Two new papers in Lab on a Chip

In the course of the DFG project “Multidimensional particle fractioning using surface acoustic waves” within the priority program 2045, Sebastian Sachs successfully published a comprehensive study on the effects of standing surface acoustic waves in a microchannel for particle fractionation. The experimental and numerical investigations cover a large parameter range for which 3D3C velocity measurements elucidate the dependence of different geometrical and operational parameters for various flow structures. Furthermore the development of a correct boundary condition for numerical simulations of sSAW fields is shown. Congratulations Sebastian!

Sachs, Sebastian; Baloochi, Mostafa; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg; On the acoustically induced fluid flow in particle separation systems employing standing surface acoustic waves – Part I. Lab on a Chip, 22, 2011-2027. DOI:

Sachs, Sebastian; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg; On the acoustically induced fluid flow in particle separation systems employing standing surface acoustic waves – Part II. Lab on a Chip, 22, 2028-2040. DOI: