
New open access publication

New open access publication from the Biosignal Processing Group

Via Delay-and-Sum Beamformimg estimated temperature of all measurement sessions of three antenna arrangements. Frequency of estimation is 2.5 GHz. Black lines with markers indicates real temperature. Red lines indicate the median, red plus signs show the outliers.

Hyperthermia induces slight temperature increase of 4–8 °C inside the tumor, making it more responsive to radiation and chemo therapy, thereby improving the outcome of the oncological treatment. To verify the level of heat in the tumor and to avoid damage of the healthy tissue, temperature should be monitored during the procedure. This paper presents a non-invasive temperature estimation approach based on ultra-wideband sensing and its experimental validation. The measurement setup intended for neck therapy considers three antenna arrangements and data are processed with two types of imaging algorithms. The results showed that the presented approach allows for qualitative as well as quantitative permittivity and temperature estimation. The measurement accuracy achieved and the causes of measurement deviations are analyzed.


Prokhorova, A.; Helbig, M. Experimental Validation of Realistic Measurement Setup for Quantitative UWB-Guided Hyperthermia Temperature Monitoring.
Sensors 2024, 24, 5902.


Contact: M.Sc. Alexandra Prokhorova
               Dr.-Ing. Marko Helbig