Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
Created on: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:13:07 +0200 in 0.8740 sec

Weidner, Florian; Fiedler, Bernhard; Redlich, Johannes; Broll, Wolfgang
Exploring audiovisual support systems for in-car multiparty conferencing. - In: Audio for virtual, augmented and mixed realities, (2019), S. 85-92

Calling while driving poses a severe safety risk. When more than two people are involved in a call - a conference call - this risk increases even more. Intelligent vehicles could offer support systems that ease the cognitive burden of such a multiparty calls. We explore the possibilities of such advanced driving assistant systems (ADAS) in two ways: first, we investigate object-based spatial audio where each remote caller is modeled as a distinct audio source. Second, we apply a non-intrusive ambient stereoscopic 3D (S3D) visualization that indicates the current speaker and its location. In a between-subject design driving simulator study (n=56), we assess workload, user experience and driving performance. Surprisingly, we found no positive effect of object-based audio. However, we present evidence how a supporting visualization might lower situational stress and increase the systems dependability. We conclude that a supportive and intelligent stereoscopic visualization is a promising candidate for enhancing multiparty conference calls while driving.
Rothenberger, Liane; Elmezeny, Ahmed; Wimmer, Jeffrey
Die Vermittlung von Mediennutzung in Zeiten der Migration : familiäre Vorschriften und Medienrepertoires von arabischen geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen
Mediating media usage in times of migration : family rules and media repertoires of Arab refugee children and teens in Germany. - In: MedienPädagogik, ISSN 1424-3636, Bd. 35 (2019), S. 55-73

The use and regulation of mobile media devices of children and adolescents in refugee families is largely unexplored. Our qualitative approach utilizes in-depth guided interviews with parents and children in Arabic speaking refugee families in Germany. All interviewed families have resided in Germany from one to four years. The sample consists of both couples and single parents, while most children are in their final year of kindergarten, in primary school, or secondary school. The study explores the selection and usage of mobile media devices and content in their social context, such as the use of social media platforms and apps at home and for school. Our research highlights changes in mobile media usage after the interviewees’ arrival in Germany due to the different socio-cultural environment and a changed media agency. The amount of change greatly depends on the age of the children, for example, the younger they were when arriving in Germany, the less likely they are to use mobile media to stay in touch with their former friends. Additionally, most children and adolescents tend to consume German media content more often than Arabic content. In the rare cases they do consume Arabic media content, it is in the presence of their parents, who state that they do so to bring their children closer to their roots.
Berger, Priscila;
Wer braucht Lehrkräfte? : Einflussfaktoren auf die Vermittlung von ICT-Kompetenzen durch Lehrkräfte am Beispiel der ICILS-Daten
Who needs teachers? : factors associated with learning ICT skills from teachers in a multilevel analysis of the ICILS data. - In: MedienPädagogik, ISSN 1424-3636, Bd. 35 (2019), S. 116-135
Fechner, Frank;
Artikel 5 [Kommunikations- und Medienfreiheit, Kunst- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit]. - In: Grundrechte-Kommentar, (2019), S. 556-698

Dörner, Ralf; Broll, Wolfgang; Jung, Bernhard; Grimm, Paul; Göbel, Martin
Einführung in Virtual und Augmented Reality. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 1-42
Grimm, Paul; Broll, Wolfgang; Herold, Rigo; Hummel, Johannes
VR/AR-Eingabegeräte und Tracking. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 117-162
Grimm, Paul; Broll, Wolfgang; Herold, Rigo; Reiners, Dirk; Cruz-Neira, Carolina
VR/AR-Ausgabegeräte. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 163-217
Broll, Wolfgang;
Augmentierte Realität. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 315-356
Broll, Wolfgang; Weidner, Florian; Schwandt, Tobias; Weber, Kai; Dörner, Ralf
Authoring von VR/AR-Anwendungen. - In: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR), (2019), S. 393-423
Weyand, Joachim;
Schadensersatz wegen des Verfalls des Zusatzurlaubs für Schwerbehinderte : Besprechung zum Urteil des LAG Niedersachsen v. 16.01.2019 - 2 Sa 567/18. - In: Praxishandbuch Arbeitsrecht, 2019, Teil 2, Kapitel 1.6, Seite 1-3
164. Aktualisierungs- und Ergänzungslieferung Juni 2019