Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Dyckhoff, Harald; Souren, Rainer
Integrating multiple criteria decision analysis and production theory for performance evaluation: framework and review. - In: European journal of operational research, ISSN 0377-2217, Bd. 297 (2022), 3, S. 795-816

Accounting, life cycle assessment (LCA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) are examples of various research areas that independently develop and apply diverse methodologies to evaluate performance. Though, many methods have in common that the results to be assessed are mainly determined by the inputs and outputs of the activities which are to be evaluated. Based on both production and decision theory, our comprehensive framework integrates and systematically distinguishes specific types of production-based performance assessment. It allows to examine and categorise the existing literature on such approaches. Our review focuses on sources which explicitly apply concepts or methods of multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA). We did not find any elaborated methodology that fully integrates MCDA with production theory. At least, a basic approach to multicriteria performance analysis, which generalises the methodology of data envelopment analysis, appears to be well-grounded on production theory. It was already presented in this journal in 2001 and has rarely been noticed in the literature until now. A short overview outlines its recent insights and main findings. A key finding is that a category mistake prevails among well-known methodologies of efficiency measurement like DEA. It may imply invalid empirical results because the inputs and outputs of production processes are confused with resulting impacts destroying or creating values (to be minimised or maximised, respectively). We conclude by defining open problems and by indicating prospective research directions.
Döring, Nicola;
Medienpädagogik und Online-Forschung. - In: Handbuch Medienpädagogik, (2022), S. 467-478

Online-Forschung umfasst die Forschung über Online-Medien sowie die Forschung mittels Online-Medien. Sieben verschiedene Online-Forschungsmethoden werden vorgestellt, die jeweils dem qualitativen und/oder quantitativen Forschungsparadigma zuzuordnen sind: 1. Online-Feldforschung, 2. Online-Experiment, 3. Online-Umfrage, 4. Online-Interview und Online-Gruppendiskussion, 5. Online-Inhaltsanalyse, 6. Online-Verhaltensspuren und Social-Media-Metriken sowie 7. Ambulantes Assessment mittels Smartphone-Apps. Die Methoden werden anhand von ausgewählten Studienbeispielen illustriert.
Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Stereoscopic 3D dashboards : an investigation of performance, workload, and gaze behavior during take-overs in semi-autonomous driving. - In: Personal and ubiquitous computing, ISSN 1617-4917, Bd. 26 (2022), 3, S. 697-719

When operating a conditionally automated vehicle, humans occasionally have to take over control. If the driver is out of the loop, a certain amount of time is necessary to gain situation awareness. This work evaluates the potential of stereoscopic 3D (S3D) dashboards for presenting smart S3D take-over-requests (TORs) to support situation assessment. In a driving simulator study with a 4 × 2 between-within design, we presented 3 smart TORs showing the current traffic situation and a baseline TOR in 2D and S3D to 52 participants doing the n-back task. We further investigate if non-standard locations affect the results. Take-over performance indicates that participants looked at and processed the TORs' visual information and by that, could perform more safe take-overs. S3D warnings in general, as well as warnings appearing at the participants’ focus of attention and warnings at the instrument cluster, performed best. We conclude that visual warnings, presented on an S3D dashboard, can be a valid option to support take-over while not increasing workload. We further discuss participants’ gaze behavior in the context of visual warnings for automotive user interfaces.
Döring, Nicola;
Verhütungsinformationen in Sozialen Medien: wichtig, aber auch richtig?. - In: Forum Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, (2021), 1, S. 40-41

Immer mehr Menschen beziehen sexuelle Gesundheitsinformationen über digitale Medien. So erreichen beispielsweise YouTube- und TikTok-Videos zur Antibabypille Millionen von Mädchen und jungen Frauen. Doch von wem stammen die Verhütungsinformationen auf Social-Media-Plattformen? Und welche inhaltliche Qualität haben sie? Wer heute eine sexualbezogene Frage hat, wendet sich oft als Erstes an »Dr. Google« (Döring, 2017b). Das tun Jüngere und Ältere gleichermaßen, denn online erhält man jederzeit ganz schnell und diskret eine Antwort. Oder besser: Hunderttausende von Antworten. Und da liegt das Problem für die Qualitätssicherung: Wie zuverlässig sind die vielen verschiedenen Online-Informationen zur sexuellen und reproduktiven Gesundheit?
Markscheffel, Bernd; Mollenhauer, Sven
A comprehensive comparison of arXiv and the Web of Science (WoS). - SLA-Asia, Special Libraries Association. - 1 Online-Ressource (Seite 55-69)Online-Ausgabe: ICoASL 2021 : 7th International Conference of Asian Special Libraries, November 24, 2021, National Library of Korea, Seoul, South Korea. - SLA-Asia, Special Libraries Association, [2021]. - ISBN 978-89-965885-3-5

