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Shi, Nan;
Numerische Untersuchung wandnaher Transport- und Strukturbildungsprozesse in turbulenter Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: VI, 93 S., 36,81 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
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In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Struktur der Grenzschichten in turbulenter Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion durch dreidimensionale direkte numerische Simulationen untersucht. Zuerst wurde die Konvektion in einer zylindrischen Zelle mit einem Seitenverhältnis von Eins bei den Rayleighzahlen Ra = 3*10^9 und Ra = 3*10^10 und bei fester Prandtlzahl Pr = 0.7 betrachtet. Ähnlich wie bei den experimentellen Ergebnissen in der gleichen Konfiguration und für die gleiche Prandtlzahl wichen die Grenzschichten der Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturfelder von den Vorhersagen der Prandtl-Blasius-Pohlhausen Theorie ab. Die Abweichungen werden kleiner, wenn ein dynamisches Reskalieren der Daten mit einer instantan definierten Grenzschichtdicke durchgeführt und die Analyseebene mit der momentanen Richtung der großskaligen Zirkulation in der geschlossenen Zelle ausgerichtet wurde. Die physikalischen Gründe für die Abweichungen der Grenzschichtprofile von der klassischen Prandtl-Blasius-Pohlhausen und Stewartson-Theorien für erzwungene und natürliche Konvektion wurden im Detail untersucht. Die numerischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass wichtige Annahmen für die klassischen laminaren Grenzschichttheorien für erzwungene und natürliche Konvektion verletzt werden, wie die strikte Zweidimensionalität der Dynamik oder der Stationarität. Schließlich wurde die Grenzschichtdynamik bei drei unterschiedlichen Prandtlzahlen Pr = 7, 0.7, 0.1 bei Ra = 3*10^9 und [Gamma] = 1 verglichen. Hier zeigte sich, dass mit zunehmender Prandtlzahl dynamisches Skalieren die Vereinbarung mit der Prandtl-Blasius-Pohlhausen Theorie verbessert. Die thermische Plumeablösung scheint eine der Hauptursachen für die Abweichungen von der klassischen Grenzschichttheorie. Mit abnehmender Prandtlzahl wird die thermische Grenzschichtdicke dicker. Der Winkel der momentanen großskaligen Zirkulation hat wenigere Fluktuation für die größere Prandtlzahl. Mit abnehmender Prandtlzahl nimmt die mittlere Amplitude der momentanen großskaligen Zirkulation zu.
Weidauer, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg;
Toward a mode reduction strategy in shallow moist convection. - In: New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630, Bd. 15 (2013), 125025, insges. 24 S.
Scheel, Janet D.; Emran, Mohammad Shah; Emran, Mohammad Shah *1976-*; Schumacher, Jörg;
Resolving the fine-scale structure in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630, Bd. 15 (2013), 113063, insges. 32 S.

We present high-resolution direct numerical simulation studies of turbulent Rayleigh-Bènard convection in a closed cylindrical cell with an aspect ratio of one. The focus of our analysis is on the finest scales of convective turbulence, in particular the statistics of the kinetic energy and thermal dissipation rates in the bulk and the whole cell. The fluctuations of the energy dissipation field can directly be translated into a fluctuating local dissipation scale which is found to develop ever finer fluctuations with increasing Rayleigh number. The range of these scales as well as the probability of high-amplitude dissipation events decreases with increasing Prandtl number. In addition, we examine the joint statistics of the two dissipation fields and the consequences of high-amplitude events. We have also investigated the convergence properties of our spectral element method and have found that both dissipation fields are very sensitive to insufficient resolution. We demonstrate that global transport properties, such as the Nusselt number, and the energy balances are partly insensitive to insufficient resolution and yield correct results even when the dissipation fields are under-resolved. Our present numerical framework is also compared with high-resolution simulations which use a finite difference method. For most of the compared quantities the agreement is found to be satisfactory.
Tympel, Saskia; Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Vortex generation in a liquid metal duct flow near a magnetic dipole. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 13 (2013), 1, S. 333-334
Tympel, Saskia; Boeck, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Laminar and transitional liquid metal duct flow near a magnetic point dipole. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 735 (2013), S. 553-586

The flow transformation and the generation of vortex structures by a strong magnetic dipole field in a liquid metal duct flow is studied by means of three-dimensional direct numerical simulations. The dipole is considered as the paradigm for a magnetic obstacle which will deviate the streamlines due to Lorentz forces acting on the fluid elements. The duct is of square cross-section. The dipole is located above the top wall and is centred in spanwise direction. Our model uses the quasistatic approximation which is applicable in the limit of small magnetic Reynolds numbers. The analysis covers the stationary flow regime at small hydrodynamic Reynolds numbers Re as well as the transitional time-dependent regime at higher values which may generate a turbulent flow in the wake of the magnetic obstacle. We present a systematic study of these two basic flow regimes and their dependence on Re and on the Hartmann number Ha, a measure of the strength of the magnetic dipole field. Furthermore, three orientations of the dipole are compared: streamwise-, spanwise- and wall-normaloriented dipole axes. The most efficient generation of turbulence at a fixed distance above the duct follows for the spanwise orientation, which is caused by a certain configuration of Hartmann layers and reversed flow at the top plate. The enstrophy in the turbulent wake grows linearly with Ha which is connected with a dominance of the wall-normal derivative of the streamwise velocity.
Thess, André; Boeck, Thomas
Electromagnetic drag on a magnetic dipole interacting with a moving electrically conducting sphere. - In: IEEE transactions on magnetics, ISSN 1941-0069, Bd. 49.2013, 6, Pt. 2, S. 2847-2857

