Academy Talk "Germany's Nuclear Phase-Out - Opportunities and Risks"

Students of the Applied Media and Communication Studies programme recorded the YouTube format "Academy Talk" of the Academy of Non-Profit Sciences in Erfurt as part of the project management module.

As part of the project management module of the Applied Media and Communication Studies programme, five students under the team name "2nd Unit" recorded the YouTube format "Academy Talk" of the Academy of Non-Profit Sciences in Erfurt. The recordings were made under expert supervision in the media laboratory of the Ilmenau University of Technology on the topic of "Germany's nuclear phase-out - opportunities and risks". Carsten Müller, power plant manager of the nuclear power plant "Isar II", Prof. Bruno Merk, Research Chair in Computational Modelling for Nuclear Engineering/University of Liverpool as well as Dr. Klaus Wiener, Member of the Bundestag CDU/CSU, could be won as guests of the discussion.

In the format "Academy Talk", current topics and problems with a scientific background are discussed and clarified for the general public. The format design as well as the production realisation will be worked out entirely by the students. Further talks will follow.

to the video


2nd Unit: Anna Salfelder, Ana Isabel Pereira Barbosa, Hanna Schmidt, Danika Sander, Lucas Männecke (students in the 5th semester of the Applied Media and Communication Studies programme)

Moderators: Prof. Claus Erich Boetzkes, Prof. Peter Scharff, Prof. Wolfram Eberbach (Members of the Academy of Non-Profit Sciences in Erfurt)

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