Scientific publications without theses

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 829
Created on: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:17:22 +0200 in 0.0924 sec

Minchenia, Vladimir T.; Stepanenko, Dmitry A.; Zimmermann, Klaus; Bansevičius, R.; Bubulis, A.; Kundu, P.; Gishkeliuk, I. A.
Simulation of vibrational piezoelectric actuators of the micro-robot using the finite element method. - In: Journal of vibroengineering, ISSN 1392-8716, Bd. 12 (2010), 3, S. 314-319

Becker, Felix; Minchenya, Vladimir T.; Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor
A new piezo-driven micro robot using forced vibration of continua. - In: Novye napravlenija razvitija priborostroenija, ISBN 978-985-525369-4, (2010), S. 91

Becker, Felix; Zimmermann, Klaus
Modelling and simulation of a vibration-driven system for 2-dimensional locomotion with moveable internal masses. - In: Novye napravlenija razvitija priborostroenija, ISBN 978-985-525369-4, (2010), S. 90

Becker, Felix; Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor; Minchenya, Vladimir T.; Lysenko, Victor
Vibration driven robots - theoretical investigations, design and prototyp. - In: Priborostroenie-2010, ISBN 978-985-525-490-5, (2010), S. 135-137

Behn, Carsten; Steigenberger, Joachim
Experiments in adaptive control of uncertain mechanical systems. - In: International review of mechanical engineering, ISSN 1970-8734, Bd. 4 (2010), 7, S. 886-898

We consider mechanical systems, which are not known precisely. In detail we assume that the system parameters are unknown (lack of precise knowledge), moreover, we allow for uncertainties with respect to input and output, and to perturbations from the environment (ground excitations) as well. The consideration of such systems leads to the use of adaptive control. The aim is to design universal adaptive controllers, which achieve a pre-specified control objective. Almost all controllers existing in the literature offer the same drawback: (possibly unboundedly) monotonically increasing gain parameter. With respect to limited resources in applications it is necessary to design improved adaptation laws. We present simulations of several gain parameter models primarily in application to bio-inspired sensors.

Bojtos, Attila; Huba, Antal; Zentner, Lena; Risto, Uwe
Measuring of equibiaxial tension of rubber-like materials by optical method. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 659 (2010), S. 289-294
Becker, Felix; Minchenya, Vladimir T.; Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor
Single piezo actuator driven micro robot for 2-dimensional locomotion. - In: The First Workshop on Microactuators and Micromechanisms, (2010), insges. 6 S.

We analyse two micro robots for 2-dimensional locomotion on a flat surface. Forced bending vibrations of continua are used by both systems which are excited by piezoelectric bending actuators. These vibrations are transformed by non classical legs to complex trajectories at the contact points between robot and environment. The locomotion direction of the system can be controlled by the excitation frequencies of the actuation element. Models are developed and investigated to describe important motion effects of the robots. Furthermore some experimental results are presented.

Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor; Böhm, Valter; Becker, Felix; Minchenya, Vladimir T.
K opisaniju mechaniki sistem, dvižuščichsja bez pomošči nog, analitičeskimi i čislennymi metodami :
An approach to the mechanics of non-pedal locomotion systems using analytical and computational methods. - In: Problems of mechanics, ISSN 1512-0740, (2010), No. 4(41), S. 5-14

In the present paper non-classical ways of locomotion of the mechanical systems are considered. In the first part the locomotion of a chain of interconnected mass points in a straight line is analyzed. On each mass point acts a small non-symmetric Coulomb's dry friction. The magnitude of this force depends on the direction of motion. The distance between the neighboring mass points changes according to the harmonical law. With the help of the procedure of averaging the expression for the stationary velocity of the mass center of the chain "on average" is found. The dependences of the stationary velocity on the value of the asymmetry and on the number of mass points are obtained. In the second part the mechanical background of the two mobile robots based on smart materials is considered. One of the systems consists of a single symmetric ferroelastomer body and, additionally, six micro-coils. The locomotion of the system is caused by a periodic deformation (generated by integrated micro-coils) of a compliant magneto-sensitive body. The qualitative description of the mechanical system's performance was realized by a transient dynamical analyses using the software package ANSYS. Another system consists of three components: information system, power supply (accumulator) and vibration system. The vibration system is formed by a piezoelectric actuator bonded on a triangular plate. At the corners of the plate three "legs" are fixed. A Finite-Element-Model of the legs, the plate and the actuators was created in order to formulate statements about the influence of the excitation frequency on the trajectories of the endpoints of the legs. The results obtained by the numerical simulation are compared with the experimental data.

Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor; Bolotnik, Nikolai N.; Pivovarov, Mikhail
Motion of a chain of bodies in a resistive medium due to undulatory change in the system's configuration. - In: The 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, ISBN 978-952-214-778-3, (2010), insges. 2 S.

The motion of a finite chain of identical bodies along a straight line in a resistive medium is studied. The motion is excited and controlled by changing the distances between the bodies of the chain. This model simulates limbless animals (for example, earthworms) that move due to redistribution of mass along their bodies. The longitudinal motion of such animals can be provided due to a wave of deformation running through the animal's body forward, from the head to the tail, or backward, from the tail to the head. This principle of motion can be used for some kind of mobile robots. An advantage of these robots against conventional mobile machines is that the worm-like robots do not need propelling devices such as wheels, legs or caterpillars, can be readily made hermetic, and do not involve protruding components, which enables them to be used for motion in "vulnerable" media. Such robots can be used for motion in narrow slots and tubes to produce various technical operations in these media. Mobile systems able to move in resistive media without special propelling devices due to the change in their configuration or the motion of internal masses were studied, for example, in [1]-[4].

Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor; Böhm, Valter; Greiser, Steffen; Popp, Jana
Ferrofluid-based flow manipulation and locomotion systems. - In: Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, ISSN 1530-8138, Bd. 21 (2010), 16, S. 1559-1562

The article demonstrates some examples of locomotion systems with bifluidic flow control using ferrofluid. By controlling the change of shape, position, and pressure of the ferrofluid in a secondary low viscous fluid by magnetic fields locomotion of objects or the ferrofluid itself can be realized. The locomotion of an object is caused, in the first example, ba a ferrofluid generated flow of the secondary fluid and in the second and third case by the direct alteration of the ferrofluid position.


... until 2022 from the Technical Mechanics Group

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 519
Created on: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 16:39:34 +0200 in 0.0167 sec