Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Mohseni, Rohangis;
Sexistische Online-Hassrede auf Videoplattformen. - In: Hate Speech - Multidisziplinäre Analysen und Handlungsoptionen, (2021), S. 39-51

Budzinski, Oliver; Gruševaja, Marina; Noskova, Victoriia
The economics of the German investigation of Facebook's data collection. - In: Market and competition law review, Bd. 5 (2021), 1, S. 43-80

The importance of digital platforms and related data-driven business models is ever increasing and poses challenges to the workability of competition in the respective markets (tendencies towards dominant platforms, paying-with-data instead of traditional money, privacy concerns, etc.). Due to such challenges, investigations of such markets are of high interest. One of the recent cases is the investigation of Facebook's data collection practices by German competition authorities. Our article, in contrast to the wide stream of legal studies on this case, aims to analyse whether Facebook's practices regarding data collection could constitute an abuse of market power from an economic perspective, more specifically against the background of modern data economics. In doing so we summarise the state of the advanced theories, including influences from behavioural economics addressing such markets, and discuss four potential theories of harm.
Budzinski, Oliver; Gänßle, Sophia; Lindstädt-Dreusicke, Nadine
The battle of YouTube, TV and Netflix: an empirical analysis of competition in audiovisual media markets. - In: SN business & economics, ISSN 2662-9399, Bd. 1 (2021), 9, 116, insges. 26 S.

The world of audiovisual online markets is rapidly changing. Not long ago, it was dominated by linear television, transmitted terrestrially, through cable networks or via satellite. Recently, streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime and others have emerged as new suppliers of audiovisual content. In this quickly changing industry, competition interrelations between such different formats such as traditional TV, videos on YouTube, and streaming via Netflix are subject to controversy. In particular, doubt is cast on services such as YouTube exerting competitive pressure on services such as Netflix and traditional TV. Based upon a survey with 2920 participants, we provide an empirical analysis of consumption behavior of audiovisual contents. Using descriptive and analytical statistics, including multiple equation models, we show that there are specific areas within audiovisual content markets, where YouTube exerts considerable competitive pressure on both Netflix and classic TV, for instance, through prime time video entertainment. However, our analysis yields differentiated results as we also identify areas, where competition intensity between different service types appear to be low, for instance, through daytime and regarding the intention to shorten waiting time.
Fechner, Frank; Rösler, Albrecht
Fälle und Lösungen zum Medienrecht
4., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (314 Seiten). - (UTB ; 2877) ISBN 978-3-8385-4977-4

Frank Fechner trägt mit dieser Sammlung der gesteigerten Bedeutung des Medienrechts in der juristischen Ausbildung und in den verschiedenen Medienstudiengängen Rechnung. Die klare Gliederung und eine überzeugende Argumentation in der medienrechtlichen Terminologie und Denkweise machen das Buch zum unverzichtbaren Begleiter in der Prüfungsvorbereitung. Prüfungsschemata und Aufbauhinweise tragen über die konkreten Sachverhalte hinaus zu einer erfolgreichen Bearbeitung medienrechtlicher Fälle bei. „Für Studierende: Ein wirklich empfehlenswertes Buch zur Klausurvorbereitung! Für Praktiker: Eine Anschauung, wie der Jurist sich an die Lösung eines Problems macht.“
Budzinski, Oliver;
Wettbewerbsordnung und digitale Medienmärkte. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (16 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 153)

