Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Schindler, Max; Domahidi, Emese
The growing field of interdisciplinary research on user comments: a computational scoping review. - In: New media & society, ISSN 1461-7315, Bd. 23 (2021), 8, S. 2474-2492

Online user comments (UCs) as the most popular type of online audience participation nowadays form a popular and important field of research. The widespread examination of UCs across different disciplines leads to a variety of terms and constructs and thus a missing clarity about the discussed topics. With this computational scoping review, we uncovered six relevant, overarching topics and their development in the field. Due to the combination of an automatic text analysis via structural topic modeling and a qualitative evaluation, we were able to describe the current state of UC research and found an inherently interdisciplinary body of literature. We observed an inter- and intradisciplinary fragmentation and call for a systematization of the used terms, constructs, and examined topics.
Estella, Pauline Gidget;
Digital populism, digital newswork and the concept of journalistic competence: the Philippine condition. - In: Media international Australia, ISSN 2200-467X, Bd. 179 (2021), 1, S. 80-95

The new environment for Filipino journalists is a difficult terrain to navigate: Professionals struggle to establish themselves as a source of information in the time of technological disruptions, digital populism, tighter market competition, labour precarities and the political pressures of an increasingly authoritarian regime. This provided the context for the subsequent discussion on journalistic competence: What competencies are most important for Filipino journalists given this status quo? More importantly, how should the concept of journalistic competence be viewed, conceptualised or interrogated given the current conditions that affect or threaten journalistic practice? The discussion on competencies was anchored on extant research, a survey with Filipino journalists and data from in-depth interviews with selected experts worldwide. The prominent elements of journalistic competence in the Philippines were identified and discussed vis-à-vis factors and conditions that influence journalism competence such as journalistic roles, media systems, popular attitudes towards news and educational infrastructure.
Berger, Priscila;
Influencing factors on teaching different facets of media and digital literacy. - In: Bildung, Wissen und Kompetenz(-en) in digitalen Medien, (2021), S. 105-118

Motivated by the growing importance of media education in schools, this article studies aspects associated with teachers' fostering of students' media and digital skills. For this, a regression analysis is conducted using a survey data sample of teachers. By taking six different areas of media-related competencies into account, the results show the factors that influence the fostering of digital skills in general and the factors that influence only specific competence areas. Two factors are significant in all models: the frequency of the media use for teaching purposes and the importance given to the competence areas. Furthermore, teaching STEM subjects and teaching in a Gymnasium are significant predictors in most models. Other predictors show significance only in single models, while how teachers evaluated the technical equipment available in their schools is not significant in any model.
Estella, Pauline Gidget;
The journalist's 'toolbox' of competencies in the Digital-Global Age : reflections on the global state of research. - In: Pacific journalism review, ISSN 2324-2035, Bd. 27 (2021), 1/2, S. 194-214

The different crises that journalism continues to face worldwide make it imperative to talk about the journalist's 'toolbox', a set of competencies that journalists must have in this so-called age of disruption. This article maps the global state of research on journalistic competence, offers ways of conceptualising journalistic competencies and provides the necessary context by which the development of the competency construct can be understood. What are the approaches in studying journalistic competence and what perspectives are dominant, clashing, or need to be challenged? The state of research shows an imbalance in perspectives: Studies on journalistic competencies are concentrated in US, Europe, and the Nordic states. The environments beyond the Western context or the 'Global North', so to speak, continue to be underrepresented, despite a strong research and journalism tradition unique to some of the Global South regions. Secondly, the industry perspective continues to dominate the discourse, although it has been described as hostile to innovation and critical reflection. The article ends with a call not just to further define and theorise journalistic competencies, but also to de-westernise the discourse.
Sarısakalo&bovko;glu, Aynur;
The use of personalization algorithms on social networks: hazards of living in a "Filter Bubble" during the COVID-19 pandemic. - In: Communication studies during the pandemic period, (2021), S. 29-46

Schulte, Julian; Nissen, Volker
Sensitivity analysis on constraints of combinatorial optimization problems. - In: Learning and intelligent optimization, (2021), S. 394-408

Combinatorial optimization problems in practice are subject to a variety of constraints, such as resource limitations or organizational regulations. Since these model parameters can have a major impact, for example, on the performance of a scheduling system, it is crucial to know how changes in the constraints affect the optimal solution value. The question of how changes in input parameters of an optimization model, such as right-hand side values of constraints, affect the output of the model is the main concern of sensitivity analysis. Although well established in the domain of linear programming, the literature on combinatorial optimization lacks universal sensitivity analysis approaches which are applicable to practical problems. In this paper, a general approach is proposed which allows to identify how the optimal solution of a combinatorial optimization problem is affected when model parameters, such as constraints, are changed. Using evolutionary bilevel optimization in combination with data mining and visualization techniques, the suggested concept of bilevel innovization allows to find trade-offs among constraints and objective function value. Additionally, it enables decision-makers to gain insights into the overall model behavior under changing framework conditions. The concept of bilevel innovization as a tool for sensitivity analysis is illustrated, without loss of generality, by the example of the generalized assignment problem.

