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Otto, Henning;
Experimentelle Untersuchungen parasitärer Wandschichtströmungen in thermischen Energiespeichern. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xiii, 180 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024

Im Rahmen der Energiewende nehmen thermische Energiespeicher eine wichtige Rolle in der mittel- bis langfristigen Energiespeicherung erneuerbarer Energien ein. Dabei können thermische Schichtenspeicher grundsätzlich hohe exergetische Effizienzen erreichen, sofern die thermische Schichtung mit hohen Temperaturgradienten in der Thermokline lange aufrecht erhalten bleibt. Da typische Speicherseitenwände aus Metall als Wärmebrücke zwischen den Schichtungszonen wirken und parasitäre Wandschichtströmungen entlang der vertikalen Wände anregen, sorgen sie für eine Reduktion der Speichereffizienz. Da die hohen statischen Belastungen sowie korrosive Eigenschaften verschiedener Speicherfluide den Austausch des Wandmaterials nicht einfach erlauben, müssen die Wandschichtströmungen besser verstanden werden, um sie dann gezielt durch andere Maßnahmen vermeiden zu können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden daher mit Hilfe messtechnischer, analytischer und numerischer Methoden die parasitären Strömungen und damit einhergehende physikalische Phänomene charakterisiert. Die Untersuchungen basieren maßgeblich auf optischen Strömungs- und Temperaturmessungen, welche in einem eigens entwickelten Modellexperiment eines thermischen Schichtenspeichers durchgeführt werden. Nach einer exergetischen Analyse der Modellzelle und numerischen Voruntersuchungen werden zeitgemittelte und zeitaufgelöste Messungen der parasitären Strömungen durchgeführt. Die zeitgemittelten Messungen zeigen zwei gegenläufige Wandschichtströmungen, welche in der Thermokline abgebremst werden und Rückströmungsgebiete ausbilden. Mittels einer Skalierungsanalyse sind diese Effekte auf die hohen Dichtegradienten innerhalb der Thermokline zurückzuführen. Anhand der zeitaufgelösten Messungen wurden dominante Frequenzen in der Wandschichtströmung auf den Übergang von laminarer zu turbulenter Strömung zurückgeführt. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass im Fernfeld der Wand weitere periodische Oszillationen angeregt werden, welche die thermische Schichtung weiter durchmischen. In abschließenden Untersuchungen an einem großskaligen Salzschmelzenspeicher werden die gleichen Fluktuationen nachgewiesen und es wird gezeigt, dass sie in den Randbereichen der Thermokline verursacht werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit liefern somit die Grundlagen, um zukünftige Schichtenspeicher gezielt verbessern zu können und so deren Effizienz zu steigern.
Li, Panxin; Calmbach, Jasmin; Naumann, Clemens; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian; Karcher, Christian
Experimental investigation and numerical analysis of convective heat and mass transport processes in salt melts affected by magnetic fields and thermal radiation :
Experimentelle Untersuchung und numerische Analyse konvektiver Wärme- und Stofftransportprozesse in Salzschmelzen unter Wirkung von Magnetfeldern und Wärmestrahlung. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 20 S.

In dieser Arbeit werden mit numerischen und experimentellen Methoden thermisch getriebene Konvektionsprozesse in Flüssigsalzen analysiert. Die Besonderheiten der Untersuchungen liegen darin, dass die in der Salzschmelze auftretenden Wärme- und Stofftransportprozesse zum einen aufgrund der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des Arbeitsmediums von den Wechselwirkungen mit Magnetfeldern sowie zum anderen aufgrund der Semi-Transparenz des Mediums und der vorliegenden hohen Arbeitstemperaturen von thermischen Strahlungsvorgängen beeinflusst werden. Die genaue Kenntnis der Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturfelder bei Vorliegen dieser zusätzlichen Effekte ist beispielweise von Wichtigkeit für den sicheren und effizienten Betrieb von thermischen Energiespeichern und Flüssigmetall-Batterien, in denen Salzschmelzen als gängige Arbeitsstoffe eingesetzt werden. Bei der numerischen Analyse wird eine zweidimensionale Rayleigh-Bénard-Anordnung betrachtet, bei welcher der thermische Antrieb der Konvektion in der Salzschmelze durch Heizung von unten und Kühlung von oben erfolgt. Der Magnetfeldeinfluss wird in der quasi-statischen Näherung und der Strahlungseinfluss mittels der Rosseland-Approximation für optisch dicke Medien in Grenzschicht-Näherung modelliert. Die mittels eines Spektrale-Elemente-Verfahrens erzielten Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass es unter der Wirkung der zusätzlichen Effekte tendenziell zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des konvektiven Wärmetransport kommt. Dies ist die Folge der strömungsdämpfenden Wirkung der unter Magnetfeldeinfluss induzierten Lorentz-Kräfte und der zusätzlichen thermischen Diffusion durch den Strahlungseinfluss. Im experimentellen Teil der Arbeit wird berichtet, wie ein entsprechender Versuchsstand aufgebaut und instrumentiert wird, um die von der numerischen Analyse vorhergesagten Wirkungen in Modellexperimenten zu verifizieren. Des Weiteren werden Ergebnisse von ersten Testmessungen in Salzschmelzen vorgestellt, durch die erstmalig der Nachweis geführt wird, dass die optischen Verfahren der Particle-Image-Velocimetry und der Laser-Doppler-Anemometrie auch zur räumlich und zeitlich hochaufgelösten Geschwindigkeitsmessung in Salzschmelzen angewandt werden können.
Naumann, Clemens; Carlesi, Tommaso; Otto, Henning; Cierpka, Christian; Laboureur, Delphine
Dynamic characterization of Fiber Bragg Grating temperature sensors. - In: Experimental thermal and fluid science, Bd. 156 (2024), 111222, S. 1-10

To reliably characterize fast dynamic heat transfer mechanisms, fast-response temperature sensors are crucial, including knowledge about the temporal response. In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a Fiber Bragg Grating temperature sensor is investigated and compared to different types of fast-response thermocouples using two different experimental dynamic characterization methods. A temperature step is generated by either plunging the sensor into a fluid or exposing it to a fluid droplet at different temperatures. The step response is evaluated to determine the sensor response time. Calibration runs are performed for a silica-based 0.1 mm FBG sensor, as well as for 0.16 mm and 0.8 mm exposed tip and 0.25 mm sheathed tip type K thermocouples. Water, glycerin, oil and GaInSn were used to cover a broad range of applications regarding different thermal diffusivities and viscosities. The FBG sensor showed the shortest response times compared to the thermocouples, ranging from 60 ms in oil down to 3 ms in liquid metal, which is 20% up to 70% faster compared to a 0.25 mm sheathed tip type K thermocouple. Additional plunging calibration runs of the FBG sensor were performed in a ternary nitrate molten salt mixture (HITEC) to determine its overall and dynamic behavior in corrosive fluids at elevated temperatures. It turns out that the FBG sensor is not affected by the molten salt and shows similar response times to those measured in water. Regarding the characterization methods, both techniques show reproducible results, even though the droplet method is inapplicable for sensors with higher heat capacity or lower thermal conductivity than the calibration fluid. Furthermore, splashing effects for fluids with low viscosity reduce the reliability of the droplet method. The results also show that a dynamic characterization is indispensable for temperature measurements with high temporal resolution because the response time depends on the sensor size and the heat transfer coefficient between sensor and surrounding, which in turn depends on the sensor type, fluid properties and the flow parameters.
Zheng, Jincan; Li, Rongzhe; Guo, Shengrong; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Ni, Mingjiu; Wang, Xiaodong
A dynamic method for online measurement and calibrating with Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 35 (2024), 6, 065008, S. 1-9

Our previous study (Zheng et al 2020 Metall. Mater. Trans. B 51 558–69; Zheng et al 2020 Acta Metall. Sin.56 929–36) reports a non-invasive in-situ measurement technology using Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) to quantitatively measure the meniscus velocity of molten steel online. However, effective signal recognition from complex environment noise and determination of zero-point calibration in harsh metallurgical processing is an essentially challenging task and indeed needs further exploration. In this paper, a method of combining double probe arrangement with real-time differential processing technology was proposed, the twin design structure not only enables the measurement of ∼mN Lorentz forces, but also has significant characteristics of environmental tolerance. The Lorentz force signal caused by conductor motion can be accurately calculated through a differential method, meaning that the problem of zero compensation in industrial online measurement can be effectively overcome. Moreover, based on the functional correlation between the Lorentz force and the parameter of the conductor to be measured, a method of the probes moving variably and actively and their data difference ratio processing was adopted, so as to achieve dynamic calibration during online measurement. This measurement strategy provides a new approach for LFV to achieve online dynamic measurement and online calibration, and provides technical support for electromagnetic measurement technology towards engineering applications.
Hannappel, Thomas; Shekarabi, Sahar; Jaegermann, Wolfram; Runge, Erich; Hofmann, Jan Philipp; Krol, Roel van de; May, Matthias M.; Paszuk, Agnieszka; Hess, Franziska; Bergmann, Arno; Bund, Andreas; Cierpka, Christian; Dreßler, Christian; Dionigi, Fabio; Friedrich, Dennis; Favaro, Marco; Krischok, Stefan; Kurniawan, Mario; Lüdge, Kathy; Lei, Yong; Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz; Schaaf, Peter; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Schmidt, W. Gero; Strasser, Peter; Unger, Eva; Montoya, Manuel Vasquez; Wang, Dong; Zhang, Hongbin
Integration of multijunction absorbers and catalysts for efficient solar-driven artificial leaf structures: a physical and materials science perspective. - In: Solar RRL, ISSN 2367-198X, Bd. 8 (2024), 11, 2301047, S. 1-49

Artificial leaves could be the breakthrough technology to overcome the limitations of storage and mobility through the synthesis of chemical fuels from sunlight, which will be an essential component of a sustainable future energy system. However, the realization of efficient solar-driven artificial leaf structures requires integrated specialized materials such as semiconductor absorbers, catalysts, interfacial passivation, and contact layers. To date, no competitive system has emerged due to a lack of scientific understanding, knowledge-based design rules, and scalable engineering strategies. Here, we will discuss competitive artificial leaf devices for water splitting, focusing on multi-absorber structures to achieve solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies exceeding 15%. A key challenge is integrating photovoltaic and electrochemical functionalities in a single device. Additionally, optimal electrocatalysts for intermittent operation at photocurrent densities of 10-20 mA cm^-2 must be immobilized on the absorbers with specifically designed interfacial passivation and contact layers, so-called buried junctions. This minimizes voltage and current losses and prevents corrosive side reactions. Key challenges include understanding elementary steps, identifying suitable materials, and developing synthesis and processing techniques for all integrated components. This is crucial for efficient, robust, and scalable devices. Here, we discuss and report on corresponding research efforts to produce green hydrogen with unassisted solar-driven (photo-)electrochemical devices. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Cierpka, Christian
Spatio-temporal dynamics of superstructures and vortices in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 36 (2024), 3, 035120, S. 035120-1-035120-19

Understanding turbulent thermal convection is essential for modeling many natural phenomena. This study investigates the spatiotemporal dynamics of the vortical structures in the mid-plane of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in SF6 via experiments. For this, a Rayleigh-Bénard cell of aspect ratio 10 is placed inside a pressure vessel and pressurized up to 1, 1.5, and 2.5 bar in order to reach Rayleigh numbers of Ra = 9.4 × 10^5, 2.0 × 10^6, and 5.5 × 10^6, respectively. For all three cases, the Prandtl number is Pr = 0.79 and Δ T ≈ 7 K. Then, stereoscopic particle image velocimetry is conducted to measure the three velocity components in the horizontal-mid-plane for 5.78 × 10^3 free fall times. For the given aspect ratio, the flow is no longer dominated by the side walls of the cell and turbulent superstructures that show a two-dimensional repetitive organization form. These superstructures show diverse shapes with faster dissipation rates as Ra increases. Out-of-plane vortices are the main feature of the flow. As Ra increases, the number of these vortices also increases, and their size shrinks. However, their total number is almost constant for each Ra through the measurement period. Furthermore, their occurrence is random and does not depend on whether the flow is upward-heated, downward-cooled, or horizontally directed. Vortex tracking was applied to measure lifetime, displacement, and traveled distance of these structures. The relation between lifetime and traveled distance is rather linear. Interestingly, in the vortex centers, the out-of-plane momentum transport is larger in comparison to the bulk flow. Therefore, these vortices will play a major role in the heat transport in such flows.
Niehaus, Konstantin;
Experimentelle Untersuchung des Skalenverhaltens bei Kondensation und Verdampfen in einem generischen Fahrzeugscheinwerfer. - Ilmenau, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xxiii, 178 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024

Diese Promotionsschrift befasst sich mit der experimentellen Untersuchung des Wärmetransports und Stofftransfers feuchter Luft mit Phasentransition an einer Oberfläche. Eine Motivation hierfür gibt unter anderem das vermehrte Auftreten von unerwünschter Kondensation innerhalb von Automobilscheinwerfern. Hierzu wird ein experimenteller Aufbau vorgestellt, der die physikalischen Prozesse abbildet, die für die Tropfenkondensation und die Verdampfung von Tropfen relevant sind. Der in dieser Arbeit untersuchte Parameterbereich umfasst 200 < Re < 1300, bei 0 < Gr < 108 und relative Luftfeuchten von 0.19 < ϕein < 0.85 (bei 25 ◦C). Das Geschwindigkeitsfeld im Zellinneren wurde mittels tomografischer Particle Image Velocimetry gemessen. Die Ergebnisse einer probabilistischen Analyse und einer Hauptkomponentenanalyse werden präsentiert. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die erzwungene Strömung den internen Wärme- und Stofftransport dominiert, höhere Temperaturgradienten jedoch zu einer Stabilisierung beziehungsweise Symmetrieerhöhung der großskaligen Strömung führen. Zur Bestimmung des Massentransfers beim Kondensieren und Verdampfen werden drei Messmethoden vorgestellt. Die erste bilanziert die Menge an Wasser an Ein- und Auslass, die zweite wiegt die Wassermasse direkt, während die dritte Konturen einzelner Tropfen mittels eines Mikroskops misst. Die ersten beiden liefern Aussagen über die globale Entwicklung der Masse auf der Kühlplatte. Die optische Methode eröffnet Einblicke in die lokale Tropfendynamik. Auf Basis dieser Messergebnisse wird die Skalierung der Sherwood-Zahl in Abhängigkeit von der Reynolds-Zahl und der relativen Luftfeuchte am Einlass untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde eine dimensionslose Beschreibung des Anwachsens und Schrumpfens von Einzeltropfen auf der Oberfläche formuliert. Die Messergebnisse des sensiblen und des latenten Wärmestroms werden abschließend in einem 1D-Modell reproduziert, validiert und auf den konkreten Betriebsfall eines Serienscheinwerfers angewendet.
Käufer, Theo; Cierpka, Christian
Volumetric Lagrangian temperature and velocity measurements with thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 35 (2024), 3, 035301, S. 1-11

We propose a Lagrangian method for simultaneous, volumetric temperature and velocity measurements. As tracer particles for both quantities, we employ encapsulated thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs). We discuss the challenges arising from color imaging of small particles and present measurements in an equilateral hexagonal-shaped convection cell of height h = 60 mm and distance between the parallel side walls w = 10^4 mm, which corresponds to an aspect ratio Γ = 1.73. As fluid, we use a water-glycerol mixture to match the density of the TLC particles. We propose a densely-connected neural network, trained on calibration data, to predict the temperature for individual particles based on their particle image and position in the color camera images, which achieves uncertainties below 0.2 K over a temperature range of 3 K. We use Shake-the-Box to determine the 3D position and velocity of the particles and couple it with our temperature measurement approach. We validate our approach by adjusting a stable temperature stratification and comparing our measured temperatures with the theoretical results. Finally, we apply our approach to thermal convection at Rayleigh number Ra = 3.4 × 10^7 and Prandtl number Pr = 10.6. We can visualize detaching plumes in individual temperature and convective heat transfer snapshots. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our approach allows us to compute statistics of the convective heat transfer and briefly validate our results against the literature.
Xu, Lin; Han, Ze-feng; Karcher, Christian; Wang, En-gang
Melt flow, heat transfer and solidification in a flexible thin slab continuous casting mold with vertical-combined electromagnetic braking. - In: Journal of iron and steel research, international, ISSN 2210-3988, Bd. 31 (2024), 2, S. 401-415

During continuous casting of steel slabs, the application of electromagnetic braking technology (EMBr) provides an effective tool to influence solidification by controlling the pattern of melt flow in the mold. Thus, the quality of the final product can be improved considerably. A new electromagnetic braking (EMBr) method, named vertical-combined electromagnetic braking (VC-EMBr), is proposed to be applied to a flexible thin slab casting (FTSC) mold. To evaluate the beneficial effects of the VC-EMBr, the melt flow, heat transfer, and solidification processes in the FTSC mold are studied by means of numerical simulations. In detail, a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence model together with an enthalpy-porosity approach was used. The numerical findings are compared with respective simulations using the traditional Ruler-EMBr. The results demonstrate that the application of the VC-EMBr contributes significantly to preventing relative slab defects. In contrast to the Ruler-EMBr, the additional vertical magnetic poles of the VC-EMBr preferentially suppress the direct impact of jet flow on the narrow face of FSTC mold and considerably diminish the level fluctuation near the meniscus region. For instance, by applying a magnetic flux density of 0.3 T, the maximum amplitude of meniscus deflection reduces by about 80%. Moreover, the braking effect of the VC-EMBr effectively improves the homogeneity of temperature distribution in the upper recirculation region and increases the solidified shell thickness along the casting direction. On this basis, the newly proposed VC-EMBr shows a beneficial effect in preventing relative slab defects for FTSC thin slab continuous casting.
Li, Panxin; Luo, Xiao-Hong; Chen, Lu; Song, Jia-Jun; Li, Ben-Wen; Karcher, Christian
Numerical research for the effect of magnetic field on convective transport process of molten salt in Rayleigh-Bénard system. - In: International journal of thermal sciences, ISSN 1778-4166, Bd. 195 (2024), 108605, S. 1-21

The effects of external applied magnetic field on heat and momentum transfer of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a closed cavity filled with electrically conductive molten salt are investigated by direct numerical simulation. Such arrangements are of strong interest in the context of thermal energy storage systems from renewable resources. To discretize the governing equations, the Chebyshev collocation spectral method is developed. A series of numerical results for 5000 ≤ Ra ≤ 10^6, 5 ≤ Pr ≤ 20 and 0 ≤ Ha ≤ 150 are obtained. First, we conduct two-dimensional numerical simulations to investigate the effect of Pr without and with magnetic field and find that Pr has little influence on heat and momentum transfer. Then, taking Pr as a fixed value of 7 and considering the effects of Ra and Ha, 2D and 3D direct numerical simulations are conducted. From both 2D and 3D numerical results, we conclude that, the heat and momentum transfer are enhanced with Ra at Ha = 0 and the fluid motion is stabilized by magnetic field at Ha 0. More phenomena of heat transfer and fluid flow, together with scaling correlations of Nu ∼ Ra, Nu ∼ Re for Rayleigh-Bénard convection without magnetic field, and, Nu ∼ RaHa and Re ∼ RaHa for Rayleigh-Bénard convection with magnetic field, are revealed under specified ranges of Ra and Ha.
Belyaev, Ivan A.; Chernysh, Denis Yu.; Luchinkin, Nikita A.; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Listratov, Yaroslav I.
Formation of the inlet flow profile for passive control of a magnetohydrodynamic liquid-metal flow in a channel. - In: High temperature, ISSN 1608-3156, Bd. 61 (2023), 3, S. 417-428

The paper describes an experimental attempt to affect the flow of liquid metal using a relatively small perturbation at an inlet to a long channel. The purpose is to form a flow structure which is stable in a strong magnetic field at high heat loads, enhance heat transfer, and achieve more predictable flow parameters. It is demonstrated that an obstacle in the form of a rod located transverse to the flow and parallel to the applied magnetic field and installed at the inlet can induce perturbations in the form of regular vortices observed along the flow at lengths as great as several tens of channel hydraulic diameters. The experiments confirm that thus generated vortices considerably change the structure of the isothermal MHD flow. In the case of mixed convection, such vortices suppress the development large-scale thermogravitational fluctuations in the flow and enhance heat transfer under certain flow conditions.
Kolesnikov, Yuri; Kalis, Harijs
Electrically driven plane free shear flow in a duct under an oblique transverse uniform magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 59 (2023), 2, S. 119-134

A mathematical model of electrically driven laminar free shear flows in a straight duct under the action of an applied oblique transverse uniform magnetic field is considered. The mathematical approach is similar to that used in [1]. A system of stationary partial differential equations with two unknown functions of velocity and induced magnetic field is solved. Three different cases of electric current supply to the liquid are considered. An electric current is introduced into the liquid first by one pair of linear electrodes, and in two other cases by two pairs of electrodes located on the upper and lower walls of the duct. The cases are analyzed when the angle of inclination of the magnetic field vector to these walls is ϕ0 = π/4. Depending on the direction of the electric current supplied to the pairs of electrodes, two coinciding in direction or two opposite inclined flows are driven in the zone between these walls. Increasing the magnetic field only leads to an internal rearrangement of the flows. The Hartmann number Ha ranges from 1 to 10, at which MHD effects distinctly enough are already displayed.
Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Spatial prediction of the turbulent unsteady von Kármán vortex street using echo state networks. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 35 (2023), 11, 115141, S. 115141-1-115141-15

The spatial prediction of the turbulent flow of the unsteady von Kármán vortex street behind a cylinder at Re = 1000 is studied. For this, an echo state network (ESN) with 6000 neurons was trained on the raw, low-spatial resolution data from particle image velocimetry. During prediction, the ESN is provided one half of the spatial domain of the fluid flow. The task is to infer the missing other half. Four different decompositions termed forward, backward, forward-backward, and vertical were examined to show whether there exists a favorable region of the flow for which the ESN performs best. Also, it was checked whether the flow direction has an influence on the network's performance. In order to measure the quality of the predictions, we choose the vertical velocity prediction of direction (VVPD). Furthermore, the ESN's two main hyperparameters, leaking rate (LR) and spectral radius (SR), were optimized according to the VVPD values of the corresponding network output. Moreover, each hyperparameter combination was run for 24 random reservoir realizations. Our results show that VVPD values are highest for LR ≈ 0.6, and quite independent of SR values for all four prediction approaches. Furthermore, maximum VVPD values of ≈ 0.83 were achieved for backward, forward-backward, and vertical predictions while for the forward case VVPDmax = 0.74 was achieved. We found that the predicted vertical velocity fields predominantly align with their respective ground truth. The best overall accordance was found for backward and forward-backward scenarios. In summary, we conclude that the stable quality of the reconstructed fields over a long period of time, along with the simplicity of the machine learning algorithm (ESN), which relied on coarse experimental data only, demonstrates the viability of spatial prediction as a suitable method for machine learning application in turbulence.
Teutsch, Philipp; Käufer, Theo; Mäder, Patrick; Cierpka, Christian
Data-driven estimation of scalar quantities from planar velocity measurements by deep learning applied to temperature in thermal convection. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 64 (2023), 12, 191, S. 1-18

The measurement of the transport of scalar quantities within flows is oftentimes laborious, difficult or even unfeasible. On the other hand, velocity measurement techniques are very advanced and give high-resolution, high-fidelity experimental data. Hence, we explore the capabilities of a deep learning model to predict the scalar quantity, in our case temperature, from measured velocity data. Our method is purely data-driven and based on the u-net architecture and, therefore, well-suited for planar experimental data. We demonstrate the applicability of the u-net on experimental temperature and velocity data, measured in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard convection at Pr = 7.1 and Ra = 2 x 10^5, 4 x 10^5, 7 x 10^5. We conduct a hyper-parameter optimization and ablation study to ensure appropriate training convergence and test different architectural variations for the u-net. We test two application scenarios that are of interest to experimentalists. One, in which the u-net is trained with data of the same experimental run and one in which the u-net is trained on data of different Ra. Our analysis shows that the u-net can predict temperature fields similar to the measurement data and preserves typical spatial structure sizes. Moreover, the analysis of the heat transfer associated with the temperature showed good agreement when the u-net is trained with data of the same experimental run. The relative difference between measured and reconstructed local heat transfer of the system characterized by the Nusselt number Nu is between 0.3 and 14.1% depending on Ra. We conclude that deep learning has the potential to supplement measurements and can partially alleviate the expense of additional measurement of the scalar quantity.
Herzberg, Martin; Otto, Henning; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Experimental investigation of indoor air ventilation in a small-scale aircraft cabin model. - In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, (2023), S. 1935-1941

The velocity field of the large-scale circulations (LSC) in turbulent mixed convection is analysed by means of 2D2C particle image velocimetry (PIV). The experiments are carried out in a small-scale model room resampling a generic passenger cabin. To achieve wide ranges of dimensionless numbers, pressurized dry air is used in the SCALEX facility. Three different LSCs have been found, depending on the Archimedes number Ar.
Otto, Henning; Naumann, Clemens; Odenthal, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Unsteady inherent convective mixing in thermal-energy-storage systems during standby periods. - In: PRX energy, Bd. 2 (2023), 4, 043001, S. 043001-1-043001-17

Recent studies on the flow phenomena in stratified thermal-energy-storage (TES) systems have shown that heat conduction from the hot upper fluid layer through the vertical tank sidewall into the lower cold fluid layer leads to counterdirected wall jets adjacent to the vertical sidewalls. It was shown that these phenomena destroyed half of the total exergy content in less than a tenth of the storage time constant of a 2-m3 stratified TES system. This paper investigates short-term fluctuations of the wall jets since these fluctuations can potentially mix the hot and cold zones of the thermal stratification that are separated by the thermocline region. Using particle-image velocimetry measurements in two regions of a TES model experiment (near-wall region and far-field region) and analyzing the frequency content of the velocity fields revealed characteristic oscillations for different regions. In the near-wall region, observed fluctuations agreed well with an adjusted boundary layer frequency from the literature, showing that the wall jet is transitioning from laminar to turbulent flow. In the far-field region, the oscillations are related to the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. It is shown that the fluctuations from the boundaries of the thermocline region are most dominant and propagate into deeper regions of the thermocline. A comparison to data from the large-scale test facility for thermal energy storage in molten salt at the German Aerospace Center in Cologne showed good agreement. The consensus between the two experiments proves firstly that a small-scale model experiment with water as a storage liquid can be used to analyze the physical phenomena of large-scale molten salt storage facilities and secondly that these fluctuations are relevant for exergy destruction in real-scale TES.
Sachs, Sebastian; Schmidt, Hagen; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg
On the behavior of prolate spheroids in a standing surface acoustic wave field. - In: Microfluidics and nanofluidics, ISSN 1613-4990, Bd. 27 (2023), 12, 81, S. 1-19

The active manipulation of particle and cell trajectories in fluids by high-frequency standing surface acoustic waves (sSAW) allows to separate particles and cells systematically depending on their size and acoustic contrast. However, process technologies and biomedical applications usually operate with non-spherical particles, for which the prediction of acoustic forces is highly challenging and remains a subject of ongoing research. In this study, the dynamical behavior of prolate spheroids exposed to a three-dimensional acoustic field with multiple pressure nodes along the channel width is examined. Optical measurements reveal an alignment of the particles orthogonal to the pressure nodes of the sSAW, which has not been reported in literature so far. The dynamical behavior of the particles is analyzed under controlled initial conditions for various motion patterns by imposing a phase shift on the sSAW. To gain detailed understanding of the particle dynamics, a three-dimensional numerical model is developed to predict the acoustic force and torque acting on a prolate spheroid. Considering the acoustically induced streaming around the particle, the numerical results are in excellent agreement with experimental findings. Using the proposed numerical model, a dependence of the acoustic force on the particle shape is found in relation to the acoustic impedance of the channel ceiling. Hence, the numerical model presented herein promises high progress for the design of separation devices utilizing sSAW, exploiting an additional separation criterion based on the particle shape.
Karcher, Christian;
Beitrag des Grundlagenfachs Technische Thermodynamik zur Thematik Technische Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. - In: Technische Bildung für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung, (2023), S. 59-68

Die Technische Thermodynamik versteht sich heutzutage als eine allgemeine Energielehre. In vielen Ingenieurstudiengängen gilt sie als Grundlagenfach, dem die Aufgabe zukommt, den Studierenden die vielfältigen Umwandlungsmöglichkeiten von Energieformen aufzuzeigen. Des Weiteren werden die Studierenden über die Einschränkungen bei den Umwandlungsprozessen unterrichtet, anhand derer sie die Effizienz der Prozesse beurteilen können. Die Aussagen der Thermodynamik sind methodisch in vier Hauptsätzen zusammengefasst. Trotz dieses klaren inhaltlichen Aufbaus ist die Technische Thermodynamik bei vielen Studierenden ein eher unbeliebtes Fach, wohl, weil die sichere Beherrschung abstrakter, fachspezifischer Größen wie Entropie und Exergie notwendig ist. Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich zum Ziel zu zeigen, dass die Kernaussagen der Thermodynamik mit dem Gedanken der Nachhaltigkeit verknüpft sind. Dadurch ist fundiertes Fachwissen in dieser Disziplin von zentraler Bedeutung für die Umsetzung nachhaltiger Ansätze in der Anwendung. Alle künftigen technischen Lösungsvorschläge im Rahmen der viel zitierten Energiewende kommen an dem grundlegenden Verständnis der thermodynamischen Zusammenhänge nicht vorbei. Weiterhin wird anhand von Praxisbeispielen analysiert, welche Herausforderungen sich daraus für die Lehre in der universitären Ingenieurausbildung ergeben. Neben den klassischen Lehrinstrumenten wie Vorlesung und Seminarübung sind auch Erfahrungssammlung durch Laborversuche und Exkursionen wichtige Schritte im Lernprozess.

