Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Döring, Nicola;
Zwölf Monografien und Sammelbände über Sexarbeit bzw. Prostitution. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung. - Stuttgart : Thieme, 2001- , ISSN: 1438-9460 , ZDB-ID: 2073538-8, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 33 (2020), 4, S. 234-239
Döring, Nicola;
Sexarbeit in Deutschland: zwischen Fakten und Fiktionen. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 33 (2020), 4, S. 189-192
Söllner, Fritz;
Wissenschaft in Zeiten politischer Korrektheit - Bemerkungen zur Causa Klauk. - In: Wirtschaftspsychologie, ISSN 1615-7729, Bd. 22 (2020), 2, S. 65-69

Elbehery, Mostafa; Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Haptic space: the effect of a rigid hand representation on presence when interacting with passive haptics controls in VR. - In: 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (2020), S. 245-253

Many virtual reality (VR) applications rely on passive haptics where virtual objects have a real counterpart that provides tactile feedback. In addition to that, many VR applications do not provide accurate hand representations, especially when there is a high chance of occlusion as this makes vision-based tracking problematic. Hence, we investigated how a simple hand representation affects user experience and presence when interacting with passive haptic controls in a virtual environment. We report on a between-subject user study where N = 45 participants experienced one of three conditions (no hands at all, hands represented as a rigid 3D model, and hands represented as a rigid 3D model with a snapping mechanism). Our results indicate that a simple hand representation using a 3D model of hands paired with a snapping mechanism significantly increases presence and user experience. That indicates that this simple and low-cost technique is effective to improve the VE as a whole. This, in return, provides a chance for improvement for many VR applications with passive haptics.
Kowert, Rachel; Domahidi, Emese; Quandt, Thorsten
Networking and other social aspects of technology use: past developments, present impact, and future considerations. - In: The Oxford handbook of digital technologies and mental health, (2020), S. 111-126

Meier, Adrian; Domahidi, Emese; Günther, Elisabeth
Computer-mediated communication and mental health: a computational scoping review of an interdisciplinary field. - In: The Oxford handbook of digital technology and society, (2020), S. 79-110

Kohout, Susann; Schumann, Christina
Fünf Tage ohne Smartphone : Smartphonenutzung und subjektives Wohlbefinden: ein Vergleich zwischen normaler Nutzung und Verzicht
Five days without a smartphone : Smartphone use and subjective well-being: results from a study comparing normal use with a deprivation condition. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 9 (2020), 3, S. 394-420

The study examined the association between smartphone use and subjective well-being by comparing regular use with a deprivation condition. Subjective well-being is defined by cognitive and affective components. Regular smartphone use is studied in various situations and for different functions. Data were collected in a prolonged qualitative quasi-experimental deprivation study (n = 11) using diaries (n = 210 diary entries) and follow-up interviews (n = 11). Participants kept diaries for 10 days: five days during normal smartphone use and five days during deprivation. Afterwards, we compared well-being during normal use and deprivation. Results show that using the smartphone for infotainment was clearly associated with pleasant emotions, while social interaction apps caused both negative and positive emotions. However, results from the deprivation part of the study indicate that in sum, satisfaction with social relations clearly worsened when not using a smartphone. Moreover, participants had difficulty managing daily life. Taken together, non-usage seems to cause isolation and low subjective well-being.
Arlt, Dorothee; Schumann, Christina; Wolling, Jens
Upset with the refugee policy: exploring the relations between policy malaise, media use, trust in news media, and issue fatigue. - In: Communications, ISSN 1613-4087, Bd. 45 (2020), s1, S. 624-647
Budzinski, Oliver; Feddersen, Arne
Measuring competitive balance in Formula One racing. - In: Outcome uncertainty in sporting events, (2020), S. 5-26

The Formula One World Championship (F1) is one of the biggest sports businesses in the world. However, it seems astonishing that only very few scholarly articles analyse the F1 business. The aim of this chapter is to contribute to closing two gaps in the existing literature, by contributing (1) to the (sports) economic analysis of the F1 business and (2) to the literature on competitive balance in non-team sports. Similar to competitive balance in team sport leagues, three dimensions can be distinguished in F1 racing: (1) race-specific competitive balance, (2) within-season competitive balance and (3) between-season competitive balance. In addition to classical tools and data, some new and F1-specific indicators, such as average lead changes or leading distance, are employed. Also, pitfalls induced especially by the used data source or calculation method are highlighted.

Budzinski, Oliver; Lindstädt-Dreusicke, Nadine
Antitrust policy in video-on-demand markets: the case of Germany. - In: Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, ISSN 2050-0696, Bd. 8 (2020), 3, S. 606-626

The strong growth of different types of online video-on-demand (VoD), ie nonlinear audiovisual media services, including both Paid-for VoD like Amazon Prime and Netflix and Advertised-financed VoD like YouTube increasingly challenges the leading position of "traditional" (terrestrial, cable, satellite) television, ie linear audiovisual media services. Competition policy decisions in such dynamic markets are always particularly challenging. The German competition authority was presented such a challenge when, at the beginning of the 2010s, German television providers sought to enter online VoD markets with the help of cooperative portals. We review the antitrust concerns that were raised back then in an ex post analysis. We derive four aspects, in which the previous antitrust analysis cannot be upheld from today's perspective. First, relevant implications of modern platform economics were neglected. Secondly, some inconsistencies in the assessment of the two projects appear to be inappropriate. Thirdly, the emerging competitive pressure of international VoD providers was strongly underestimated. Fourthly, the question of market power in online advertising markets looks very different at the end of the decade.