Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Liu, Brooke Fisher; Jin, Yan; Zhao, Wenqing; Schwarz, Andreas; Truban, Olivia; Seeger, Matthew W.
Building the new architecture of crisis management: global experts' insights on best and worst practices for securing external funding. - In: Journal of contingencies and crisis management, ISSN 1468-5973, Bd. 32 (2024), 1, e12539, S. 1-12

External funding is an important yet understudied area of inquiry in crisis communication research. With external funding being a keystone of assessing and broadening research impact in both academia and industry, it is important for scholarship to examine effective practices for funding proposals. This study explores the best and worst practices for funded research through an expert consultation survey of 36 global communication scholars with track records of funding success. Findings reveal motivating factors for seeking, securing and managing funding, as well as institutional factors. Findings also inform best and worst practices for securing external funding, including bridging theory and practice and establishing strong research partnerships.
Mikhailova, Veronika; Conde, Melisa; Döring, Nicola
“Like a virtual family reunion”: older adults defining requirements for an augmented reality communication system. - In: Information, ISSN 2078-2489, Bd. 15 (2024), 1, 52, S. 1-19

Leading a socially engaged life is beneficial for the well-being of older adults. Immersive technologies, such as augmented reality (AR), have the potential to provide more engaging and vivid communication experiences compared to conventional digital tools. This qualitative study adopts a human-centered approach to discern the general attitudes and specific requirements of older adults regarding interpersonal communication facilitated by AR. We conducted semi-structured individual interviews with a sample of N = 30 older adults from Germany. During the interviews, participants evaluated storyboard illustrations depicting a fictional AR-enabled communication scenario centered around a grandparent and their adult grandchildren, which were represented as avatars within the AR environment. The study identified technological, emotional, social, and administrative requirements of older adults regarding the AR communication system. Based on these findings, we provide practical recommendations aimed at more inclusive technology design, emphasizing the significance of addressing the emotional needs of older adults, especially the perceived intimacy of AR-based interpersonal communication. Acknowledging and catering to these emotional needs is crucial, as it impacts the adoption of immersive technologies and the realization of their social benefits. This study contributes to the development of user-friendly AR systems that effectively promote and foster social engagement among older adults.
Schwarz, Andreas; Unselt, Janina Jacqueline
Rage against the machine? : framing societal threat and efficacy in YouTube videos about artificial intelligence. - In: Risk analysis, ISSN 1539-6924, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-19

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of the mainstream public discourse beyond expert communities about its risks, benefits, and need for regulation. In particular, since 2014, the news media have intensified their coverage of this emerging technology and its potential impact on most domains of society. Although many studies have analyzed traditional media coverage of AI, analyses of social media, especially video-sharing platforms, are rare. In addition, research from a risk communication perspective remains scarce, despite the widely recognized potential threats to society from many AI applications. This study aims to detect recurring patterns of societal threat/efficacy in YouTube videos, analyze their main sources, and compare detected frames in terms of reach and response. Using a theoretical framework combining framing and risk communication, the study analyzed the societal threat/efficacy attributed to AI in easily accessible YouTube videos published in a year when public attention to AI temporarily peaked (2018). Four dominant AI frames were identified: the balanced frame, the high-efficacy frame, the high-threat frame, and the no-threat frame. The balanced and no-threat frames were the most prevalent, with predominantly positive and neutral AI narratives that neither adequately address the risks nor the necessary societal response from a normative risk communication perspective. The results revealed the specific risks and benefits of AI that are most frequently addressed. Video views and user engagement with AI videos were analyzed. Recommendations for effective AI risk communication and implications for risk governance were derived from the results.
Schwarz, Andreas; Faj, Tatjana
Communicating and perceiving risks of artificial intelligence as an emerging technology. - In: Communicating risk and safety, (2024), S. 503-526

Even if the current state of development of artificial intelligence (AI) as a technology is still far from “independently thinking” or “self-conscious” machines, some prominent voices in recent years have warned against too careless handling of AI including its applications in political campaigns, consumer marketing, autonomous mobility, or warfare (Beishon 2018; Brundage et al. 2018). On the other hand, influential actors in business and politics have significant interest in promoting the development and distribution of AI-based applications for their own or a broader benefit. The way public voices, including voices from the news media, frame the risks and benefits of AI will have important consequences on the adoption, legal regulations, investment, and funding of AI, as well as the technology’s societal impact at large. This chapter reviews relevant research that addresses the question of how risks of an emerging technology such as AI are framed in news media or social media and how these risks are perceived by different stakeholders in society. By doing so, important concepts and models of risk communication are presented and evaluated in terms of their potential for future research and/or application.
Schaller, Sophia; Arlt, Dorothee; Wolling, Jens
Agenda-setting effects during times of social disruption: the influence of mass media and personal experiences on societal concerns. - In: International journal of communication, ISSN 1932-8036, Bd. 18 (2024), S. 1537-1560

