Lichtkonzept wurde Realität

On April 26, we were able to attend the presentation of the new lighting system at the Braunsteinmühle. The concept was developed by 4 students as part of a media project in 2021. Now it is finally a reality. It was implemented by the Geraberger Heimatfreunde with financial support from the Thuringian State Chancellery. Two of the students who attended the presentation were delighted with the practical benefits of their work. Jan Bohacek, one of the two: “I am very pleased that we had the opportunity to create practical and real added value for the region during our studies and hope that visitors to the mill will enjoy the media installation for a long time to come.”

Fabian Möller and Jan Bohacek inspecting their implemented concept

Ideas Competition

The sponsoring association of the Lighting Technology Department is calling for a student ideas competition in 2023.

Lux junior 2024

The next Lux junior will take place from 6 to 8 September 2024.

The 16th Forum for Young Lighting Engineers took place from 23 to 25 June 2023. The contents of the papers are published in the Digital Library Thuringia.

LIGHT Experience Day

Offer for a LIGHT experience day in a well-known company of the lighting industry.

Dates for excursions:
12.-16.10.2024 Excursion to the ROBE company in Czech Republic

Here we are

Prof.-Schmidt-Str. 26    D-98693 Ilmenau    Directions
Tel.: (03677) 693732

P.O. Box

TU Ilmenau    Fachgebiet Lichttechnik
PF 100565     D-98684 Ilmenau