Department publications from 2015

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Publications of the department as of 2015

Results: 1507
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Berger, Priscila; Wolling, Jens
They need more than technology-equipped schools: teachers' practice of fostering students' digital protective skills. - In: Media and communication, ISSN 2183-2439, Bd. 7 (2019), 2, S. 137-147
Fechner, Frank; Mayer, Johannes C.
Medienrecht : Vorschriftensammlung
15., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Stand: März 2019. - Heidelberg : C.F. Müller, 2019. - XXV, 1189 Seiten. - (Textbuch deutsches Recht) ISBN 3-8114-4824-2

Weidner, Florian; Broll, Wolfgang
Exploring large stereoscopic 3D dashboards for future automotive user interfaces. - In: Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, (2019), S. 502-513
Budzinski, Oliver; Stöhr, Annika
Competition policy reform in Europe and Germany - institutional change in the light of digitization. - In: European competition journal, ISSN 1757-8396, Bd. 15 (2019), 1, S. 15-54
Koban, Kevin; Breuer, Johannes; Rieger, Diana; Mohseni, Rohangis; Noack, Stephanie; Bente, Gary; Ohler, Peter
Playing for the thrill and skill : quiz games as means for mood and competence repair. - In: Media psychology, ISSN 1532-785X, Bd. 22 (2019), 5, S. 743-768

Recent studies have found that digital games can be used to improve the players' mood, especially after emotionally unpleasant experiences. We introduce competence repair as an extension of previous work on mood repair. To investigate the effects of digital games on both mood and competence repair, we conducted 3 studies using quiz games. In the quasi-experimental Study 1 (N = 143), we manipulated the necessity for repair via a false feedback task (positive vs. negative), and looked at the impact of in-game success (victory vs. defeat). In the experimental Studies 2 (N = 91) and 3 (N = 109), we aimed at conceptually replicating and extending the findings on the impact of in-game success by varying participants' success over a series of 4 matches (Study 2: close game outcomes, Study 3: clear victory/defeat). The results of these studies indicate that the efficacy of digital games for mood repair, as well as competence repair, depends on the necessity for repair, as well as success in the game. However, competence repair occurred even after participants were defeated repeatedly in a series of close matches. These results are discussed in light of the potential of digital games for fulfilling (previously thwarted) psychological needs.
Döring, Nicola; Mohseni, Rohangis
Male dominance and sexism on YouTube: results of three content analyses. - In: Feminist media studies, ISSN 1471-5902, Bd. 19 (2019), 4, S. 512-524
Schwarz, Andreas; Büker, Johanna
Krisenkommunikation von Hochschulen. - In: Forschungsfeld Hochschulkommunikation, (2019), S. 271-295
Gossel, Britta; Konyen, Kathrin
Quo Vadis Journalistenausbildung? : Befunde und Konzepte für eine zeitgemäße Ausbildung. - Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2019. - VII, 207 Seiten ISBN 3-658-23122-X

Nissen, Volker; Füßl, Anne; Werth, Dirk; Gugler, Kristina; Neu, Christian
On the current state of digital transformation in the German market for business consulting. - In: Advances in Consulting Research, (2019), S. 317-339