In this paper, we report an analytical study of the forces and torques acting upon a magnetic dipole interacting with a moving electrically conducting sphere. The work is motivated by the question whether Lorentz force velocimetry [Thess et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 96, 2006, 164501] - a noncontact flow measurement technique for liquid metals and electrolytes - can be applied to granular materials as well. We derive explicit expressions for all forces and torques for the case of low magnetic Reynolds number and small particle size. After a discussion of symmetry and reciprocity relations among the forces and torques, we apply the general theory to the particular cases of a translating (nonrotating) and rotating (nontranslating) sphere. The analysis for the purely translating sphere leads to the conclusion that the force is proportional to where is the radius of the sphere and is its minimum distance to the magnetic dipole. This result indicates that Lorentz force velocimetry can indeed be applied to granular metallic materials. The analysis for the purely rotating sphere leads to the result that the torque is proportional to. This result can be applied to derive a rigorous solution for a rotary Lorentz force flowmeter interacting with a rotating sphere. This solution implies that, contrary to intuitive expectation, a frictionless rotary Lorentz force flowmeter rotates with only 4/5 of the angular velocity of the sphere with which it interacts rather than undergoing synchronous rotation.
Doumenc, Frederic; Chénier, E.; Trouette, B.; Boeck, Thomas; Delcarte, C.; Guerrier, Béatrice; Rossi, Maurice
Free convection in drying binary mixtures: solutal versus thermal instabilities. - In: International journal of heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1879-2189, Bd. 63 (2013), S. 336-350

Free convection occuring during the drying of plane layers of polymer solutions may be due to various mechanisms, based on buoyancy or Marangoni effect, of thermal or solutal origin. This theoretical and numerical work provides all the required tools to analyze thoroughly the problem. In this transient flow, different methods (frozen time, non-normal, nonlinear methods) are proposed to predict critical times for convection onset and threshold values for convection. Nonlinear and non-normal methods give similar results, within the uncertainty inherent to any transient problem. It is shown that, when linear stability analysis indicates the presence of several instability mechanisms, it is necessary to invoke nonlinear arguments to establish the leading mechanism. The proposed methodology is then applied to experimental results from the literature for two polymer solutions (Polyisobutylene/toluene and Polystyrene/toluene).
Pauluis, Olivier; Schumacher, Jörg
Radiation impacts on conditionally unstable moist convection. - In: Journal of the atmospheric sciences, ISSN 1520-0469, Bd. 70 (2013), 4, S. 1187-1203

The present work analyzes the impacts of radiative cooling in three-dimensional high-resolution direct numerical simulations of moist Rayleigh-Bénard convection. An atmospheric slab is destabilized by imposing a warm, moist lower boundary and a colder, dryer upper boundary. These boundary conditions are chosen such that the atmosphere is relaxed toward a conditionally unstable state in which unsaturated air parcels experience a stable stratification and unsaturated parcels experience an unstable one. Conditionally unstable moist Rayleigh-Bénard convection in the absence of radiative transfer produces self-aggregated convectively active cloudy regions separated by a quiescent unsaturated environment. Such convection is strongly limited by diffusion and is unable to transportmuch energy. As radiative cooling partially compensates for the adiabatic warming in the unsaturated environment and destabilizes the lower unsaturated boundary, its inclusion results in a significant enhancement of convective activity and cloud cover. A dry convectively unstable region develops at the lower boundary in a way that is reminiscent of the planetary boundary layer. Convective transport increases through the entire layer, leading to a significant enhancement of the upward transport of energy and water.
Kumar, Bipin; Schumacher, Jörg; Shaw, Raymond A.
Cloud microphysical effects of turbulent mixing and entrainment. - In: Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics, ISSN 1432-2250, Bd. 27 (2013), 3/4, S. 361-376

Turbulent mixing and entrainment at the boundary of a cloud is studied by means of direct numerical simulations that couple the Eulerian description of the turbulent velocity and water vapor fields with a Lagrangian ensemble of cloud water droplets that can grow and shrink by condensation and evaporation, respectively. The focus is on detailed analysis of the relaxation process of the droplet ensemble during the entrainment of subsaturated air, in particular the dependence on turbulence timescales, droplet number density, initial droplet radius and particle inertia. We find that the droplet evolution during the entrainment process is captured best by a phase relaxation time that is based on the droplet number density with respect to the entire simulation domain and the initial droplet radius. Even under conditions favoring homogeneous mixing, the probability density function of supersaturation at droplet locations exhibits initially strong negative skewness, consistent with droplets near the cloud boundary being suddenly mixed into clear air, but rapidly approaches a narrower, symmetric shape. The droplet size distribution, which is initialized as perfectly monodisperse, broadens and also becomes somewhat negatively skewed. Particle inertia and gravitational settling lead to a more rapid initial evaporation, but ultimately only to slight depletion of both tails of the droplet size distribution. The Reynolds number dependence of the mixing process remained weak over the parameter range studied, most probably due to the fact that the inhomogeneous mixing regime could not be fully accessed when phase relaxation times based on global number density are considered.
Tympel, Saskia; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Distortion of liquid metal flow in a square duct due to the influence of a magnetic point dipole. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 12 (2012), 1, S. 567-568

We consider liquid metal flow in a square duct with electrically insulating walls under the influence of a magnetic point dipole using three-dimensional direct numerical simulations with a finite-difference method. The dipole acts as a magnetic obstacle. The Lorentz force on the magnet is sensitive to the velocity distribution that is influenced by the magnetic field. The flow transformation by an inhomogeneous local magnetic field is essential for obtaining velocity information from the measured forces. In this paper we present a numerical simulation of a spatially developing flow in a duct with laminar inflow and periodic boundary conditions.