
Citizen's Campus: How does transformation succeed in companies? Insights into the Thuringian automotive industry

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Fr. 13.09.2024
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The automotive industry is undergoing unprecedented change due to electromobility, digitalization and Industry 4.0 technologies. The project "BeaT - Renewing vocational training for the automotive transformation" has been analyzing the changing qualification requirements, especially in the Thuringian automotive and supplier industry, since October 2021. In over 100 interviews with company management, experts, training providers, industry representatives, employers' associations and trade unions, needs have been identified and solutions identified. The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) and its partners, automotive thüringen e.V. and the Group of Economic and Labor Sociology at the University of Jena, analyzed these new requirements and developed adapted further training courses together with company partners. The lecture will present the results of the BeaT project, highlight the challenges that companies have to face in the transformation and present proven solutions in the field of training and further education. Join us for a discussion about the future of automotive vocational training.

Dr. Stefanie B. Seitz is a transfer expert at the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS and coordinator of the BeaT project.


Admission: 5 Euro