Energy use optimization of multimodal energy supply systems

Getting to know

  • Supply media and cross-sector energy systems
  • Methods for energy forecasting:
    • Energy demand forecast for the energy supply with electricity, gas, heating/cooling
    • Fluctuating feed-in from wind turbines and PV systems
    • Time series analysis methods for identifying characteristic properties and exogenous influencing variables
  • Modeling:
    • Design and conception of prediction models, deterministic and stochastic time series models, analytical models (input and output models, state models), linguistic models (e.g. fuzzy models), connectionist models (e.g. KNN)
  • Methods for model validation and interpretation
  • Methods for optimizing energy use:
    • Optimization methods and their areas of application
    • Creation of the optimization task
    • Identification of the problem, definition of the balance area
    • Identification of the optimization variables and boundary conditions
    • Modelling of optimization tasks
    • Scenario and variant calculation

Acquisition of skills

  • Use of the methods learned for time series analysis and time series forecasting
  • Selection and application of methods for energy use optimization
  • Independent implementation of time series analyses and derivation of forecast models
  • Independent creation, modelling and development of optimization models
  • Practical skills through computer-aided exercises on energy forecasting and energy use optimization