Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
Created on: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:13:07 +0200 in 1.3978 sec

Wyrwich, Michael; Sternberg, Rolf G.; Stützer, Michael
Failing role models and the formation of fear of entrepreneurial failure: a study of regional peer effects in German regions. - In: Journal of economic geography, ISSN 1468-2710, Bd. 19 (2019), 3, S. 567-588
Budzinski, Oliver;
Competition policy in sports markets. - In: The Sage handbook of sports economics, (2019), S. 144-153

Döring, Nicola;
[Rezension von: The Routledge companion to media, sex and sexuality]. - In: , ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 32 (2019), 3, S. 179
Döring, Nicola;
Nur Schminken, Posen, Ritzen? : Social Media Content von Mädchen. - In: Medien + Erziehung, ISSN 0176-4918, Bd. 63 (2019), 3, S. 70-77

Döring, Nicola;
Zwischen Kreativität und Mobbing : Mädchen als Akteurinnen in Sozialen Netzwerken. - In: Schüler/innen, ISSN 0949-2852, (2019), S. 102-105

Budzinski, Oliver; Gänßle, Sophia; Kunz-Kaltenhäuser, Philipp
How does online streaming affect antitrust remedies to centralized marketing? : the case of European football broadcasting rights. - In: International journal of sport finance, Bd. 14 (2019), 3, S. 147-157
Grebel, Thomas;
What a difference carbon leakage correction makes!. - In: Journal of evolutionary economics, ISSN 1432-1386, Bd. 29 (2019), 3, S. 939-971
Markscheffel, Bernd;
Library data science - challenges and opportunities. - In: Libraries and librarianship in digital plus era, (2019), S. 207-214

Löffelholz, Martin;
Internationalizing higher education in Indonesia. - In: Education for a globalizing Asia, (2019), S. 26-46

Domahidi, Emese; Yang, JungHwan; Niemann-Lenz, Julia; Reinecke, Leonard
Outlining the way ahead in computational communication science: an introduction to the IJoC special section on "Computational Methods for Communication Science: Toward a Strategic Roadmap". - In: International journal of communication, ISSN 1932-8036, Bd. 13 (2019), S. 3876-3884

Over the past two decades, processes of digitalization and mediatization have shaped the communication landscape and have had a strong impact on various facets of communication. The digitalization of communication results in completely new forms of digital traces that make communication processes observable in new and unprecedented ways. Although many scholars in the social sciences acknowledge the chances and requirements of the digital revolution in communication, they are also facing fundamental challenges in implementing successful research programs, strategies, and designs that are based on computational methods and "big data". This Special Section aims at bringing together seminal perspectives on challenges and chances of computational communication science (CCS). In this introduction, we highlight the impulses provided by the research presented in the Special Section, discuss the most pressing challenges in the context of CCS, and sketch a potential roadmap for future research in this field.