Conference papers

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 978
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Dietzel, Alexander; Haueisen, Jens;
Coregistration of flourescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). - In: The future of eye and vision research, (2010), insges. 1 S.

Seifert, Bernd Ulrich; Schramm, Stefan; Beßler, Patrick; Schikowski, Patrick; Kunert, Kathleen S.
Clinical validation of a modified wavefront analyzer - preliminary results. - In: The future of eye and vision research, (2010), insges. 1 S.

Schramm, Stefan; Seifert, Bernd Ulrich;
Influence of the shell structure of the human lens on accomodation using ray tracing. - In: The future of eye and vision research, (2010), insges. 1 S.

Klemm, Matthias; Dietzel, Alexander; Nagel, Edgar; Schweitzer, Dietrich; Graichen, Uwe; Haueisen, Jens
Statistical analysis of reproducibility of flourescence decay histograms at the fundus. - In: The future of eye and vision research, (2010), insges. 1 S.

Laqua, Daniel; Just, Thomas; Husar, Peter;
Measuring the attenuation characteristics of biological tissues enabling for low power in vivo RF transmission. - In: Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-4123-5, (2010), S. 1437-1440
Lazutkin, Dmitry; Husar, Peter;
Modeling of electromagnetic stimulation of the human brain. - In: Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-4123-5, (2010), S. 581-584
Haueisen, Jens; Funke, Michael; Güllmar, Daniel; Eichardt, Roland
Simulation of tangential and radial electric brain activity: different sensitivity in EEG and MEG :
Simulation von tangentialer und radialer elektrischer Gehirnaktivität: unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit in EEG und MEG. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 55.2010, Suppl. 1, I, S. 62-63
Halbleib, Andreas; Strohmeier, Daniel; Gratkowski, Maciej; Haueisen, Jens
Source localization algorithm based on topographic matching pursuit. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 55.2010, Suppl. 1, E, S. 111-113
Steinhoff, Uwe; Wiekhorst, Frank; Baumgarten, Daniel; Haueisen, Jens; Trahms, Lutz
Imaging of magnetic nanoparticles based on magnetorelaxometry with sequential activation of inhomogeneous magnetization fields :
Bildgebung magnetischer Nanopartikel basierend auf Magnetrelaxometrie mit sequentieller Aktivierung inhomogener Anregungsfelder. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 55.2010, Suppl. 1, A, S. 22-25
Nguyen Trong, Manh; Spiegler, Andreas; Spiegler, Andreas *1981-*;
Neural field model of rat's cortex based on realistic connectivity from diffusion weighted MRI and neural morphology. - In: BMC neuroscience, ISSN 1471-2202, Bd. 11.2010, Suppl. 1, P41, insges. 2 S.