Der Beitrag analysiert mögliche spezielle Wettbewerbsprobleme, die in Medienmärkten auftreten können, und ihre Implikationen für die Wettbewerbsordnung. Es wird beleuchtet, ob klassische medienspezifische Wettbewerbsprobleme in der Digitalwirtschaft noch bestehen und welche neuen Beschränkungen auftreten, wie bspw. der Zugang zum Publikum als neue Marktzutrittsschranke sowie Gatekeeping-Effekte aufgrund von vertikaler Integration und Selbstbevorzugungsstrategien. Die derzeit stattfindende Ausweitung der wettbewerbspolitischen Missbrauchsaufsicht wird begrüßt, allerdings wird eine hierzu komplementäre aktivere Zusammenschlusskontrolle eingefordert, insbesondere auch gegenüber nicht-horizontalen Fusionen, welche wettbewerbsgefährdende Strukturen in digitalen Ökosystemen schaffen.
Maurer, Marcel; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon
Crisis management based on post-bureaucratic organizational models: a case study of a medium-sized family firm in the COVID-19 pandemic :
Krisenmanagement mit Hilfe post-bürokratischer Organisation: eine Fallstudie zu einem mittelständischen Familienunternehmen in der COVID-19-Pandemie. - In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, ISSN 0340-5370, Bd. 73 (2021), 3, S. 253-275

Sauerwein, Clemens; Fischer, Daniel; Rubsamen, Milena; Rosenberger, Guido; Stelzer, Dirk; Breu, Ruth
From threat data to actionable intelligence: an exploratory analysis of the intelligence cycle implementation in cyber threat intelligence sharing platforms. - In: ARES 2021, (2021), 85, insges. 9 S.

In the last couple of years, organizations have demonstrated an increasing willingness to share data, information and intelligence regarding emerging threats to collectively protect against todays sophisticated cyber attacks. Accordingly, several vendors started to implement software solutions that facilitate this exchange and appear under the name cyber threat intelligence sharing platforms. However, recent investigations have shown that these platforms differ significantly in their functional scope and often only provide threat data instead of the promised actionable intelligence. Moreover, it is unclear to what extent the platforms implement the expected intelligence cycle processes. In order to close this gap, we investigate the state-of-the-art in scientific literature and analyze the functional scope of nine threat intelligence sharing platforms with respect to the intelligence cycle. Our study provides a comprehensive list of software functions that should be implemented by cyber threat intelligence sharing platforms in order to support the intelligence cycle to generate actionable threat intelligence.
Fawzi, Nayla; Steindl, Nina Elvira; Obermaier, Magdalena; Prochazka, Fabian; Arlt, Dorothee; Blöbaum, Bernd; Dohle, Marco; Engelke, Katherine M.; Hanitzsch, Thomas; Jackob, Nikolaus; Jakobs, Ilka; Klawier, Tilman; Post, Senja; Reinemann, Carsten; Schweiger, Wolfgang; Ziegele, Marc
Concepts, causes and consequences of trust in news media - a literature review and framework. - In: Annals of the International Communication Association, ISSN 2380-8977, Bd. 45 (2021), 2, S. 154-174

Research on trust in media is on the rise. However, communication scholars have addressed related concepts (e.g. media credibility) for decades, and these concepts have often been used interchangeably with that of trust. This practice has resulted in a confusing field of research, with studies using different labels and drawing on various theoretical backgrounds. This article aims to improve conceptual clarity. On the basis of a literature review, we first propose a broad conceptualization of trust in news media and disentangle it from related concepts. Second, we develop a framework that identifies individual- and societal-level causes and consequences of trust in various media objects. Third, we review the current state of research on social, political, and media-related correlates of trust.
Budzinski, Oliver;
Wettbewerbsordnung und digitale Medienmärkte. - In: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, ISSN 0043-6151, Bd. 71 (2021), 7/8, S. 396-400

Stöhr, Annika;
Price effects of horizontal mergers: a retrospective on retrospectives. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (56 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 151)

In this comprehensive review of ex-post merger studies price effects of horizontal transactions are evaluated. By combining and further analyzing the results of 52 retrospective studies on 82 mergers or merger-like transactions it can be shown that the industry alone is no strong indication for the direction of price-related merger effects. However, the "size" or "importance" of a transaction as well as market concentration pre-merger and change in concentration due to the transaction seem to have an impact on post-transaction price development.