Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Blumer, Tim; Leonard, Hugh; Lara-Ruiz, Jose M.; Döring, Nicola
Narzissmus und narzisstische Bedürfnisbefriedigung deutscher Nutzer von Social Networking Sites :
Narcissism and related need satisfaction among German social network users. - In: Journal of business and media psychology, ISSN 2191-5814, Bd. 8 (2017), 1, S. 28-36

Positive correlations between online social networking and narcissistic behaviors and traits can be regarded as common sense among traitpsychological online research today. However, it still remains unclear what underlying factors motivate narcissistic individuals to engage in social interactions on websites such as Facebook. This study investigates trait narcissism (measured by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory) and narcissism-related needs on social networking sites. Therefore, perceived possibilities of satisfying three narcissism-related needs (1. need for attention and admiration, 2. need for self-disclosure and self-presentation, and 3. need for self-esteem) are investigated for face-to-face communication and communication on social networking sites measured by newly developed scales. The goal is to see whether or not narcissistic individuals seek out online social interactions because these needs can be better met on social networking sites than in face-toface communication. A questionnaire survey among German students (N = 886) revealed significant relations between trait narcissism and usage of social networking sites. Regressions analyses and t-tests show that narcissistic individuals use social networking sites more often and intensively, however, when it comes to satisfying typical narcissistic needs, face-to-face communication is rated as being more suitable to meet the needs for attention and admiration as well as self-disclosure and self-presentation. Results indicate that online social networking is not particularly rewarding for narcissistic individuals, yet another much appreciated means of narcissistic behavior.
Wolf, Sebastian; Bach, Norbert; Geigenmüller, Anja
Modulare Dienstleistungsarchitekturen und Gestaltungsoptionen der Kundeninteraktion. - In: Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement, (2017), S. 385-404
Schubert, Anne; Wolling, Jens
The effect of communication concerning civic participation on local identity and the struggle against depopulation. - In: Voice of the locality: local media and local audience, ISBN 978-80-210-8747-7, (2017), S. 59-76

Döring, Nicola;
Sexualization :
Sexualisierung. - In: Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie, (2017), S. 1540

Döring, Nicola;
Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft :
Scientific community. - In: Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie, (2017), S. 1502

Döring, Nicola;
Resampling :
Resampling-Verfahren. - In: Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie, (2017), S. 1441