Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
Created on: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:10:03 +0200 in 0.1065 sec

Döring, Nicola;
[Rezension von: Robot sex]. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung. - Stuttgart : Thieme, 2001- , ISSN: 1438-9460 , ZDB-ID: 2073538-8, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 33 (2020), 1, S. 46-48
Budzinski, Oliver; Gänßle, Sophia; Stöhr, Annika
Der Entwurf zur 10. GWB Novelle: Interventionismus oder Laissez-faire?. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, 2020. - 1 Online-Ressource (42 Seiten). - (Diskussionspapier ; Nr. 140)Gesehen am 09.07.2020

Die 10. Novelle des Gesetzes gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB-Digitalisierungsgesetz) soll die deutschen Wettbewerbsregeln so reformieren, dass sie einen geeigneten Ordnungsrahmen für eine zunehmend digitalisierte Wirtschaft darstellen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag diskutieren wir den entsprechenden Referentenentwurf (Januar 2020) aus Sicht der modernen Wirtschaftstheorie. Dabei gehen wir insbesondere auf die Eignung der erheblichen Ausweitung der Missbrauchsaufsicht für einen besseren Wettbewerbsschutz in der Digitalwirtschaft ein. Die Schaffung eines Konzeptes überlegener marktübergreifender Bedeutung (ÜMÜB) sowie die stärkere Betonung relativer Marktmacht und ökonomischer Abhängigkeit sind dabei grundsätzlich zu begrüßen, um moderne Versionen des Behinderungswettbewerbs effektiver bekämpfen zu können. Allerdings fehlen stellenweise Schranken für zu weit gehende Interventionen in den Leistungswettbewerb. Kritisch ist hingegen, dass die Zusammenschlusskontrolle tendenziell geschwächt wird. Wir schlagen vor, im Gegenteil die Ex-Ante-Strukturkontrolle zu stärken, indem das ÜMÜB-Konzept auch in die Zusammenschlusskontrolle integriert wird. Dies würde den gewünschten Ordnungsrahmen für die Digitalwirtschaft verbessern. Schließlich hinterfragen wir die Auswirkungen der geplanten Novellierung auf das europäische System der Wettbewerbspolitiken.
Döring, Nicola; Mohseni, Rohangis
Mobiles Lernen. - In: Handbuch Bildungstechnologie, (2020), S. 259-270

Pezoldt, Kerstin; Correns, Anne; Zajko, Marian
Preannouncement of new products: overcoming individual adoption barriers. - In: Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education, ISSN 2391-8160, (2020), S. 169-179
Döring, Nicola;
Sexualität in der Pflege : zwischen Tabu, Grenzüberschreitung und Lebenslust. - In: Pflege, (2020), S. 266-278

Döring, Nicola; Mohseni, Rohangis
Geschlechtsspezifische Hassrede in YouTube- und YouNow-Kommentaren: Ergebnisse von zwei Inhaltsanalysen :
Gendered hate speech in YouTube and YouNow comments: results of two content analyses. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 9 (2020), 1, S. 62-88

Online hate speech in general, and gendered online hate speech in particular, have become an issue of growing concern both in public and academic discourses. However, although YouTube is the most important social media platform today and the popularity of social live streaming services (SLSS) such as Twitch, Periscope and YouNow is constantly growing, research on gendered online hate speech on video platforms is scarce. To bridge this empirical gap, two studies investigated gendered online hate speech in video comments on YouTube and YouNow, thereby systematically replicating a study by Wotanis and McMillan (2014). Study 1 investigated YouTube in the form of a content analysis of N = 8,000 publicly available video comments that were addressed towards four pairs of female and male German-speaking YouTubers within the popular genres Comedy, Gaming, HowTo & Style, and Sports [Fitness]. Study 2 examined YouNow, with a quantitative content analysis of N = 6,844 publicly available video comments made during the video streams of 16 female and 14 male popular German-speaking YouNowers. Study 1 successfully replicated the findings of Wotanis and McMillan (2014) that compared to male You-Tubers, female YouTubers received more negative video comments (including sexist, racist, and sexually aggressive hate speech) (H1a). In addition, they received fewer positive video comments regarding personality and video content but more positive video comments regarding physical appearance (H2a). Study 2 partly confirmed the earlier findings: It found that, compared to male YouNowers, the video comments received by female YouNowers were more sexist and sexually aggressive, but not generally more hostile or negative (H1b). They received more positive video comments regarding their physical appearance but did not receive fewer positive video comments regarding their personality or the content of their videos (H2b). With some exceptions, the findings of study 2 were comparable to the findings of study 1 (RQ1). In both studies, most effect sizes were small. Overall, females on the video platforms YouTube and YouNow seem to be disproportionately affected by both hostile and benevolent sexism expressed in viewer comments. The results are in line with the Expectation States Theory and the Ambivalent Sexism Theory. The total number of public hate comments was probably underestimated because inappropriate comments can be deleted by moderators and users. Future research directions and practical implications are discussed.
Döring, Nicola;
Sexuality-related use of digital media : opportunities for and risks to men's sexual health
Sexualbezogene Nutzung digitaler Medien : Chancen und Risiken für die sexuelle Gesundheit von Männern. - In: Ärztliche Psychotherapie, ISSN 2625-0764, Bd. 15 (2020), 2, S. 95-100
Döring, Nicola;
Digitale Sexualaufklärung: neue Herausforderungen für die Sexualpädagogik. - In: AJS-Informationen, ISSN 0720-3551, Bd. 56 (2020), 1, S. 10-16

Budzinski, Oliver; Gruševaja, Marina; Noskova, Victoriia
The economics of the German investigation of Facebook's data collection. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2020. - 1 Online-Ressource (43 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 26, no. 139)

The importance of digital platforms and related data-driven business models is ever increasing and poses challenges for the workability of competition in the respective markets (tendencies towards dominant platforms, paying-with-data instead of traditional money, privacy concerns, etc.). Due to such challenges, investigations of such markets are of high interest. One of recent cases is the investigation of Facebook's data collection practices by German competition authorities. Our paper, in contrast to the wide stream of legal studies on this case, aims to analyze whether Facebook's practices regarding data collection could constitute an abuse of market power from an economic perspective, more specifically against the background of modern data economics. In doing so we summarize the state of the advanced theories, including influences from behavioral economics, addressing such markets, and discuss four potential theories of harm.
Schulte, Julian; Günther, Maik; Nissen, Volker
Evolutionary bilevel approach for integrated long-term staffing and scheduling. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Medien, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik. - 1 Online-Ressource (ii, 13 Seiten). - (Ilmenauer Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 2020,2) ISBN 978-3-938940-63-1
Paper presented at MISTA 2017, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, Dec. 2017

Determining size and structure of a companys workforce is one of the most challenging tasks in human resource planning, especially when considering a long-term planning horizon with varying demand. In this paper an approach for integrated staffing and scheduling in a strategic long-term context is presented by applying evolutionary bilevel optimization. For demonstration, the example of determining the number of employees in different categories over the period of one year in a midsized call center of a utility is used. In doing so, two contrary objectives were optimized simultaneously: reduce the overall workforce costs and retain a high scheduling quality. The results show that the proposed approach could be used to support corporate decision making related to strategic workforce planning, not only for call centers but for any other kind of workforce planning involving personnel scheduling.