Using an 8-wave panel survey of German citizens, the present study investigates the media’s agenda-setting power in the context of the disruptive coronavirus pandemic. By examining how societal concerns are influenced by mass media and personal experiences, this study shows differences regarding the health, political, and economic dimensions of the crisis. Only health-related societal concerns were influenced by the perceived issue salience in the media. Societal concerns regarding the economy were shaped by individuals’ evaluation of the adequacy of the perceived issue salience in the media and thus not by the media agenda per se. In contrast, societal concerns regarding restrictions on fundamental rights were strongly influenced by people’s personal experiences. Variations in the role of mass media and personal experiences over the course of the pandemic can be traced back to changes in the severity of the crisis and its different phases.
Gänßle, Sophia; Budzinski, Oliver; Stöhr, Annika
Algorithmische Such- und Empfehlungssysteme in digitalen Märkten und die Umsetzung von Vorgaben des DMA und DSA. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (20 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 29, no. 185)

Der vorliegende Beitrag betrachtet die wettbewerbs- und medienökonomischen Eigenschaften und Effekte von algorithmischen Such- und Empfehlungssystemen und ihrer Regulierung. Dabei werden nach einer einführenden Klarstellung des Sinns und der Notwendigkeit solcher Systeme in der digitalen Welt (Abschnitt I) zunächst die nachfrage- und angebotsseitigen ökonomischen Effekte wie die Nutzung personalisierter Daten, der Erfahrungs- bzw. Vertrauensgutcharakter algorithmischer Rankings, Selbstbevorzugung und Gatekeeper-Macht thematisiert (Abschnitt 2). Anschließend widmet sich der Beitrag den jüngsten europäischen Regulierungspaketen für digitale Dienste (Digital Markets Act und Digital Services Act) und beschreibt die hierdurch anstehenden Regulierungswirkungen (Abschnitt 3). Schließlich diskutiert der Beitrag, ob die aktuellen Regulierungen geeignet sind, die erfassten Problemfelder adäquat zu regulieren.
Arlt, Dorothee; Zang, Anne Marie; Wolling, Jens
Die Energiewende in der Realität und in den Medien aus Sicht der Bevölkerung : Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Befragung im Sommer 2023. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fachgebiet Empirische Medienforschung und Politische Kommunikation. - 1 Online-Ressource (40 Seiten)Die Untersuchung wurde im Rahmen des Projekts „Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende“ realisiert. Das Projekt wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert (Förderkennzeichen: 03SF0625E).
Orth, Matthias;
Sensemaking im organisatorischen Wandel. - Ilmenau, 2024. - VII, 223 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024

In Zeiten des geplanten organisatorischen Wandels wird die Sinnstiftungsfunktion zur zentralen Aufgabe von Organisationen, um Mitarbeitende zur Unterstützung der Ziele der Organisation zu bewegen. Gelingt es dem Management nicht, die Mitarbeitenden von der Sinnhaftigkeit der geplanten Veränderungsprozesse zu überzeugen, droht ein Scheitern des Wandels. Die Herausforderung für das Management organisatorischen Wandels besteht somit darin, Sensemakingprozesse zu initiieren, die ein den Wandel unterstützendes Verhalten aus individueller Sicht als sinnvoll und zielführend erachten. Die vorliegende Arbeit erläutert, wodurch Sensemakingprozesse zum Zeitpunkt der Ankündigung eines Wandels ausgelöst oder verhindert werden, welche Hypothesen sich aus diesen Erkenntnissen für den Kontext geplanter organisatorischer Veränderungen ableiten lassen, welche Form individuellen Sensemakings resultiert und unter welchen Bedingungen sich Koalitionen bilden, die den Wandel unterstützen oder ablehnen. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit werden Erkenntnisse aus der Kognitionspsychologie und der Soziologie in einem Bezugsrahmen vereint. Zunächst werden individuell-kognitive Prozesse und Emotionen als Determinanten von Sensemaking konzeptionalisiert. Weiterhin werden in einem Mehrebenen- und Multiprozessmodell Regeln und Bedingungen hergleitet, um auch Sensemakingprozesse als kollektives Phänomen erklären zu können. Auf Basis dieses Bezugsrahmens werden Brückenhypothesen hergeleitet, die in einer Typologie verschiedener Sensemaking-Typen zu Beginn einer organisatorischen Veränderung münden. Anschließend werden auf Basis der Brückenhypothesen zu Beginn des Wandels Sensemakingverläufe prognostiziert, die am Ende des Wandels zu geteilten Einstellungen mehrerer Akteure führen und Sensemaking als kollektives Phänomen erklären. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit umfasst eine Fallstudie, mit deren Hilfe die Zusammenhänge des nomothetisch hergeleiteten Bezugsrahmens noch einmal verdeutlicht, auf Plausibilität geprüft und empirisch ausdifferenziert werden.

Domahidi, Emese; Engelmann, Ines; Pentzold, Christian; Puppis, Manuel
Editorial. - In: Publizistik, ISSN 1862-2569, Bd. 69 (2024), 1, S. 1-4