Berichterstattung über den Klimawandel. Die Studie untersucht außerdem, wie unterschiedliche Kontextbedingungen die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Journalisten und ihren Quellen im Entstehungsprozess von Frames beeinflussen. Die Studie stützt sich auf die Modelle der Einflusshierarchie (HI) und der Intereffikation (IE), um diese Dynamik zu ergründen. Es wurden Interviews mit Journalisten, Wissenschaftlern und PR-Verantwortlichen von Regierungsorganisationen, Umwelt-NGOs und Palmöl-Lobbygruppen in Indonesien durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Organisationsstruktur, die finanziellen Ressourcen und die persönlichen Netzwerke einen Einfluss darauf haben, wie erfolgreich PR-Verantwortliche ihre Frames verbreiten, während die Auswahl der Frames durch die Medienplattform, den internationalen Nachrichtenfluss, die Routine, die Berufserfahrung und die Interessen der Journalisten beeinflusst werden. Darüber hinaus untersucht die Studie, wie Faktoren auf der Makroebene in Indonesien, wie das soziale System und der spezifische kulturelle und historische Kontext, diese Prozesse auf der Mikro- und Mesoebene beeinflussen.

Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira;
Der Prozess des Frame-Building in Bezug auf den Klimawandel in Indonesien :
The process of frame-building regarding climate change in Indonesia. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 13 (2024), 2, S. 125-185

This study examines the frame-building process regarding climate change in Indonesia, an emerging country in the Global South that produces significant carbon emissions and is one of the nations most affected by the climate crisis. Through a quantitative content analysis of press releases from the Indonesian government and environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and media coverage of climate change, this study identifies three frames promoted by policy actors and five frames used by in-house journalists from print and online media organizations in Indonesia. A comparison of these frame sets shows that journalists often use frames on climate change that are not promoted by either political actors or NGOs. Nevertheless, the government is the most important source for journalists on climate change reporting. Next, a second step investigates how different contextual conditions influence the collaboration between journalists and their sources in the frame-creation process to examine it in more detail. Hence, this study relies on the hierarchy of influence (HI) and intereffication (IE) models. To this end, journalists, academics, and PR officers from Indonesia’s government organizations, environmental NGOs, and palm oil lobby organizations are interviewed. The results show that organizational structure, financial resources, and personal networks influence how successfully PR officers disseminate their frames, while journalists’ frame selection is influenced by their media affiliations, routines, professional experience, and interests. This study also discusses how macro conditions in Indonesia influence these micro- and meso-level processes, such as the social system and distinct cultural and historical contexts.
Mikhailova, Veronika; Kunert, Christian; Hartbrich, Jakob; Schwandt, Tobias; Gerhardt, Christoph; Raake, Alexander; Broll, Wolfgang; Döring, Nicola
Work-in-progress: older adults' experiences with an augmented reality communication system. - In: IMX 2024, (2024), S. 282-387

Given the profound impact of staying socially connected on the well-being of older adults, this study explores the potential of augmented reality (AR) systems to enrich their social lives. A wearable AR communication system prototype was developed and tested in a user study involving N = 16 older adults from Germany. Participants wore an AR headset and engaged in a conversation task with a remote person represented by an avatar. Older adults’ experiences were assessed using think-aloud protocols, qualitative observations, posttest questionnaires, and semi-structured oral interviews. Preliminary findings indicate overall participant satisfaction, with minimal observed difficulties in headset usage and avatar-mediated interpersonal communication. The positive engagement during AR conversations highlights the system’s potential to provide positive communication experiences among older individuals. This work-in-progress paper introduces the developed system prototype and outlines the conducted user study. Further data analyses will provide deeper insights into older adults’ experiences with the system. The results will contribute to refining the prototype and offer valuable insights for the development of AR communication systems tailored to the needs and preferences of older adults.
Babatunde, Musibau Adetunji; Afolabi, Joshua Adeyemi
Advancing sustainable industrial development in Africa: the role of institutional quality and renewable energy. - In: Environment, development and sustainability, ISSN 1573-2975, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 27 S.

