Healthy studying at the TU Ilmenau

Healthy studying through optimal study conditions, health courses and counselling services - at TU Ilmenau students can take advantage of a wide range of offers. The offers include physical and mental health as well as a healthy togetherness.

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TU Ilmenau / Michael Reichel

Exercise and sport

The University Sports Centre offers numerous courses and activities on the subject of exercise and sport every semester. Being physically active is also recommended as a balance to the mental stress of studying. Regular exercise and sports are good for physical and mental health, the ability to concentrate and even sleep can improve.


Relaxation and Resource Management

A mindful attitude, methods of relaxation and a careful approach to oneself are important prerequisites for health and well-being. In thematic weeks and health seminars such as the TK-MentalStrategien and Stressless Academy qualified trainers teach strategies and techniques for Balancing private life and studies (find more at "News").
The services offered by the Central Study and Student Advisory Service on time and learning management also support the optimal use of one's own resources. If you have questions about the organization of your studies, insurance, etc., or personal problems, the advisory compass will point you in the right direction.

TU Ilmenau / Michael Reichel / Tim Samuel

TK-GesundheitsCoach online

The TK-GesundheitsCoach (Health Coach) helps you to do something for your own health from home. With interactive coaching sessions from Techniker Krankenkasse, personal health goals can be easily achieved. Analyses, exercises or training units as well as numerous information media are available for the fitness, nutrition, anti-stress and non-smoking modules. The activity list and log function helps to document one's own progress.

Students of TU Ilmenau can access via Intranet


It is important to us at the TU Ilmenau to let students speak on health-related topics themselves. That is why we are testing the use of student Gesundheitsbotschafter*innen. At Instagram and at campus events, the Gesundheitsbotschafter*innen provide information, tips and exercises that are good for your health, promote well-being and support successful studying.

If you would like to contact the Gesundheitsbotschafter*innen with questions and ideas, you can find the addresses here.

Stefan Riehmer
TU Ilmenau / Michael Reichel

Offers on campus

Meeting people, doing something good for yourself and the environment - numerous offers on campus and in the surrounding area make it possible; the "Umsonstregal" (free shelf) in the foyer of the mensa or the chillout area in the University Library are just two examples.

Students of TU Ilmenau can find further offers on campus via Intranet

For a healthy and balanced meal offer, the refectories of the Studierendenwerk offer varied meals. In addition to the MensaVital program line, at least one vegetarian and one vegan menu is available at lunchtime. Emphasis is also placed on regionality and short delivery routes.

Advisory Compass

The Advisory Compass for students lists information and counselling services of the TU Ilmenau, the city area and online counselling services. You should feel addressed and encouraged,

  • who is looking for solutions to problems,
  • who does not know how to deal with a demanding or overwhelming situation in studies or profession,
  • who would like to find out about support and counselling services.
Online course "Talk to me"unsplash / Fernando

"We listen TU you" Hotline is now online course "Talk to me"

This project is no longer implemented.

"We listen TU you" is a hotline for students of the TU Ilmenau. Student points of contact have open ears for difficulties in study life, for worries and fears. "We listen TU you" gives simple help and information on specialized advising.

Find here information about the online course "Talk to me".

Health information

Studying is a stage of life that brings a lot of new things with it. Questions often arise that have to do with health care at the place of study. Therefore, the most common questions about health care are answered here. In addition, important information on health insurance, prevention, certificates, etc. is summarised as a fact sheet.

Pexels / Negative Space
TU Ilmenau / Michael Reichel

Study with child

All information about studying with a child, support services for parents, the Studentenflöhe daycare center, etc. can be found here.

You can also get support on the subject of organising your studies with a child from the Central Student Advisory Service.