Talks and tutorials


ICASSP 2024 (HSCMA 2024), Seoul, Korea, Gerald Schuller:  Fast Black-Box Optimizers for Low Delay Audio Source Separation

Poster BlackBoxOptim-Poster.pdf

Paper BlackBoxOptim-Paper.pdf


Talks for PyBerlin

Roomba Robot with camera (Github page with description and software)

Corona computations (Github page)


Georgia Institute of Technology, Gerald Schuller: "Perceptually Motivated Audio Loss Functions for Deep Learning", March 26, 2024

Harvard University, Gerald Schuller:"Python Programs and Book for Building an Audio Coder and for Deep Learning for Audio", September 23, 2022

Johns Hopkins University, Gerald Schuller:"", September 29, 2022

University of California at Berkeley, Gerald Schuller:"", October 4, 2022

Stanford University, Gerald Schuller:"", October 7, 2022

PyBerlin, Gerald Schuller:"Using Deep Language Models with Txtai and DiscoArt", August 24, 2022

PyBerlin, Gerald Schuller:"Corona Virus Computations and Plots using Python Notebooks in Google Colab", April 2021

PyBerlin 15 Meetup, Gerald Schuller:"Building and Programming Home Robots with Raspberry Pi and Python", April 23, 2020.


G. Schuller: conference talk on"Neural Networks and Sparse Coding from the Signal Processing Perspective", SpaRTaN-MacSeNet Spring School on Sparse Representation and Compressed Sensing, April 2016, Ilmenau, Germany (Python examples)

Invited Plenary Talk: G. Schuller: "Parametric Audio and Video Processing", IEEE Conference on Electronics, Computing, and Communications Technologies (CONECCT), Bangalore, India, Januar 6-7, 2014

Organisation of the workshop "Next Generation Audio Communications", and talk, at the 119th Audio Engineering Society (AES) Convention, New York, Oktober 7-10, 2005

G. Schuller: "Low Delay Audio Coding for Communications Applications", invited talk, DIMACS Working Group on Data Compression in Networks and Applications, Rutgers University, New Jersey, March 18-20, 2002

Tutorial and Workshop slides:

Gerald Schuller, Renato Profeta, Bernd Edler, Martin Strauss, Stefan Götze, Gordon Wichern, George Close: Workshop “Teaching AI to hear like we do: psychoacoustics in machine learning” 153rd Audio Engineering Convention, Oct. 19-20, 2022, New York, NY, USA

Gerald Schuller, Renato de Castro Rabelo Profeta, Sascha Michael Spors:
Tutorial "Deep Learning for Audio Signal Processing, with Python and Pytorch Examples", AES Fall Online, October 2021. Link to the slides:

Gerald Schuller: "Digital Filters, Filter Banks and Their Design for Audio Applications", Tutorial at 146th AES Convention, March 21-23, 2019, Dublin, Ireland. Github for its Jupyter Notebook in Google Colab