Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Kunz-Kaltenhäuser, Philipp; Gänßle, Sophia; Budzinski, Oliver
Differences in the voting patterns of experts, peers, and fans - analyzing the NFL's all-star team selections. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (30 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 170)

Experts' voting behavior is conjectured to be more objective than peer voting (own group/peers) and public voters (everyone interested), who are supposedly influenced by all sorts of subjective aspects. We examine differences in voting behavior between these groups by analyzing the voting outcomes for all-star teams in American Football. This paper analyzes the impact of performance as well as non-performance markers and team effects on the voting outcome. It contains a comparative analysis across the mentioned groups to elaborate on differences. The econometric analysis uses unbalanced panel data of All-Pro and Pro Bowl player selections over 78 seasons (1951-2019). It applies panel probit regression to assess the impact of the markers on the outcome probability of winning one of the All-Star awards. We find that expert, peer, and public voting show similarities and are partially driven by the same performance and non-performance markers. However, none of the three analyzed voting systems is free from the influence of non-performance markers. We find exposure effects as well as effects from team affiliation in all of them, including in fact expert voting. Positive effects of team success are found in expert and, to a lesser extent, in peer voting. Team-specific effects are found in public voting, providing evidence for partisanship voting by fans. Our results shed doubt on the suspected objectiveness of expert voting. Furthermore, they fortify the notion of public voting being inefficient at identifying objective quality and extend the literature on voting biases among experts, peers, and the general public.
Alver, Füsun; Sarısakalo&bovko;glu, Aynur
Communication science in Türkiye: how communication research and education developed over the years. - In: Publizistik, ISSN 1862-2569, Bd. 68 (2023), 1, S. 89-108

In Türkiye, communication science falls under the category of social sciences and is regarded as an interdisciplinary scientific field focused on empirical research. The field is influenced by communication science developments of the West in terms of developing theories and methodology, and it faces challenges when it comes to the systematisation of theories and research methods created by different research traditions; their critical evaluation, development, and the failure to put theories to practical use. In order to ascertain the present condition of the field, this article explores the institutionalisation of communication science at universities and its potential tendencies as an academic field of study, its research trends, and the characteristics of communication science studies.
Schulte, Julian; Nissen, Volker
Sensitivity analysis of combinatorial optimization problems using evolutionary bilevel optimization and data mining. - In: Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence, ISSN 1573-7470, Bd. 91 (2023), 2/3, S. 309-328

Sensitivity analysis in general deals with the question of how changes in input data of a model affect its output data. In the context of optimization problems, such an analysis could, for instance, address how changes in capacity constraints affect the optimal solution value. Although well established in the domain of linear programming, sensitivity analysis approaches for combinatorial optimization problems are model-specific, limited in scope and not applicable to practical optimization problems. To overcome these limitations, Schulte et al. developed the concept of bilevel innovization. By using evolutionary bilevel optimization in combination with data mining and visualization techniques, bilevel innovization provides decision-makers with deeper insights into the behavior of the optimization model and supports decision-making related to model building and configuration. Originally introduced in the field of evolutionary computation, most recently bilevel innovization has been proposed as an approach to sensitivity analysis for combinatorial problems in general. Based on previous work on bilevel innovization, our paper illustrates this concept as a tool for sensitivity analysis by providing a comprehensive analysis of the generalized assignment problem. Furthermore, it is investigated how different algorithms for solving the combinatorial problem affect the insights gained by the sensitivity analysis, thus evaluating the robustness and reliability of the sensitivity analysis results.
Sanchez, Ron; Galvin, Peter; Bach, Norbert
How design rules emerge and evolve: a coevolutionary architectural perspective on firm and industry organization. - In: Industrial and corporate change, ISSN 1464-3650, Bd. 32 (2023), 1, S. 28-46

This paper elaborates on how design rules emerge and evolve as firms' micro-level choices of product and organization architectures coevolve with changes in product markets and an industry's competitive and cooperative dynamics. We suggest that the design rules a firm adopts will vary according to firms' strategic choices of product and organization architectures that they believe are or may become feasible in a given industry. Building on the mirroring hypothesis that product designs a firm adopts will influence the organization designs it uses, we develop a model that identifies key relationships that influence firms' strategic choices of product and organization architectures and associated design rules. We then elaborate on key interactions between firm-level architectural choices and the architecture-enabled competitive and cooperative dynamics that obtain in an industry. Our model identifies strategically important aspects of open- and closed-system architectures and modular and nonmodular architectures that impact industry structures, interfirm interactions, and resulting industry dynamics. Drawing on these analyses, we suggest how firms' strategic choices of architectures are influenced by their assessments of (i) the potential for capturing value through both gains from specialization and gains from trade that firms believe will be enabled by their architectural choices and (ii) both ex ante and ex post transaction costs implied by their architecture decisions. We conclude by suggesting how the perspective on firm's strategic architectural decisions we develop here enables new approaches to understanding evolutions of both product markets and industry structures for serving product markets.
Döring, Nicola;
Computervermittelte Kommunikation. - In: Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft, (2023), S. 511-523