Kalis, Harijs; Kolesnikov, Yuri
Electrically driven free shear flows in a duct under a transverse uniform magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 59 (2023), 1, S. 3-22

A mathematical model of two-dimensional electrically driven laminar plane free shear flows in a straight duct under the action of an applied spanwise uniform magnetic field is considered. The mathematical approach is like that used in the research of Hunt and Williams (J. Fluid. Mech., 31, 705, 1968) and Kolesnikov and Kalis (Magnetohydrodynamics, vol. 57, 2021, no. 2). A system of stationary partial differential equations with two unknown functions of velocity and induced magnetic field is solved. The electric current is injected into the liquid by means of two couples of linear electrodes located vis-à-vis on opposite duct walls, perpendicular to the magnetic field. Three cases are considered. One pair of electrodes is current supplied and, depending on the direction of electric current injection on the electrode pair, two coinciding or two counter flows are also driven. At Hartmann numbers Ha >> 1, quasi-potential cores are formed in these flows, bounded by lateral Shercliff free boundary layers parallel to the field and two Hartmann layers on the walls perpendicular to the field. As a result, almost all of the injected current passes through these layers. An increase of the magnetic field leads only to an internal rearrangement of the potential cores of the flows. The Hartmann number varies in the range from 1 to 100.
Käufer, Theo; Vieweg, Philipp; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Thermal boundary condition studies in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: European journal of mechanics, ISSN 1873-7390, Bd. 101 (2023), S. 283-293

We study the influence of thermal boundary conditions on large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard convection by a joint analysis of experimental and numerical data sets for a Prandtl number Pr=7 and Rayleigh numbers Ra=105−106. The spatio-temporal experimental data are obtained by combined Particle Image Velocimetry and Particle Image Thermometry measurements in a cuboid cell filled with water at an aspect ratio Γ=25. In addition, numerical data are generated by Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) in domains with Γ=25 and Γ=60 subject to different idealized thermal boundary conditions. Our experimental data show an increased characteristic horizontal extension scale ÜÞλ of the flow structures for increasing Ra , which due to an increase of the convective heat transfer also leads to an increase of the Biot number (Bi) at the cooling plate. However, we find the experimental flow structure size to range in any case in between the ones observed for the idealized thermal boundary conditions captured by the simulations: On the one hand, they are larger than in the numerical case with applied uniform temperatures at the plates. On the other hand, they are smaller than in the case of an applied constant heat flux, the latter of which leads to a structure that grows gradually up to the horizontal domain size. We are able to link this observation qualitatively to theoretical predictions for the onset of convection. Furthermore, we study the effect of the asymmetric boundary conditions on the heat transfer. Contrasting experimental and numerical data reveals an increased probability of far-tail events of reversed heat transfer. The successive decomposition of the local Nusselt number Nuloc traces this effect back to the sign of the temperature deviation ÜÞΘ, eventually revealing asymmetries of the heating and cooling plate on the thermal variance of the generated thermal plumes.
Xu, Lin; Karcher, Christian; Wang, Engang
Numerical simulation of melt flow, heat transfer and solidification in CSP continuous casting mold with vertical-combined electromagnetic braking. - In: Metallurgical and materials transactions, ISSN 1543-1916, Bd. 54 (2023), 4, S. 1646-1664

During continuous casting, electromagnetic braking (EMBr) is a widely used technology to improve the quality of steel product. The EMBr technology takes benefit of the generation of Lorentz forces that are induced by the interactions of melt flow with externally applied magnetic fields. In the present paper we propose and investigate a new type of EMBr, named vertical-combined electromagnetic braking (VC-EMBr) in application to the Compact Strip Production (CSP) thin slab continuous casting mold. The unique characteristic of the VC-EMBr lies in the fact that two new pairs of vertical magnetic poles (VMPs) are located adjacent to the mold narrow faces on the basis of Ruler-EMBr. To determine the braking effect of the VC-EMBr, the influence of the installation position of the VMPs on the flow, heat transfer and solidification behaviors of ultra-low carbon steel in a 1500 × 70 mm CSP funnel-type mold is numerically solved. The fluid-flow-related phenomena of three casting cases in the CSP mold, i.e., No-EMBr, Ruler-EMBr, and VC-EMBr, are further investigated numerically to evaluate the metallurgical capability of the VC-EMBr, including the quantitative evaluation of level fluctuation, heat transfer, and shell growth at a casting speed of 4.5 m/min. The parametric study shows that for the CSP mold with width of 1500 mm, the optimal braking effect of the VC-EMBr can be obtained when the VMPs are located at 50 mm from the narrow face of the mold. With this adjustment, the magnitude of the maximum surface velocity is reduced by 70 pct when compared to the case of p1 = 0 mm. This reduction can decrease the heat loss in the upper recirculation region of the CSP mold and promote the homogeneity of the temperature field therein. In addition, the evaluation results show that the newly proposed VC-EMBr provides more obvious technological advantages than the traditional Ruler-EMBr in application to the CSP mold with a bifurcated nozzle. For the VC-EMBr, the horizontal magnetic poles (HMPs) keep the same advantage as the Ruler-EMBr in providing a good protection against excessive downward impact of the molten steel. On the other hand, the VMPs overcome the disadvantage that the Ruler-EMBr cannot well suppress the upward backflow in the CSP mold. For instance, by applying a magnetic flux density of 0.3 T, the VC-EMBr has a better capability to reduce the maximum amplitude of the level fluctuation by 83.8 pct and increase the average surface temperature of the molten steel from 1803.6 K to 1804.5 K when compared to the case of Ruler-EMBr. This variation can well prevent surface defects related to the level fluctuation, such as slag entrapment and mold powder freezing. On this basis, it can be seen that the industrial application of the VC-EMBr in the CSP mold can benefit from these findings.
Ratz, Manuel; Sachs, Sebastian; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
A deep neural network architecture for reliable 3D position and size determination for Lagrangian particle tracking using a single camera. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 34 (2023), 10, 105203, S. 1-16

Microfluidic flows feature typically fully three-dimensional velocity fields. However, often the optical access for measurements is limited. Astigmatism or defocus particle tracking velocimetry is a technique that enables the 3D position determination of individual particles by the analysis of astigmatic/defocused particle images. The classification and position determination of particles is a task well suited to deep neural networks (DNNs). In this work, two DNNs are used to extract the class and in-plane position (object detection) as well as the depth position (regression). The performance of both DNNs is assessed by the position uncertainties as well as the precision of the size classes and the amount of recalled particles. The DNNs are evaluated on a synthetic dataset and establish a new benchmark of DNNs in defocus tracking applications. The recall is higher than compared to classic methods and the in-plane errors are always subpixel accurate. The relative uncertainty in the depth position is below 1% for all examined particle seeding concentrations. Additionally, the performance on experimental images, using four different particle sizes, ranging from 1.14 to 5.03 is analyzed. The particle images are systematically rearranged to produce comprehensive datasets of varying particle seeding concentrations. The distinction between particles of similar size is more challenging but the DNNs still show very good results. A precision above 96% is reached with a high recall above 95%. The error in the depth position remains below 1% and the in-plane errors are subpixel accurate with respect to the labels. The work shows that first, DNNs can be trained with artificially rearranged data sets based on individual experimental images and are therefore easily adaptable to various experimental setups and applicable by non-experts. Second, the DNNs can be successfully adapted to determine additional variables as in this case the size of the suspended particles.
Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Cierpka, Christian
Flow structure and dynamics behind cylinder arrays at Reynolds number ∼100. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 35 (2023), 6, 067125, S. 067125-1-067125-14

The flow behind nine different arrays of cylinders is experimentally investigated via Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) at a Reynolds number of Re ∼ 100 based on the diameter of the cylinders. Each array consists of a column of four cylinders in front and three in the rear. The horizontal distance between the two columns and the vertical distance between the cylinders within each column are varied for H/D = [2, 4, 8] and V/D = [2, 4, 6], resulting in nine different arrays denoted as mVnH, where m corresponds to V/D and n stands for H/D. The PIV measurements are conducted for 15 s at 200 Hz frequency, corresponding to 39 to 360 vortex shedding events for the wakes in this study. Then, proper orthogonal decomposition is applied to the velocity fields to analyze the flow dynamics. All arrays show unsteady flow, and based on their flow structures, they are classified in to three main categories of single bluff body (SBB), transitional (TR), and co-shedding (CS) flow. SBB characteristics can be seen for 2V2H and 2V4H arrays, but the latter has more steady vortex shedding as the H/D increases from 2 to 4. Then, 2V8H and 4V2H have an asymmetric flow with several vortex streets and act as an intermediary stage in the shift from SBB to CS flow structure when the distances are increased. The highest total kinetic energy values and widest probability density functions of the velocity components are observed for this group. The five remaining arrays in the CS group have symmetric flow, with three or five vortex streets present behind. However, based on the distances, the frequency and phase synchronization of the vortex streets change considerably, which might have an important effect on, for example, the heat transfer or the structural load of the cylinders.
Karcher, Christian; Lyu, Ze
Experimentelle Untersuchung einer Flüssigmetall-Tropfenströmung unter Wirkung eines magnetischen Wechselfelds :
Experimental investigation of liquid metal droplet flow affected by a time-dependent magnetic field. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 90 (2023), 10, S. 625-638

The present study investigates experimentally the effects of a time-dependent and spatially inhomogeneous magnetic field on liquid metal droplet flow down an inclined substrate. The flow is solely excited by the electromagnetic interactions between the electrically conducting melt and the applied magnetic field. The metal droplet consists of the eutectic alloy GaInSn which is liquid at room temperature. The magnetic field is generated in the gap between two metallic disks that are equipped with a special geometric arrangement of permanent magnets and put into a measured rotation. During the experiments, a droplet of a measured volume is positioned on an electrically non-conducting substrate that is slightly inclined against the horizontal direction. Droplet and substrate are placed in between the two rotating magnetic disks. In our experiments, we record the electromagnetically excited flow of the droplet downwards onto the substrate using a high-speed camera system. Applying standard techniques of digital image processing, we measure both the displacement position and velocity of the droplet as a function of time. We observe that, depending on the rotation rate of the disks and angle of inclination, the magnetic field eventually triggers this spreading process. In more detail, by evaluating the recorded data, we find that the magnetic field excites capillary waves at the free surface of the droplet. These surface waves contribute to a redistribution of volume towards the contact line formed at the downward-facing end tip of the droplet. This mode of transport steepens the contact angle, allowing the droplet to move. Besides the fundamental aspect of this work, the present study may contribute to the electromagnetic control of both the production of metallic microfibers and metallurgic coating processes as well as to the non-contact electromagnetic flow measurement technique of Lorentz force velocimetry applied to liquid metal free-surface flows.
Xu, Lin; Pei, Qunwu; Han, Zefeng; Wang, Engang; Wang, Jianyu; Karcher, Christian
Modeling study of EMBr effects on molten steel flow, heat transfer and solidification in a continuous casting mold. - In: Metallurgical research & technology, ISSN 2271-3654, Bd. 120 (2023), 2, 218, S. 1-12

During continuous casting process, the internal molten steel flow pattern of the mold is one of the important factors affecting the quality of slab products. The application of electromagnetic braking (EMBr) technology in the slab caster provides an effective solution to improve the molten steel flow pattern in the mold. In the current research, one of the commonly used EMBr technology is studied, namely the Ruler-EMBr technology. In detail, the effect of magnetic flux density on the behavior of the molten steel jet flow, heat transfer, and solidification in a 1450 mm × 230 mm slab mold is numerically simulated through a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence model together with an enthalpy-porosity approach. The simulation results indicate that the electromagnetic force generated by the Ruler-EMBr can significantly suppress the diffusion of the impinging jet to the narrow face of the mold with the increase of magnetic flux density. By that, the impact of the upward backflow on the meniscus region in the mold is suppressed. Correspondingly, the uniformity of the temperature distribution in the mold is effectively improved. The parametric studies suggest that the optimized magnetic flux density is 0.3 T to ensure the improvement of steel quality with a casting speed of 1.6 m/min. By applying the magnetic flux density of 0.3 T, the Ruler-EMBr has a better capability to reduce the maximum amplitude of the surface velocity by 24.5% and increase the average surface temperature of the molten steel by 0.25% when compared to the case of No-EMBr. With this electromagnetic parameter, the Ruler-EMBr technology can well prevent the mold flux entrapment and promote solidified shell uniform growth along the casting direction.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Listratov, Yaroslav; Belyaev, Ivan; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Sviridov, Evgeny; Zikanov, Oleg
MHD flow of submerged jets behind the inlet disturbance. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 22 (2023), 1, e202200200, S. 1-6

In a broad variety of configurations in technology and industrial applications, the properties of liquid metal flows subjected to strong magnetic fields, are largely governed by the dynamics of coherent structures, known to settle several basic types, such as thin shear layers, forming near the walls or within the fluid domain, vortices extended along the field, or planar and round jets. In some cases, these structures are created by the design, like a submerged jet formed by a sudden expansion from the nozzle into a blanket channel, or jets formed behind some flow obstruction. In the other cases this may be due to instability and evolution of secondary structures, for example, descending and ascending jets appearing as a result of convective instability in blanket channels. In this study, we undertake an attempt to affect liquid metal flow via inlet disturbance formed by a simple rod placed along the magnetic induction lines. The disturbance can generate flat jets behind the rod and, furthermore, a sustainable flow of anisotropic vortical perturbations further downstream the flow. We seek to analyze the most important mechanisms of the flow dynamics and effects of magnetic field on the integral system properties of enhancing mixing, mass and heat transport for such flow. The most optimal regimes of vortex generation are found to be governed by the magnetic interaction parameter (Stuart number). The exact ratio of the optimal Stuart number is found to be in a range between 20 and 40, based on the channel double width as a characteristic size. The observed vortices attain quasi-2D shape and exist at a length of dozens of duct calibers, being the strongest at higher flow rates. The obtained flow regimes and their turbulent properties are also found to resemble significant similarity to the results on quasi-2D turbulence found in prior studies of channel and duct flows under spanwise magnetic field.
Deng, Zhichao; Kondalkar, Vijay V.; Cierpka, Christian; Schmidt, Hagen; König, Jörg
From rectangular to diamond shape : on the three-dimensional and size-dependent transformation of patterns formed by single particles trapped in microfluidic acoustic tweezers. - In: Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0189, Bd. 23 (2023), 9, S. 2154-2160

Generally, the pattern formed by individual particles trapped inside a microfluidic chamber by a two-dimensional standing acoustic wave field has been considered only the result of the acoustic radiation force. Previous studies showed that particles can be trapped at the local minima and maxima of the first-order pressure and velocity fields. Thus, either a rectangular or a diamond pattern can be formed solely depending on the particle size, when the acoustic field is unchanged, and the material properties of the particles and the fluid are fixed. In this paper, we report about the co-existence of different patterns with particles of the same size. The actual shape of the patterns depends mainly on the ratio between particle diameter and wavelength. In addition, particles were found to be trapped at locations that coincide with the position of antinodes, even though the particles have a positive acoustic contrast factor. These phenomena imply that the trapping of individual particles cannot be described by the acoustic radiation force solely. Hence, further research is required, taking the viscous drag force caused by the fluid flow induced by the acoustic streaming effect into account.
Azizy, Raschid; Otto, Henning; König, Jörg; Schreier, David; Weigel, Christoph; Cierpka, Christian; Strehle, Steffen
A microfluidic magnetohydrodynamic pump based on a thermally bonded composite of glass and dry film photoresist. - In: Micro and nano engineering, ISSN 2590-0072, Bd. 18 (2023), 100173, S. 1-8

Miniaturized on-chip micropumps with no moving parts are intriguing components for advanced lab-on-chip systems. Magnetohydrodynamic pumping is one possibility but requires further research with respect to microsystems design and fabrication. In this paper, the design and fabrication of a magnetohydrodynamic micropump is discussed using a composite of patterned glass and stacked dry film photoresist as demonstrator platform. The magnetohydrodynamic pumping effect is achieved by the superposition of an electric ion current generated by integrated electrodes and an external magnetic field provided by a permanent magnet. As test electrolytes, potassium chloride with potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) and potassium hexacyane iron (II) were used. Seamless fluid channel sidewalls were achieved from stacked dry film resists, which appear to be cast from a single mold. A liquid-tight sealing of the microchannels was realized by covering them with a thermally bonded laser-structured glass lid. Although, a complete characterization of the pump performance was not yet realized, the micropump in its current state serves as a technology demonstrator for further research of microfluidic on-chip micropumps that utilize the magnetohydrodynamic effect and also for other microfluidic systems.
Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Kästner, Christian; Valori, Valentina; Thieme, Alexander; Täschner, Kerstin; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
The SCALEX facility - an apparatus for scaled fluid dynamical experiments. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 90 (2023), 5, S. 296-309

The working conditions of the Scaled Convective Airflow Laboratory Experiment (SCALEX) at Technische Universität Ilmenau and sample experiments are reported. The SCALEX facility is a pressure vessel which allows for downscaling of laboratory experiments up to a factor of 20 by compression of gaseous working fluids, air or sulfur hexafluoride, to change the material properties of the fluid. The requirements and conditions for downscaling of fluid dynamical problems are discussed in detail. Long-term high and low pressure tests are conducted to screen the stability of the experimental environment inside the vessel against pressure and temperature fluctuations. Finally, a Rayleigh-Bénard convection experiment at an aspect ratio 10 is performed inside the SCALEX facility as a proof of concept. The reference experiment was conducted under 4.5 bar pressure for Ra = 1.9 × 10^5. However, the Rayleigh number could be varied in a wide range of Ra = 10^4 … 10^8. The flow investigation was pursued with stereoscopic particle image velocimetry in horizontal mid-plane through the convection cell. To improve the image quality the cameras were placed inside the pressure cell and tested up to 6 bar. Thus the feasibility of optical flow measurements at elevated pressures is shown.
Sachs, Sebastian; Ratz, Manuel; Mäder, Patrick; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Particle detection and size recognition based on defocused particle images: a comparison of a deterministic algorithm and a deep neural network. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 64 (2023), 2, 21, S. 1-16

The systematic manipulation of components of multimodal particle solutions is a key for the design of modern industrial products and pharmaceuticals with highly customized properties. In order to optimize innovative particle separation devices on microfluidic scales, a particle size recognition with simultaneous volumetric position determination is essential. In the present study, the astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry is extended by a deterministic algorithm and a deep neural network (DNN) to include size classification of particles of multimodal size distribution. Without any adaptation of the existing measurement setup, a reliable classification of bimodal particle solutions in the size range of 1.14 μm–5.03 μm is demonstrated with a precision of up to 99.9 %. Concurrently, the high detection rate of the particles, suspended in a laminar fluid flow, is quantified by a recall of 99.0 %. By extracting particle images from the experimentally acquired images and placing them on a synthetic background, semi-synthetic images with consistent ground truth are generated. These contain labeled overlapping particle images that are correctly detected and classified by the DNN. The study is complemented by employing the presented algorithms for simultaneous size recognition of up to four particle species with a particle diameter in between 1.14 μm and 5.03 μm. With the very high precision of up to 99.3 % at a recall of 94.8 %, the applicability to classify multimodal particle mixtures even in dense solutions is confirmed. The present contribution thus paves the way for quantitative evaluation of microfluidic separation and mixing processes.
Ratz, Manuel; Fiorini, Domenico; Simonini, Alessia; Cierpka, Christian; Mendez, Miguel Alfonso
Analysis of an unsteady quasi-capillary channel flow with time-resolved PIV and RBF-based super-resolution. - In: Journal of coatings technology and research, ISSN 1935-3804, Bd. 20 (2023), 1, S. 27-40

We investigate the interface dynamics in an unsteady quasi-capillary channel flow. The configuration consists of a liquid column that moves along a vertical 2D channel, open to the atmosphere and driven by a controlled pressure head. Both advancing and receding contact lines were analyzed to test the validity of classic models for dynamic wetting and to study the flow field near the interface. The operating conditions are characterized by a large acceleration, thus dominated by inertia. The shape of the moving meniscus was retrieved using Laser-Induced Fluorescence-based image processing, while the flow field near was analyzed via Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (TR-PIV). The TR-PIV measurements were enhanced in the post-processing, using a combination of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Radial Basis Functions to achieve super-resolution of the velocity field. Large counter-rotating vortices were observed, and their evolution was monitored in terms of the maximum intensity of the Q-field. The results show that classic contact angle models based on interface velocity cannot describe the evolution of the contact angle at a macroscopic scale. Moreover, the impact of the interface dynamics on the flow field is considerable and extends to several capillary lengths below the interface.
Azizy, Raschid; König, Jörg; Bucklitsch, Paul; Schreier, David; Günther-Müller, Sarah; Wedrich, Karin; Weigel, Christoph; Cierpka, Christian; Strehle, Steffen
Fertigung magneto-mikrofluidischer Mikropumpen durch Kombination von Glas, Trockenfilm-Resist und 3D-Druck. - In: Mikrosystemtechnik, (2022), S. 69-72

Belyaev, Ivan A.; Mironov, Ivan S.; Luchinkin, Nikita A.; Listratov, Yaroslav I.; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Kransov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Molokov, Sergei
Experimental study of submerged liquid metal jet in a rectangular duct in a transverse magnetic field. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 953 (2022), A10

A liquid metal flow in the form of a submerged round jet entering a square duct in the presence of a transverse magnetic field is studied experimentally. A range of high Reynolds and Hartmann numbers is considered. Flow velocity is measured using electric potential difference probes. A detailed study of the flow in the duct's cross-section about seven jet's diameters downstream of the inlet reveals the dynamics, which is unsteady and dominated by high-amplitude fluctuations resulting from the instability of the jet. The flow structure and fluctuation properties are largely determined by the value of the Stuart number N. At moderate N, the mean velocity profile retains a central jet with three-dimensional perturbations increasingly suppressed by the magnetic field as N grows. At higher values of N, the flow becomes quasi-two-dimensional and acquires the form of an asymmetric macrovortex, with high-amplitude velocity fluctuations reemerging.
Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Valori, Valentina; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Wide field of view stereoscopic PIV measurements in a Rayleigh-Bénard cell. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 29. Fachtagung, 6.-8. September 2022, Ilmenau, (2022), 44

Otto, Henning; Azizy, Raschid; Schreier, David; König, Jörg; Weigel, Christoph; Strehle, Steffen; Cierpka, Christian
Entwicklung eines magnetohydrodynamischen Pumpsystems für die Mikrofluidik. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 29. Fachtagung, 6.-8. September 2022, Ilmenau, (2022), 38

Deng, Zichao; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Kombinierte Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturmessungen mittels LED und einer Doppelbildkamera. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 29. Fachtagung, 6.-8. September 2022, Ilmenau, (2022), 3

Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
On the benefits and limitations of Echo State Networks for turbulent flow prediction. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 34 (2022), 1, 014002, S. 1-18

The prediction of turbulent flow by the application of machine learning (ML) algorithms to big data is a concept currently in its infancy which requires further development. It is of special importance if the aim is a prediction that is good in a statistical sense or if the vector fields should be predicted as good as possible. For this purpose, the statistical and deterministic prediction of the unsteady but periodic flow of the von Kármán Vortex Street (KVS) was examined using an Echo State Network (ESN) which is well suited for learning from time series due to its recurrent connections. The experimental data of the velocity field of the KVS were collected by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Then, the data were reduced by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and the flow was reconstructed by the first hundred most energetic modes. An ESN with 3000 neurons was optimized with respect to its three main hyperparameters to predict the time coefficients of the POD modes. For the deterministic prediction, the aim was to maximize the correct direction of the vertical velocities. The results indicate that the ESN can mimic the periodicity and the unsteadiness of the flow. It is also able to predict the sequence of the upward and downward directed velocities for longer time spans. For the statistical prediction, the similarity of the probability density functions of the vertical velocity fields between the predicted and actual flow was achieved. The leaking rate of the ESN played a key role in the transition from deterministic to statistical predictions.
Cierpka, Christian
Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 29. Fachtagung, 6.-8. September 2022, Ilmenau. - Karlsruhe : GALA, 2022. - verschiedene Seitenzählungen ISBN 978-3-9816764-8-8

Deng, Zhichao; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
A combined velocity and temperature measurement with an LED and a low-speed camera. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 33 (2022), 11, 115301, S. 1-12

Microfluidic devices are governed by three-dimensional velocity and temperature fields, and their boundary conditions are often unknown. Therefore, a measurement technique is often desired to measure both fields in a volume. With astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry (APTV) combined with luminescence lifetime imaging, the temperature and all velocity components in a volume can be measured with one optical access. While the three-dimensional particle position is determined by evaluating the shape of the corresponding particle image, the temperature measurement relies on estimating the temperature-dependent luminescence lifetime derived from particle images on two subsequent image captures shortly after the photoexcitation. For this, typically a high-energetic pulsed laser is required to ensure a high signal-to-noise ratio. However, it can also cause additional heating of the fluid. We show that this problem is solved by replacing the pulsed laser with an LED. To compensate for the lower power provided by the LED, we adapted the timing schedule and vastly extended the illumination time and the exposure time for both image captures. In addition, we were able to replace the typically used high-speed camera with an ordinary double-frame camera. In this way, very low measurement uncertainties on all measured quantities can be achieved while keeping the temperature of the fluid unaffected. Random errors dominate within the two focal planes of APTV, yielding a standard deviation of the temperature of individual particles of about 1 only. The measurement error caused by the movement of tracer particles during the much longer illumination and exposure time were found to be acceptable when the measured velocity is low. With the circumvention of light-source induced heating and the lower cost of hardware devices, the adapted approach is a suitable measurement technique for microfluidic related research.
Bohm, Sebastian; Phi, Hai Binh; Moriyama, Ayaka; Runge, Erich; Strehle, Steffen; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian; Dittrich, Lars
Highly efficient passive Tesla valves for microfluidic applications. - In: Microsystems & nanoengineering, ISSN 2055-7434, Bd. 8 (2022), 1, 97, S. 1-12

A multistage optimization method is developed yielding Tesla valves that are efficient even at low flow rates, characteristic, e.g., for almost all microfluidic systems, where passive valves have intrinsic advantages over active ones. We report on optimized structures that show a diodicity of up to 1.8 already at flow rates of 20 μl s^-1 corresponding to a Reynolds number of 36. Centerpiece of the design is a topological optimization based on the finite element method. It is set-up to yield easy-to-fabricate valve structures with a small footprint that can be directly used in microfluidic systems. Our numerical two-dimensional optimization takes into account the finite height of the channel approximately by means of a so-called shallow-channel approximation. Based on the three-dimensionally extruded optimized designs, various test structures were fabricated using standard, widely available microsystem manufacturing techniques. The manufacturing process is described in detail since it can be used for the production of similar cost-effective microfluidic systems. For the experimentally fabricated chips, the efficiency of the different valve designs, i.e., the diodicity defined as the ratio of the measured pressure drops in backward and forward flow directions, respectively, is measured and compared to theoretical predictions obtained from full 3D calculations of the Tesla valves. Good agreement is found. In addition to the direct measurement of the diodicities, the flow profiles in the fabricated test structures are determined using a two-dimensional microscopic particle image velocimetry (μPIV) method. Again, a reasonable good agreement of the measured flow profiles with simulated predictions is observed.
Rösing, Wiebke;
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer membranlosen mikrofluidischen Brennstoffzelle. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (viii, 119 Blätter)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2022

