Conference papers

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 978
Created on: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 05:16:29 +0200 in 3.5687 sec

Güllmar, Daniel; Lau, Stephan; Flemming, Lars; Haueisen, Jens; Reichenbach, Jürgen R.
In vivo fiber tracking in the rabbit brain on a clinical 3T MRI system. - In: ISMRM 17th scientific meeting & exhibition, (2009), S. 3532

Haueisen, Jens; Funke, Michael; Güllmar, Daniel; Eichardt, Roland; Witte, Herbert
Simulation of tangential and radial brain activity: different sensitivity in EEG and MEG. - In: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2009, (2009), S. 188-189

Götz, Theresa; Curio, Gabriel; Witte, Otto W.; Witte, Herbert; Haueisen, Jens
High-frequency oscillations in EEG and MEG recordings are modulated by cognitive context. - In: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2009, (2009), S. 185-186

Nguyen Trong, M.; Spiegler, Andreas; Spiegler, Andreas *1981-*;
Morphological modeling of synaptic arborisations and the neural field model to mimic electromagnetic brain activities. - In: NeuroImage, ISSN 1095-9572, Bd. 47.2009, Suppl. 1, S. S169
Spiegler, Andreas;
Considering afferent pathways on interneurons in the Jansen and Rit neural mass model. - In: NeuroImage, ISSN 1095-9572, Bd. 47.2009, Suppl. 1, S. S169
Schweitzer, Dietrich; Klemm, Matthias; Hammer, Martin; Jentsch, Susanne; Schweitzer, F.
Method for simultaneous detection of functionality and tomography. - In: Clinical and biomedical spectroscopy, 2009, 736804, insges. 9 S.

Schweitzer, Dietrich; Quick, Silvio; Klemm, Matthias; Hammer, Martin; Jentsch, Susanne; Dawczynski, Jens; Becker, W.
Clinical results of fluorescence lifetime imaging in ophthalmology. - In: Clinical and biomedical spectroscopy, 2009, 736802, insges. 11 S.

Nguyen Trong, Manh; Spiegler, Andreas; Spiegler, Andreas *1981-*;
A neural field model for spatio-temporal brain activity using a morphological model of cortical connectivity. - In: BMC neuroscience, ISSN 1471-2202, Bd. 10.2009, Suppl. 1, P287, insges. 2 S.
Güllmar, Daniel; Haueisen, Jens; Haueisen, Jens *1966-*; Reichenbach, Jürgen R.
The sensitivity of the EEG and MEG inverse solution to anisotropic conductivity - a whole human head simulation study. - In: BMC neuroscience, ISSN 1471-2202, Bd. 10.2009, Suppl. 1, P78, insges. 2 S.