Der vorliegende Beitrag erklärt, wie computervermittelte Kommunikation definiert ist (Abschnitt 2) und wo sie eingesetzt wird (Abschnitt 3). Anschließend wird der aktuelleForschungsstand umrissen (Abschnitt 4). Der Schwerpunkt des Beitrags liegt auf der Darstellung zentraler Theorien der computervermittelten Kommunikation (Abschnitt 5).
Dyckhoff, Harald; Souren, Rainer
Are important phenomena of joint production still being neglected by economic theory? : a review of recent literature. - In: Journal of business economics, ISSN 1861-8928, Bd. 93 (2023), 6/7, S. 1015-1053

Joint production is a term with a long history in economics, encompassing a variety of ubiquitous production types that usually generate both main products as well as desirable and undesirable byproducts. However, studies in economic history show that important phenomena subsumed under this term were largely ignored by the theories of general economics and of business economics in the twentieth century. Our systematic, narrative literature review based on the Web of Science analyses the extent to which this and other terms corresponding to such phenomena have been taken up by researchers since then. Whereas the number of papers on undesirable outputs has soared, especially in the past decade, the economic literature regarding joint production and harmless byproducts is much smaller and hardly growing. This is in stark contrast to their relevance in practice, recorded in the non-economic literature. Harmful byproducts result from coupled production, as a rule. However, this important manifestation of joint production is usually not distinguished from other specific types. In German-language literature, coupled production is defined as a kind of (truly) joint production in which an intended product cannot be manufactured without an additional type of output under consideration. Our review reveals a lack of clarity, precision, and consistency in the use of established terms and concepts in English-language literature, that may lead to insufficient external validity of widely accepted models. Moreover, one gets the impression that academic disciplines concerned with business or general economics focus too much on problems that are currently of economic interest, while neglecting other issues that may be marginal today but are likely to be of critical importance in the near future.
Schindler, Max; Domahidi, Emese
The computational turn in online mental health research: a systematic review. - In: New media & society, ISSN 1461-7315, Bd. 25 (2023), 10, S. 2781-2799

Digital trace data and computational methods are increasingly being used by researchers to study mental health phenomena (i.e. psychopathology and well-being) in social media. Computer-assisted mental health research is not simply a continuation of previous studies, but rather raises ethical, conceptual and methodological issues that are critical to behavioural science but have not yet been systematically explored. Based on a systematic review of n = 147 studies, we reveal a multidisciplinary field of research that has grown immensely since 2010, spanning the humanities, social sciences, and engineering. We find that a substantial majority of studies in our sample lack a standardized form of ethical consideration, focus on specific constructs and have a rather narrow focus on specific social media platforms. Based on our findings, we discuss how computational elements have influenced mental health research, highlight academic gaps and suggest promising directions for future studies.
Schulz, Ann-Christine; Fehre, Kerstin; Oertel, Simon
The adoption of MBA programs in Germany: an institutional perspective. - In: Academy of Management learning & education, ISSN 1944-9585, Bd. 22 (2023), 2, S. 216-238

This study examines the adoption of MBA programs by higher education institutions in Germany. Using arguments from neo-institutional theory and imprinting theory, we propose that private ownership, mimetic processes, and founding period are likely to impact MBA adoption. In an empirical analysis of 86 German universities over the period 1999-2015, we show that private universities are more likely to offer MBA programs. For public universities, we find that prior adoption by other universities and an early foundation period (prior to World War II) positively influence MBA adoption. Interaction analyses show that the positive impact of prior adoption by other universities is attenuated by organizational status and augmented by the regional density of academic institutions. Our findings thus elucidate the major role of institutional factors for the diffusion of MBA programs among German universities.
Döring, Nicola;
Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften
6., vollständig überarbeitete, aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin : Springer, 2023. - XXVII, 1083 Seiten. - (Lehrbuch) ISBN 978-3-662-64761-5

Der Klassiker zu den Forschungsmethoden – inhaltlich erweitert und aktueller denn je

Döring, Nicola;
Social media and sex education. - In: The Palgrave encyclopedia of sexuality education, (2024), S. 1-9
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