Kern, Christopher Julian; Schäffer, Thomas; Stelzer, Dirk
Towards augmenting metadata management by machine learning. - In: Informatik 2021, (2021), S. 1467-1476

Managing metadata is an important section of master data management. It is a complex, comprehensive and labor-intensive task. This paper explores whether and how metadata management can be augmented by machine learning. We deduce requirements for managing metadata from the literature and from expert interviews. We also identify features of machine learning algorithms. We assess 15 machine learning algorithms to determine their contribution to meeting the requirements and the extent to which they can support metadata management. Supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms as well as neural networks have the greatest potential to support metadata management effectively. Reinforcement learning, however, does not seem to be well suited to augment metadata management. Using Support Vector Machines and identification of metadata as an example, we show how machine learning algorithms can support metadata management.
Wöhlert, Lydia;
Fairness bei der Performancebewertung in Supply Chains : eine mehrstufige Literaturanalyse zum State of the Art. - Ilmenau : Verlag proWiWi e.V., 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (V, 36 Seiten). - (Ilmenauer Schriften zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre ; 2021,1) ISBN 978-3-940882-55-4

Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht soll den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zum Thema Fairness bei der Performancebewertung in Supply Chains abbilden. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Fragen, wodurch eine faire Performancebewertung in Supply Chains gekennzeichnet ist und warum die Fairness in diesem Zusammenhang von Bedeutung ist. Durch Berücksichtigung des Fairnessaspekts wird die Supply-Chain-Management-Forschung, die sich traditionell auf die Rationalitätsannahme stützt, um verhaltensökonomische Erkenntnisse bereichert. Im Rahmen der systematischen Literaturrecherche wurde ein nahezu weißer Fleck auf der derzeitigen Forschungslandkarte festgestellt. Um übertragbare Theorien und empirische Erkenntnisse zu identifizieren, wurde der Betrachtungshorizont bei der Recherche anschließend ausgeweitet. Die Methodik und Ergebnisse der mehrstufigen systematischen Literaturrecherche werden im Arbeitsbericht ausführlich dargelegt. Im Zuge der inhaltlichen Literaturanalyse werden diverse Einflussfaktoren auf die individuelle Fairnesswahrnehmung bei Performancebewertungen zusammengetragen. Final werden Wege für die zukünftige Forschung aufgezeigt.
Lipp, Natalia; Sterna, Radosław; Dużmaânska-Misiarczyk, Natalia; Strojny, Agnieszka; Pöschl-Günther, Sandra; Strojny, Paweł
VR Realism Scale - revalidation of contemporary VR headsets on a Polish sample. - In: PLOS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, Bd. 16 (2021), 12, e0261507, S. 1-27

This paper presents validation of the VR Simulation Realism Scale on a Polish sample. The scale enables a self-report measurement of perceived realism of a virtual environment in four main aspects of such realism-scene realism, audience behavior realism, audience appearance realism and sound realism. However, since the development of the original scale, the VR technology significantly changed. We aimed to respond to that change and revalidate the original measure in the contemporary setting. For the purpose of scale validation, data was gathered from six studies with 720 participants in total. Five experiments and one online survey were conducted to examine psychometric properties of the scale in accordance with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Evidence based on internal structure, relations to other variables and test content was obtained. The factorial structure of the original scale was tested and confirmed. The connections between realism and immersion, presence, aesthetics were verified. A suppressed relationship between realism and positive affect was discovered. Moreover, it was confirmed that scale result is dependent on the quality of VR graphics. Results of the analyses provide the evidence that the VR Simulation Realism Scale is a well-established tool that might be used both in science and in VR development. However, further research needs to be done to increase external validity and predictive power of the scale.
Geigenmüller, Anja; Bach, Norbert
What hinders customers in sourcing services internationally?. - In: Entrepreneurial internationalization in an increasingly digitized and networked world economy, (2021), S. 123-141