Most welcome to the websites of our working team!

The main research and educational focus of our group are different communication aspects such as protocols, services, networks, and interfaces. Besides that, we have competencies in application development, communication in vehicular environments, and communication for disaster response scenarios.  We offer intense and individual support to students an interesting demonstrations.

Who are We?


The Communication Networks Group deals with telecommunication services and protocols as well as with service and network convergence in future fixed and mobile communication networks. With this regard, the group is significantly involved in the university's profile line "Complex systems and data-intensive engineering". The group currently sees the following research topics as essential:

Range of services

The "Communication Networks group" offers its competencies as a university project partner in various grants. In addition, it supervises internships or seminar papers for high school students. Further training offers for companies are also possible.

Special equipment

The "Communication Networks gruop" has specialized communication hardware and software that is primarily used for internships, but is also used in projects. In the department's own CIP pool, a number of Windows PCs are available for student and project-specific work, which can be used for communication network simulations, protocol specifications and the testing of communication protocols.


The Department of Communication Networks currently consists a couple of staff members and is supported by external PhD students.

For further information please click here.


TU Ilmenau / Michael Reichel (ari)


For detailed information about the Communication Network Group’s research areas and specific research projects, please click left.




The Communication Networks Group works closely with the following internal and external partners:

iStockphoto / metamorworks

Support Association of TKM Telekommunikations-Manager e.V.

Our "Communication Networks Group" is supported by TKM e.V.  (link only in german) Telecommunications-Manager e.V. support association.

The TKM e.V. is an association for the promotion of the field of communication networks of the Technische Universität Ilmenau and service training course "telecommunication-manager". Students and graduates are supported financially and morally by events and workshops in the network formation and the provision of an information and communication node.
It aims to create a local ALUMNI TKM basis.

The TKM e.V. is member of the University Society Ilmenau e.V. (friends, sponsors, formers)