Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
Created on: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:10:03 +0200 in 0.0839 sec

Söllner, Fritz;
EU plans for a CO2 border adjustment :
EU-Pläne für einen CO2-Grenzausgleich. - In: Wirtschaftsdienst, ISSN 1613-978X, Bd. 102 (2022), 8, S. 609-617

Das CO2-Grenzausgleichssystem der EU kann die Verlagerung der Produktion bzw. von Emissionen in Drittländer nur zum Teil verhindern. Es wird sehr hohe Kosten verursachen, nicht zu einer kosteneffizienten Emissionsreduktion beitragen und kaum Anreize für Drittländer schaffen, ihre Emissionen zu reduzieren. Das System ist nicht WTO-konform und wird deshalb Anlass zu handelspolitischen Streitigkeiten und Konflikten geben, unter denen vor allem Deutschland mit seinen hohen Exportüberschüssen zu leiden haben wird. Es spricht vieles dafür, das vorgeschlagene System nicht zu realisieren und die Wettbewerbsnachteile europäischer Unternehmen weiter durch die teilweise kostenlose Zuteilung von ETS-Zertifikaten auszugleichen.
Döring, Nicola;
Drei Fachbücher zu kindlicher Sexualität. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung. - Stuttgart : Thieme, 2001- , ISSN: 1438-9460 , ZDB-ID: 2073538-8, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 35 (2022), 3, S. 187-188
Erratum: Drei Fachbücher zu kindlicher Sexualität, Z Sex Forsch 2022, 35 (03): E1
Döring, Nicola;
[Rezension von: Green, Richard, Gay rights, trans rights ...]. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung. - Stuttgart : Thieme, 2001- , ISSN: 1438-9460 , ZDB-ID: 2073538-8, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 35 (2022), 3, S. 176
Döring, Nicola;
Sex-related online training for professionals: TikTok :
Sexualbezogene Online-Fortbildung für Fachkräfte: TikTok. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 35 (2022), 3, S. 154-159

Der vorliegende Praxisbeitrag befasst sich mit der Kurzvideoplattform TikTok. Er beschreibt die Funktionsweise der Plattform und geht auf den bisherigen Stand der TikTok-Forschung ein. Im Fokus stehen dann Sexualaufklärung, LGBTIQ + sowie Beziehungs- und Datingberatung auf TikTok.
Brill, Johannes; Nissen, Volker
What is a smart service?. - In: Mobile web and intelligent information systems, (2022), S. 165-178

In this paper, we argue that the traditional view of a smart service as something that is tied to a physical product is too limited. After reviewing key aspects of smart services in the literature, we propose a broader definition that retains key characteristics while opening up the concept for a broader, intangible context, such as the professional service industry. In order to make the term even more specific, a checklist is developed that classifies services as (not) smart, based on a range of different criteria. These criteria are generated from a structured literature review and supplemental interviews with subject experts. Finally, the usefulness of the new definition and the associated checklist is demonstrated with an example from automated auditing.
Döring, Nicola; Lehmann, Stephan
Verhütungskommunikation in Sozialen Medien: Forschungsstand und praktische Konsequenzen. - In: Pro-Familia-Magazin, ISSN 0175-2960, Bd. 50 (2022), 3, S. 22-26

Döring, Nicola; Conde, Melisa; Brandenburg, Karlheinz; Broll, Wolfgang; Groß, Horst-Michael; Werner, Stephan; Raake, Alexander
Can communication technologies reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people? : a scoping review of reviews. - In: International journal of environmental research and public health, ISSN 1660-4601, Bd. 19 (2022), 18, 11310, S. 1-20

Background: Loneliness and social isolation in older age are considered major public health concerns and research on technology-based solutions is growing rapidly. This scoping review of reviews aims to summarize the communication technologies (CTs) (review question RQ1), theoretical frameworks (RQ2), study designs (RQ3), and positive effects of technology use (RQ4) present in the research field. Methods: A comprehensive multi-disciplinary, multi-database literature search was conducted. Identified reviews were analyzed according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) framework. A total of N = 28 research reviews that cover 248 primary studies spanning 50 years were included. Results: The majority of the included reviews addressed general internet and computer use (82% each) (RQ1). Of the 28 reviews, only one (4%) worked with a theoretical framework (RQ2) and 26 (93%) covered primary studies with quantitative-experimental designs (RQ3). The positive effects of technology use were shown in 55% of the outcome measures for loneliness and 44% of the outcome measures for social isolation (RQ4). Conclusion: While research reviews show that CTs can reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people, causal evidence is limited and insights on innovative technologies such as augmented reality systems are scarce.
Budzinski, Oliver;
Ökonomische Aspekte einer Regulierung des E-Lending: Gemeinwohl versus Interessengruppen?. - In: Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht, ISSN 0177-6762, Bd. 66 (2022), 8/9, S. 594-603
Vortrag im Rahmen des Hybrid-Symposions "E-Lending: Lösungswege für das digitale Verleihen" des Instituts für Urheber- und Medienrecht am 29.4.2022 in München

Maurer, Marcel; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon
Forced to go virtual. Working-from-home arrangements and their effect on team communication during COVID-19 lockdown. - In: German journal of human resource management, ISSN 2397-0030, Bd. 36 (2022), 3, S. 238-269

Working-from-home arrangements have become increasingly important for firms’ work organization. In this context, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to teams that previously did not work virtually being forced to interact and communicate virtually. In this study, we analyze changes in intra-team communication of four teams in a German medium-sized enterprise. Quantitative network analyses of email communication and qualitative analyses of interviews before and during the COVID-19 lockdown in spring 2020 show that flat hierarchies and self-managing processes helped team members to mitigate negative effects due to spatial and temporal dispersion in forced working-from-home arrangements. Moreover, analysis of the teams’ communication networks shows that forced remote work can trigger faultlines to become salient but that team cohesion, identification with the team, and individuals taking on broker roles prevent negative effects of faultlines on team performance. In discussing these findings, our study contributes to the research on coordination and communication in virtual teams by analyzing contextual, organizational, team-related as well as individual factors that explain how and why teams differ in successfully implementing working-from-home arrangements.
Budzinski, Oliver; Feddersen, Arne; Kunz-Kaltenhäuser, Philipp
Demand for TV broadcasts of UEFA Champions League games in Danish television - the impact of uncertainty of outcome, stardom, and local heroes. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (20 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 165)

There are noticeable conceptual differences between competing concepts for organizing the highest level of European Football. One major conceptual controversy is concerned with the question whether fans have a stronger preference for (more) games between the top teams over a broad participation of less well-known clubs representing more of the regions in Europe or vice versa. Since sports economics theory offers explanations for both views, this paper takes an empirical approach and analyzes revealed fan preferences in a market outside of the Big-5 leagues. It examines the impact of uncertainty of outcome, market value as well as local heroes (domestic players & teams) as determinants of demand in national TV in Denmark. It uses representative panel data of national TV demand for UEFA Champions League games in Denmark from 2006/07-2018/19. We estimate a semi-logarithmic OLS regression model with team fixed-effects where the dependent variable is the natural logarithm of the average TV audience of UCL matches broadcasted in Denmark. We find that the presence of superstar clubs as measured by accumulated market value of players increases broadcast audience significantly, whereas the number of superstar players in a game did not. Matches including Danish clubs (domestic clubs) as well as the number of Danish players on a team’s roster (local hero players) show no robust effect on TV audience. Uncertainty of outcome increases TV demand in our model, supporting the UOH for TV audiences and furthering the discussion around diverging preferences between stadium attendance and TV demand.