Conference papers

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Results: 978
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Vilser, Walthard; Berthold, Kathrin; Riemer, Thomas
Model simulation of the autoregulative control of the retinal microcirculation. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 1252-1254

Vilser, Walthard; Berthold, Kathrin; Riemer, Thomas
Knowledge-based model of the retinal microcirculation. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 1248-1251

Ning, Gangmin; Henning, Günter; Maiwald, J.; Matthäi, H.; Schultheiß, Birgit; Sperschneider, H.; Stein, G.
A non-linear model for estimating systolic blood pressure during hemodialysis. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 1204-1205

Ivanova, Galina; Kirlangic, Mehmet Eylem; Kudryavtesva, Svetlana; Bruns, G.; Berkes, Sebastian; Henning, Günter; Grießbach, Gert
Home-device for self-regulation of psychophysiological processes. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 782-783

Götze, Andreas; Henning, Günter; Husar, Peter; Berkes, Sebastian; Schellhorn, Klaus; Plagwitz, Kai-Uwe
New pseudo-random sequences for stimulation in objective perimetry. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 614-615

Helbig, Marko; Grießbach, Gert; Witte, Herbert; Schack, Bärbel
Application of time-variant bicoherence estimation in biosignal analysis. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 608-609

Schlegelmilch, Falk; Helbig, Marko; Natchkova, Vessela; Ivanova, Galina; Schellhorn, Klaus; Detschew, Vesselin; Mandler, D.; Grießbach, Gert
A multi-channel approach for online-identification of QRS-regions using adaptive recursive estimators. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 568-569

Boymann, Simon; Maschotta, Ralph; Maschotta, Ralph *1973-*; Jannek, Dunja;
Rapid development of applications in the field of biosignal processing. - In: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe, (2002), S. 496-497

Maschotta, Ralph; Boymann, Simon; Jannek, Dunja;
Shift reducing of retinal vessel image series by using edge based template matching algorithm. - 3 S. = 48,6 KB, TextDruckausg.: Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe : EMBEC '02, 2. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, December, 04 - 08, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Austria Center Vienna / ed.: Helmut Hutten ... - Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz, 2002, IFMBE proceedings, 3,1. - Pt. 1, S. 848-849, ISBN 3-901351-62-0

This paper presents a shift reducing algorithm of fundus images consisting of the following steps: edge detection by a rule based gradient algorithm, algorithm to search significant templates and a template matching algorithm based on edge lists. The result of the shift reducing algorithm depends on the capability of the edge detection algorithm and the detected templates. The shift reducing algorithm works well and effectively.
Maschotta, Ralph; Boymann, Simon; Steuer, Dunja
Softwarearchitektur zur Implementierung adaptiv rekursiver Algorithmen für die Bildbearbeitung. - In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002, (2002), S. 354-357

Adaptiv rekursive Schätzmethoden wurden bereits in verschiedenen Gebieten erprobt. Die so entstandenen Algorithmen sollen, mit Hilfe von Partnern aus der Industrie, in ein System wiederverwendbarer und erweiterbarer Komponenten integriert werden. Es soll auch auf dem Gebiet der Bildverarbeitung, speziell zur Bewegungskompensation von Fundusbildern, eingesetzt werden. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die bestehenden Verfahren in das System integriert und die Ergebnisse bei der Anwendung auf Einzelbilder und Bildfolgen untersucht.