Membranlose mikrofluidische Brennstoffzellen (MFCs) stellen aufgrund der theoretisch höheren Energiedichte eine potenzielle Alternative zu konventionellen Batterien dar und sind für die Anwendung in tragbaren elektronischen Geräten von großem Interesse. MFCs werden mit flüssigem Brennstoff und Oxidant betrieben, die in zwei getrennte Eintrittsöffnungen, in einen mit Elektroden ausgestatteten Mikrokanal eingeleitet werden. Bedingt durch die laminare Strömung im Mikrokanal fließen die beiden Fluide parallel zum Kanal, ohne sich konvektiv zu durchmischen. Allerdings sind MFCs aufgrund von geringen Stromdichten bei gleichzeitig niedrigem Brennstoffumsatz noch nicht kommerziell im Einsatz. Ein wesentlicher Grund für die geringen Stromdichten ist die Entstehung von Verarmungsschichten an den Elektrodenoberflächen aufgrund des diffusionsbegrenzten Massentransports. Aus diesem Grund wird zur Entwicklung einer leistungsfähigeren MFC der Fokus in dieser Arbeit auf die Steigerung des konvektiven Massentransports im Mikrokanal in Richtung der Elektroden gelegt. Es wird eine MFC mit gekrümmten Mikrokanal entwickelt. Durch die Krümmung entstehen in der Kurve des Kanals zwei entgegengesetzte Wirbel, die sogenannten Dean-Wirbel, die einen konvektiven Massentransport der Reaktanden an die Elektrodenoberfläche hervorrufen. Neben der Entwicklung einer MFC, werden in dieser Arbeit numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des durch die Krümmung hervorgerufenen konvektiven Massentransports auf die Leistung der entwickelten MFC durchgeführt. Die dreidimensionale Strömung in gekrümmten Mikrokanälen wird mit Hilfe von numerischen Simulationen charakterisiert und die Ergebnisse mittels Astigmatismus Particle Tracking Velocimetry-Messungen (APTV) erfolgreich validiert. Weiterhin wird durch Simulationen und elektrochemische Experimente unter Verwendung eines Modell-Redoxsystems die negative Wirkung der sich bildenden Verarmungsschicht auf die Stromdichte im geraden Abschnitt des Mikrokanals aufgezeigt. In der Kurve kann durch die Dean-Wirbel die Stromdichte dagegen gesteigert werden. Zudem gelingt es mittels Simulationen den Einfluss der Dean-Wirbel auf die Stromdichte und die Leistung der MFC nachzuweisen und zu analysieren. Schließlich wird anhand von APTV-Messungen im Einlassbereich der MFC eine der Hauptströmung überlagerten Strömung festgestellt. Um den daraus resultierenden Brennstoff-Crossover zu verhindern, wird ein neues System mit einer dünnen Lippe im Einlassbereich des Mikrokanals gefertigt, welches den parallelen Fluss der beiden Fluide gewährleistet. Dies schafft die ideale Voraussetzung für die Verwendung des optimierten Mikrokanals als MFC und ebnet den Weg für die weitere Erforschung der MFC mit gekrümmten Mikrokanal.
Weser, Robert; Deng, Zhichao; Kondalkar, Vijay V.; Darinskii, Alexandre N.; Cierpka, Christian; Schmidt, Hagen; König, Jörg
Three-dimensional heating and patterning dynamics of particles in microscale acoustic tweezers. - In: Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0189, Bd. 22 (2022), 15, S. 2886-2901

Acoustic tweezers facilitate a noninvasive, contactless, and label-free method for the precise manipulation of micro objects, including biological cells. Although cells are exposed to mechanical and thermal stress, acoustic tweezers are usually considered as biocompatible. Here, we present a holistic experimental approach to reveal the correlation between acoustic fields, acoustophoretic motion and heating effects of particles induced by an acoustic tweezer setup. The system is based on surface acoustic waves and was characterized by applying laser Doppler vibrometry, astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry and luminescence lifetime imaging. In situ measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution reveal a three-dimensional particle patterning coinciding with the experimentally assisted numerical result of the acoustic radiation force distribution. In addition, a considerable and rapid heating up to 55 &ring;C depending on specific parameters was observed. Although these temperatures may be harmful to living cells, counter-measures can be found as the time scales of patterning and heating are shown to be different.
Moller, Sebastian; Käufer, Theo; Pandey, Ambrish; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Combined particle image velocimetry and thermometry of turbulent superstructures in thermal convection. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 945 (2022), A22, S. A22-1-A22-25

Turbulent superstructures in horizontally extended three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection flows are investigated in controlled laboratory experiments in water at Prandtl number Pr = 7. A Rayleigh-Bénard cell with square cross-section, aspect ratio Γ = l/h = 25, side length l and height h is used. Three different Rayleigh numbers in the range 10^5 < Ra < 10^6 are considered. The cell is accessible optically, such that thermochromic liquid crystals can be seeded as tracer particles to monitor simultaneously temperature and velocity fields in a large section of the horizontal mid-plane for long time periods of up to 6 h, corresponding to approximately 10^4 convective free-fall time units. The joint application of stereoscopic particle image velocimetry and thermometry opens the possibility to assess the local convective heat flux fields in the bulk of the convection cell and thus to analyse the characteristic large-scale transport patterns in the flow. A direct comparison with existing direct numerical simulation data in the same parameter range of Pr, Ra and Γ reveals the same superstructure patterns and global turbulent heat transfer scaling Nu(Ra). Slight quantitative differences can be traced back to violations of the isothermal boundary condition at the extended water-cooled glass plate at the top. The characteristic scales of the patterns fall into the same size range, but are systematically larger. It is confirmed experimentally that the superstructure patterns are an important backbone of the heat transfer. The present experiments enable, furthermore, the study of the gradual evolution of the large-scale patterns in time, which is challenging in simulations of large-aspect-ratio turbulent convection.
Sachs, Sebastian; Baloochi, Mostafa; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg
On the acoustically induced fluid flow in particle separation systems employing standing surface acoustic waves - Part I. - In: Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0189, Bd. 22 (2022), 10, S. 2011-2027

By integrating surface acoustic waves (SAW) into microfluidic devices, microparticle systems can be fractionated precisely in flexible and easily scalable Lab-on-a-Chip platforms. The widely adopted driving mechanism behind this principle is the acoustic radiation force, which depends on the size and acoustic properties of the suspended particles. Superimposed fluid motion caused by the acoustic streaming effect can further manipulate particle trajectories and might have a negative influence on the fractionation result. A characterization of the crucial parameters that affect the pattern and scaling of the acoustically induced flow is thus essential for the design of acoustofluidic separation systems. For the first time, the fluid flow induced by pseudo-standing acoustic wave fields with a wavelength much smaller than the width of the confined microchannel is experimentally revealed in detail, using quantitative three-dimensional measurements of all three velocity components (3D3C). In Part I of this study, we focus on the fluid flow close to the center of the surface acoustic wave field, while in Part II the outer regions with strong acoustic gradients are investigated. By systematic variations of the SAW-wavelength λSAW and channel height H, a transition from vortex pairs extending over the entire channel width W to periodic flows resembling the pseudo-standing wave field is revealed. An adaptation of the electrical power, however, only affects the velocity scaling. Based on the experimental data, a validated numerical model was developed in which critical material parameters and boundary conditions were systematically adjusted. Considering a Navier slip length at the substrate-fluid interface, the simulations provide a strong agreement with the measured velocity data over a large frequency range and enable an energetic consideration of the first and second-order fields. Based on the results of this study, critical parameters were identified for the particle size as well as for channel height and width. Progress for the research on SAW-based separation systems is obtained not only by these findings but also by providing all experimental velocity data to allow for further developments on other sites.
Sachs, Sebastian; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg
On the acoustically induced fluid flow in particle separation systems employing standing surface acoustic waves - Part II. - In: Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0189, Bd. 22 (2022), 10, S. 2028-2040

Particle separation using surface acoustic waves (SAWs) has been a focus of ongoing research for several years, leading to promising technologies based on Lab-on-a-Chip devices. In many of them, scattering effects of acoustic waves on suspended particles are utilized to manipulate their motion by means of the acoustic radiation force (FARF). Due to viscous damping of radiated waves within a fluid, known as the acoustic streaming effect, a superimposed fluid flow is generated, which additionally affects the trajectories of the particles by drag forces. To evaluate the influence of this acoustically induced flow on the fractionation of suspended particles, the present study gives a deep insight into the pattern and scaling of the resulting vortex structures by quantitative three-dimensional, three component (3D3C) velocity measurements. Following the analysis of translationally invariant structures at the center of a pseudo-standing surface acoustic wave (sSAW) in Part I, the focus in Part II turns to the outer regions of acoustic actuation. The impact of key parameters on the formation of the outer vortices, such as the wavelength of the SAW λSAW, the channel height H and electrical power Pel, is investigated with respect to the design of corresponding separation systems. As a result of large gradients in the acoustic fields, broadly extended vortices are formed, which can cause a lateral displacement of particles and are thus essential for a holistic analysis of the flow phenomena. The interaction with an externally imposed main flow reveals local recirculation regions, while the extent of the vortices is quantified based on the displacement of the main flow.
Vieweg, Philipp; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian
Experimental study of a liquid metal film flow in a streamwise magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 58 (2022), 1/2, S. 5-11

Continuous wetting of a surface with liquid metal is indispensable in many applications, such as in fusion reactors. In the present study, we provide data on the suppression of free-surface instabilities of liquid metal film flows under the action of strong streamwise magnetic fields in analogy to the poloidal fields used in application. We have designed and built up an experimental test setup which allows studying the influence of magnetohydrodynamics on the dynamic behaviour of liquid metal GaInSn film flows in laminar, transient, and turbulent regimes. While the width and the length of the film are adjusted at w = 23 mm and l = 120 mm, respectively, we are able to apply strong uniform magnetic fields up to B = 5 T over the entire fluid-flow volume. Moreover, the setup allows to vary the Reynolds number within the range 200 ≤ Re ≤ 1700. The corresponding Hartmann and Stuart numbers are Ha ≤ 180 and N ≤ 40, respectively. This study shows that a streamwise magnetic field is capable of suppressing free-surface instabilities even in the turbulent regime of the film flow by dampening any motion perpendicular to the applied magnetic field. Plans for future studies include the quantitative investigation of the parameter space.
Valori, Valentina; Thieme, Alexander; Cierpka, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air: out-of-plane vorticity from stereoscopic PIV measurements. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 2 S.
Otto, Henning; Cierpka, Christian
On the challenges of precise velocity measurements in vertical convective wall jets. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 2 S.

For the transition of our energy supply towards a higher share of renewables, thermal energy storage (TES) systems are, besides electric batteries and chemical energy storage systems, one promising solution to overcome the volatile nature of renewable energy sources. For the most efficient operation, the liquid storage material in the tank should be stratified by its temperature-dependent density. As a result, the cold fluid remains at the bottom, and the heated fluid rises to the top (Alva et al. (2018)). Typically steel tanks are used for TES, and thus, the wall material has a thermal diffusivity that is one to two orders of magnitude higher than that of the storage fluid. Consequently, the tank’s sidewalls work as a thermal bridge between the stratified layers. In recent studies, the authors have shown that the resulting heat flux induces two counterdirected, convective wall jets near the sidewalls of the tank, which increase mixing of the stratification and thus lowers the exergy content and the storage efficiency (Otto et al. (2019, 2020)). Using a model experiment of a TES, the entire vertical extent of the detected wall jets is investigated. Hence, the typical flow structures of vertical, natural convection under the influence of non-zero temperature gradients in the ambient fluid can be analyzed, which can help to improve storage tanks in the future. The velocity in the region of the wall jets is measured via 2d particle-image velocimetry (PIV) in a rectangular model experiment of 750 mm height on a base area of 375 mm × 375 mm made from polycarbonate. The jets evolve on the surface of an aluminum plate simulating the storage tank’s sidewall. The measuring system consists of four cameras with a resolution of 2160 × 2560 pixels combined with objective lenses with 100 mm focal length capturing the raw images in a plane perpendicular to the aluminum wall. A Nd:YAG laser with a wavelength of 532 nm illuminates the measuring plane. Simultaneously using up to four cameras adjacent to each other and stitching their resulting vector fields, the vertical extent of the field of view increases from 38 mm up to 140 mm. Despite this, the field of view is still much smaller than the vertical extent of the model experiment, so that seven consecutive runs are performed to cover the entire height. Disturbing reflections of the laser light sheet on the aluminum wall are eliminated using optical filters for the cameras that are opaque for the green laser light in combination with fluorescently (Rhodamine B) dyed PMMA tracer particles with a diameter between 1–20 μm. The particles emit light at a wavelength of 610 nm (orange light) and can therefore be detected through the cameras’ filters. During four separate measuring periods, where each lasts for two minutes, double frame images are captured with a time difference of 19.981 ms (maximum possible value) at a measuring frequency of 7 Hz. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the camera setup next to the model experiment and the measurement and evaluation procedure to finally receive one time-averaged velocity field per measuring period of the full height of the experiment. The raw data evaluation process starts with calculating the vector fields of all cameras used at a certain measuring position and stitching them to one flow field of this position. Since the wall jets’ horizontal extents are with 2–7 mm relatively small and they show high velocity gradients, the raw images are evaluated in both single-frame and double-frame mode. With a velocity threshold that corresponds to a pixel displacement of 1/4 of the interrogation window size and the time difference of the single-frames, the resulting vector fields are masked and merged into one final vector field. This vector field consists of high velocities evaluated in double-frame mode and low velocities evaluated in single-frame mode (see Figure 2) thus minimizing the relative error. The algorithm used in this work is similar to the multi-frame PIV approach introduced by Hain and Kähler (2007). Figure 3 shows the time-averaged results of the first measuring period for each of the seven measuring positions in height.
Ratz, Manuel; Fiorini, Domenico; Simonini, Alessia; Cierpka, Christian; Mendez, Miguel Alfonso
Time resolved PIV of the flow field underneath an accelerating meniscus. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 10 S.

We present an experimental analysis of the flow field near an accelerating contact line using time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (TR-PIV). Both advancing and receding contact lines are investigated. The analyzed configuration consists of a liquid column that moves along a vertical 2D channel, open to the atmosphere and driven by a controlled pressure head. Large counter-rotating vortices were observed and analyzed in terms of the maximum intensity of the Q-field. To compute smooth spatial derivatives and improve the measurement resolution in the post-processing stage, we propose a combination of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Radial Basis Functions (RBF). The RBFs are used to regress the spatial and temporal structures of the leading POD modes, so that “high-resolution” modes are obtained. These can then be combined to reconstruct high-resolution fields that are smooth and robust against measurement noise and amenable to analytic differentiation. The results show significant differences in the flow topology between the advancing and the receding cases despite velocity and acceleration of contact lines are comparable in absolute values. This suggests that the flow dynamics are tightly linked to the shape of the interface, which significantly differs in the two cases.
Sachs, Sebastian; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg
Measurement of the acoustic streaming pattern in a standing surface acoustic wave field. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 2 S.

The application of standing surface acoustic waves (sSAW) has enabled the development of many flexible and easily scalable concepts for the fractionation of particle solutions in the field of microfluidic lab-ona-chip devices. In this context, the acoustic radiation force (ARF) is often employed for the targeted manipulation of particle trajectories, whereas acoustically induced flows complicate efficient fractionation in many systems [Sehgal and Kirby (2017)]. Therefore, a characterization of the superimposed fluid motion is essential for the design of such devices. The present work focuses on a structural analysis of the acousticallyexcited flow, both in the center and in the outer regions of the standing wave field. For this, experimental flow measurements were conducted using astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry (APTV) [Cierpka et al. (2010)]. Through multiple approaches, we address the specific challenges for reliable velocity measurements in sSAW due to limited optical access, the influence of the ARF on particle motion, and regions of particle depletion caused by multiple pressure nodes along the channel width and height. Variations in frequency, channel geometry, and electrical power allow for conclusions to be drawn on the formation of a complex, three-dimensional vortex structure at the beginning and end of the sSAW.
Cierpka, Christian; Barnkob, Rune; Sachs, Sebastian; Chen, Minqian; Mäder, Patrick; Rossi, Massimiliano
On the uncertainty of defocus methods for 3D particle tracking velocimetry. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 2 S.

Defocus methods have become more and more popular for the estimation of the 3D position of particles in flows (Cierpka and Kähler, 2011; Rossi and Kähler, 2014). Typically the depth positions of particles are determined by the defocused particle images using image processing algorithms. As these methods allow the determination of all components of the velocity vector in a volume using only a single optical access and a single camera, they are often used in, but not limited to microfluidics. Since almost no additional equipment is necessary they are low-cost methods that are meanwhile widely applied in different fields. To overcome the ambiguity of perfect optical systems, often a cylindrical lens is introduced in the optical system which enhances the differences of the obtained particle images for different depth positions. However, various methods are emerging and it is difficult for non-experienced users to judge what method might be best suited for a given experimental setup. Therefore, the aim of the presentation is a thorough evaluation of the performance of general advanced methods, including also recently presented neural networks (Franchini and Krevor, 2020; König et al., 2020) based on typical images.
Mäder, Patrick; Poll, Constanze; Hüther, Jonas; Jeschke, Sebastian; Otto, Henning; Cierpka, Christian
SmartPIV - an app for flow visualization by cross-correlation and optical flow using smartphones. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 2 S.

In recent years smartphones considerably changed our communication and are used on a daily (or even every minute) basis especially by students without any difficulties. Fluid flows also belong to our daily experiences. However, the education of the basic principles of fluid mechanics is sometimes cumbersome due to its non-linear nature. This problem may be tackled in practical sessions applying flow visualization techniques in wind or water tunnels and directly learn from own observations. Nowadays, often optical methods like particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) or particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) are used for these purposes. A typical PIV/PTV setup consists of a (double)pulse laser, a scientific camera and a synchronization device. The costs for this equipment can easily add up to more than 100,000 euros and the installations and set up of the systems requires experiences and is complex. For these reasons Universities often only offer practical courses for a small amount of students and the students may not be allowed to use and set up the systems by their own as the equipment is also needed for scientific research. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it is also often not allowed to share equipment or even to work in larger groups during practical sessions.
Käufer, Theo; Moller, Sebastian; Rosenberger, Maik; Notni, Gunther; Cierpka, Christian
Multi-spectral imaging for Thermochromic Liquid Crystal based Particle Image Thermometry: a proof of concept. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 8 S.

In this contribution, a novel imaging approach for Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC) based Particle Image Thermometry (PIT) is demonstrated. In contrast to state of the art approaches, a multi-spectral camera was used to record the color response of the Thermochromic Liquid Crystals seeding particles. An experiment with a transparent, water-filled, cylindrical cell as the central element was set up to investigate the novel approach. The temperature in the cell can be controlled by adjusting the temperature of the bottom and top plate. Calibration images at eleven different temperatures ranging from 18 &ring;C to 21.6 &ring;C, as well as images of a stable thermal stratification, were recorded. 90 percent of the calibration data was used to train a neural network (NN) to predict the temperature. The remaining 10 percent of the calibration data and the data of the stable thermal stratification were used to test the NN. The tests show that the deviation between predicted and ground truth temperature is mostly below 0.1 K and that the linear profile of the stable thermal stratification can be predicted with a maximum deviation of ≈ 0.15 K. This shows that multi-spectral imaging with neural networks for data processing is feasible and a promising concept.
Moller, Sebastian;
Experimental characterization of turbulent superstructures in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (xii, 187 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2021

Die Untersuchung von thermisch induzierten Strömungen hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine enorme Aufmerksamkeit erfahren, um geophysikalische und astrophysikalische Systeme besser verstehen zu können. Hierfür hat sich das sogenannte Rayleigh-Bénard Modell als eines der meist untersuchten fluidmechanischen Systeme etabliert, da es die kaum abzubildende Komplexität von natürlichen Systemen in ihrer Mannigfaltigkeit auf ein Fluidvolumen reduziert, welches von unten isotherm erwärmt und von oben isotherm gekühlt wird. Trotz dieser Reduzierung an Komplexität können mit diesem Modell die wesentlichen Eigenschaften von thermischer Konvektion abgebildet werden. Die Strömung in einem solchen System, welche als Rayleigh-Bénard Konvektion bekannt ist, weist Strömungsstrukturen auf unterschiedlichsten Längenskalen auf. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die sogenannten Superstrukturen untersucht. Diese sich in horizontaler Richtung weit erstreckenden Strukturen treten in Erscheinung, wenn die horizontale Dimension der Fluidschicht wesentlich größer als der vertikale Abstand zwischen der erwärmten Unterseite und der gekühlten Oberseite ist. Da die Superstrukturen bisher im Wesentlichen anhand von numerischen Simulationen untersucht wurden, soll in dieser Arbeit erstmals vom experimentellen Standpunkt ein besserer Eindruck gewonnen werden. Zur Untersuchung der Superstrukturen wird eine Rayleigh-Bénard Zelle mit den Abmessungen l × w × h = 700 mm × 700 mm × 28 mm und folglich mit einem Aspektverhältnis von [Gamma] = l/h =25 aufgebaut. Bei allen Experimenten wird diese Zelle mit Wasser als Arbeitsmedium befüllt. Um die Rayleigh-Bénard Strömung zu untersuchen, werden thermochrome Flüssigkristalle als Impfpartikel der Strömung beigefügt, sodass simultane Messungen des Temperatur- und Geschwindigkeitsfeldes in horizontalen Ebenen der Zelle vorgenommen werden können. Während das Geschwindigkeitsfeld mittels der Bewegung der thermochromen Flüssigkristalle im zeitlichen Verlauf anhand der etablierten Partikelbild-Geschwindigkeitsmessung (Particle Image Velocimetry) bestimmt wird, basiert die Messung des Temperaturfelds auf der farblichen Erscheinung der thermochromen Flüssigkristalle, welche unter der Beleuchtung von Weißlicht temperaturabhängig ist. Im Hinblick auf die genaue Bestimmung der Temperatur wird diese Messtechnik umfänglich charakterisiert, wobei die wesentlichen Einflussfaktoren auf die Messunsicherheit diskutiert werden. Da die Untersuchung der turbulenten Superstrukturen mittels dieser Messtechnik den optischen Zugang zur flachen Rayleigh-Bénard Zelle erfordert, ist der Aufbau speziell konstruiert und ermöglicht die Beobachtung der Strömung durch eine transparente Kühlplatte. Der Entwicklungsprozess wird in der Arbeit aus ingenieurstechnischer Sicht genauestens erklärt. Bei der Auswertung der Messungen kommen die großskaligen Strukturen sowohl im Temperaturfeld als auch im Geschwindigkeitsfeld zum Vorschein. Die Größe der Superstrukturen wird untersucht in Abhängigkeit der Rayleigh-Zahl Ra, welche den thermischen Antrieb der Strömung beschreibt und in der vorliegenden Arbeit etwa im Bereich 2 × 10^5 ≤ Ra ≤ 2 × 10^6 variiert wird. Auf der Basis dieser Messungen, welche jeweils einen großen Zeitraum abdecken, wird das Langzeitverhalten der Superstrukturen analysiert, womit deren langsam voranschreitende Umstrukturierung gezeigt wird. Da die kombinierte Messung des Temperatur- und Geschwindigkeitsfeldes in den horizontalen Messebenen die Berechnung des lokalen Wärmestroms ermöglicht, wird diese Möglichkeit ebenfalls demonstriert. Um die experimentellen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bewerten zu können, werden jene mit den Resultaten aus numerischen Simulationen verglichen.
Deng, Zichao; Kondalkar, V.; Weser, Robert; Schmidt, Hagen; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg
Experimentelle Untersuchung eines SAW-Systems zur Parallelanalyse einzelner Zellen. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 28. Fachtagung, 7.-9. September 2021, Bremen, (2021), 35

Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
The von Kármán Vortex Street, an archetype for Machine Learning in turbulence. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 28. Fachtagung, 7.-9. September 2021, Bremen, (2021), 29

Herzberg, Martin; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Experimentelle Untersuchung von turbulenten Strömungsstrukturen in Mischkonvektion. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 28. Fachtagung, 7.-9. September 2021, Bremen, (2021), 18

Sachs, Sebastian; Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg
3D3C Strömungsmessungen zum Einfluss akustisch induzierter Wirbelstrukturen auf die Partikelfraktionierung in Mikrokanälen. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 28. Fachtagung, 7.-9. September 2021, Bremen, (2021), 2

Hübner, Maria; Miettinen, Mikael; Vainio, Valtteri; Cierpka, Christian; Theska, René; Viitala, Raine
Behaviour of porous aerostatic bearings with various restrictor permeabilities. - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2021), S. 115-118

Aerostatic bearings are externally pressurized gas lubricated bearings. Aerostatic bearings are used in high speed and precision motion applications due to low friction and high accuracy. They use a restrictor to limit the flow of the gas into the bearing gap. The presence of the restrictor increases the stability of the bearing against self-excited vibrations. This study focuses on porous graphite restrictors and the effect of permeability on the behaviour of the bearing. The bearings were studied both experimentally and with a simulation model. Flat bearing pads with 37 mm diameter and different restrictor bulk permeability were manufactured and tested. Experimental measurements were conducted on a test setup allowing loading of the bearing against a ground steel plate. The load was supplied with a series of weights. The air gap was measured with a linear length gauge, measuring the displacement of the air bearing. The pressure was controlled with a regulator and the flow rate into the bearing was measured. In order to build an accurate simulation model, the permeability of the used material was calculated from the measured short circuit flow through each 4.5 mm thick sample. The flow in the porous material and in the restrictive layer follows Darcy's law, the flow in the air gap is described by the Navier-Stokes-equation. The simulation model was validated with experimental results. Measurement and simulation results include the air gap height, load and flow rate at a supply pressure of 0.4 MPa. According to previous research and preliminary results the surface restrictor layer has increased the resistance of the bearing to self-excited airhammer vibration, leading to a higher load capacity.

