
Launch of project MedWaveImage

Launch of project MedWaveImage

The new research project “MedWaveImage” - Microwave imaging technology transfer to innovate the medical sector – has been launched at Biosignal Processing Group. The project focuses especially on the potentials of microwave imaging, which can be used to develop portable and cost-effective medical devices. The devices to be developed will be tested in hospitals with specific medical expertise.
European research teams from Polytechnic of Turin (lead partner), Czech Technical University Prague and TU Ilmenau, together with industry partners – Ilmsens GmbH and E.P.F. ELETTROTECNICA SRL, and medical experts – Jena University Hospital, Bulovka University Hospital and Motol University Hospital in Prague, will be working on developing, testing and clinical evaluation of medical devices. Three medical objectives of interest are breast cancer screening, temperature monitoring during hyperthermia for neck cancer and brain stroke imaging.

This research project is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund. This international research project with a project volume 2.258.500 Euro runs until the end of 2026. The kick-off meeting took place in Turin on July 3.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Marko Helbig

Subsidy code:        CE0200670