Scientific exchange is increasingly shifting to the Internet. Today, online literature and citation databases are important tools for scientific work, e.g. for exchanging information or investigating the current state of the art on a topic. Due to the large number of literature and citation databases that exist, and the limited amount of time available for a search, it is necessary to choose few or even only one database. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive comparison between Web of Science and arXiv. We compile a list of criteria for the comparison of these resources based on a literature analysis. Finally, 62 documents were found that dealt with comparisons between literature databases. Based on these comparisons, a concept matrix was created according to Webster & Watson (2002), in which the criteria for the comparison were summarized. These criteria were then integrated into an adapted version of the criteria catalogue for the comparison of software packages from Jadhav &Sonar (2009) in order to provide a comprehensive picture, not only of content aspects, but also of functionality and usability issues. Based on these criteria, the Web of Science and arXiv databases were compared. The main results can be summarized as follows: arXiv covers only a limited number of disciplines and has a strong focus on physics, mathematics and computer science. Web of Science covers significantly more subject areas and generally includes significantly more papers, which in contrast to arXiv all come from peer-reviewed journals. arXiv's biggest advantage is the topicality of the articles, since preprints are also accepted and thus the peer-review process can be bridged. Both databases are intuitive to use and have a similarly good simple search, but Web of Science’s advanced search gives an experienced user much more possibilities to refine searches and to formulate distinctive queries. In general, Web of Science offers significantly more possibilities to conduct comprehensive literature searches due to the additionally stored citation data and corresponding analysis functions. arXiv, on the other hand, is particularly well suited to learn about the latest state of the offered disciplines.
Berger, Priscila;
ICT use for teaching media literacy: a closer look at the relationships between teaching with and teaching about media. - In: Media literacy and academic research, ISSN 2585-9188, Bd. 4 (2021), 2, S. 6-24

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are often considered crucial for teaching media and information literacy (MIL). However, there is a wide variety in educational media, and there are different competence areas in MIL. Thus, the idea that using any ICT can facilitate the fostering of different MIL areas equally seems oversimplified. This study investigates associations between three types of ICT use and four MIL competence areas. It analyzes data of 315 secondary teachers in Germany employing exploratory structural equation modeling. After controlling for teacher and school traits, the findings show that teachers who use the computer lab in their schools and basic computer applications tend to foster their students’ critical, safety, information, and operational competencies more often. Conversely, using ICTs that mainly serve presentation and visualization purposes has a negative or no association with fostering the four MIL areas. Finally, using mobile devices and online resources is positively associated with fostering students’ information competence. The analysis contributes to a more specific understanding of teachers’ practices with digital media. Possible implications are discussed for teachers’ practice and training as well as for research and policy.
Fechner, Frank;
Auch Dauer hat ihre Grenzen. - In: Juris, ISSN 2197-5345, (2021), 1, S. 28-31

Anmerkung zu: BVerwG, Urt. v. 24.06.2020 - 6 C 23/18

Schaller, Sophia;
Massenmediale STI-Präventionskommunikation der BZgA zwischen 2008 und 2018. - In: Social science open access repository, (2021), S. 1-17
Publikation entstand im Rahmen von: Gesundheitskommunikation und Geschichte: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven / D. Reifegerste & C. Sammer (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft e.V., 2021

Während die HIV-Neuinfektionsrate mittlerweile auf einem niedrigen und stabilen Niveau ist, sind die Erkrankungszahlen verschiedener sexuell übertragbarer Infektionen (STI, z. B. Syphilis) in den letzten Jahren stark angestiegen. So ist neben der Prävention einer Infektion mit HIV heute auch die Prävention von anderen STI durch die mediale Aufklärung über Ansteckungswege, Schutzmaßnahmen und Symptome von großer Bedeutung für die öffentliche Gesundheit. Dementsprechend hat die Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA), die im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Gesundheit kommunikationsstrategische Aufgaben für die STI-Prävention übernimmt, ihre ursprüngliche Kampagne GIB AIDS KEINE CHANCE schrittweise zur STI-Kampagne LIEBESLEBEN entwickelt. Zur Veranschaulichung dieses Wandels zeichnet der vorliegende Beitrag die Kampagnenkommunikation der BZgA seit 2008 nach.
Schmidt, Franzisca; Eugster, Beatrice; Arlt, Dorothee
Varieties of populist attitudes and their link to islamophobia in Switzerland. - In: International journal of public opinion research, ISSN 1471-6909, Bd. 33 (2021), 4, S. 873-890

The aim of this article is to show whether distinct varieties of populist attitudes emerge within a society, and how they relate to citizens’ Islamophobic attitudes. The study is based on a representative survey conducted in Switzerland in 2019. We used latent class analysis and multinomial regression analyses to identify latent subgroups, yielding five classes of populist attitudes: direct democracy devotees, individuals with populist tendencies, moderate populists, radical anti-elite populists, and radical-universal populists. Compared with the direct democracy devotees class, members of the moderate and the radical-universal populists classes are significantly more likely to hold anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant attitudes and to be politically right-wing, while radical anti-elite populists are not associated with either anti-Muslim attitudes or a right-wing ideology.