Otto, Henning; Cierpka, Christian
Influence of thermal stratification on vertical natural convection - experimental investigations on the example of thermal energy storage systems. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 33 (2021), 8, 083614, S. 083614-1-083614-12

Stratified thermal energy storages (TESs) are a promising solution for the large-scale energy storage problem of surplus renewable energy. Recent studies have shown parasitic convection occurring in near-wall regions inside such storage tanks, decreasing the working fluid's thermal stratification and reducing their exergy efficiency. This paper presents an experimental investigation of vertical convective flows in thermally stratified environments to complement the theoretical studies in this field. Specifically, we consider natural convection within a stratified laminar flow driven not by active heating but by the temperature gradient along a vertical wall, as is the case in real TES systems. The insights gained into the fundamental physical mechanisms of stratified vertical convection can promote efficiency improvements in TES systems. Therefore, we combine multiple particle image velocimetry and temperature measurements at different heights and thus obtain high-resolution vector fields of the entire wall jet flow and vertical temperature profiles for a TES model experiment. We appropriately modify scaling arguments found in the literature to develop a theory specifically suited to the experimental setup. The experimental data agree well with the modified theory. The results show two laminar counter-directed jets next to the vertical sidewall. In regions with high temperature gradients, the wall jets slow down, and flow reversals occur next to them. Moreover, the wall jets are asymmetric due to temperature-dependent fluid properties in conjunction with the ambient fluid stratification. In the stratification's upper, hot part, the wall jet is thinner and faster than the bottom jet in the cold region.
Cierpka, Christian; Otto, Henning; Poll, Constanze; Hüther, Jonas; Jeschke, Sebastian; Mäder, Patrick
SmartPIV: flow velocity estimates by smartphones for education and field studies. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 62 (2021), 8, 172, S. 1-13

In this paper, a smartphone application is presented that was developed to lower the barrier to introduce particle image velocimetry (PIV) in lab courses. The first benefit is that a PIV system using smartphones and a continuous wave (cw-) laser is much cheaper than a conventional system and thus much more affordable for universities. The second benefit is that the design of the menus follows that of modern camera apps, which are intuitively used. Thus, the system is much less complex and costly than typical systems, and our experience showed that students have much less reservations to work with the system and to try different parameters. Last but not least the app can be applied in the field. The relative uncertainty was shown to be less than 8%, which is reasonable for quick velocity estimates. An analysis of the computational time necessary for the data evaluation showed that with the current implementation the app is capable of providing smooth live display vector fields of the flow. This might further increase the use of modern measurement techniques in industry and education.
Kolesnikov, Yuri; Kalis, Harijs
Electrically driven cylindrical free shear flows under an axial uniform magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 57 (2021), 2, S. 229-250

We consider a mathematical model of two-dimensional electrically driven laminar axisymmetric circular free shear flows in a cylindrical vessel under the action of an applied axial uniform magnetic field. The mathematical approach is based on the studies by J.C.R. Hunt and W.E. Williams (J. Fluid. Mech., 31, 705, 1968). We solve a system of stationary partial differential equations with two unknown functions of velocity and induced magnetic field. The flows are generated as a result of the interaction of the electric current injected into the liquid and the applied field using one or two pairs of concentric annular electrodes located apart on the end walls. Two lateral free shear layers and two Hartmann layers on the end walls and a quasi-potential flow core between them emerge when the Hartmann number Ha >> 1. As a result, almost all injected current passes through these layers. Depending on the direction of the current injection, coinciding or two counter flows between the end walls are realized. The Hartmann number varies in a range from 2 to 300. When a moderate magnetic field (Ha = 50) is reached, the flow rate and the induced magnetic field flux cease to depend on the magnitude of the applied field but depend on the injected electric current value. Increasing magnetic field leads only to inner restructuring of the flows. Redistributions of velocities and induced magnetic fields, electric current density versus Hartmann number are analyzed.
Belyaev, Ivan A.; Pyatnitskaya, Natalia Yu.; Luchinkin, Nikita A.; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Listratov, Yaroslav I.; Mironov, I.S.; Zikanov, Oleg; Sviridov, Evgeniy V.
Flat liquid metal jet affected by a transverse magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 57 (2021), 2, S. 211-222

A liquid metal flat jet immersed in a square duct under the influence of a transverse magnetic field is studied experimentally. Two cases are considered: when the applied magnetic field is oriented parallel (coplanar field) or perpendicularly (transverse field) to the initial plane of the jet. The main goal of the study is to investigate the mean flow characteristics and the stages of the jet's transformation. Signals of streamwise velocity at different locations are measured, which allows us to determine average velocity profiles and spatial-temporal characteristics of the velocity field. The two considered configurations are directly compared under the same flow regimes, with the same equipment.
Barnkob, Rune; Cierpka, Christian; Chen, Minqian; Sachs, Sebastian; Mäder, Patrick; Rossi, Massimiliano
Defocus particle tracking : a comparison of methods based on model functions, cross-correlation, and neural networks. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 32 (2021), 9, 094011, insges. 14 S.

Defocus particle tracking (DPT) has gained increasing importance for its use to determine particle trajectories in all three dimensions with a single-camera system, as typical for a standard microscope, the workhorse of todays ongoing biomedical revolution. DPT methods derive the depth coordinates of particle images from the different defocusing patterns that they show when observed in a volume much larger than the respective depth of field. Therefore it has become common for state-of-the-art methods to apply image recognition techniques. Two of the most commonly and widely used DPT approaches are the application of (astigmatism) particle image model functions (MF methods) and the normalized cross-correlations between measured particle images and reference templates (CC methods). Though still young in the field, the use of neural networks (NN methods) is expected to play a significant role in future and more complex defocus tracking applications. To assess the different strengths of such defocus tracking approaches, we present in this work a general and objective assessment of their performances when applied to synthetic and experimental images of different degrees of astigmatism, noise levels, and particle image overlapping. We show that MF methods work very well in low-concentration cases, while CC methods are more robust and provide better performance in cases of larger particle concentration and thus stronger particle image overlap. The tested NN methods generally showed the lowest performance, however, in comparison to the MF and CC methods, they are yet in an early stage and have still great potential to develop within the field of DPT.
Lyu, Ze; Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic interaction between a permanent magnet and a sphere moving in liquid metal. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 62 (2021), 5, 109, S. 1-16

We present a series of model experiments where an electrically non-conductive solid sphere moves inside a vertical column of liquid alloy GaInSn. The experimental setup consists of the liquid metal container, the sphere driving system and the permanent magnet with the attached force sensor. The sphere moves at a controllable constant velocity U0 and follows a straight route, which in turn generates a liquid metal flow around the sphere. This flow interacts with the localized magnetic field of the permanent magnet, and thus a weak reaction force on the magnet is generated. The force sensor attached on the magnet has a resolution of the order 10^-6. Upon elimination of high frequency noise, reproducible time-dependent signals for the forces on the magnet are obtained in the experiments for several Reynolds numbers Re between 160 and 2000. The force component Fz on the magnet parallel to the direction of particle motion exhibits a typical two-peak structure with different peak heights, whereas the transverse force component Fx resembles an antisymmetric pulse. The results demonstrate that the force sensor can detect the presence of a moving particle in a quiescent conducting liquid. They also show that the structure of the Fx signal can be reproduced with less variation and is less sensitive to the Reynolds number than the Fz signal. Moreover, the structure and magnitude of time-dependent Lorentz force signals can be reasonably predicted by a numerical model.
Kazerooni, Hamid; Zinchenko, Georgy; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Electrical voltage by electron spin-vorticity coupling in laminar ducts. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 6 (2021), 4, 043703, insges. 14 S.

We report a linear scaling law for an electrical voltage as a function of the pressure drop in capillary pipes and ducts. This voltage is generated by a process which is termed spin hydrodynamic generation (SHDG), a result of the collective electron spin-coupling to the vorticity field in the laminar flow in combination with an inverse spin-Hall effect. We study this phenomenon in laminar duct flows with different width-to-height aspect ratios ranging from 1 (square ducts) to infinite (two dimensional channels). First, we analytically solve the governing Valet-Fert spin diffusion equations for the SHDG by means of the method of small parameters together with proper boundary conditions for the set of inhomogeneous elliptic partial differential equations. Second, the proposed linear scaling law is validated through a series of experiments using capillary tubes with rectangular and square cross sections. The experimental results show very good agreement to the analytically found scaling law. A subsequent substitution of the bulk velocity of the laminar wall-bounded flows by the pressure drop reveals a universal scaling law for the electrical voltage that incorporates all pipe and duct geometries which we could study in our experiments. Finally, the efficiency of the system is estimated for circular pipes, rectangular and square ducts. This study shows that the efficiency of a spin hydrodynamic generator is the same for a circular pipe and a square duct with the same diameter and height, respectively. Hence, due to the ease of manufacturing and the possibility to scale the experiments up to parallel settings in a compact form, micro-channels with a square cross section seem to be the optimum for a spin hydrodynamic generator.
Moller, Sebastian; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Long-time experimental investigation of turbulent superstructures in Rayleigh-Bénard convection by noninvasive simultaneous measurements of temperature and velocity fields. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 62 (2021), 4, 64, S. 1-18

Large-scale mean patterns in Rayleigh-Bénard convection, also referred to as turbulent superstructures, have mainly been studied by means of numerical simulations so far, but experimental investigations are still rare. However, the analysis of turbulent superstructures, which are of great importance due to their effect on the local transport of heat and momentum, require both numerical and experimental data. Therefore, within the scope of this study measurements were performed in the horizontal mid plane and in a horizontal plane closer to the top of a Rayleigh-Bénard cell with an aspect ratio of [Gamma]=l/h=25, thereby showing the initial formation of turbulent superstructures and their long-time rearrangement. The turbulent superstructures are investigated experimentally by noninvasive simultaneous measurements of temperature and velocity fields, using the color signal of thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs) for the evaluation of the temperature and their temporal displacement for the determination of all three velocity components in the measurement planes via stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (stereo-PIV). Applying this measuring technique it is demonstrated that the time-averaging of instantaneous temperature and velocity fields uncovers the turbulent superstructures in both fields. Furthermore, the combination of the temperature and velocity data is used to characterize the local heat flux quantified by the local Nusselt number, which confirms that the turbulent superstructures strongly enhance the heat transfer in Rayleigh-Bénard convection.
Angermeier, Sebastian;
Energy-efficient operation of vapor compression systems applied to the battery thermal management of electric buses. - Düren : Shaker Verlag, 2021. - XIV, 187 Seiten. - (Schriftenreihe des MAHLE Doktorandenprogramms ; Band 8)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2021

ISBN 978-3-8440-8009-4

In dieser Arbeit wird eine energieeffiziente Betriebsstrategie eines Batterie-Thermomanagementsystems von Elektrobussen untersucht. Dabei wird sowohl die flüssigkeitsbasierte Batterietemperaturregelung als auch der ideale Betrieb von Dampfkompressionssystemen im Allgemeinen betrachtet. Um das thermische Verhalten der Batterie und die erforderliche Kühllast zu untersuchen, wird eine neuartige transiente Berechnungsmethode des thermischen Batteriesystems vorgeschlagen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine ausreichende Temperierung der Zelltemperatur über eine quasistationäre Regelung. Folglich kann die Batteriekühlanlage unter stationären Bedingungen betrieben werden, um die Anforderungen an die Batterietemperatur zu erfüllen. Zur Optimierung der Energieeffizienz der Batteriekühlanlage wird eine detaillierte theoretische und experimentelle Analyse des idealen stationären Betriebs der Kompressionskältemaschine (KKM) für eine Serienkühleinheit der Mahle GmbH durchgeführt. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wird eine neue modellbasierte Sollwertoptimierungsmethode vorgeschlagen, um die KKM bei idealen Einstellungen zu betreiben. Für quasistationäre Anwendungen stellt die vorgeschlagene Methode eine vielversprechende Alternative zur Extremwertoptimierung oder anderen fortschrittlichen Methoden dar, die zwar genauer sind, aber eine hohe Konvergenzzeit benötigen.

Käufer, Theo; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Stereoscopic PIV measurements using low-cost action cameras. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 62 (2021), 3, 57, S. 1-16

Recently, large progress was made in the development towards low-cost PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) for industrial and educational applications. This paper presents the use of two low-cost action cameras for stereoscopic planar PIV. A continuous wave laser or alternatively an LED was used for illumination and pulsed by a frequency generator. A slight detuning of the light pulsation and camera frame rate minimizes systematic errors by the rolling shutter effect and allows for the synchronization of both cameras by postprocessing without the need of hardware synchronization. The setup was successfully qualified on a rotating particle pattern in a planar and stereoscopic configuration as well as on the jet of an aquarium pump. Since action cameras are intended to be used at outdoor activities, they are small, very robust and work autarkic. In conjunction with the synchronization and image pre-processing scheme presented herein, those cameras enable stereoscopic PIV in harsh environments and even on moving experiments.
Sachs, Sebastian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Suppression of free convection effects for spherical 1 kg mass prototype. - In: International journal of heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1879-2189, Bd. 170 (2021), 121037, insges. 13 S.

We investigate the free convection processes in the vicinity of a spherical 1 kg mass standard by two- and three-dimensional direct numerical simulations using a spectral element method. Our focus is on the determination and suppression of updraft forces in a high-precision mass comparator which are caused by temperature differences between mass standard and its environment in the millikelvin range - a source of systematic uncertainties in the high-precison mass determination. A two-dimensional model is presented first, which obtains a good agreement with previous laboratory measurements for the smaller temperature differences up to 15 mK. The influence of different boundary conditions and side lengths of the square domain is discussed for the mass standard positioned in the center of the chamber. The complexity is increased subsequently in configurations with additional built-ins for counter heating in form of planar plates or hemispherical shells above the mass standard. The latter ones lead to a full compensation of the updraft force. Three-dimensional simulations in a closed cubic chamber confirm the two-dimensional findings and additionally reveal complex secondary flow patterns in the vicinity of the mass standard. The reduction of the heat transfer due to the built-ins is also demonstrated by a comparison of the Nusselt numbers as a function of the Rayleigh number in the chosen parameter range. Our simulations suggest that such additional constructive measures can enhance the precision of the mass determination by suppression of free convection and related systematic uncertainties.
Pyatnitskaya, Natalia; Luchinkin, Nikita; Belyaev, Ivan; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Listratov, Yaroslav; Zikanov, Oleg; Sviridov, Evgeniy
Liquid metal flat jet transformation under influence of transverse magnetic field. - In: ICNRP Volga 2020, (2020), 012002, insges. 7 S.

The article is devoted to an experimental study of a submerged flat jet flow in a transverse magnetic field. Two different approaches to the experimental study of jet flows are described. Detailed information about the experimental program and measuring methods presented here. The flow of a flat jet 6 mm high in a square channel with a side of 56 mm is considered. The channel is positioned so that the plane of the jet is perpendicular to the magnetic field induction. The results of measuring velocity profiles and waveforms by swivel-type probe with potential sensor are presented. Effects that can be interpreted in different ways are found: strongly unstationary flow regimes, mean flow reorganization, and development of near-wall jets. Additional experiments are prepared to obtain more detailed information about the restructuring and development of the jet. In particular, continuous measurements along the channel will be made in the presence of a slight main flow.
Angermeier, Sebastian; Karcher, Christian
Model-based condenser fan speed optimization of vapor compression systems. - In: Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, Bd. 13 (2020), 22, 6012, S. 1-26

Vapor compression systems (VCS) cover a wide range of applications and consume large amounts of energy. In this context, previous research identified the optimization of the condenser fans speed as a promising measure to improve the energy efficiency of VCS. The present paper introduces a steady-state modeling approach of an air-cooled VCS to predict the ideal condenser fan speed. The model consists of a hybrid characterization of the main components of a VCS and the optimization problem is formulated as minimizing the total energy consumption by respectively adjusting the condenser fan and compressor speed. In contrast to optimization strategies found in the literature, the proposed model does not relay on algorithms, but provides a single optimization term to predict the ideal fan speed. A detailed experimental validation demonstrates the feasibility of the model approach and further suggests that the ideal condenser fan speed can be calculated with sufficient precision, assuming constant evaporating pressure, compressor efficiency, subcooling, and superheating, respectively. In addition, a control strategy based on the developed model is presented, which is able to drive the VCS to its optimal operation. Therefore, the study provides a crucial input for set-point optimization and steady-state modeling of air-cooled vapor compression systems.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Belyaev, Ivan A.; Listratov, Yaroslav I.; Zikanov, Oleg
Liquid metal swirling flow affected by transverse magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 56 (2020), 2/3, S. 121-129

In this work we study numerically liquid metal flow in a squareduct under the influence ofa transverse magnetic field applied in a spanwise direction (coplanar). The key interest of thepresent study is an attempt of passive control of flow regimesdeveloped under magnetic fieldand thermal loads by applying specially shaped conditions,such as swirling, at the duct inlet.In this paper, we report results of numerical simulations ofthe interaction of swirling flow andtransverse magnetic field in a square duct flow. Analysis of the obtained regimes might beimportant for the development of an experimental setup, in order to design corresponding inletsections.
Leng, Xueyuan; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Li, Benwen
MHD Taylor-Couette flow with insulating walls at periodic condition and low magnetic Reynolds number. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 56 (2020), 2/3, S. 103-112

This work studies turbulent behavior in Taylor-Couette flow of an electrically conducting fluid between two co-axial and infinitely long insulating cylinders in the presence of an axial magnetic field at a low magnetic Reynolds number. The inner cylinder rotates and the outer one is kept stationary. Direct numerical simulation was conducted to study the problem with Reynolds numbers of 4000 and 8000 with different Hartmann numbers. The results show a continuous suppression of turbulence in the flow under the applied magnetic field. The mean flow profile is not directly affected by the magnetic field, but its transformation depends on the decrease of turbulent fluctuations and wall normal momentum transport. With increasing Hartmann number, the observed decrease of Taylor vortex flow is accompanied by the elongated axial wavelengths, confirming the theoretical prediction of linear stability theory. A comparison of the considered case of insulating cylinders with a previous study with conducting cylinders also indicates a difference between these two cases and highlights a significant impact of the electric boundary conditions on turbulence.
Angermeier, Sebastian; Ketterer, Jonas; Karcher, Christian
Liquid-based battery temperature control of electric buses. - In: Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, Bd. 13 (2020), 19, 4990, S. 1-20

Previous research identified that battery temperature control is critical to the safety, lifetime, and performance of electric vehicles. In this paper, the liquid-based battery temperature control of electric buses is investigated subject to heat transfer behavior and control strategy. Therefore, a new transient calculation method is proposed to simulate the thermal behavior of a coolant-cooled battery system. The method is based on the system identification technique and combines the advantage of low computational effort and high accuracy. In detail, four transfer functions are extracted by a thermo-hydraulic 3D simulation model comprising 12 prismatic lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) cells, housing, arrestors, and a cooling plate. The transfer functions describe the relationship between heat generation, cell temperature, and coolant temperature. A vehicle model calculates the power consumption of an electric bus and thus provides the input for the transient calculation. Furthermore, a cell temperature control strategy is developed with respect to the constraints of a refrigerant-based battery cooling unit. The data obtained from the simulation demonstrate the high thermal inertia of the system and suggest sufficient control of the battery temperature using a quasi-stationary cooling strategy. Thereby, the study reveals a crucial design input for battery cooling systems in terms of heat transfer behavior and control strategy.
Belyaev, Ivan; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Biryukov, Dmitry; Chernysh, Denis; Zikanov, Oleg; Listratov, Yaroslav
Effects of symmetry on magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection flow in a vertical duct. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 32 (2020), 9, 094106, S. 094106-1-094106-21

Magnetohydrodynamic convection in a downward flow of liquid metal in a vertical duct is investigated experimentally and numerically. It is known from earlier studies that in a certain range of parameters, the flow exhibits high-amplitude pulsations of temperature in the form of isolated bursts or quasi-regular fluctuations. This study extends the analysis while focusing on the effects of symmetry introduced by two-sided rather than one-sided wall heating. It is found that the temperature pulsations are robust physical phenomena appearing for both types of heating and various inlet conditions. At the same time, the properties, typical amplitude, and range of existence in the parametric space are very different at the symmetric and asymmetric heating. The obtained data show good agreement between computations and experiments and allow us to explain the physical mechanisms causing the pulsation behavior.
Xu, Lin; Wang, Engang; Karcher, Christian; Deng, Anyuan; Xu, Xiujie; Han, Zefeng
Effect of vertical-combine EMBr on steel/slag interface in the funnel shape mold of thin slab continuous casting. - In: International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics, ISSN 1875-8800, Bd. 61 (2020), S. S85-S92
Kazerooni, Hamid; Thieme, Alexander; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Electron spin-vorticity coupling in pipe flows at low and high Reynolds number. - In: Physical review applied, ISSN 2331-7019, Bd. 14 (2020), 1, S. 014002-1-014002-9

Spin-hydrodynamic coupling is a recently discovered method to directly generate electricity from an electrically conducting fluid flow in the absence of Lorentz forces. This method relies on a collective coupling of electron spins - the internal quantum-mechanical angular momentum of the electrons - with the local vorticity of a fluid flow. In this work, we experimentally investigate the spin-hydrodynamic coupling in circular- and noncircular-capillary pipe flows and extend a previously obtained range of Reynolds numbers to smaller and larger values, 20 < Re < 21500, using the conducting liquid-metal alloy (Ga,In)Sn as the working liquid. In particular, we provide experimental evidence for the linear dependence of the generated electric voltage with respect to the bulk-flow velocity in the laminar regime of the circular pipe flow as predicted by Matsuo et al. [Phys. Rev. B. 96, 020401 (2017)]. Moreover, we show analytically that this behavior is universal in the laminar regime regardless of the cross-sectional shape of the pipe. Finally, the proposed scaling law by Takahashi et al. [Nat. Phys. 12, 52 (2016)] for the generated voltage in turbulent circular pipe flows is experimentally evaluated at Reynolds numbers higher than in previous studies. Our results verify the reliability of the proposed scaling law for Reynolds numbers up to Re = 21500 for which the flow is in a fully developed turbulent state.
Blahout, Sebastian; Reinecke, Simon R.; Kazerooni, Hamid; Kruggel-Emden, Harald; Hussong, Jeanette
On the 3D distribution and size fractionation of microparticles in a serpentine microchannel. - In: Microfluidics and nanofluidics, ISSN 1613-4990, Bd. 24 (2020), 3, 22, S. 1-10
Moller, Sebastian; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
On the application of neural networks for temperature field measurements using thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 61 (2020), 4, 111, S. 1-21

This study presents an investigation regarding the applicability of neural networks for temperature measurements using thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs) and discusses advantages as well as disadvantages of common calibration approaches. For the characterization of the measurement technique, the dependency of the color of the TLCs on the temperature as well as on the observation angle and, therefore, on the position within the field of view of a color camera is analyzed in detail. In order to consider the influence of the position within the field of view on the color, neural networks are applied for the calibration of the temperature measurements. In particular, the focus of this study is on analysis of the error of temperature measurement for different network configurations as well as training methods, yielding a mean absolute deviation and a mean standard deviation in the range of 0.1 K for instantaneous measurements. On the basis of a comparison of this standard deviation to that of two further calibration approaches, it is shown that neural networks are suited for temperature measurements via the color of TLCs. Finally, the applicability of this measurement technique is illustrated at an exemplary temperature measurement in a horizontal plane of a Rayleigh-Bénard cell with large aspect ratio, which clearly shows the emergence of convective flow patterns by means of the temperature field.
Otto, Henning; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Optical measurements on thermal convection processes inside thermal energy storages during stand-by periods. - In: Optics, ISSN 2673-3269, Bd. 1 (2020), 1, S. 155-172

Thermal energy storages (TES) are increasingly important for storing energy from renewable energy sources. TES that work with liquid storage materials are used in their most efficient way by stratifying the storage fluid by its thermal density gradient. Mixing of the stratification layers during stand-by periods decreases the thermal efficiency of the TES. Tank sidewalls, unlike the often poorly heat-conducting storage fluids, promote a heat flux from the hot to the cold layer and lead to thermal convection. In this experimental study planar particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements and background-oriented schlieren (BOS) temperature measurements are performed in a model experiment of a TES to characterise the influence of the thermal convection on the stratification and thus the storage efficiency. The PIV results show two vertical, counter-directed wall jets that approach in the thermocline between the stratification layers. The wall jet in the hot part of the thermal stratification shows compared to the wall jet in the cold region strong fluctuations in the vertical velocity, that promote mixing of the two layers. The BOS measurements have proven that the technique is capable of measuring temperature fields in thermally stratified storage tanks. The density gradient field as an intermediate result during the evaluation of the temperature field can be used to indicate convective structures that are in good agreement to the measured velocity fields.
König, Jörg; Chen, Minqian; Rösing, Wiebke; Boho, David; Mäder, Patrick; Cierpka, Christian
On the use of a cascaded convolutional neural network for three-dimensional flow measurements using astigmatic PTV. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Volume 31 (2020), number 7, 074015, 14 Seiten

Many applications in chemistry, biology and medicine use microfluidic devices to separate, detect and analyze samples on a miniaturized size-level. Fluid flows evolving in channels of only several tens to hundreds of micrometers in size are often of a 3D nature, affecting the tailored transport of cells and particles. To analyze flow phenomena and local distributions of particles within those channels, astigmatic particle tracking velocimetry (APTV) has become a valuable tool, on condition that basic requirements like low optical aberrations and particles with a very narrow size distribution are fulfilled. Making use of the progress made in the field of machine vision, deep neural networks may help to overcome these limiting requirements, opening new fields of applications for APTV and allowing them to be used by nonexpert users. To qualify the use of a cascaded deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for particle detection and position regression, a detailed investigation was carried out starting from artificial particle images with known ground truth to real flow measurements inside a microchannel, using particles with uni- and bimodal size distributions. In the case of monodisperse particles, the mean absolute error and standard deviation of particle depth-position of less than and about 1 [my]m were determined, employing the deep neural network and the classical evaluation method based on the minimum Euclidean distance approach. While these values apply to all particle size distributions using the neural network, they continuously increase towards the margins of the measurement volume of about one order of magnitude for the classical method, if nonmonodisperse particles are used. Nevertheless, limiting the depth of measurement volume in between the two focal points of APTV, reliable flow measurements with low uncertainty are also possible with the classical evaluation method and polydisperse tracer particles. The results of the flow measurements presented herein confirm this finding. The source code of the deep neural network used here is available on
Brockmann, Philipp; Kazerooni, Hamid; Brandt, Luca; Hussong, Jeanette
Utilizing the ball lens effect for astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 61 (2020), 2, 67, S. 1-19
Zheng, Jincan; Liu, Runcong; Wang, Xiaodong; Xu, Guodong; Lyu, Ze; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Na, Xianzhao
An online contactless investigation of the meniscus velocity in a continuous casting mold using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Metallurgical and materials transactions, ISSN 1543-1916, Bd. 51 (2020), 2, S. 558-569

Monitoring the meniscus velocities of molten steel in continuous casting molds is critical for revealing the velocity field in the whole mold and consequently for process control and final product quality, however, the realization of contactless online measurement in an actual metallurgy environment is a highly challenging task. In this paper, we develop a special Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) device to measure the local meniscus velocities of molten steel flow, and this device can adapt to harsh environments with high temperature, opaque liquid metal and surrounding complex electromagnetic noise. A series of laboratory experiments and calibrations were conducted to provide support for a follow-up in-plant test. The LFV device exhibits capability and feasibility for measuring the meniscus velocity in continuous casting molds during plant tests. On this basis, the velocity field and turbulent flow in a wide slab continuous casting mold are analyzed. The measured meniscus velocity is on the order of ˜ 10^-1 m/s, which is consistent with the results obtained via the nail-board approach.
Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Resagk, Christian
Electromagnetic effects on the salt crystallization process within the turbulent pipe flow. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 51

Lyu, Ze; Zheng, Jincan; Karcher, Christian; Ni, Ming-Jiu; Wang, Xiaodong
Experimental study of Lorentz force velocimetry for bubble detection under ambient magnetic field. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 37

Resagk, Christian; Wiederhold, Andreas; Cierpka, Christian
Interface deflections induced by local magnetic fields in a liquid metal battery model experiment. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 23

Kolesnikov, Yuri;
Experimental study of liquid metal film flow in a strong streamwise magnetic field. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 10

Chen, Lu; Liu, Ke; Li, Benwen; Karcher, Christian
Fluid flow and heat transfer of radiation participating MHD in enclosed cavities. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 11

Karcher, Christian; Lyu, Ze; Xu, Xiujie; Wang, Engang
Liquid metal droplet flow affected by a travelling magnetic field. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 393-398

Uhlemann, Margitta; Hähnel, Veronika; Khan, Foysal Zahid; Mutschke, Gerd; Cierpka, Christian; Fritsch, Ingrid
Combining magnetic forces for contactless manipulation of fluids in microelectrode-microfluidic systems. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 359-363

Mutschke, Gerd; Massing, Julian; Hossain, S. Sahil; Yang, Xuegeng; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Cierpka, Christian; Eckert, Kerstin
Study of the Marangoni effect during electrolytic gas evolution. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 348-352

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Leng, Xueyuan
MHD Taylor-Couette flow with insulating walls at low magnetic Reynolds number. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 111-115

Belyaev, Ivan A.; Krasnov, Dmitry; Biryukov, Dmitry A.; Listratov, Yaroslav I.; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Zikanov, Oleg; Sviridov, V. G.
Instabilities in mixed convection at moderate and strong magnetic fields. - In: Conference proceedings, PAMIR 2019, Reims, (2019), S. 82-86

Habka, Muhsen;
Analyse und Optimierung eines Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungssystems unter Berücksichtigung von alternativen Energien und verschiedenen Kreisprozessen. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (iii, 181, iv-xl Blätter)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2019

