Online course "Talk to me"

Many students suffer from stress and depressive symptoms (e.g. due to performance and time pressure). According to the 22nd Social Survey, in summer 2021 almost 64% of students surveyed have felt (very) frequently stressed in the last four weeks, and almost one third found their studies to be a big burden (Kroher et al., 2023).

Do you feel the same way? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and in crisis at the moment? Or do you know someone around you who is not feeling well and you would like to support him/her? Then this offer might be right for you:

The online course "Talk to me" is a German-Australian joint production of Curtin University Perth and the Klinikum Aschaffenburg and has been scientifically evaluated. It provides knowledge and understanding of one's own mental health and the health of others. Techniques for coping with stress or crises are described (for example, how to deal appropriately with stress in exam situations). Furthermore, the course sensitizes you to recognize certain early warning signs of mental health crises and how you can effectively help yourself and others. You will also receive information on how best to deal with self-harming behavior and how to adopt healthier techniques. You will also learn how suicidal thoughts can occur and how to prevent suicide/suicide attempts in yourself and others.

The course is free of charge and consists of six modules that can be worked through in flexible self-study. It is offered in German and English. You will need to plan a total of around 12 hours if you want to work through all modules.

Note: The course can be started at any time.


Further information:

'Talk to me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults | CurtinX on


For more details on the course and enrollment, please click on the following link:

By the way: In the past, reference was made here to the "We listen to you" hotline. The hotline was created as part of a student health management project and was discontinued after the project ended.

Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez CA