Industrial development has unarguably created economic benefits that could drive structural economic transformation but its associated environmental consequences undermine sustainable development. Thus, African countries constantly face balancing industrial progress with environmental sustainability. We, therefore, evaluated whether sustainable industrial development is feasible in Africa and accounted for the role of institutional quality and renewable energy in achieving this feat. Using the feasible generalized least square estimator to analyse relevant data of 46 African countries spanning 2000-2021, we found that (i) Africa is yet to achieve sustainable industrial development; (ii) weak institutional quality impedes the attainment of sustainable industrial development in Africa, although the effects depend on the measure of institutional quality; and (iii) renewable energy considerably improves the prospects of achieving sustainable industrial development in Africa. Thus, implementing a holistic and integrated approach that combines efforts to reduce industrial environmental impact, promote renewable energy, and enhance institutional quality can yield synergistic effects and contribute to more sustainable industrial development in Africa.
Ravazzani, Silvia; Meißner, Florian; Schwarz, Andreas; Diers-Lawson, Audra
Introduction. - In: Risk and crisis communication in Europe, (2024), S. 1-10

Improving risk and crisis communication theory and practice matters more than ever. Global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, international conflict, and emerging technological risks related to, for instance, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, mandate joint efforts to enhance how we manage crises and risks and how we communicate them. However, real progress cannot be made by looking at these issues from a singular national perspective. Instead, to tackle global challenges, an international outlook and cross-border collaboration are required (Beck, 2009). In the same vein, it is necessary for both scholars and practitioners of risk and crisis communication to share knowledge and join forces to help answer the many unanswered questions arising from the often interconnected, cross-border, and cascading crises of our time, with the goal of increasing the resilience of communities around the world.
Seeger, Matthew W.; Schwarz, Andreas
Best practices in crisis and disaster communication. - In: Routledge handbook of risk, crisis, and disaster communication, (2024), S. 65-81

A best practices approach to disaster communication has proven popular for both researchers and practitioners. This chapter reviews the best practices approach, its structure, function, and origins, the various recommendations offered for message features, dissemination through different communication channels and/or communication technologies, and factors of the institutional environment of crisis communicators. Additional ways to extend the best practices approach through the use of crisis development stages and a suggested evaluation scheme to assess best practices in terms of scope, applicability, and potential effectiveness are offered.
Diers-Lawson, Audra; Schwarz, Andreas; Meißner, Florian; Ravazzani, Silvia
Risk and crisis communication in Europe : towards integrating theory and practice in unstable and turbulent times. - New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xviii, 345 Seiten). - (Routledge research in communication studies) ISBN 978-1-040-09823-3
Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources

This timely volume offers an international and cross-disciplinary examination of risk and crisis communication theory and practice in Europe.
Noskova, Victoriia;
The economics of data and competition in the digital era: challenges to competition policy and regulation. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (VI, 56 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024

Die Dissertation liefert eine ökonomische Analyse datenbezogener Wettbewerbsfragen und reflektiert die diesbezüglichen Herausforderungen für Wettbewerbspolitik und Regulierung. Der Aufbau der Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile, die jeweils eine Systematisierung des aktuellen Wissensstandes und dessen Reflexion in Märkten für soziale Netzwerke, Videowerbung und virtuelle Assistenten bieten. Das zweite Kapitel gibt einen allgemeinen Überblick über typische Geschäftsmodelle und Merkmale digitaler Märkte, das dritte Kapitel zeigt auf, wie sich die ermittelten Besonderheiten auf die Marktabgrenzung und die Festlegung des jeweiligen Konzepts der Macht digitaler Unternehmen, die Ermittlung von Schadenstheorien und die Anpassung neuer oder verbesserter Kartellrechtsinstrumente auswirken. Insgesamt leistet diese Dissertation wichtige Beiträge zur aktuellen Diskussion über den Wandel des Wettbewerbs im digitalen Zeitalter und die entsprechende Aktualisierung von Wettbewerbspolitik und Regulierung.
Budzinski, Oliver;
Wettbewerb als Hypothesentest: Implikationen für die moderne Wettbewerbspolitik?. - In: Wettbewerb, Recht und Wirtschaftspolitik, (2024), S. 107-136
Budzinski, Oliver; Heine, Klaus; Stöhr, Annika
Einleitung: eine Festschrift für Wolfgang Kerber. - In: Wettbewerb, Recht und Wirtschaftspolitik, (2024), S. 9-20