Die Geothermie sowie die Solarthermie stellen sehr große technische Potenziale zur Energiegewinnung zur Verfügung. Die derzeit zwei verfügbaren Umwandlungsverfahren dieser niedertemperierten Wärme mit Sekundärkreislauf sind der Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) und das Kalina-Cycle-System (KCS). Für geringe Quellentemperaturen bis 120 &ring;C wird der ORC ohne und mit Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) analysiert sowie weiter optimiert und mit der Ausführung von Kalina Cycle KCS 34 gewichtet. Für die geothermische Stromerzeugung erzielen zeotrope Fluidgemische mit ziemlich geringen kritischen Temperaturen, im subkritischen Bereich des ORC, Leistungssteigerungen sowie Optimierungen nach dem zweiten Hauptsatz bis 30 %, verglichen mit den Reinfluiden. Dies richtet sich jedoch nach der Geothermalwassertemperatur; d.h.: Jeder Temperatur ist einem sachgemäßen zeotropen Gemisch zugeordnet. Dabei sind Eigenschaften von Gemischen wie z.B. R422A und R402A für die Geothermalwassertemperatur 100 &ring;C, R22M und R438A für 120 &ring;C supergeeignet. Für die KWK werden Hybridmodelle entworfen, in denen verschiedene Kopplungsvarianten sowie Prozessführungen, wie Verwendung von zwei Vorwärmern, zwei Verdampfungsaggregaten oder die Basisführung, stehen. Verglichen mit dem bekannten Serien- und Parallelmodell haben all diese Systemführungen geringere Sensitivität zu Auslegungs- und Betriebsparametern des Heizsystems sowie zu den Fluidklassen, zusammen mit optimierter Leistungserzeugung. Der Cash-Flow als Maßstab der Wirtschaftlichkeit folgt dem thermodynamischen Zielfaktor und bestätigt die Überkompensation des Mehraufwands der optimierten Anlagen. Im Vergleich des ORC und KCS 34 für die Geothermalwassertemperaturen bis 120 &ring;C zeigt sich der ORC mit den Fluidgemischen überlegen. Dagegen liefert KCS 34 bei Limitierung der Geothermalwasserauskühlung Mehrleistung. Für die KWK beweisen sich die Hybridmodelle des ORC als hervorragende Kreisläufe. Für Reservoire mit höheren Temperaturen als 120 &ring;C ist das Serienmodell mit KCS 34 vorteilhafter. In der solarthermischen Betrachtung scheint die kaskadierte Methode der Wärmekopplung mit dem ORC und Flachkollektor zusammen mit Verwendung der zeotropen Gemische zur Optimierung des Teillastverhaltens und Verringerung der Systemsensitivität vielversprechend, verglichen mit der klassischen Wärmekopplung mit dem ORC-Kondensator und Reinarbeitsmitteln.
Massing, Julian; Schoot, Nadine; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
A fast start up system for microfluidic direct methanol fuel cells. - In: International journal of hydrogen energy, ISSN 1879-3487, Bd. 44 (2019), 48, S. 26517-26529

A novel simple and effective heating system for microfluidic direct methanol fuel cells was characterized experimentally. It consisted of a semi-conductive indium tin oxide heating layer of nanometer thickness that was applied to the anode and cathode cover plates and subjected to high electrical power. Within only 25 s, temperatures of up to 80&ring;C were reached in the vicinity of the membrane, which was verified experimentally. With this system the time needed to generate more than 90 of the maximum output power of the fuel cell can be reduced to 20 s, thus overcoming the well known problem of long start up times in the order of minutes of this type of fuel cells. Furthermore, deeper insight into the role of the convective heat transfer is given. For the first time simultaneous measurements of the three-dimensional velocity and temperature distributions within the anode channel of a microfluidic direct methanol fuel cell were performed by means of luminescence lifetime imaging and astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry. The experimental results prove a significant cooling effect of the anode flow, whereas the influence of the cathode flow is small. Finally, various possible future improvements to increase the efficiency of the heating system are identified.
König, Jörg; Moller, Sebastian; Granzow, Nicolai; Cierpka, Christian
On the application of a supercontinuum white light laser for simultaneous measurements of temperature and velocity fields using thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: Experimental thermal and fluid science, Volume 109 (2019), 109914, Seite 1-13

Simultaneous velocity and temperature measurements using thermochromic liquid crystals (TLC) as tracer particles are discussed, with regard to measuring range, uncertainty and spatial resolution. For the first time, a supercontinuum laser is used to illuminate these particles, which shall later be used for the characterization of the momentum and heat transfer in Rayleigh-Bénard cells with high aspect ratio using particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle image thermometry (PIT). Light scattered from the TLCs is analyzed by spectrometer measurements, revealing its general scattering characteristics depending on the angle between the light sheet plane and the viewing axis. It is shown that white light sources with continuous spectral characteristic and a slightly higher fraction of light in the red wavelength range perform well, thereby the supercontinuum white light laser can be used, even though it has a cut-in wavelength of about 475 nm. The numerical aperture of the detection optics and chromatic aberrations of the laser light significantly affect the temperature sensitivity and dynamic range of the color of the TLCs. This may cause an effective temperature sensitivity range of about one-tenth of their nominal range, particularly at large angles between light sheet plane and viewing axis, as usually applied in PIV. A simultaneous velocity and temperature measurement in a Rayleigh-Bénard cell experimentally validates that the use of the supercontinuum laser allows for reliable simultaneous PIV and PIT measurements with high spatial resolution of less than 500 [my]m in out-of-plane direction, on condition that an appropriate two-dimensional calibration is applied.
Angermeier, Sebastian; Ketterer, Jonas; Karcher, Christian
Influence of coolant temperature fluctuations to battery cell temperature. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2019), 12, insges. 8 S.

Chen, Lu; Liu, Ke; Li, Benwen; Karcher, Christian
Effects of thermal radiation and magnetic field on heat transfer and fluid flow in energy storage. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2019), 11, insges. 6 S.

Karcher, Christian; Ketterer, Jonas; Xu, Xiujie; Wang, Engang
Flüssigmetall-Tropfenströmungen unter der Wirkung rotierender Magnetfelder. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2019), 10, insges. 7 S.

Halbedel, Bernd; Kolesnikov, Yuri
Magnetische Separation von Teilchen aus Fluiden - Grundlagen, Ergebnisse und Vorrichtungsvorschläge. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2019), 9, insges. 13 S.

Rösing, Wiebke; Schildhauer, Toni; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Passive control of the concentration boundary layer in microfluidic fuel cells using Dean vortices. - In: Microfluidics and nanofluidics, ISSN 1613-4990, Bd. 23 (2019), 9, 110, S. 1-11
Scharff, Moritz; Schorr, Philipp; Becker, Tatiana; Resagk, Christian; Alencastre Miranda, Jorge H.; Behn, Carsten
An artificial vibrissa-like sensor for detection of flows. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 19 (2019), 18, 3892, insges. 16 S.

In nature, there are several examples of sophisticated sensory systems to sense flows, e.g., the vibrissae of mammals. Seals can detect the flow of their prey, and rats are able to perceive the flow of surrounding air. The vibrissae are arranged around muzzle of an animal. A vibrissa consists of two major components: a shaft (infector) and a follicle-sinus complex (receptor), whereby the base of the shaft is supported by the follicle-sinus complex. The vibrissa shaft collects and transmits stimuli, e.g., flows, while the follicle-sinus complex transduces them for further processing. Beside detecting flows, the animals can also recognize the size of an object or determine the surface texture. Here, the combination of these functionalities in a single sensory system serves as paragon for artificial tactile sensors. The detection of flows becomes important regarding the measurement of flow characteristics, e.g., velocity, as well as the influence of the sensor during the scanning of objects. These aspects are closely related to each other, but, how can the characteristics of flow be represented by the signals at the base of a vibrissa shaft or by an artificial vibrissa-like sensor respectively? In this work, the structure of a natural vibrissa shaft is simplified to a slender, cylindrical/tapered elastic beam. The model is analyzed in simulation and experiment in order to identify the necessary observables to evaluate flows based on the quasi-static large deflection of the sensor shaft inside a steady, non-uniform, laminar, in-compressible flow.
Angermeier, Sebastian; Föhner, L.; Kerler, Boris; Karcher, Christian
Messunsicherheit am einfachen Kältekreislauf :
Uncertainty in measurement of a vapor compression system. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, (2019), S. 46.1-46.8

Otto, Henning; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Combined velocity and temperature field measurements in stratified hot water storage tanks :
Kombinierte Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturfeldmessungen in thermischen Schichtenspeichern. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, (2019), S. 26.1-26.8

Moller, Sebastian; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Application of neural networks to temperature field measurements in Rayleigh-Bénard convection using thermochromic liquid crystals :
Anwendung neuronaler Netze zur Temperaturfeldmessung in Rayleigh-Bénard Konvektion mittels thermochromer Flüssigkristalle. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, (2019), S. 25.1-25.10

Cierpka, Christian; Mäder, Patrick
SmartPIV - Smartphone-based flow visualization for education :
SmartPIV - Strömungsvisualisierung mit dem Smartphone in der Lehre. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, (2019), S. 23.1-23.7

Resagk, Christian; Wiederhold, Andreas; Cierpka, Christian
Interface deflections induced by local magnetic fields in a liquid metal battery model :
Grenzflächenschwingungen in Flüssigmetallbatterien, angeregt durch lokale magnetische Felder. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, (2019), S. 10.1-10.7

Cierpka, Christian; König, Jörg; Chen, Minqian; Boho, David; Mäder, Patrick
On the use of machine learning algorithms for the calibration of astigmatism PTV. - In: 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, (2019), S. 772-781
Massing, Julian; Schoot, Nadine; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
Experimental characterization of a fast heating system for microfluidic direct methanol fuel cells. - In: 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, (2019), S. 498-505
Otto, Henning; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Convective near-wall flow in thermally stratified hot water storage tanks. - In: 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, (2019), S. 485-491
Moller, Sebastian; Thieme, Alexander; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fields in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, (2019), S. 457-467
Moller, Sebastian; König, Jörg; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Influence of the illumination spectrum and observation angle on temperature measurements using thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Volume 30 (2019), 8, 084006, Seite 1-12

As measurements of velocity and temperature fields are of paramount importance for analyzing heat transfer problems, the development and characterization of measuring techniques is an ongoing challenge. In this respect, optical measurements have become a powerful tool, as both quantities can be measured noninvasively. For instance, combining particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle image thermometry (PIT) using thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs) as tracer particles allows for a simultaneous measurement of velocity and temperature fields with low uncertainty. However, the temperature dependency of the color appearance of TLCs, which is used for the temperature measurements, is affected by several experimental parameters. In particular, the spectrum of the white light source, necessary for the illumination of TLCs, shows a greater influence on the range of color play with temperature of TLCs. Therefore, two different spectral distributions of the white light illumination have been tested. The results clearly indicate that a spectrum with reduced intensities in the blue range and increased intensities in the red range leads to a higher sensitivity for temperature measurements, which decreases the measurement uncertainty. Furthermore, the influence of the angle between illumination and observation of TLCs has been studied in detail. It is shown that the temperature measurement range of TLCs drastically decreases with an increasing angle between illumination and observation. A high sensitivity is obtained for angles in between [phi] = 50&ring; and [phi] = 70&ring;, promising temperature measurements with a very low uncertainty within this range. Finally, a new calibration approach for temperature measurements via the color of TLCs is presented. Based on linear interpolation of the temperature dependent value of hue, uncertainties in the range of 0.1 K are possible, offering the possibility to measure very small temperature differences. The potential of the developed approach is shown at the example of simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fields in Rayleigh-Bénard convection.
Cierpka, Christian; Kästner, Christian; Resagk, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
On the challenges for reliable measurements of convection in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard cells in air and sulfur-hexafluoride. - In: Experimental thermal and fluid science, Volume 109 (2019), article 109841
Kästner, Christian; Resagk, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
Experimental analysis of superstructures in large-aspect-ratio Rayleigh Bénard convection. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), DY 5.3

Liu, Wenjun;
Numerical studies of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard magnetoconvection in rectangular enclosures. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (vi, 113 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2019

Turbulente Magnetokonvektion in Flüssigmetallen wird in geschlossenen rechteckigen Zellen für starke äußere Magnetfelder durch direkte numerische Simulationen untersucht, welche die quasistatische Näherung anwenden. Das Hauptziel ist es, zu verstehen wie der turbulenten Wärme und Impulstransport beeinflusst wird und wie die Konvektionsstrukturen durch die Magnetfelder umorganisiert werden. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Systeme untersucht, bei denen die turbulente RB-Konvektion in einem horizontalen Magnetfeld bzw. einem vertikalen Magnetfeld erfolgt. Für das System mit einem horizontalen Magnetfeld wird RB-Konvektion bei einer Rayleigh-Zahl von 1e6 in einer Zelle mit quadratischer Grundfläche und einer langen rechteckigen Zelle untersucht. Unterschiedliche Konvektionsregimes werden identifiziert, welche vom Aspektverhältnis und der Stärke des Magnetfelds abhängen. Das bemerkenswerteste Konvektionsregime, das in der Box mit quadratischer Grundfläche beobachtet wird, ist die Umkehrung der Strömung - ein Reorganisationsprozess der rollenartigen Struktur, die durch ein gemäßigtes Magnetfeld eingeschränkt wird. Das Regime zeigt eine interessante Ähnlichkeit mit der großskaligen Intermittenz in einer Kanalströmung mit einem moderaten Magnetfeld in Spannweitenrichtung. Das interessanteste Konvektionsregime in der langen rechteckigen Zelle ist die verdrillte Walzenstruktur, die aus zwei Walzen mit halber Behälterlänge mit unterschiedlichen Ausrichtungen während der Übergangsperiode besteht. Für das System mit einem vertikalen Magnetfeld wird hauptsächlich RB-Konvektion bei einer Rayleigh-Zahl von 1e6 in einer geschlossenen kubischen Zelle und bei einer hohen Rayleigh-Zahl von 1e7 in einer Zelle mit quadratischer Grundfläche beschrieben. Durch eine Fourier-Analyse werden Konvektionsstrukturen mit abnehmender charakteristischer horizontaler Wellenlänge gefunden während Ha zunimmt. Der turbulente Wärmetransport verteilt sich zunehmend auf Strömungsstrukturen, die an den Seitenwänden anliegen. Ähnlich wie bei rotierender RB-Konvektion bestehen die Seitenwandmoden für Ha oberhalb der Chandrasekhar-Grenze fort. Es erfolgt, eine detaillierte Analyse der komplexen Zweischicht-Struktur dieser Seitenwandmoden, ihrer Ausdehnung in das Zellinnere und der daraus resultierenden Zusammensetzung der Seitenwandgrenzschicht, deren Skalierung mit der Shercliff-Schichtdicke erfolgen kann.
Lyu, Ze;
Lorentz force velocimetry in liquid metal two-phase flow applications. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (100 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2019

Zweiphasenströmungen elektrischer leitfähiger Flüssigkeiten treten in einer Reihe von metallurgischen Prozessen auf. Zum Beispiel werden beim Stranggießen von Stahl Argonblasen in die Schmelze eingelassen, um ein Zusetzen des Tauchrohrs durch das Anlagern von Oxiden zu verhindern, die Schmelze in der Kokille zu mischen und zu homogenisieren sowie Verunreinigungen an die Badoberfläche zu transportieren, wo diese dann gezielt abgezogen werden können. Für eine lückenlose Prozess- und Qualitätskontrolle ist es unabdingbar, solche zweiphasigen Strömungstransportvorgänge messtechnisch zu erfassen. Unter den verschiedenen Strömungsmessverfahren für Flüssigmetalle ist die neu entwickelte Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie (LKA) ein vielversprechender Variante. Sie beruht auf der Messung der strömungsinduzierten Kraft, die sogenannte Lorentzkraft, die auf ein extern in der Nähe der Strömung angeordnetes Permanentmagnetsystem wirkt. Diese Lorentzkraft ist nach den Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Magnetofluiddynamik direkt proportional zur Geschwindigkeit bzw. zur Durchflussmenge der Schmelzenströmung und der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit der Schmelze. Der wesentliche Vorteil der LKA ist ihr berührungsfreier und nicht intrusiver Charakter, der es auch bei industriellen Anwendungen im Hochtemperaturbereich erlaubt, Messungen zur lokalen Geschwindigkeitsverteilung bzw. Bestimmung des globalen Durchflusses in heißen und chemisch aggressiven Substanzen durchzuführen. Die Funktionalität der LKA wurde bereits in einer Reihe von Laborexperimenten mit der bei Raumtemperatur schmelzflüssigen Modelllegierung GaInSn sowie in Feldtests im Aluminium- und Stahlbereich nachgewiesen. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, dieses Messverfahren auf Flüssigmetall-Zwei-Phasenströmungen anzuwenden und damit den Einsatzbereich der LKA auf industriell relevante Problemstellungen zu erweitern. Hierzu werden eine Reihe von Modellexperimenten mit der Testschmelze GaInSn durchgeführt, in denen sich elektrisch nicht leitfähige Gasblasen oder Festkörperpartikel bewegen. Das Ziel der Untersuchungen ist die Beantwortung der Frage, ob aus den gemessenen Kraftsignalen reproduzierbare Aussagen über Blasen- bzw. Partikelgröße sowie deren Geschwindigkeit und Position treffen lassen. Die Schwierigkeit bei dieser Aufgabe besteht darin, dass die elektrisch nicht leitfähigen Blasen oder Partikel nicht direkt mittels LKA detektierbar sind, sondern nur ihre dynamischen Wechselwirkungen mit der Schmelze. In allen Experimenten erfolgt die Kraftmessung durch einen interferometrisch-optischen Kraftsensor (IOFS), der an einen kleinen würfelförmigen Permanentmagnet auf NdFeB-Basis gekoppelt ist. Die Kraftsignale für Partikel und Blasen werden erfasst und ausgewertet. Im Detail werden die Abhängigkeit des Maximalwertes der Lorentzkraft vom Partikeldurchmesser, von der Magnetfeldstärke, vom Abstand zwischen Partikel und Wand sowie der Partikelgeschwindigkeit analysiert. Die Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für die erfolgreiche Anwendung der LKA zur Partikel- oder Blasenerkennung in Flüssigmetallströmungen. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen werden zudem durch entsprechende numerischen Simulationen flankiert. Es zeigen sich gute bis sehr gute Übereinstimmungen zwischen den experimentellen Beobachtungen und den theoretischen Voraussagen. In zwei weiteren Testexperimenten, in denen die Dynamik von aufsteigenden Blasen in einer Hochtemperaturschmelze und unter dem Einfluss eines starken Hintergrundmagnetfelds (bis 1 T) mittels LKA analysiert werden, bestätigen die Leistungsfähigkeit der Messmethode nicht nur unter Laborbedingungen, sondern auch unter rauen industrienahen Produktionsbedingungen.
Haehnel, Veronika; Khan, Foysal Z.; Mutschke, Gerd; Cierpka, Christian; Uhlemann, Margitta; Fritsch, Ingrid
Combining magnetic forces for contactless manipulation of fluids in microelectrode-microfluidic systems. - In: Scientific reports, ISSN 2045-2322, Bd. 9 (2019), 5103, S. 1-11

A novel method to drive and manipulate fluid in a contactless way in a microelectrode-microfluidic system is demonstrated by combining the Lorentz and magnetic field gradient forces. The method is based on the redox-reaction [Fe(CN)6]3-/[Fe(CN)6]4- performed in a magnetic field oriented perpendicular to the ionic current that crosses the gap between two arrays of oppositely polarized microelectrodes, generating a magnetohydrodynamic flow. Additionally, a movable magnetized CoFe micro-strip is placed at different positions beneath the gap. In this region, the magnetic flux density is changed locally and a strong magnetic field gradient is formed. The redox-reaction changes the magnetic susceptibility of the electrolyte near the electrodes, and the resulting magnetic field gradient exerts a force on the fluid, which leads to a deflection of the Lorentz force-driven main flow. Particle Image Velocity measurements and numerical simulations demonstrate that by combining the two magnetic forces, the flow is not only redirected, but also a local change of concentration of paramagnetic species is realized.
Wiederhold, Andreas;
Strömungsmessung und Strömungsbeeinflussung in leitfähigen Mehrphasensystemen durch elektromagnetische Kräfte. - Ilmenau, 2019. - X, 116 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2019

Mehrphasenströmungen sind in Natur und Technik allgegenwärtig. Insbesondere in der Pharma- oder Nahrungsmittelindustrie kommt ihnen eine weitreichende Bedeutung zu. In diesen Branchen wird aus hygienischen Gründen oder aufgrund der Opazität oder chemischen Aggressivität der Flüssigkeiten Wert auf kontaktlose und nichtinvasive Durchflussmessverfahren gelegt. Dabei stoßen viele Messverfahren wegen der Vielzahl an Restriktionen an ihre Grenzen. Für elektrisch leitfähige Flüssigkeiten ist die auf elektromagnetischen Wechselwirkungen basierende Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie (LKA) eine vielversprechende Alternative. Bei diesem Verfahren wird das strömende Fluid einem magnetischen Feld ausgesetzt und die generierte Lorentzkraft gemessen. Nachdem die LKA aufgrund der sehr hohen elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten bereits erfolgreich bei Metallschmelzen getestet wurde, lag in den letzten Jahren der Fokus auf der Messung von schwach leitfähigen Fluiden. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird der Einfluss von dispersen Mehrphasenströmungen auf die LKA untersucht. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen bei verschiedenen Strömungsstrukturen eine zumeist hohe Übereinstimmung mit theoretischen Ansätzen. Im Zuge dieser Messungen wurde eine weitere magnetische Kraft ermittelt, die allein auf Suszeptibilitätsunterschieden der verschiedenen Phasen beruht und nicht auf eine Leitfähigkeit des Fluids angewiesen ist. Es wird gezeigt, dass mithilfe dieser Kraft die Vermessung von Schwallströmungen oder einzelnen Tropfen möglich ist. Darüber hinaus befasst sich die Arbeit mit geschichteten Mehrphasenströmungen, die in einem weiteren Experiment mittels rotierenden Lorentzkräften angeregt werden. Diese Strömungen können in Flüssigmetallbatterien auftreten, einen Erfolg versprechenden, neuen Energiespeichertechnologie, bei der drei Fluide übereinander geschichtet sind. Die Experimente bestätigen ein ähnliches Verhalten zwischen den in der Modellzelle angeregten magnetohydrodynamischen Oberflächeninstabilitäten und natürlichen Schwerewellen.

Tran, Ninh; Lyu, Ze; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Numerical model for the detection of single particle in two-phase Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: IEEE transactions on magnetics, ISSN 1941-0069, Bd. 55 (2019), 2, S. 4300204, insges. 4 S.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Boeck, Thomas
Numerical simulation of electrically conducting jet flow in a straight duct under longitudinal homogeneous magnetic field. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 31 (2019), 1, 014108, insges. 15 S.

Spatial evolution of electrically conducting jet flow at a supercritical Reynolds number, entering a duct filled with the liquid of the same physical properties, is studied by direct numerical simulations for the case of a streamwise uniform magnetic field. In contrast to the case of a transverse field, here the jet mean velocity does not interact with the streamwise field, and only the turbulent fluctuations of the flow are influenced and suppressed by the field. In this case, the jet saves its energy and has a tendency to spread at much larger distances. Therefore, one interesting and important property of this setup is the flow stabilization, i.e., transition to turbulence can be largely delayed due to the stabilizing effect of the magnetic field. This occurs in the presence of moderate magnetic fields. At strong magnetic fields, the second instability evolves-the jet profile becomes unsteady due to the traveling waves, which propagate along the jet while not interacting with the field. These traveling waves are generated by the interaction of secondary radial flows and magnetic field.
Dubovikova, Nataliia; Gerlach, Erik; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
Mathematical modeling of friction stir welding considering dry and viscous friction. - In: Applied mathematical modelling, Bd. 67 (2019), S. 1-8
Corrigendum: Bd. 77 (2020), part 1, page 981
Massing, Julian; Mutschke, Gerd; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Hossain, Syed Sahil; Yang, Xuegeng; Eckert, Kerstin; Cierpka, Christian
Thermocapillary convection during hydrogen evolution at microelectrodes. - In: Electrochimica acta, ISSN 1873-3859, Bd. 297 (2019), S. 929-940

The origin of strong electrolyte flow during water electrolysis is investigated, that arises at the interface between electrolyte and hydrogen bubbles evolving at microelectrodes. This Marangoni convection was unveiled only recently (Yang et al., PCCP, 2018, [1]) and is supposed to be driven by shear stress at the gas-liquid interface caused by thermal and concentration gradients. The present work firstly allows a quantification of the thermocapillary effect and discusses further contributions to the Marangoni convection which may arise also from the electrocapillary effect. Hydrogen gas bubbles were electrolytically generated at a horizontal Pt microelectrode in a 1MH2SO4 solution. Simultaneous measurements of the velocity and the temperature field of the electrolyte close to the bubble interface were performed by means of particle tracking velocimetry and luminescent lifetime imaging. Additionally, corresponding numerical simulations of the temperature distribution in the cell and the electrolyte flow resulting from thermocapillary stress only were performed. The results confirm significant Ohmic heating near the micro-electrode and a strong flow driven along the interface away from the microelectrode. The results further show an excellent match between simulation and experiment for both the velocity and the temperature field within the wedge-like electrolyte volume at the bubble foot close to the electrode, thus indicating the thermocapillary effect as the major driving mechanism of the convection. Further away from the microelectrode, but still below the bubble equator, however, quantitative differences between experiment and simulation appear in the velocity field, whereas the temperature gradient still matches well. Thus, additional effects must act on the interface, which are not yet included in the present simulation. The detailed discussion tends to rule out solution-based effects, generally referred to as solutal effects, whereas electrocapillary effects are likely to play a role. Finally, the thermocapillary effect is found to exert a force on the bubble which is retarding its departure from the electrode.
König, Jörg; Moller, Sebastian; Cierpka, Christian
Studies on the simultaneous measurement of velocity and temperature fields in Rayleigh-Bénard convection using thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, (2018), S. 62-68
Massing, Julian; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
3D temperature and velocity measurements in microfluidics. - In: 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, (2018), S. 518-523
Kästner, Christian; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
On the difficulties for reliable measurements of convection in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard cells. - In: 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, (2018), S. 716-721
Wiederhold, Andreas; Boeck, Thomas; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Detection and measurement of bubbles in gas-liquid two-phase flow using magnetic fields. - In: Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 9, (2018), S. 401-404

Angermeier, Sebastian; Kerler, Boris
Instrumentierung eines Prüfstandes für Batteriekühlanlagen elektrischer Stadtbusse :
Instrumentation of a battery thermal management system test bench for electric city busses. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 2018, Seite 38.1-38.6

Moller, Sebastian; König, Jörg; Resagk, Christian; Schiepel, Daniel; Schmeling, Daniel; Cierpka, Christian
Factors of influence on the image of thermochromic liquid crystals for simultaneous measurements of velocities and temperatures :
Einflussfaktoren auf die Abbildung thermochromer Flüssigkristalle zur simultanen Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturmessung. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 2018, Seite 40.1-40.10

Otto, Henning; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
Influence of local parasitic near-wall flows in thermal storage tanks :
Einfluss lokaler parasitärer Wandschichtströmungen in thermischen Energiespeichern. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 2018, Seite 33.1-33.7

König, Jörg; Khan, Foysal, Z.; Fritsch, Ingrid; Cierpka, Christian
Experimental characterization of the fluid flow induced in micro chambers by redox-magnetohydrodynamic pumping. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 2018, Seite 18.1-18.5

Massing, Julian; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Yang, Xuegeng; Mutschke, Gerd; Eckert, Kerstin; Cierpka, Christian
Measurements of the Marangoni flow at electrogenerated hydrogen bubbles :
Messung der Marangoniströmung an elektrochemisch erzeugten Wasserstoffblasen. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 2018, Seite 6.1-6.8

Ali, Majd;
Thermodynamic optimization and electromagnetic control of the adsorption processes in the refrigeration technology. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (IX, 168 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2018

