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Sex Doll Specifications versus Human Body Characteristics

Media Psychology Group Publishes in Archives of Sexual Behavior

Sex dolls have been criticized for reproducing unrealistic expectations about human bodies. Yet precise sex doll measurements are lacking in the literature nor has there been any systematic attempt to determine the extent to which sex dolls exaggerate human characteristics. To address this research gap, the specifications of sex dolls marketed in the USA were compared with the characteristics of women and men living in the USA.

In a US-German research cooperation, the Media Psychology and Media Design Group at Technische Universität Ilmenau analyzed a sample of N=757 sex dolls. Results are now published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, the flagship journal of the International Association of Sex Resarch (IASR).



Hanson, K. R., Döring, N., & Walter, R. (2024). Sex Doll Specifications versus Human Body Characteristics. Archives of Sexual Behavior.