Professor Dr. Christian Cierpka

Welcome to the Group of Engineering Thermodynamics

The diversity of our research activities reflects thermodynamics as one of the fundamental scientific and engineering disciplines. Together with cooperation partners from Germany and abroad, we investigate convection processes in nature and technology, renewable energy technologies, and the fluid mechanics of complex fluids under the influence of magnetic, electric, and acoustic forces. We follow a holistic approach, from theory to experiment. For this purpose, we have a large number of experimental facilities as well as state-of-the-art measurement techniques at our disposal. The targeted and task-specific further development of optical measurement methods is of particular importance in order to be able to solve scientific questions from the fundamentals to applied research in experiments.



Energy Storage

Magnetofluid Dynamics

Thermal convection




  • Applied thermofluid dynamics

  • Applied Heat Transfer

  • Microfluidics

  • Fluid Mechanics

  • Technical Thermodynamics 1 + 2

  • Thermal energy systems

  • Thermodynamic cycles and their applications


The teaching materials for the lectures can be found on the Moodle pages of the department.

Short Course on Practical Microfluidics

March 18-20, 2022

"Often, the microfluidics researcher worries not about how to solve relevant governing equations and boundary conditions, but rather what those equations and boundary conditions are and how his or her analytical goals can be reconciled with fabrication and experimentation concerns."

Brian J. Kirby




selected publications