Das Ziel dieses Promotionsvorhabens ist es, die Adsorptionskälteanlage zu optimieren und die großen Entwicklungshindernisse der Adsorptionskältetechnik zu überwinden. Beispiele hierfür sind die geringe Leistungszahl und die lange Zykluszeit zur Erzeugung des Kältemittels, die sich je nach den verwendeten Arbeitspaaren und der Fahrtemperatur unterscheidet. Ein weiteres Problem stellt das intermittierende Arbeitsprinzip für den einfachsten Zyklus eines Adsorptionskühlsystems dar. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit eine analytische, thermodynamische und numerische Untersuchung eines Neubaus einer Adsorptionskälteanlage für Gefrieranwendungen vorgestellt. Dieses neuartige System, das in dieser Promotion als kombiniertes Adsorptions- Eisproduktionssystem (com-AIP-System) bezeichnet wird, verwendet zwei verschiedene Adsorptionsmaterialien zusammen in einer Maschine. Die Hauptziele der vorliegenden Arbeit sind: Erhöhung der pro Zyklus erzeugten Eismenge, Erzeugung von kontinuierlicher Kälteleistung, Verbesserung der Zykluszeit und Einsparung der erforderlichen Eingangswärme durch Erhöhung der Massenstromrate des Kältemittels. Dieses Kältemittel verlässt den Adsorptionsreaktor und fließt in Richtung des Kondensators. Um dies zu erreichen, umfasst das com-AIP-System zwei Adsorptionsreaktoren. Der erste Adsorptionsreaktor ist mit Silikagel und der zweite mit Aktivkohle als Adsorptionsmittel gefüllt. Methanol wurde als Adsorbat und Kühlmittel mit beiden Reaktoren verwendet. Das com-AIP-System ermöglicht die Nutzung der Vorteile der physikalischen Eigenschaften der Adsorbentien SG und AC. Diese vorgeschlagene Strategie des AIP-Systems unterscheidet sich vollständig von den herkömmlichen Adsorptionsreaktoren, die mit einem Adsorptionsmittel in einem oder in zwei Reaktoren gefüllt sind. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird eine numerische und analytische Untersuchung der Wirkung der HTF-Strömung vorgestellt. Die Desorption und Leistung des Adsorptionsreaktors wird ausgewertet. Die Wirkung der HTF-Natur wird für die gleichen Adsorptionsreaktoren (SG- und AC-Reaktoren) betrachtet, die zum Desorbieren von 1 kg Methanol erhitzt wurden. Um den HTF-Flow-Natur-Effekt zu untersuchen, wurde die Variation der Reynolds-, Nusselt- und Biot-Zahlen hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Temperaturverteilung durch beide Reaktoren beobachtet. Die Verwendung der thermischen Heizung, wie Abwärme oder Solarenergie der Industrie, hat einige schwerwiegende Nachteile bei der Entwicklung der Adsorptionstechnologie. Der größte Nachteil ist, dass der Adsorptionsreaktor eine lange Zeit von etwa einer Stunde benötigt um die erforderliche Menge des Adsorbats zu desorbieren. Darüber hinaus hat der Adsorptionsreaktor einen komplexen Aufbau, welcher aus Rohren mit heißem Wasser und einer Vielzahl an Heizrippen besteht. Um die Probleme konventioneller Methoden (thermisches Heizen) zu überwinden, wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein neues Design vorgestellt. Dieses besteht aus zwei gleichen Adsorptionsreaktoren mit einer neuen Wärmequelle (Induktionserwärmung). Das Dissertationsprojekt behandelt auch eine mathematische Modellierung und numerische Simulation eines Induktionsheizsystems für zwei Adsorptionsreaktoren, gefüllt mit Silikagel und Aktivkohle als Adsorptionsmaterial sowie Methanol als Adsorbat. Der Zweck dieser Untersuchung war die Verwendung der elektromagnetischen Induktionstechnologie als eine neue Wärmequelle des Adsorptionseis-Produktionssystems. Die Induktionsheizung wird mit der thermischen Beheizung verglichen. Dazu werden die beiden thermischen und induktiven Adsorptionsreaktoren ausgelegt, um die gleiche desorbierte Kältemittelmenge von 1 kg zu erzeugen. Dieser Aufbau wurde unter gleichen Betriebs- und Randbedingungen getestet. Für die numerische und mathematische Modellierung werden die Programme ANSYS Electronics, ANSYS Fluent und MATLAB verwendet.
Kästner, Christian; Resagk, Christian; Westphalen, Jasper; Junghähnel, Manuela; Cierpka, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
Assessment of horizontal velocity fields in square thermal convection cells with large aspect ratio. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 59 (2018), 11, 171, S. 1-13

Transparent heating plates, consisting of glass coated with a transparent conductive metal oxide, are applied in large aspect ratio turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) to investigate the large-scale patterns of velocity fields with optical flow measurement techniques across the whole horizontal cross section. The square convection cell with an aspect ratio [Gamma] = L/h = 10 was tested inside the scaled convective airflow laboratory experiment (SCALEX) facility which enables experiments with gases as working fluids for pressures of up to 10 bar to achieve very high Rayleigh numbers Ra. For the current study, Ra = 2 x 10^4 was applied. The velocity fields are measured with 2D3C particle image velocimetry (PIV). The possibility of reliable PIV measurements with reproducible homogenous temperature boundary conditions was demonstrated in the SCALEX facility. The seeding of the tracer particles, their illumination and data evaluation are addressed in detail. The final comparison of experimental data and numerical simulations shows a good agreement for the probability density functions of the horizontal velocity components. Deviations for the vertical out-of-plane velocity component and their dependence on the thickness of the laser sheet are discussed in detail and quantified by measurements with light sheets of different thickness.
Kühndel, Jonas;
Thermohydraulische Untersuchungen an additiv gefertigten tiefengewellten Rippen für Kühlungsanwendungen. - Aachen : Shaker Verlag, 2018. - XIV, 151 Seiten. - (Schriftenreihe des MAHLE Doktorandenprogramms ; Band 6)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2018

ISBN 3-8440-6287-4

Eine Steigerung der Effizienz von Wärmeübertragern birgt das Potenzial Energiebedarf, Material, Bauraum und Kosten zu reduzieren. Luftgekühlte Motorkühlungswärmeübertrager wie sie bei Bau- und Landmaschinen eingesetzt werden zeichnen sich durch ein Betriebsumfeld aus, das von Verschmutzungspartikeln wie Staub und Pflanzenmaterial geprägt ist. Sie müssen gegenüber Verunreinigungen resistent und mittels Druckluft zu reinigen sein. Deshalb werden auf ihrer Luftseite tiefengewellte Wellrippen eingesetzt. Die bestehenden Korrelationen zur Beschreibung des Wärmeübergangs und des Druckverlustes in Abhängigkeit der tiefengewellten Rippengeometrie genügen allerdings bisher nicht den Ansprüchen bei einer präzisen Auslegung von Wärmeübertragern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung einer neuen Methodik vorgestellt, die die Designfreiheitsgrade des Selektiven Laserschmelzens (SLM) nutzt, um eine experimentelle Analyse des thermohydraulischen Verhaltens von praxisrelevanten Geometrieparametern wie Amplitude, Wellenlänge und Grundform bei tiefengewellten Wellrippen durchzuführen. Der Einfluss dieser Geometrieparameter auf Leistung und Druckverlust wird anhand experimenteller, thermodynamischer Leistungsmessungen analysiert. Im Zuge der Arbeit wird hierfür ein Prüfstand zur Untersuchung SLM-gefertigter Versuchselemente mit Wellrippenstrukturen entwickelt. Mit hoch genauen, reproduzierbaren Messungen werden anhand von und Darcy friction factor Wärmeübertragung und Druckverlust der Wellrippen analysiert. Dabei werden kleinskalierte Versuchselemente gefertigt und hinsichtlich Maßhaltigkeit, Porosität und Oberflächenrauigkeit untersucht. Es wird der Effekt der erhöhten Oberflächenrauigkeiten des SLM experimentell und mit numerischen Simulationen behandelt. Die maßhaltige Realisierung der Geometrieparametervariationen in feinen Schritten bildet eine engmaschige Versuchsmatrix für den relevanten Parameterbereich der Wellenausprägungen verschiedener tiefengewellter Grundformen. Die bei konventioneller Rippenfertigung auftretenden Effekte, wie der des Anstellwinkels sowie der Wellenmodulation werden untersucht. Auf Basis der Messdaten können neue, präzisere empirische Korrelationen entwickelt werden, welche zuverlässig und präzise das Verhalten von tiefengewellten Wellrippen modellieren. Somit kann eine optimale Auslegung von Wärmeübertragern erfolgen.

Massing, Julian; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
A volumetric temperature and velocity measurement technique for microfluidics based on luminescence lifetime imaging. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 59 (2018), 11, 163, S. 1-13

A novel optical measurement technique is introduced and qualified which enables the simultaneous determination of the three-dimensional temperature field and the three components of the three-dimensional velocity field in microfluidic applications with only one camera. The temperature is obtained by evaluating the emission decay of individual luminescent polymer particles, whereas the velocity field can be calculated simultaneously from the flow-induced shift of individual particle images in time. To acquire the depth information, the well-established astigmatism particle-tracking velocimetry technique is employed. With this method, systematic errors caused by volume illumination and the reduced spatial resolution due to window averaging as in micro particle image velocimetry ([my]-PIV) or laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) can be avoided. The technique can easily be optimized for the investigated temperature range and flow velocities and offers an exceptionally high spatial resolution and accuracy.
Xu, L.; Wang, E. G.; Karcher, Christian; Deng, A. Y.; Xu, X. J.
Analysis of the influence of vertical EMBr on steel/slag interface in continuous casting. - In: 9th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2018)14-18 October 2018, Hyogo, Japan, (2018), S. 012034, insges. 4 S.
Lyu, Ze; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Boeck, Thomas
Electromagnetic flow rate measurement in molten tin circulating in a closed-loop test system. - In: 9th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2018)14-18 October 2018, Hyogo, Japan, (2018), S. 012084, insges. 4 S.
Karcher, Christian; Lyu, Ze; Boeck, Thomas; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Experimental and numerical investigation on particle-induced liquid metal flow using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: 9th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2018)14-18 October 2018, Hyogo, Japan, (2018), S. 012006, insges. 4 S.
Xu, Lin; Wang, Engang; Karcher, Christian; Deng, Anyuan; Xu, Xiujie
Numerical simulation of the effects of horizontal and vertical EMBr on jet flow and mold level fluctuation in continuous casting. - In: Metallurgical and materials transactions. Process metallurgy and materials processing science. - New York, NY : Springer Sciences & Business Media, 1975- , ISSN: 1543-1916 , ZDB-ID: 2037524-4, ISSN 1543-1916, Bd. 49 (2018), 5, S. 2779-2793
Kühndel, Jonas; Kerler, Boris; Karcher, Christian
Selective laser melting in heat exchanger development - experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of wavy fins. - In: Heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1432-1181, Bd. 54 (2018), 8, S. 2187-2193

To improve performance of heat exchangers for vehicle applications, it is necessary to increase the air side heat transfer. Selective laser melting gives rise to be applied for fin development due to: i) independency of conventional tooling ii) a fast way to conduct essential experimental studies iii) high dimensional accuracy iv) degrees of freedom in design. Therefore, heat exchanger elements with wavy fins were examined in an experimental study. Experiments were conducted for air side Reynolds number range of 1400-7400, varying wavy amplitude and wave length of the fins at a constant water flow rate of 9.0 m^3/h. Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics were evaluated with Nusselt Number Nu and Darcy friction factor [psi] as functions of Reynolds number. Heat transfer and pressure drop correlations were derived from measurement data obtained by regression analysis.
Wiederhold, Andreas; Resagk, Christian; Cierpka, Christian
On the influence of gas-liquid two-phase flow on Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 29 (2018), 8, S. 085301, insges. 11 S.

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a contactless and non-invasive flow measurement technique for electrical conducting fluids. When the fluid passes a magnetic field, a Lorentz force will be generated. The force is proportional to the electrical conductivity, to the velocity of the fluid, and to the square of the magnetic flux density. It is possible to apply this technique over a range of conductivities varying from high values as for liquid metals to lower values as typically for electrolytes (e.g. salt water). The main challenge is measuring the force, which is six orders of magnitude smaller for electrolytes in comparison to liquid metals. It was shown that LFV is insensitive to the shape of different velocity profiles and especially to strongly asymmetric profiles as long as the volume flow is constant. However, the influence of a second gaseous phase on the force signal remains an open question. This is of fundamental interest especially for chemical and food processing industries. To examine this influence in detail, electrolyte flow with different volume flow fractions was investigated for the current study. By using frits, it is possible to generate a homogeneous distribution of the second (gaseous) phase in the electrolyte. Small electrolyte velocities or flow rates (v < 1.5 m s^-1, V1 = 225 l min^-1) enable the formation of slug flow and stratified wavy flow, and higher velocities (v > 1.8 m s^-1, V1 = 270 l min^-1) the formation of bubbly two-phase flow in the used test section. By this means, it is possible to study a wide range of flow patterns in a horizontal duct. The experimental results are in good agreement with the analytical estimations for fully dispersed flow. However, for a nonhomogeneous distribution of air the force signal deviates much stronger. An explanation can be the superposition of Lorentz forces and magnetic forces, caused by differences of the magnetic susceptibilities of water and air, which will be discussed in greater detail.
Hernández, Daniel;
Multicomponent local Lorentz force velocimetry. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (117 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2018

Lorenztkraft-Anemometrie (LKA oder LFV) ist ein berührloses elektromagnetisches Strömungsmessverfahren für Flüssigmetalle. Durch eine Relativbewegung zwischen einem elektrischen leitfähigen Fluid und einem statisch angelegten Magnetfeld werden Wirbelströme und eine strömungsbremsende Lorentzkraft erzeugt. Diese Kraft ist proportional zu der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des Fluides und zu der Durchflussrate oder zu der lokalen Geschwindigkeit, welche abhängig von dem Anteil des durch das Magnetfeld aufgespannten Volumens ist. Gemäß dem dritten Newtonschen Gesetz wirkt eine gleich starke, jedoch entgegengesetzt gerichtete Kraft auf die Quelle des angelegten Magnetfeldes, die in unserem Fall Permanentmagnete sind. Entsprechend dem Ohm'schen Gesetz induzieren bewegende elektrisch leitfähige Fluide bei niedrigen magnetischen Reynolds-Zahlen ein elektrisches Potential, das die Ladungserhaltung gewährleistet. Diese Arbeit beginnt mit der Untersuchung des Beitrags des induzierten elektrischen Potentials in der gesamten Lorentzkraft. Dieses Problem wird numerisch und experimentell analysiert, indem zwei verschiedene Szenarien betrachtet werden: elektrisch leitfähige Wände mit endlicher Dicke und Aspektverhältnisvariation des Strömungsquerschnitts. In beiden Fällen stand die durch das elektrische Potential erzeugte Kraftkomponente immer entgegen der gesamten Lorentzkraft. Diese Kraftkomponente war empfindlich gegenüber den elektrischen Randbedingungen der Strömung, von denen isolierte und perfekt leitende Wände die Grenzfälle sind. Es wird gezeigt, dass die messbare Lorentzkraft beträchtlich erhöht werden kann, wenn die aus dem elektrischen Potential stammende Kraftkomponente verringert wird, indem entweder die elektrische Leitfähigkeit der Wand oder das Querschnittsverhältnis der Strömung verändert wird. Daher kann die Empfindlichkeit der Messtechnik erheblich verbessert werden. Im Anschluss an dieser Analyse konzentriert sich die vorliegende Arbeit auf die lokale Multikomponenten-Lorentzkraft-Anenometrie. Diese Technik basiert auf der Messung aller auf den Magnetsystemen wirkenden Kraft- und Drehmomentkomponenten. In diesem Fall sind die Magnetsysteme deutlich kleiner als der Strömungsquerschnitt. Die kleinen Magnetsysteme induzieren eine lokalisierte Magnetfeldverteilung im flüssigen Metall, die eine lokale aufgelöste Geschwindigkeitsmessung von flüssigem Metall ermöglichen. Die lokale Multikomponenten-Lorentzkraft-Anenometrie wurde mittels einer stetigen dreidimensionalen turbulenten Strömung innerhalb der Kokille eines Stranggussmodells untersucht, wobei das Arbeitsfluid GaInSn in eutektischer Zusammensetzung war. Die aus kubischen und kreuzförmigen Permanentmagneten bestehenden Magnetsysteme wurden an einem Sensor befestigt, der speziell für die gleichzeitige Erfassung aller drei Kraft- und drei Drehmomentkomponenten entwickelt wurde. Mit diesem Sensor war es möglich, Informationen über die dreidimensionale Geschwindigkeitsverteilung des flüssigen Metalls innerhalb der Kokille in der Nähe der Magneten zu erhalten. Zusätzlich könnte unter Verwendung eines kreuzförmigen Magneten das Drehmoment in der Feldrichtung des Magneten gemessen werden. Gemäß einem numerischen Modell der Experimente korreliert dieses Drehmoment mit der Wirbelstärke des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes in dieser Richtung.
Yang, Xuegeng; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Cierpka, Christian; Mutschke, Gerd; Eckert, Kerstin
Marangoni convection at electrogenerated hydrogen bubbles. - In: Physical chemistry, chemical physics, ISSN 1463-9084, Bd. 20 (2018), 17, S. 11542-11548

Electrolytic gas evolution is a fundamental phenomenon occurring in a large number of industrial applications. In these processes gas bubbles are formed at the electrode from a supersaturated solution. Since dissolved gases can change the surface tension, a gas concentration gradient may cause the surface tension to vary locally at the interface of the gas bubble. Surface tension gradients may also form due to temperature gradients generated by ohmic heating of the electrolyte. In both cases, the resulting shear stress imposes a convection in the electrolyte and the gas bubble (Marangoni eect). This phenomenon may influence the entire electrolytic gas evolution process, e.g., by an enhanced mass transfer. In this study, the first evidence of the Marangoni convection near growing hydrogen bubbles, generated by water electrolysis, is provided. Microscopic high speed imaging was applied to study the evolution of single hydrogen bubbles at a microelectrode. The convection near the interface of the growing bubble was measured by using a time-resolved Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) technique. The results indicate a clear correlation between the magnitude of the Marangoni convection and the electric current.
Tan, Yan-Qing; Liu, Run-Cong; Dai, Shang-Jun; Wang, Xiao-Dong; Ni, Ming-Jiu; Yang, Juan-Cheng; Dubovikova, Nataliia; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian
Preliminary experimental study on applicability of Lorentz force velocimetry in an external magnetic field. - In: Nuclear science and techniques, ISSN 2210-3147, Bd. 29 (2018), 6, Article 80, insges. 8 S.

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a noncontact technique for measuring electrically conducting fluids based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. This work aims to answer the open and essential question of whether LFV can work properly under a surrounding external magnetic field (ExMF). Two types of ExMFs with different magnetic intensities were examined: a magnetic field with a typical order of 0.4 T generated by a permanent magnet (PM) and another generated by an electromagnet (EM) on the order of 2 T. Two forces, including the magnetostatic force between the ExMF and PM in the LFV, and the Lorentz force generated by the PM in LFV were measured and analyzed in the experiment. In addition, ExMFs of varying strengths were added to the LFV, and the location of the LFV device in the iron cores of the EM was considered. The experimental outcomes demonstrate that it is possible for a LFV device to operate normally under a moderate ExMF. However, the magnetostatic force will account for a high proportion of the measured force, thus inhibiting the normal LFV operation, if the ExMF is too high.
Leng, Xueyuan; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Li, Benwen
Numerical simulation of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow between conducting cylinders in an axial magnetic field at low magnetic Reynolds number. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 30 (2018), 1, 015107, insges. 17 S.
Correction: Bd. 30 (2018), 2, 029901, insges. 1 S.

The effect of an axial homogeneous magnetic field on the turbulence in the Taylor-Couette flow confined between two infinitely long conducting cylinders is studied by the direct numerical simulation using a periodic boundary condition in the axial direction. The inner cylinder is rotating, and the outer one is fixed. We consider the case when the magnetic Reynolds number Rem 1, i.e., the influence of the induced magnetic field on the flow is negligible that is typical for industry and laboratory study of liquid metals. Relevance of the present study is based on the similarity of flow characteristics at moderate and high magnetic field for the cases with periodic and end-wall conditions at the large flow aspect ratio, as proven in the earlier studies. Two sets of Reynolds numbers 4000 and 8000 with several Hartmann numbers varying from 0 to 120 are employed. The results show that the mean radial induced electrical current, resulting from the interaction of axial magnetic field with the mean flow, leads to the transformation of the mean flow and the modification of the turbulent structure. The effect of turbulence suppression is dominating at a strong magnetic field, but before reaching the complete laminarization, we capture the appearance of the hairpin-like structures in the flow.
Hernández, Daniel; Marangoni, Rafael R.; Schleichert, Jan; Karcher, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Wondrak, Thomas
Numerical and experimental study on vorticity measurement in liquid metal using local Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 29 (2018), 3, S. 035301, insges. 13 S.

Local Lorentz force velocimetry (local LFV) is a contactless velocity measurement technique for liquid metals. Due to the relative movement between an electrically conductive fluid and a static applied magnetic field, eddy currents and a flow-braking Lorentz force are generated inside the metal melt. This force is proportional to the flow rate or to the local velocity, depending on the volume subset of the flow spanned by the magnetic field. By using small-size magnets, a localized magnetic field distribution is achieved allowing a local velocity assessment in the region adjacent to the wall. In the present study, we describe a numerical model of our experiments at a continuous caster model where the working fluid is GaInSn in eutectic composition. Our main goal is to demonstrate that this electromagnetic technique can be applied to measure vorticity distributions, i.e. to resolve velocity gradients as well. Our results show that by using a cross-shaped magnet system, the magnitude of the torque perpendicular to the surface of the mold significantly increases improving its measurement in a liquid metal flow. According to our numerical model, this torque correlates with the vorticity of the velocity in this direction. Before validating our numerical predictions, an electromagnetic dry calibration of the measurement system composed of a multicomponent force and torque sensor and a cross-shaped magnet was done using a rotating disk made of aluminum. The sensor is able to measure simultaneously all three components of force and torque, respectively. This calibration step cannot be avoided and it is used for an accurate definition of the center of the magnet with respect to the sensor's coordinate system for torque measurements. Finally, we present the results of the experiments at the mini-LIMMCAST facility showing a good agreement with the numerical model.
Hernández, Daniel; Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian; Wondrak, Thomas
Numerical and experimental study of the effect of the induced electric potential in Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 29 (2018), 1, S. 015301, insges. 15 S.

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a contactless velocity measurement technique for electrically conducting fluids. When a liquid metal or a molten glass flows through an externally applied magnetic field, eddy currents and a flow-braking force are generated inside the liquid. This force is proportional to the velocity or flow rate of the fluid and, due to Newton's third law, a force of the same magnitude but in opposite direction acts on the source of the applied magnetic field which in our case are permanent magnets. According to Ohm's law for moving conductors at low magnetic Reynolds numbers, an electric potential is induced which ensures charge conservation. In this paper, we analyze the contribution of the induced electric potential to the total Lorentz force by considering two different scenarios: conducting walls of finite thickness and aspect ratio variation of the cross-section of the flow. In both the cases, the force component generated by the electric potential is always in the opposite direction to the total Lorentz force. This force component is sensitive to the electric boundary conditions of the flow of which insulating and perfectly conducting walls are the two limiting cases. In the latter case, the overall electric resistance of the system is minimized, resulting in a considerable increase in the measured Lorentz force. Additionally, this force originating from the electric potential also decays when the aspect ratio of the cross-section of the flow is changed. Hence, the sensitivity of the measurement technique is enhanced by either increasing wall conductivity or optimizing the aspect ratio of the cross-section of the flow.
Massing, Julian; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
Vergleichende Analyse eines Ein- und Mehrkamerasystems zur simultanen, volumetrischen Temperatur- und Geschwindigkeitsmessung für die Mikrofluidik. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 85 (2018), 2, S. 97-103

Im folgenden Artikel wird eine optische Messtechnik vorgestellt und qualifizert, welche die simultane Bestimmung des dreidimensionalen (3D) Temperaturfeldes und der drei Komponenten des dreidimensionalen Geschwindigkeitsfeldes (3D3C) in mikrofluidischen Anwendungen ermöglicht. Dabei wird die Temperatur über das Verhältnis der Intensität der Lumineszenzsignale von zweifarbigen Polymerpartikeln ermittelt, während das Geschwindigkeitsfeld gleichzeitig anhand der Verschiebung individueller Partikelbilder berechnet werden kann. Um die Tiefeninformation zu erhalten, wird das etablierte Astigmatismus particle tracking velocimetry Verfahren verwendet. Mit der beschriebenen Methode werden simultane, volumetrische Messungen des Temperatur- und Geschwindigkeitsfeldes in einem temperierten Kanal durchgeführt und mit numerischen Simulationen verglichen. Dabei werden zwei unterschiedliche Kamerasysteme verwendet, um die Emission der lumineszierenden Farbstoffen zu trennen. Einerseits kommt ein Zweikameraaufbau mit einem dichroitischen Spiegel und andererseits eine einzelne Farbkamera zum Einsatz. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine gute qualitative Übereinstimmung zwischen Experiment und Simulation, wobei die Qualität der Messergebnisse für beide Kamerasysteme vergleichbar ist. Durch die Verwendung von nur einer Farbkamera kann der experimentelle Aufwand jedoch stark verringert werden.
Zürner, Till; Vogt, Tobias; Resagk, Christian; Eckert, Sven; Schumacher, Jörg
Local Lorentz force and ultrasound Doppler velocimetry in a vertical convection liquid metal flow. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 59 (2018), 1, 3, S. 1-12

We report velocity measurements in a vertical turbulent convection flow cell that is filled with the eutectic liquid metal alloy gallium-indium-tin by the use of local Lorentz force velocimetry (LLFV) and ultrasound Doppler velocimetry. We demonstrate the applicability of LLFV for a thermal convection flow and reproduce a linear dependence of the measured force in the range of micronewtons on the local flow velocity magnitude. Furthermore, the presented experiment is used to explore scaling laws of the global turbulent transport of heat and momentum in this low-Prandtl-number convection flow. Our results are found to be consistent with theoretical predictions and recent direct numerical simulations.
Karcher, Christian; Kühndel, Jonas
Convective heat transfer in engine coolers influenced by electromagnetic fields. - In: Heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1432-1181, Bd. 54 (2018), 8, S. 2599-2605

In engine coolers of off-highway vehicles, convec- tive heat transfer at the coolant side limits both efficiency and performance density of the apparatus. Here, due to restrictions in construction and design, backwater areas and stagnation regions cannot be avoided. Those unwanted changes in flow characteristics are mainly triggered by flow deflections and sudden cross-sectional expansions. In application, mixtures of water and glysantine are used as appropriate coolants. Such coolants typically show an electrical conductivity of a few S/m. Coolant flow and convective heat transfer can then be controlled using Lorentz forces. These body forces are generated within the conducting fluid by the interactions of an electrical current density and a localized magnetic field, both of which are externally superimposed. In future applica- tion, this could be achieved by inserting electrodes in the cooler wall and a corresponding arrangement of permanent magnets. In this paper we perform numerical simulations of such magnetohydrodynamic flow in three model geometries that frequently appear in engine cooling applications: Carnot- Borda diffusor, 90&ring; bend, and 180&ring; bend. The simulations are carried out using the software package ANSYS Fluent. The present study demonstrates that, depending on the electromag- netic interaction parameter and the specific geometric arrange- ment of electrodes and magnetic field, Lorentz forces are suit- able to break up eddy waters and separation zones and thus significantly increase convective heat transfer in these areas. Furthermore, the results show that hydraulic pressure losses can be reduced due to the pumping action of the Lorentz forces.
Massing, Julian; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
Simultaneous volumetric temperature and velocity measurements in microfluidics using luminescent polymer particles. - In: ExHFT-9 2017, (2017), insges. 9 S.

Kästner, Christian; Moller, Sebastian; Resagk, Christian; Massing, Julian; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Kähler, Christian J.; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Heat and mass transport in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: ExHFT-9 2017, (2017), insges. 8 S.

