Scientific publications

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Becker, Felix; Lysenko, Victor; Minchenya, Vladimir T.; Kunze, Oliver; Zimmermann, Klaus
Locomotion principles for microrobots based on vibrations. - In: Microactuators and Micromechanisms, (2017), S. 91-102
Sumi, Susanne; Böhm, Valter; Schale, Florian; Roeder, Richard; Karguth, Andreas; Zimmermann, Klaus
A novel gripper based on a compliant multistable tensegrity mechanism. - In: Microactuators and Micromechanisms, (2017), S. 115-126
Pollok, Fabian; Mandach, Christoph; Griebel, Stefan; Böhm, Valter; Zentner, Lena
Investigation of the Novelty brackets "Gold-S". - In: Microactuators and Micromechanisms, (2017), S. 199-211
Scharff, Moritz; Behn, Carsten; Steigenberger, Joachim; Alencastre, Jorge
Towards the development of tactile sensors for surface texture detection. - In: InfoWare 2016, ISBN 978-1-61208-066-6, (2016), S. 33-38

Behn, Carsten; Steigenberger, Joachim; Sauter, Anton; Will, Christoph
Pre-curved beams as technical tactile sensors for object shape recognition. - In: InfoWare 2016, ISBN 978-1-61208-066-6, (2016), S. 7-12

Recent research topics in bionics focus on the analysis and synthesis of animal spatial perception of their environment by means of their tactile sensory organs: vibrissae and their follicles. Using the vibrissae, these mammals (e.g., rats) are able to determine an obstacle shape using only a few contacts of the vibrissa with the object. The investigations lead to the task of creating models and a stringent exploitation of these models in form of analytical and numerical calculations to achieve a better understanding of this sense. The sensing lever element vibrissa for the stimulus transmission is frequently modeled as an EulerBernoulli bending rod. We assume that the rod is one-sided clamped and interacts with a rigid obstacle in the plane. But, most of the literature is limited to the research on cylindrical and straight, or tapered and straight rods. The (natural) combination of a cylindrical and pre-curved shape is rarely analyzed. The aim is to determine the obstacles contour by one quasi-static sweep along the obstacle and to figure out the dependence on the precurvature of the rod. To do this, we proceed in several steps: At first, we have to determine the support reactions during a sweep. These support reactions are equate with the observables an animal solely relies on and have to be measured by a technical device. Then, the object shape has to be reconstructed in using only these generated observables. The consideration of the precurvature makes the analytical treatment a bit harder and results in numerical solutions of the process. But, the analysis of the problem results in an extension of a former decision criterion for the reconstruction by the radius of pre-curvature. Is is possible to determine a formula for the contact point of the rod with the profile, which is new in literature in context of pre-curvature.

Kräml, Jonas; Behn, Carsten
Gait transition in artificial locomotion systems using adaptive control. - In: ICINCO 2016, (2016), S. 119-129

Naletova, Vera A.; Pelevina, Daria A.; Merkulov, Dmitri I.; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
Bi-stability of the deformation of a body with a magnetizable elastomer in a magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 52 (2016), 3, S. 357-368

Böhm, Valter; Kaufhold, Tobias; Schale, Florian; Zimmermann, Klaus
Spherical mobile robot based on a tensegrity structure with curved compressed members. - In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), ISBN 978-1-5090-2065-2, (2016), S. 1509-1514

The use of mechanically compliant tensegrity structures in mobile robots is an attractive research topic. This paper describes a new concept for rolling locomotion of mobile robots based on tensegrity structures. In particular, an untethered locomotion system based on a simple tensegrity structure, consisting of two rigid disconnected compressed curved members connected to a continuous net of twelve prestressed tensioned members with pronounced elasticity, is considered. The locomotion is induced by the movement of two internal masses. The working principle of the system is discussed with the help of kinematic considerations and verified with experimental tests.
Becker, Felix; Faenger, Bernd; Mixanek, Florian; Wik, Alexander; Brandl, Michael; Köhring, Sebastian; Lutherdt, Stefan; Scholle, Hans-Christoph; Witte, Hartmut; Zimmermann, Klaus
Messung und Beurteilung der Schwingungsbelastung durch Ganz-Körper-Schwingungen - eine Anleitung zur Nutzung von VDI 2057-1 und ISO 2631-5 mit Gegenüberstellung der Ergebnisse am Beispiel. - In: Prävention von arbeitsbedingten Gesundheitsgefahren und Erkrankungen, (2016), S. 345-352

Täglich ist der Mensch Schwingungen ausgesetzt. Die Normen ISO 2631-5 und VDI 2057-1 haben den Anspruch, standardisierte Mess- und Auswertungsmethoden bereitzustellen, um das Gefährdungspotential solcher mechanischen Einwirkungen einschätzen zu können. Jedoch ist ihre Anwendung nicht trivial. Besonders die Signalaufnahme, -umrechnung und -auswertung erfordern Expertenwissen. In diesem Artikel werden, die in den Normen beschriebenen Vorgehensweisen zur Gefährdungseinschätzung von Ganz-Körper-Schwingungen erläutert, exemplarisch durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse verglichen. Als Beispiel dient ein Proband in einem elektrischen Rollstuhl. Messaufbau, Umrechnungen des Messsignals und die Bewertung der Gefährdung werden dargestellt. Es wird gezeigt, welche Einflüsse die verschiedenen zeitlichen Einwirkungsparameter auf die Berechnungsergebnisse haben. Es kann zusammengefasst werden, dass durch Anwendung der Normen nur unzureichende Prognosen für die Prävention von arbeitsbedingten Gesundheitsgefahren getroffen werden können, da die individuellen Eigenschaften der Probanden nicht berücksichtigt werden. Die Normen haben unterschiedliche Anwendungsbereiche und führen zu verschiedenen Gefährdungsbeurteilungen für ein und dieselbe Schwingungsbelastung.

Becker, Tatiana; Zeidis, Igor; Naletova, Vera A.; Zimmermann, Klaus
The dynamical behavior of a spherical pendulum in a ferrofluid volume influenced by a magnetic force. - In: Archive of applied mechanics, ISSN 1432-0681, Bd. 86 (2016), 9, S. 1591-1603

The paper deals with a spherical pendulum inside a spherical ferrofluid volume in the presence of an uniform magnetic field. The problem is motivated by biological tactile sensors of mammals. These thin long hairs, called vibrissae, grow from a special follicle incorporating a capsule of blood and are used by mammals for exploration of the surrounding area. We propose a continuum model of the viscoelastic support of a vibrissa inside the follicle as a spherical volume filled with ferrofluid. It is a stable colloidal suspension of nanoscale ferromagnetic particles in a viscous carrier liquid. The tactile hair is modeled as a rigid rod with a spherical body at the end, which is submerged inside the ferrofluid. Using analytic expressions for the magnetic force acting on a paramagnetic body in the presence of an uniform magnetic field, Euler's equations of motion of the spherical pendulum are derived. The conditions for the maximum possible magnitude of the magnetic force acting on the body are analyzed. It is shown that the dynamical behavior of the pendulum may be controlled by means of an uniform applied magnetic field. The results are important for the development of artificial tactile sensors.