Publications of the Media Production Group

HCII 2023

HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems5th International Conference, MobiTAS 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23-28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
Book article "Capacity Building in Local Authorities for Sustainable Transport Planning", Springer

S. Sofia Kalakou, M. Miriam Pirra, A. Ana Diaz, and S. Sebastian Spundflasch; Setting Targets for Local Authorities to Increase Their Capacity to Develop and Implement Sustainable Transport Pages 35-60.

Sebastian Spundflasch, Heidi Krömker; Emergent Capacity Needs Pages 61-79. https://link. Ann-Marie Nienaber, Sebastian Spundflasch, and André Escórcio Soares; Behavioural Change in Local Authorities to Increase Organizational Capacity Pages 99-104. Janet Saunders, Sunil Budhdeo, Keelan Fadden-Hopper, Ann-Marie Nienaber, Sebastian Spundflasch, Marco Surace, Fabio Nussio, Miriam Pirra, Angel Navarro, Ieva Girdvainienė, Tudor Drambarean, and Krinos Ioannis; Integrating Transport Programs for Sustainable Reduction in Urban Road Congestion-Best Practise Examples from Local Authorities Working with SUITS Pages 137-179.h ttps://

Andree Woodcock, Sebastian Spundflasch, Frederic Rudolph, Kain Glensor, Keelan Fadden-Hopper, and Katie Miller-Crolla: Local Authorities' Perspectives on MaaS Implementation Andree Woodcock, Ann-Marie Nienaber, Janet Saunders, Sebastian Spundflasch, Sunil Budhdeo, Keelan Fadden Hopper, and Guiseppe Estivio; Local Authorities' Perspectives on MaaS Implementation Pages 181-192. link.

Further publications
Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 243
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Brix, Torsten; Döring, Ulf; Trott, Sabine; Brecht, Rike; Thomas, Hendrik
The Digital Mechanism and Gear Library - a modern knowledge space. - In: Knowledge media technologies, (2006), S. 188-194
Erdmann, Matthias; Kloth, Christoph
Havariesichere Systemplanung IT-basierter Fernsehproduktionssysteme. - In: FKT, ISSN 1430-9947, Bd. 60 (2006), 4, S. 185-189

Kunert, Tibor; Penquitt, Jan; Krömker, Heidi
Identifizierung von Interaction Design Patterns für neue Technologien. - In: Mensch & Computer 2006, (2006), S. 55-64

Interaction Design Patterns dienen der Dokumentation und Wiederverwendung bewährter Lösungen für wiederkehrende Gestaltungsprobleme. In diesem Artikel schlagen wir die Verwendung von Interaction Design Patterns für neue Technologien vor, um deren Usability und Nutzerakzeptanz bereits in frühen Phasen des Technologielebenszyklus zu unterstützen. Anhand eines nutzeraufgabenorientierten Ansatzes wird die Identifikation von Interaction Design Patterns aus Prototypentwicklungen und Usability Tests beschrieben. Die Vorgehensweise wird anhand der Identifikation von Interaction Design Patterns für interaktiver Fernsehapplikationen als Beispiel für eine neue Technologie dargestellt.

Kunert, Tibor;
An user task and user requirement based approach to interaction design patterns. - 7 S. = 174,0 KB, TextPubl. entstand im Rahmen der Veranst.: Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Design Patterns at the 10th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction "INTERACT 2005 - Communicating Naturally through Computers", September 12 - 16, 2005, Rome, Italy
Kunert, Tibor;
Interaction design guidance for interactive television applications in pattern form. - 4 S. = 111,9 KB, TextPubl. entstand im Rahmen der Veranst.: EuroITV 2004, 2nd European Conference on Interactive Television: Enhancing the Experience, Brighton, UK, 31 March - 2 April, 2004
Kunert, Tibor;
Designing a learning dialogue for educational applications in digital interactive television. - 3 S. = 301,7 KB, TextPubl. entstand im Rahmen der Veranst.: EuroITV 2004, 2nd European Conference on Interactive Television: Enhancing the Experience, Brighton, UK, 31 March - 2 April, 2004
Kunert, Tibor;
Interactive educational TV applications based on the multimedia home platform (MHP). - 5 S. = 337,8 KB, TextPubl. entstand im Rahmen der Veranst.: Online-Educa Berlin, 9th ICWE International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training, December 3 - 5, 2003, Berlin

This paper presents the use of interactive television for learning purposes. Due to the increasing international support for the Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) as open standard for interactive, digital TV the development of interactive TV applications is gaining momentum. However, there are only very few educational interactive TV applications so far. In order to support the development of educational interactive TV applications it is investigated, how the technological possibilities of MHP can be used to develop educational applications. The research described focuses on an application developed for a public broadcaster in Germany. The integration of interactive functionalities into a traditional educational TV programme are demonstrated. In the case study special attention has been given to a user-centered development process as well as to the usability of the application to support end-user acceptance of this future technology for learning.
Brecht, Rike; Kunert, Tibor; Kunert, Tibor *1971-*;
User requirements and design guidance for interactive TV news applications. - 12 S. = 382,8 KB, TextPubl. entstand im Rahmen der Veranst.: EuroITV 2005, 3rd European Conference on Interactive Television, Aalborg, Denmark, March 30 - April 1, 2005

This paper presents user requirements and user interface design guidance for interactive television (iTV) news applications. In order to develop design guidance the following steps have been carried out: (1) User requirements analysis for iTV news applications using focus groups. (2) Heuristic usability evaluation of two existing iTV news applications based on ISO 9241 and ISO 14915. (3) Based on the results from the requirements analysis and the heuristic usability evaluation two iTV news application prototypes were developed. (4) These prototypes were evaluated by end users in a usability test. (5) Based on the previous steps general design guidance for iTV news applications has been developed in particular for media selection and media combination. The results presented serve the user-centered design and development of iTV news applications.
Erdmann, Matthias;
Prozessdesign für Systeme der Fernsehstudiotechnik. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [13.P.01], insges. 4 S.
Brecht, Rike; Brix, Torsten; Döring, Ulf; Henkel, Veit; Krömker, Heidi
Ergonomische Gestaltung digitaler Bibliotheken : Fallstudie: Digitale Mechanismen- und Getriebebibliothek DMG-Lib. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [11.08], insges. 2 S.