Moller, Sebastian; Resagk, Christian; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Massing, Julian; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
Simultaneous measurement of the velocity and temperature field in Rayleigh-Benard convection at high aspect ratios :
Simultane Temperatur- und Geschwindigkeitsfeldmessungen in Rayleigh-Bénard Konvektion bei großen Aspektverhältnissen. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, ISBN 978-3-9816764-3-3, (2017), Seite 52-1-52-8

Massing, Julian; Kähler, Christian J.; Cierpka, Christian
Simultane Bestimmung des Temperatur- und Strömungsfeldes basierend auf der Phosphoreszenzlebensdauer von EuTTa. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, ISBN 978-3-9816764-3-3, (2017), Seite 51-1-51-10

Rösing, Wiebke; König, Jörg; Otto, Henning; Cierpka, Christian
Development and characterization of microfluidic membraneless fuel cell :
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer mikrofluidischen membranlosen Brennstoffzelle. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, ISBN 978-3-9816764-3-3, (2017), Seite 15-1-15-6

Wiederhold, Andreas; Resagk, Christian
Influence of a second gaseous phase on Lorentz force velocimetry at low conducting fluids :
Einfluss einer zweiten gasförmigen Phase auf die Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie bei schwach leitfähigen Fluiden. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, ISBN 978-3-9816764-3-3, (2017), Seite 30-1-30-6

Lyu, Ze; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Lorentz force velocimetry applied to liquid metal two-phase flow. - In: Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Materials Processing, (2017), S. 295-299

Karcher, Christian; Hernández, Daniel
Dynamics of falling liquid metal droplets and jets influenced by a strong axial magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Materials Processing, (2017), S. 283-88

Karcher, Christian; Hernández, Daniel
Dynamics of falling liquid metal droplets and jets affected by a strong magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 4, S. 739-745

Non-contact electromagnetic shaping of liquid metal free surfaces is crucial in several metallurgic processes including bending or stabilization of jets in casting or fusion applications. In this context, we experimentally study the influence of strong axial magnetic fields up to 5 T on the dynamics of falling droplets and jets. As a test melt, we use GaInSn which is liquid at room temperature. In the experiments, we vary the magnetic flux density, the tilt angle, the liquid metal flowrate, and the diameter and material (conducting/non-conducting) of the nozzle. As major results, we find that under the influence of the field, liquid metal droplets are stretched in the field direction, the droplet rotation ceases, and the droplet axis aligns with the axis of the field. Moreover, we observe that the jet break-up into droplets is suppressed and, for the case of conducting nozzle and tilt, jets are bent towards the field axis.

Lyu, Ze; Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Electromagnetic interaction between a permanent magnet and laminar flow of a moving sphere in a conducting liquid. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 4, S. 653-665

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a non-contact electromagnetic flow measurement technique for electrically conducting liquids. It is based on measuring the flow-induced force acting on an externally arranged permanent magnet. Motivated by extending LFV to liquid metal two-phase flow measurement, in a previous test we considered the free rising of non-conductive bubbles/particles in a thin tube of liquid metal (GaInSn) initially at rest. We observed that the Lorentz force signals strongly depend on the size of the bubble/particle and on the position, where it is released. Moreover, the force signals cannot be reproduced in detail, which necessitates a statistical analysis. This is caused by chaotic trajectories due to the rising velocities of about 200 mm/s. Therefore, in this paper, we use an improved setup for controlled particle motions in liquid metal. In this experiment, the particle is attached to a straight fishing line, which suppresses any lateral motion, and is pulled by a linear driver at a controllable velocity (0-200 mm/s). For comparison, we solve the induction problem numerically using Oseen's analytical solution of the flow around a translating sphere that is valid for small but finite Reynolds numbers. This simplification is made since the precise hydrodynamic flow is difficult to measure or to compute. The aim of the present work is to check if our simple numerical model can provide Lorentz forces comparable to the experiments. Although Oseen's solution becomes inaccurate near the sphere for finite Reynolds numbers, it provides a fore-aft asymmetry of the flow and is globally well-behaved. It provides an upper limit to the measurement results. We recover the peak-delay of the Lorentz force signals as well.

Tran, Ninh; Boeck, Thomas; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Lyu, Ze; Karcher, Christian
Numerical study of the interaction between a bubble rising in a column of conducting liquid and a permanent magnet. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 4, S. 619-631

Electromagnetic induction in a conducting liquid that moves in an external magnetic field can be used for contactless flow measurement. In Lorentz Force Velocimetry (LFV), the induced force on the magnet is determined to obtain velocity information. This measurement principle may also be applied to conducting flows with gas bubbles encountered in metallurgical processes. This provides the motivation for our work, in which we study a single bubble rising in a liquid metal column as a model problem for LFV in two-phase flows. By using a small permanent magnet, one can not only detect the presence of a bubble but also obtain information on its position and velocity. Our numerical investigation aims at reproducing experiments with Argon bubbles in GaInSn alloy and at studying the electromagnetic induction in the flow in more detail. For three-dimensional and phase-resolving simulations we use the Volume of Fluid method provided by ANSYS FLUENT. The induction equation in the quasistatic limit is an elliptic problem for the electric potential. It is implemented in FLUENT with a user-defined scalar. The electric conductivity varies between the phases, and the magnetic field is given by an analytical expression for a uniformly magnetized cube. The comparison with the experiments also helps to validate the numerical simulations.

Ali, Majd; Karcher, Christian; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Numerical and mathematical modelling of induction heating in adsorption refrigeration systems. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2017), 15, insges. 10 S.

Ketterer, Jonas; Hernández, Daniel; Karcher, Christian
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von starken axialen Magnetfeldern auf Tropfen- und Strahlströmungen von Flüssigmetallen. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2017), 12, insges. 8 S.

Lyu, Ze; Karcher, Christian
Lorentz force measurement of particle movement in liquid metal. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2017), 10, insges. 4 S.

Herget, Benedikt; Vogeler, Marcus; Karcher, Christian
Effiziente Einbindung von KWK-Anlagen zur Eigenstrombedarfskompensation in Energieversorgungsunternehmen. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2017), 3, insges. 8 S.

Ali, Majd; Ajib, Salman; Karcher, Christian
Enhancing the amount of cold produced and saving of the required input heat using two different adsorbents together in the adsorption ice production AIP system. - In: Global Journal of Energy Technology Research Updates, ISSN 2409-5818, Bd. 4 (2017), 1, S. 9-25

A theoretical investigation of the thermal performance (coefficient of performance COP and specific cooling power SCP) of a two bed Adsorption Ice Production AIP system based on the Silica gel-methanol as adsorbent- refrigerant in the first bed and activated carbon-methanol in the second bed is presented in this paper. Two fined-tube heat exchangers were designed (named SG-bed and AC-bed) in order to generate the same desorbed refrigerant amount of 1 kgmeth and to contain two different adsorbents. The mass transfer limitations from both the two beds and the heat transfer ability between the particles of adsorbents and heat exchanger fins are taken into account in the simulated model based on the linear driving force LDF model. To desorb 1 kgmeth from the SG-bed and AC-bed a cycle simulation computer program of the AIP system was developed to investigate the effect of desorption temperature Tdes, adsorption temperature Tads and the effect of difference of the required desorption/adsorption time on the system performance and on the amount of the ice produced per cycle mice. In the present simulations, the variation of the heat source temperature from 65 to 100 oC and chilled water temperature from 15 oC to 25 oC are taken. The results showed, that the AIP system attains a coefficient of performance COP of 66 % when the AC-bed is working and attains of 44 % when the SG-bed is working. The amount of the ice produced from the system estimated to 6kg per cycle (3 kg is produced from each of bed), but the Qin input energy required to activate the AC-bed has been saved by 46 % compared with that required to activate the SG-bed. Although each of the adsorbent beds was filled with different amount of the sorption material, it is found that the mass of the sorption materials inside the both beds has no effect on the cycle time but has important effect on the specific cooling power SCP. The cycle time is strongly dependent on driven temperature of heat exchange fluid, the design of the heat exchanger and the mass transfer coefficient of sorption material Dso. An experimental set up is planned to be built to make validation of the simulation results.
Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Karnbach, Franziska; Mutschke, Gerd; Yang, Xuegeng; Eckert, Kerstin; Uhlemann, Margitta; Cierpka, Christian
Growth and detachment of single hydrogen bubbles in a magnetohydrodynamic shear flow. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 2 (2017), 9, 093701, insges. 19 S.

This study investigates the effect of a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shear flow on the growth and detachment of single sub-millimeter-sized hydrogen gas bubbles. These bubbles were electrolytically generated at a horizontal Pt microelectrode (100 [my]m in diameter) in an acidic environment (1 M H2SO4). The inherent electric field was superimposed by a homogeneous electrode-parallel magnetic field of up to 700 mT to generate Lorentz forces in the electrolyte, which drive the MHD flow. The growth and motion of the hydrogen bubble was analyzed by microscopic high-speed imaging and measurements of the electric current, while particle tracking velocimetry ([my]PTV) and particle image velocimetry ([my]PIV) were applied to measure the surrounding electrolyte flow. In addition, numerical flow simulations were performed based on the experimental conditions. The results show a significant reduction of the bubble growth time and detachment diameter with increasing magnetic induction, which is known to improve the efficiency of water electrolysis. In order to gain further insight into the bubble detachment mechanism, an analysis of the forces acting on the bubble was performed. The strong MHD-induced drag force causes the bubble to slowly slide away from the center of the microelectrode before its detachment. This motion increases the active electrode area and enhances the bubble growth rate. The results further indicate that at large current densities the coalescence of tiny bubbles formed at the foot of the main bubble might play an important role for the bubble detachment. Moreover, the occurrence of Marangoni stresses at the gas-liquid interface is discussed.
Hijazi, Ala; Friedl, Alexander; Cierpka, Christian; Kähler, Christian; Madhavan, Vis
High-speed imaging using 3CCD camera and multi-color LED flashes. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 28 (2017), 11, S. 115401, insges. 9 S.

This paper demonstrates the possibility of capturing full-resolution high-speed image sequences using a regular 3CCD color camera in conjunction with high-power light emitting diodes of three different colors. This is achieved using a novel approach that is referred to as spectral-shuttering where a high-speed image sequence is captured using short duration light pulses of different colors that are sent consecutively in very close succession. The work presented in this paper demonstrates the feasibility of configuring a high-speed camera system using low cost and readily available off-the-shelf components. This camera can be used for recording six frame sequences at frame rates up to 20kHz or three frame sequences at even higher frame rates. Both color crosstalk and spatial matching between the different channels of the camera are found to be within acceptable limits. A small amount of magnification difference between the different channels is found and a simple calibration procedure for correcting the images is introduced. The images captured using the approach described here are of good quality to be used for obtaining full-field quantitative information using techniques such as digital image correlation and particle image velocimetry. A sequence of six high-speed images of a bubble splash recorded at 400Hz is presented as a demonstration.
König, Jörg; Czarske, Jürgen
In situ calibration of an interferometric velocity sensor for measuring small scale flow structures using a Talbot-pattern. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 28 (2017), 10, S. 105201, insges. 11 S.

Small scale flow phenomena play an important role across engineering, biological and chemical sciences. To gain deeper understanding of the influence of those flow phenomena involved, measurement techniques with high spatial resolution are often required, presuming a calibration of very low uncertainty. To enable such measurements, a method for the in situ calibration of an interferometric flow velocity profile sensor is presented. This sensor, with demonstrated spatial resolution better than 1 [my]m, allows for spatially-resolving measurements with low velocity uncertainty in flows with high velocity gradients, on condition that the spatial behavior of the interference fringe systems is well-known by calibration with low uncertainty, especially challenging to obtain at applications with geometries difficult to access. The calibration method described herein uses three interfering beams to form the interference fringe systems of the sensor, yielding Doppler burst signals exhibiting two peaks in the frequency domain whose amplitude ratio varies periodically along the measurement volume major z-axis, giving a further independent value of the axial tracer particle position that can be used to determine the calibration functions of the sensor during the flow measurement. A flow measurement in a microchannel experimentally validates that the presented approach allows for simultaneously estimating the calibration functions and the velocity profile, providing flow measurements with very low systematic measurement errors of the particle position of less than 400 nm (confidence interval 95%). In that way, the interferometric flow velocity profile sensor utilizing the in situ self-calibration method promises valuable insights on small scale flow phenomena, such as those given in shear and boundary layer flows, by featuring reliable flow measurements due to minimum systematic and statistical measurement errors.
Lyu, Ze; Tran, Ninh; Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic interaction between a rising spherical particle in a conducting liquid and a localized magnetic field. - In: Final LIMTECH Colloquium and International Symposium on Liquid Metal Technologies, (2017), S. 012025, insges. 10 S.

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a non-contact electromagnetic flow measurement technique for electrically conductive liquids. It is based on measuring the flow-induced force acting on an external permanent magnet. Motivated by extending LFV to liquid metal two-phase flow measurement, in a first test we consider the free rising of a non-conductive spherical particle in a thin tube of liquid metal (GaInSn) initially at rest. Here the measured force is due to the displacement flow induced by the rising particle. In this paper, numerical results are presented for three different analytical solutions of flows around a moving sphere under a localized magnetic field. This simplification is made since the hydrodynamic flow is difficult to measure or to compute. The Lorentz forces are compared to experiments. The aim of the present work is to check if our simple numerical model can provide Lorentz forces comparable to the experiments. The results show that the peak values of the Lorentz force from the analytical velocity fields provide us an upper limit to the measurement results. In the case of viscous flow around a moving sphere we recover the typical time-scale of Lorentz force signals.
Ratajczak, Matthias; Hernández, Daniel; Richter, Thomas; Otte, Dennis; Buchenau, Dominique; Krauter, Nico; Wondrak, Thomas
Measurement techniques for liquid metals. - In: Final LIMTECH Colloquium and International Symposium on Liquid Metal Technologies, (2017), S. 012023, insges. 26 S.

The measurement of flow properties of liquid metals, such as flow rate, flow structure and gas distribution, is a challenging task due to the opaqueness, the high temperatures (e. g. 1500 &ring;C for liquid steel or liquid silicon) and the corrosiveness of those fluids. In this paper, a short review about the recent developments of measurement techniques in the framework of the Helmholtz Alliance Liquid Metal Technologies (LIMTECH) is presented. It focuses on the development of contactless inductive measurement techniques exploiting the high electrical conductivity of those melts. These measurement techniques include the contactless inductive flow tomography (CIFT), which is able to reconstruct the mean three-dimensional velocity structure in liquid melts, local Lorentz force velocimetry (local LFV), which enables the local assessment of flows close to the wall, and inductive methods for bubble detection, which are based on mutual inductance tomography (MIT). Additionally, a short overview of contactless inductive flow rate measurement techniques is given. Furthermore, an ultrasound technique called ultrasound transit-time technique (UTTT) will be presented which enables the measurement of position and size of bubbles in large vessels.
Hernández, Daniel; Karcher, Christian
Dynamics of liquid metal droplets and jets influenced by a strong axial magnetic field. - In: Final LIMTECH Colloquium and International Symposium on Liquid Metal Technologies, (2017), S. 012010, insges. 10 S.

Non-contact electromagnetic control and shaping of liquid metal free surfaces is crucial in a number of high-temperature metallurgical processes like levitation melting and electromagnetic sealing, among others. Other examples are the electromagnetic bending or stabilization of liquid metal jets that frequently occur in casting or fusion applications. Within this context, we experimentally study the influence of strong axial magnetic fields on the dynamics of falling metal droplets and liquid metal jets. GaInSn in eutectic composition is used as test melt being liquid at room temperature. In the experiments, we use a cryogen-free superconducting magnet (CFM) providing steady homogeneous fields of up to 5 T and allowing a tilt angle between the falling melt and the magnet axis. We vary the magnetic flux density, the tilt angle, the liquid metal flow rate, and the diameter and material of the nozzle (electrically conducting/insulating). Hence, the experiments cover a parameter range of Hartmann numbers Ha, Reynolds numbers Re, and Weber numbers We within 0 < Ha < 440, 340 < Re < 4500, and 0.09 < We < 12.1. As major results we find that under the influence of the strong magnetic field, droplet rotation ceases and the droplets are stretched in the field direction. Moreover, we observe that the jet breakup into droplets (spheroidization) is suppressed, and in the case of electrically conducting nozzles and tilt, the jets are bent towards the field axis.
Weier, Tom; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Massing, Julian; Landgraf, Steffen; Cierpka, Christian
The effect of a Lorentz-force-driven rotating flow on the detachment of gas bubbles from the electrode surface. - In: International journal of hydrogen energy, ISSN 1879-3487, Bd. 42 (2017), 33, S. 20923-20933

The enhanced bubble detachment in water electrolysis due to Lorentz-forces is discussed for the case of mainly parallel electric and magnetic fields. Experiments and numerical simulations were carried out to assess the velocity and pressure distribution around single rigid spheres mimicking electrolytic bubbles on a horizontal electrode in the presence of a vertical magnetic field. Astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry delivered the three- dimensional flow field and a finite volume method was used for the computations. Formerly it was assumed that the flow-induced pressure decrease at the bubble's top caused the earlier detachment under magnetic field action. However, the experimental and numerical results obtained here demonstrate that this pressure decrease is too weak as to effectively change the detachment process. Finally, an alternative explanation for the observed bubble behavior is suggested: it might result from the comparatively strong global flow generated by the additive effect of a group of bubbles.
Wiederhold, Andreas; Boeck, Thomas; Resagk, Christian
Detection and characterization of elongated bubbles and drops in two-phase flow using magnetic fields. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 28 (2017), 8, S. 085303, insges. 9 S.

We report a method to detect and to measure the size and velocity of elongated bubbles or drops in a dispersed two-phase flow. The difference of the magnetic susceptibilities between two phases causes a force on the interface between both phases when it is exposed to an external magnetic field. The force is measured with a state-of-the-art electromagnetic compensation balance. While the front and the back of the bubble pass the magnetic field, two peaks in the force signal appear, which can be used to calculate the velocity and geometry parameters of the bubble. We achieve a substantial advantage over other bubble detection techniques because this technique is contactless, non-invasive, independent of the electrical conductivity and can be applied to opaque or aggressive fluids. The measurements are performed in an inclined channel with air bubbles and paraffin oil drops in water. The bubble length is in the range of 0.1-0.25 m and the bubble velocity lies between 0.02-0.22 m s-1. Furthermore we show that it is possible to apply this measurement principle for nondestructive testing (NDT) of diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials like metal, plastics or glass, provided that defects are in the range of 10-2 m. This technique opens up new possibilities in industrial applications to measure two-phase flow parameters and in material testing.
Kiebert, Florian; Wege, Stefan; Massing, Julian; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian; Weser, Robert; Schmidt, Hagen
3D measurement and simulation of surface acoustic wave driven fluid motion: a comparison. - In: Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0189, Bd. 17 (2017), 12, S. 2104-2114

The characterisation of the fluid motion induced by the acoustic streaming effect is of paramount interest for novel microfluidic devices based on surface acoustic waves (SAWs), e.g. for a detailed description of the achievable mixing efficiency and thus the design of such devices. Here, we present for the first time a quantitative 3D comparison between experimental measurements and numerical simulations of the acoustic streaming induced fluid flow inside a microchannel originating from a SAW. On the one hand, we performed fully three-dimensional velocity measurements using the astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry. On the other hand, we derived a novel streaming force approach solving the damped wave equation, which allows fast and easy 3D simulations of the acoustic streaming induced fluid flow. Furthermore, measurements of the SAW amplitude profile inside the fluid filled microchannel were performed. Based on these results, we obtained a very good agreement between the velocity measurements and the simulations of the fluid flow demonstrating the importance of comprising the actual shape of the SAW amplitude profile for quantitatively reliable simulations. It is shown that the novel streaming force approach is a valid approximation for the simulation of the acoustic streaming induced fluid flow, allowing a rapid and simple estimation of the flow field of SAW based microfluidic devices.
Hernández, Daniel; Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian; Wondrak, Thomas
Numerical calibration of a multicomponent local Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 2, S. 233-243

Local Lorentz force velocimetry is a local velocity measurement technique for liquid metals. Due to the interaction between an electrically conducting liquid and an applied magnetic field, eddy currents and flow-braking Lorentz forces are induced in the fluid. Due to Newtons third law, a force of the same magnitude acts on the source of the applied magnetic field, which is a permanent magnet in our case. The magnet is attached to a gauge that has been especially developed to record all three force and three torque components acting on the magnet. This new-generation local Lorentz force flowmeter (L2F2) has already been tested in a test stand for continuous casting with a 15 mm cubic magnet providing an insight into the three-dimensional velocity distribution of the model melt GaInSn near the wide face of the mold. For better understanding of these results, especially regarding torque sensing, we propose dry experiments which consist in replacing a flowing liquid by a moving solid. Here, as the velocity field is fixed and steady, we are able to decrease considerably the variability and the noise of the measurements providing an accurate calibration of the system. In this paper, we present a numerical study of this dry calibration using a rotating disk made of aluminum and two different magnet systems that can be shifted along the rotation axis as well as in the radial direction.

Mutschke, Gerd; Baczyzmalski, Dominik; Cierpka, Christian; Karnbach, Franziska; Uhlemann, Margitta; Yang, Xuegeng; Eckert, Kerstin; Fröhlich, Jochen
Numerical simulation of mass transfer and convection near a hydrogen bubble during water electrolysis in a magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 1, S. 193-199

Numerical simulations are presented resolving in detail local phenomena near a single hydrogen bubble at the cathode during the electrolysis of water. The modelling is based on recent experiments on hydrogen evolution at a platinum micro-electrode. The simulation results provide local insight into electrolyte convection, species concentration and mass transfer during electrolysis, and the influence of the Lorentz force caused by a vertical magnetic field on the bubble departure is discussed.

Leng, Xueyuan; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Li, Benwen
Magnetohydrodynamic Taylor-Couette flow at periodic and Hartmann wall conditions. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 1, S. 159-168

A study of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow between two cylinders in the presence of a uniform axial magnetic field is presented. The flow is driven by the rotating inner cylinder, and the outer cylinder is set to be fixed. Applying fully-3D numerical simulations in the approximation of low magnetic Reynolds number, the influence of the magnetic field on the turbulence intensity and structure is investigated with a variation of the Hartmann number. In the first part, periodic boundary conditions in the axial direction are taken into account that means no Hartmann layer formation. However, due to the high aspect ratio, the flow behavior can present a simplified version close to the real flow. In the second part, this study is compared with a study, where the Hartmann end-walls perpendicular to the magnetic field are introduced so that the flow is confined by the bottom and upper boundaries. In particular, the effects of the Hartmann walls and periodic condition on the process of generation and dissipation of turbulence under the magnetic field influence are compared.

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas
Evolution of a round jet in a duct in the presence of a uniform axial magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 1, S. 119-127

The spatially evolving flow of a liquid-metal jet in a duct with a streamwise uniform magnetic field is studied by direct numerical simulation. In contrast to the case of imposed transverse field, only the turbulent fluctuations of the flow are affected in this setup. They tend to form structures elongated along the applied magnetic field. In that case, turbulence becomes strongly anisotropic and, therefore, may completely change its properties. One interesting and important effect is the flow stabilization due to the magnetic field, whereby transition to turbulence can be delayed significantly. This occurs in the presence of moderate magnetic fields.

Lyu, Ze; Karcher, Christian
Non-contact electromagnetic flow measurement in liquid metal two-phase flow using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 53 (2017), 1, S. 67-77

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a contactless flow measurement technique for electrically conducting liquids. LFV is based on measuring the flow-induced force acting on an externally arranged permanent magnet (or a magnet system) and being proportional to the velocity (or mass flux) of the flow. This force is equal in magnitude to the braking Lorentz forces induced in the moving conductor. In case of flow rate measurement, the magnetic field lines of the used permanent magnet (or magnet system) penetrate the entire crosssection of the flow. In contrast, in local Lorentz force velocimetry (LLFV), tiny permanent magnets are used of which the penetration depth of its field lines is much smaller than the dimension of the flow. The present study aims to extend LLFV to liquid metal two-phase flow measurement. Such flows are of interest in high-temperature metallurgic processes, such as continuous casting of steel, where injection of argon bubbles into the melt is applied to prevent clogging, to mix the melt and to remove inclusions. In a first test, we investigate the transient response of Lorentz force to a simple arrangement of bubble/particle injected into liquid melt GaInSn at rest. The results show that the recorded Lorentz forces vary significantly and their maximum values are different for each rising bubble/particle. The shapes of Lorentz force signals depend on local liquid flow structures and non-conducting volume effects, both of which are dominated by bubble/particle positions.

Kästner, Christian; Kolchinskaya, Anastasiya; Resagk, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
Horizontal velocity fields in square large aspect ratio turbulent convection cells: comparison between experiment and simulation. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), (2017), DY 16.10

Brauckmann, Hannes J.; Eckhardt, Bruno; Schumacher, Jörg
Heat transport in Rayleigh-Bénard convection and angular momentum transport in Taylor-Couette flow: a comparative study. - In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, ISSN 1471-2962, Bd. 375 (2017), 2089, 20160079, insges. 13 S.

Rayleigh-Bénard convection and Taylor-Couette flow are two canonical flows that have many properties in common. We here compare the two flows in detail for parameter values where the Nusselt numbers, i.e. the thermal transport and the angular momentum transport normalized by the corresponding laminar values, coincide. We study turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air at Rayleigh number Ra=107 and Taylor-Couette flow at shear Reynolds number ReS=2x104 for two different mean rotation rates but the same Nusselt numbers. For individual pairwise related fields and convective currents, we compare the probability density functions normalized by the corresponding root mean square values and taken at different distances from the wall. We find one rotation number for which there is very good agreement between the mean profiles of the two corresponding quantities temperature and angular momentum. Similarly, there is good agreement between the fluctuations in temperature and velocity components. For the heat and angular momentum currents, there are differences in the fluctuations outside the boundary layers that increase with overall rotation and can be related to differences in the flow structures in the boundary layer and in the bulk. The study extends the similarities between the two flows from global quantities to local quantities and reveals the effects of rotation on the transport. This article is part of the themed issue 'Toward the development of high-fidelity models of wall turbulence at large Reynolds number'.
Kästner, Christian; Kolchinskaya, Anastasiya; Körner, Max; Krasnov, Dmitry; Resagk, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
Velocity field in rectangular large-aspect-ratio turbulent convection cells: comparison between experiment and simulation :
Turbulente Geschwindigkeitsfelder in einer rechteckigen Konvektionszelle mit großem Aspektverhältnis: Vergleich zwischen Experiment und Simulation. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, (2016), Seite 38-1-38-11

Ali, Majd; Ajib, Salman
Energy analysis and modeling study of combined activated carbon-silica gel/methanol adsorption ice production system. - In: Global Journal of Energy Technology Research Updates, ISSN 2409-5818, Bd. 3 (2016), 1, S. 65-86

In this article, the transient modelling for a new construction of the Adsorption cold production was investigated. This system, named in this work the combined Adsorption Ice Production system (com-AIP system), was filled by both silica gel (SG) and activated carbon (AC) together in one adsorption reactor as the adsorbent and methanol as the adsorbate and refrigerant. A fined-tube heat exchanger was designed (named combined adsorption reactor) in order to contain two different adsorbents in the adsorption reactor and increase the heat transfer ability between the particles of adsorbents and heat exchanger fins. As a result the input energy required from the external heat source is saved and the coefficient of performance COP of the com-AIP system is improved. The mass flow rate of refrigerant increases and consequently, the refrigeration energy Qe rises too. A cycle simulation computer program of this innovative bed was developed to analyze the refrigeration energy and COP variations by varying heat transfer fluid (hot, cooling and chilled water) inlet temperatures and adsorption/desorption cycle time. The transient behavior of heat and mass transfer fluids has been also studied. Under the standard test conditions of 100 &ring;C hot water, 24 &ring;C cooling water, and 15 &ring;C chilled water inlet temperatures, the simulation results showed that the amount of the ice produced per cycle of 5.34 kg and 0.73 COP can be achieved from the com-AIP system. It was found that the system performance is very much sensitive to the mass flow rate of the refrigerant. The cycle time of the system is not dependent on the amount of the adsorbents but is strongly dependent on driven temperature of heat exchange fluid and the design of the heat exchanger. The com- adsorption reactor allows using the advantages of physical properties of both adsorbents SG and AC. Consequently, this innovative com-AIP system utilizes effectively low-temperature heat sources of temperature between 65 and 100 &ring;C, because of the inferior thermodynamic properties of methanol and the low regeneration temperature from silica gel and activated carbon as adsorbents. This strategy (com-AIP system) is completely different from the conventional adsorption reactors, which are filled with one adsorbent in one bed or in two beds.
Willert, Christian E.; Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian
Statistical and temporal characterization of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection boundary layers using time-resolved PIV measurements. - In: Progress in wall turbulence 2, (2016), S. 317-333

Sokolov, Igor; Noskov, Vitaly; Pavlinov, A.; Kolesnikov, Yuri
Lorentz force velocimetry for high velocity liquid sodium flow. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 52 (2016), 4, S. 481-494

Lyu, Ze; Karcher, Christian
Flow measurement in liquid metal two-phase flow using Local Lorentz Force Velocimetry (LLFV). - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2016), 8, insges. 6 S.

Hernández, Daniel; Wondrak, Thomas; Karcher, Christian
Local flow measurement in a continuous casting model test stand. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2016), 7, insges. 6 S.

Resagk, Christian; Kästner, Christian
Large-scale structures in the temperature field in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: 80th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), (2016), DY 57.11, insges. 1 S.

Dubovikova, Nataliia;
Non-contact flow rate measurements in turbulent liquid metal duct flow using time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (ix, 91 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2016

Die Durchflussmenge von Flüssigmetallströmungen zu bestimmen ist in industriellen Anwendungen wie der Gießereitechnik von größter Bedeutung, um Prozesseffizienz und Produktqualität zu gewährleisten. Invasive Messmethoden versagen hierbei, da die Elektroden dem heißen und chemisch aggressiven Medium nicht dauerhaft standhalten können. Durch die Opazität des flüssigen Metalls entfallen optische Methoden ebenfalls. Kontaktlose Messverfahren bieten deshalb eine vielversprechende Lösung für derartige Durchflussmessungen. Ein derartiges Verfahren, welches derzeit Gegenstand der Forschung ist, ist die Lorentzkraftanemometrie (Lorentz Force Velocimetry, LFV). Eine mögliche Abhilfe für dieses Defizit bietet eine Kombination der klassischen Lorentzkraftanemometrie mit einem Laufzeitmessverfahren (time-of-flight), die sogenannte time-of-flight LFV. Hierbei wird durch einen Wirbelgenerator ein Wirbel im Fluss erzeugt, welcher zwei in bekanntem Abstand stromabwärts positionierte Magnetsysteme durchläuft. An jedem der Magnetsysteme ist ein eigener Kraftmesssensor angebracht, der den das Magnetfeld durchlaufenden Wirbel in Form einer signifikanten Störung des Kraftsignals wahrnimmt. Anhand der Zeitdifferenz der Störung der beiden Kraftsignale kann auf die Durchflussrate geschlossen werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht experimentell die time-of-flight LFV unter Verwendung eines Flüssigmetallstromes in einem geschlossenen, rechteckigen Kanal welcher von einer elektromagnetischen Pumpe angetrieben wird. Als Arbeitsfluid dient dabei eine bei Raumtemperatur flüssige Legierung aus Gallium (Ga), Indium (In) und Zinn (Sn) - (GaInSn). Im Gegensatz zu vorangegangenen Arbeiten werden dabei erstmals dreiachsige Kraftsensoren zur Messung der Lorentzkraft verwendet, um die Effekte der eingebrachten Störungen auf die time-of-flight LFV Durchflussmessung in verschiedenen Richtungen zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde der Prototyp eines time-of-flight LFV Durchflussmessgerätes entwickelt und unter Laborbedingungen durch verschiedene Experimente charakterisiert. Ein neues Pumpsystem, welches eine elektromagnetische Pumpe nutzt, wurde getestet und auf die Verwendbarkeit als Flussanregung für zukünftige Anwendungen des Kanals getestet. Ferner wurden unterschiedliche Methoden zur Erzeugung der Wirbel und ihre relative Effektivität systematisch untersucht.
Wiederhold, Andreas; Ebert, Reschad; Weidner, Markus; Halbedel, Bernd; Fröhlich, Thomas; Resagk, Christian
Influence of the flow profile to Lorentz force velocimetry for weakly conducting fluids - an experimental validation. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 27 (2016), 12, S. 125306, insges. 9 S.

The Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a highly feasible contactless method for measuring flow rate in a pipe or in a channel. This method has been established for liquid metal flows but also for weakly conducting electrolytes where the Lorentz force amplitudes are typically six orders smaller than the ones from liquid metal flows. Due to an increased resolution of the Lorentz force measurements which was the main focus of research in the last years, now it is possible to investigate the influence of the flow profile on the amplitude of the Lorentz force. Even if there is a semi-theoretical approach an experimental validation is still outstanding. Therefore we have tested symmetric and asymmetric flow profiles to test the LFV for weakly conducting fluids for typical industrial flows. Salt water has been used as a test electrolyte with constant values of the electrical conductivity from 0.035 to 20 S m-1 and of the flow velocity in a range of 0.5-3 m s-1. We confirmed by extensive measurements that LFV is a suitable method for flow measurements even for different flow profiles within 5% measurement uncertainty. For a wide range of applications in research and industry the LFV should be not sensitive to various flow profiles.
Karcher, Christian; Kühndel, Jonas
Control of heat transfer in engine coolers by Lorentz forces. - In: EUROTHERM-2016, (2016), 032050, insges. 8 S.

In engine coolers of off-highway vehicles convective heat transfer at the coolant side is a limiting factor of both efficiency and performance density of the cooler. Here, due to design restrictions, backwater areas and stagnation regions appear that are caused by flow deflections and cross-sectional expansions. As appropriate coolants, mixtures of water and glysantine are commonly used. Such coolants are characterized by their electrical conductivity of some S/m. This gives rise to control coolant flow and therefore convective heat transfer by means of Lorentz forces. These body forces are generated within the weakly conducting fluid by the interactions of an electrical current density and a localized magnetic field both of which being externally superimposed. In application this may be achieved by inserting electrodes in the cooler wall and a corresponding arrangement of permanent magnets. In this paper we perform numerical simulations of such magnetohydrodynamic flow in three model geometries that are frequently apparent in engine cooling applications: Carnot-Borda diffusor, 90&ring; bend, and 180&ring; bend. The simulations are carried out using the software package ANSYS Fluent. The present study demonstrates that, depending on the electromagnetic interaction parameter and the specific geometric arrangement of electrodes and magnetic field, Lorentz forces are suitable to break up eddy waters and separation zones and are thus significantly increasing convective heat transfer in these areas. Furthermore, the results show that due to the action of the Lorentz forces the hydraulic pressure losses can be reduced.
Kühndel, Jonas; Kerler, Boris; Karcher, Christian
Air side thermal performance of wavy fin heat exchangers produced by selective laser melting. - In: EUROTHERM-2016, (2016), 032057, insges. 8 S.

Wavy fins are widely used for off-road vehicle coolers, due to their dust resistance. In this study, heat exchanger elements with wavy fins were examined in an experimental study. Due to independence of tooling and degrees of freedom in design, rapid prototyping technique selective laser melting was used to produce heat exchanger elements with high dimensional accuracy. Tests were conducted for air side Reynolds number Re of 1400 - 7400 varying wavy amplitude and wave length at a constant water flow rate of 9.0m^3/h inside the tubes. The effects of wavy amplitude and wave length on the air side thermal performance were studied. Experimental correlation equations for Nu and [Psi] were derived by regression analysis.
Zürner, Till; Liu, Wenjun; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Heat and momentum transfer for magnetoconvection in a vertical external magnetic field. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2470-0053, Bd. 94 (2016), 4, 043108, insges. 7 S.

The scaling theory of Grossmann and Lohse [J. FluidMech. 407, 27 (2000)] for turbulent heat and momentum transfer is extended to the magnetoconvection case in the presence of a (strong) vertical magnetic field. A comparison with existing laboratory experiments and direct numerical simulations in the quasistatic limit allows us to restrict the parameter space to very low Prandtl and magnetic Prandtl numbers and thus to reduce the number of unknown parameters in the model. Also included is the Chandrasekhar limit, for which the outer magnetic induction field B is large enough such that convective motion is suppressed and heat is transported by diffusion. Our theory identifies four distinct regimes of magnetoconvection that are distinguished by the strength of the outer magnetic field and the level of turbulence in the flow, respectively.
Karmo, Diala;
Beiträge zur Erhöhung der Effektivität von Lamellenrohr-Wärmeübertragern. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (XVIII, 115 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2016

Die Anforderungen an die Verwendung hocheffizienter Komponenten in Kälte- und Klimaanlagen nehmen ständig zu, wobei Energieeffizienz, geringer Material- bzw. Platzbedarf angestrebt werden. Eine der wesentlichen Komponenten stellt dabei der Lamellenrohr-Wärmeübertrager dar. Eine Erhöhung der Leistung oder eine Reduzierung des Volumens von Wärmeübertragern haben einen großen Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften der Gesamtanlage. Die bestehenden Veröffentlichungen in diesem Bereich zeigen jedoch, dass die Effektivität der Wärmeübertragungsoberflächen nur geringfügig oder gar nicht verbessert werden konnten. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich daher auf die Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur effektiven Auslegung von Lamellenrohr-Wärmeübertragern. Dabei sollte die Wärmeübertragung verbessert werden, ohne dass sich die Abmaße des Wärmeübertragers, der Material- und Energieverbrauch vergrößern. Durch eine Recherche über vorhandene interessante Entwicklungsmethoden und die Durchführung von Voruntersuchungen sind Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen, die als Basis für neue Auslegungsmethoden verwendet werden. Ausgehend davon werden zwei innovative Hauptauslegungen entwickelt. Die neu entwickelten Methoden werden so beschrieben, dass konventionelle Modelle nach systematischen Schritten effektiv ausgelegt werden können. Einerseits ermöglicht die erste Auslegung (Lamellenversetzung) eine verbesserte Turbulenz und eine leichte Erhöhung der Luftgeschwindigkeit zwischen den Lamellen, andererseits sollte die zweite entwickelte Auslegung (Zickzackform) zusätzlich dazu eine größere Kontaktfläche (ellipsenförmig) zwischen den Lamellen und Rohren garantieren. Zur Bewertung der Eigenschaften der entwickelten Modelle werden hauptsächlich die Wärmeübertragungswerte, Druckverluste, Leistungskennzahlen, Materialverbräuche und die Energieeffizienz berücksichtigt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden anhand eines typischen Wärmeübertragers adäquate neue Modelle ausgelegt, die numerisch und zum Teil experimentell untersucht werden. Durch additive Fertigungsverfahren werden dazu zwei Exemplare für ein konventionelles und ein neu entwickeltes Modell modelliert, hergestellt bzw. untersucht.
Sokolov, Igor;
Lorentz force velocimetry at high magnetic Reynolds numbers. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (93 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2016

Die Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie (LKA) ist ein berührungsloses elektromagnetisches Strömungsmessverfahren. Das Grundprinzip dieses Verfahrens kann wie folgt beschrieben werden: befindet sich ein Magnet in der Nähe einer sich bewegenden, elektrisch leitfähigen Flüssigkeit so erfährt dieser die Lorentzkraft. Diese Kraft ist von der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit der Flüssigkeit linear abhängig. Da dieses Messverfahren berührungslos ist, ist es gut geeignet für industrielle Anwendungen wo mit heißen und aggressiven Metallenschmelzen gearbeitet wird. Dennoch gibt es einen grundsätzlichen physikalischen Effekt der bei hohen magnetischen Reynoldszahlen Rem auftritt und den Anwendungsbereich einschränkt. Dieser Effekt äußert sich zum Beispiel dadurch, dass das vom Magneten erzeugte Magnetfeld verzerrt wird, wenn die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit der Flüssigkeit hoch ist. Dadurch ist der Zusammenhang zwischen Kraft und Geschwindigkeit nicht mehr linear und es kommt zu Messfehlern. Das Ziel der Promotion besteht darin, die grundsätzlichen Aspekte dieses physikalischen Effektes theoretisch und experimentell zu untersuchen und zu beschreiben. Somit wird auch eine wichtige Voraussetzung geschaffen, die es ermöglicht, das Anwendungsspektrum des LKA-Verfahrens zukünftig zu erweitern. Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht aus fünf Kapiteln. Im ersten Kapitel werden eine Einführung zur Thematik gegeben und die wesentlichen Aspekte des LKA-Verfahrens bei mittleren Werten für Rem erläutert. Im darauffolgenden Kapitel wird ein theoretisches quasi-2D Modell entwickelt, welches die Erzeugung der Lorentzkraft in einem elektrisch leitfähigen Festkörper veranschaulicht. Im dritten Kapitel werden die dazugehörigen Modellexperimente mit metallischen Festkörpern beschrieben und die dazugehörigen Messergebnisse analysiert. Das vierte Kapital umfasst Versuche mit flüssigem Natrium das mit Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 30 m/s am Magneten vorbeiströmt. Derartige Experimente zur Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie wurden weltweit erstmalig durchgeführt. Bei den Versuchen wurden die Lorentzkraft und das Magnetfeld lokal gemessen. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für zukünftige Anwendungen des LKA-Verfahrens und komplementieren die gesammelten Erfahrungen zu dieser Technologie bei niedrigen magnetischen Reynoldszahlen. Im letzten Kapital werden die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zusammengefaßt.
Prinz, Sebastian; Bandaru, Vinodh; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas
Numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic flows driven by a moving permanent magnet. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 1 (2016), 4, 043601, insges. 24 S.

We present results from numerical reconstructions of magnetic obstacle experiments performed in liquid metal flows. The experimental setup consists of an open rectangular container filled with a thin layer of liquid metal (GaInSn). A permanent magnet is installed on a rail beneath the container and is moved with a constant velocity U0, which in turn induces a flow inside the liquid metal due to Lorentz forces. The setup allows experiments in a parameter range that is accessible by direct numerical simulations (DNS). We present results from realizations with four different parameter sets, covering flows with stable stationary vortex structures in the reference system of the moving magnet as well as time-dependent flow regimes. Although the liquid metal layer is very thin, the flow shows a highly three-dimensional character in the near and in the far wake of the magnetic obstacle. We conclude that the streamline visualization in the experiment (using gas bubbles at the surface of the liquid metal layer) is insufficient to picture the flow structure occurring in the liquid metal. To underpin our conclusions, we introduce a modified numerical model which aims to mimic the movement of these gas bubbles. Although this model is a strong simplification of the highly complicated behavior of bubbles at a fluid-fluid interface, it captures the main effects and provides a good reproduction of the experimental results. Furthermore, transient effects are investigated when the flow is initiated, i.e., when the magnet approaches the container and crosses its front wall.We conclude that the process of vortex formation is accompanied by a decrease of the streamwise component of the Lorentz force compared to the time when the fluid is still quiescent. This decrease occurs only for flows with stable vortex structures, which might be of interest for practical applications like Lorentz force velocimetry. The Lorentz forces obtained from our DNS are in good agreement with the values measured in experiment.
Alkhalil, Shatha;
Lorentz force sigmometry : a novel technique to measure the electrical conductivity of solid and fluid metals. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (vi, 89 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2016

Lorentzkraft Sigmometrie "LOFOS" ist eine neuartige Technik zur Messung unterschiedlicher physikalischer Eigenschaften von Flüssigmetall, wie der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit, Viskosität oder Dichte. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit von festen und flüssigen Metallen mit dem sogenannten mobilen LOFOS. Diese Technik basiert auf den Grundsätzen der Magnetohydrodynamik: Durch die Bewegung eines elektrischen Leiters in einem von außen angelegtem Magnetfeld werden Wirbelströme innerhalb des Leiters induziert. Nach dem Ampereschen Gesetz erzeugen diese Wirbelströme wiederrum ein sekundäres Magnetfeld. Durch Wechselwirkung zwischen den Wirbelströmen und dem magnetischen Gesamtfeld entstehen Lorentzkräfte, die den Fluss abschwächen. Nach Newtons drittem Gesetz (actio und reactio) wirken die Lorentzkräfte auch auf den Magneten mit gleichem Betrag, aber in entgegengesetzter Richtung [Thess:2007]. Diese Kraft kann gemessen werden und ist proportional zu der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des flüssigen oder festen Leiters. Diese Tatsache wird für die kontaktlose Geschwindigkeitsmessung "Lorentz force velocimetry" und für die Erkennung von Defekten in Festkörpern "Lorentz force eddy current testing" genutzt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es zu testen und zu zeigen, dass LOFOS erfolgreich die elektrische Leitfähigkeit von festen und flüssigen Metallen messen kann. Mehrere Experimente wurden durchgeführt um dieses zu zeigen, beginnend mit festen Zylindern aus Kupfer, Aluminium und Messing, die eine Länge von 300 mm und einem Durchmesser von 10 mm haben. Die ersten Experimente wurden an Metallen mit bekannter elektrischer Leitfähigkeit durchgeführt (Aluminium und Kupfer), um den Kalibrierungsfaktor zu ermitteln. Dieser Kalibrierungsfaktor wurde dann benutzt um die Leitfähigkeit eines Zylinders aus Messing zu messen [Alkhalil: 2015]. Die Anordnung von LOFOS für die Messung an Festkörpern bedarf einiger technischer Veränderungen im Vergleich zu der Messung an Fluiden. Diese Veränderungen sind nötig um die Zeit der Wechselwirkung zwischen Festkörper und externen magnetischen Feld, welches durch einen Halbach Zylinder Magneten erzeugt wird, zu verlängern. Die zweite Reihe an Experimenten erfolgte mit Flüssigmetall. Zu Beginn wurde die Legierung Ga67In20.5Sn12.5 verwendet, deren physikalische Eigenschaften bekannt sind. Diese eutektische Legierung hat einen Schmelzpunkt von 10.5 &ring;C und ist daher flüssig bei Raumtemperatur, wohingegen die zweiten Versuche mit flüssigem Zinn durchgeführt wurden, welches einen Schmelzpunkt von 232 &ring;C hat. Für die Strömungsmessungen fertigten wir einen speziellen kegelförmigen Behälter aus Quarz an, welcher Temperaturen von Raumtemperatur bis zu 1000 &ring;C aushält. Die Düse hat einen Durchmesser von 8 mm und ermöglicht den Durchfluss von flüssigem Metall durch das Magnetsystem in Dt=5s, was notwendig für die Messung der Lorentzkraft mit hoher Genauigkeit ist. Um das LOFOS Lorentzkraft Messsystem vor hohen Temperaturen zu schützen, haben wir eine externe Luftkompressor Pumpe hinzugefügt. Beide Experimente bestätigen, dass Lorentzkraft Sigmometrie die elektrische Leitfähigkeit von festen und flüssigen Metall ermitteln kann. Der Fehler für die Messungen an Festkörpern beträgt bis zu 5%, für die Messungen an flüssigem Metall bis zu 10%.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Boeck, Thomas
Numerical simulation of jet flow in a straight duct under streamwise magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 229-233

The spatially evolving flow of a liquid-metal jet in a duct with streamwise uniform magnetic field is studied by direct numerical simulation. In contrast to the case of an imposed transverse field, only the turbulent fluctuations of the flow are affected in this setup. They tend to form structures elongated along the applied magnetic field. In that case turbulence becomes strongly anisotropic and, therefore, may completely change its properties. One interesting and important property is the flow stabilization, i.e. transition to turbulence can be largely delayed due to the stabilizing effect of the magnetic field. This occurs in the presence of moderate magnetic fields. In a strong magnetic field the flow becomes unsteady due to travelling waves that propagate along the field.

Prinz, Sebastian; Bandaru, Vinodh; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas
Magnetic obstacle: results from numerical reconstructions of experimental data. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 574-578

We present results from numerical reconstructions of magnetic obstacle experiments in which a moving permanent magnet drives a free-surface flow in a container filled with liquid metal (GaInSn). The results cover different flow regimes, such as stationary (in the reference system of the moving magnet) so-called six vortex structures, as well as time-dependent flows. The numerical results show that - although the liquid metal layer is thin - the flow structure is highly three dimensional. We conclude that the experimental technique for streamline visualization (gas bubbles at the surface of the liquid metal) is insufficient to picture the occurring flow structure. To underpin our conclusion, we introduce a modified numerical model that aims to mimic the movement of the gas bubbles. The results of the modified model and the experiments are in excellent agreement. Furthermore, Lorentz forces obtained from simulations match well with those from the experiments.

Zürner, Till; Liu, Wenjun; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Scaling of turbulent heat and momentum transfer for magnetoconvection in a vertical magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 532-536

Lyu, Ze; Karcher, Christian
Experimental study on bubble rising in liquid GaInSn using Local Lorentz Force Velocimetry (LLFV). - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 243-246

Dong, Shuai; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Wang, Xiaodong
Numerical simulation of swirling flow in the pipe under non-uniform magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 234-237

Leng, Xueyuan; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Li, Benwen
The effects of axial magnetic field on turbulence in Taylor-Couette flow. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 224-228

Hernández, Daniel; Karcher, Christian; Wondrak, Thomas
Dry calibration of a new generation local Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 198-202

Liu, Wenjun; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
DNS of natural convection in liquid metal with strong magnetic fields in rectangular enclosures. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 67-71

Wiederhold, Andreas; Ebert, Reschad; Resagk, Christian
New developments on Lorentz force velocimetry for weakly conducting fluids. - In: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2016), S. 1-5

Hernández, Daniel; Schleichert, Jan; Karcher, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Wondrak, Thomas; Timmel, Klaus
Local Lorentz force flowmeter at a continuous caster model using a new generation multicomponent force and torque sensor. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 27 (2016), 6, S. 065302, insges. 9 S.

Lorentz force velocimetry is a non-invasive velocity measurement technique for electrical conductive liquids like molten steel. In this technique, the metal flow interacts with a static magnetic field generating eddy currents which, in turn, produce flow-braking Lorentz forces within the fluid. These forces are proportional to the electrical conductivity and to the velocity of the melt. Due to Newton's third law, a counter force of the same magnitude acts on the source of the applied static magnetic field which is in our case a permanent magnet. In this paper we will present a new multicomponent sensor for the local Lorentz force flowmeter (L2F2) which is able to measure simultaneously all three components of the force as well as all three components of the torque. Therefore, this new sensor is capable of accessing all three velocity components at the same time in the region near the wall. In order to demonstrate the potential of this new sensor, it is used to identify the 3-dimensional velocity field near the wide face of the mold of a continuous caster model available at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. As model melt, the eutectic alloy GaInSn is used.
Wang, Bo; Wang, Xiao-dong; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Zhang, San; Tan, Yan-qing; Na, Xian-zhao
An experimental prototype of an innovative fluid-driven electromagnetic stirring technique. - In: Journal of iron and steel research, international, ISSN 2210-3988, Bd. 23 (2016), 5, S. 422-427

A new electromagnetic stirring technique that is driven by hydrodynamic forces was presented. This technique offers the following advantages. First, the stirrer can be immersed in the liquid metal, thereby significantly increasing the penetration depth of the electromagnetic forces and significantly improving the stirring efficiency; thus, this technique is particularly suitable for large-scale liquid metal. Second, under certain conditions, this technique can overcome difficulties that are encountered with traditional stirrers, such as accessing regions that are difficult to reach in working spaces with complex or narrow shapes. This stirrer also has a simpler structure than a traditional stirrer; thus, the design can be easily modified, and no external power supply is required. An experimental prototype was also presented for controlling the fluid flow rate, thereby controlling the electromagnetic force and velocity field of the driven liquid metal. The velocity distribution in a liquid GaInSn alloy under fluid-driven electromagnetic stirring was quantitatively measured using ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV). The primary results show that a remarkable velocity field has been achieved and that fluid-driven electromagnetic stirring is an effective means of stirring liquid metal. Finally, the potential applications of this technique in industry, along with key challenges, were discussed.
Dubovikova, Nataliia; Resagk, Christian; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri
Contactless flow measurement in liquid metal using electromagnetic time-of-flight method. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 27 (2016), 5, S. 055102, insges. 12 S.

Measuring flow rates of liquid metal flows is of utmost importance in industrial applications such as metal casting, in order to ensure process efficiency and product quality. A non-contact method for flow rate control is described here. The method is known as time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) and determines flow rate through measurement of Lorentz force that act on magnet systems that are placed close to the flow. In this method, a vortex generator is used to generate an eddy in the flow, with two magnet systems separated by a known distance placed downstream of the vortex generator. Each of the magnet systems has a force sensor attached to them which detects the passing of the eddy through its magnetic field as a significant perturbation in the force signal. The flow rate is estimated from the time span between the perturbations in the two force signals. In this paper, time-of-flight LFV technique is demonstrated experimentally for the case of liquid metal flow in a closed rectangular duct loop that is driven by an electromagnetic pump. A liquid metal alloy of gallium (Ga), indium (In) and tin (Sn) - GaInSn - is used as the working fluid. In contrast to prior works, for the first time, three-dimensional strain gauge force sensors were used for measuring Lorentz force to investigate the effect of flow disturbances in different directions for flow measurements by the time-of-flight LFV method. A prototype time-of-flight LFV flowmeter is developed, the operation of which in laboratory conditions is characterised by different experiments.
Lämmle, Christopher;
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zu stoffschlüssigen und flüssigmetallischen Hochtemperatur-Verbindungstechniken von thermoelektrischen Materialien. - Ilmenau, 2016. - X,166 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2016

Der Verbrennungsmotor wird in den nächsten 2 Jahrzehnten das dominierende Antriebskonzept bleiben. Die Weiterentwicklung der Motorentechnik wird primär durch CO 2 - Ausstoß reduzierende Maßnahmen geprägt. Großes, noch nicht genutztes Potenzial, liegt in der Nutzung der Abgaswärme. Durch die Integrierung eines thermoelektrischen Generators in den Abgasstrang soll ein Teil dieser ungenutzten Energie mit Hilfe der Thermoelektrik verwertet werden. Ein thermoelektrischer Generator ist ein Wärmeübertrager mit integrierten thermoelektrischen Modulen zum Zwecke der Stromerzeugung. Für eine optimale Wärmeleitung vom Wärmeübertrager zum thermoelektrischen Modul können nur stoffschlüssige Verbindungstechniken verwendet werden. Des Weiteren sollen die thermoelektrischen Module druckfrei in die Wärmeübertragerstruktur integriert werden. Zunächst werden auf Keramik und Stahl basierende Substrate für den Aufbau thermoelektrischer Module für den zyklischen Betrieb bis 450 &ring;C entwickelt und getestet. Ein auf Stahl basierendes Substrat mit eingebranntem Dielektrikum als elektrische Isolierung und aufgesinterten Nickelleiterbrücken ist aussichtsreich. Jedoch bilden sich Risse in der dielektrischen Schicht. Das Substrat erfüllt dennoch die Anforderungen an die Planparallelität. Des Weiteren wird an einer thermomechanischen Spannungsentkoppelung durch eine Flüssigmetallschicht geforscht. Diese Flüssigmetallschicht soll im Inneren des thermoelektrischen Moduls eine starre, stoffschlüssige Verbindung ersetzten und eine horizontale Bewegung aufgrund der thermischen Ausdehnung kompensieren. Dazu werden verschiedene Flüssigmetalllegierungen in Kontakt mit metallisierten Keramiken gebracht und das Benetzungsverhalten und die chemische Stabilität analysiert. Eine mit Wolfram und Nickel beschichtete Al2O3- Keramik wird von einer Indium-Silber-Legierung benetzt, ohne die Metallisierung auf der Keramik vollständig zu lösen. Abschließend werden ein starres, stoffschlüssig gefügtes thermoelektrisches Modul und ein Modul mit Flüssigmetallschicht aufgebaut, getestet und verglichen. Beide Module zeigen nach einer thermischen Zyklierung eine Schädigung im Dielektrikum beziehungsweise in den thermoelektrischen Materialien auf. Die metallisierte Keramik auf der Heißseite des Moduls mit Flüssigmetalleinlage zeigt keine Schädigung. Die thermomechanische Spannungsentkoppelung hat partiell funktioniert.

Ebert, Reschad Johann;
Kontaktlose Durchflussmessung in turbulenten Elektrolytströmungen mittels Lorentzkraft Anemometrie. - Ilmenau, 2016. - 89 Blätter
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2016

In dieser Arbeit wurden einige Weiterentwicklungen der Lorentzkraft Anemometrie für schwach leitfähige Fluide sowie eines Strömungskanals durchgeführt. Dabei handelt es sich um ein nicht-invasives Strömungsmessverfahren. Nachdem umfangreiche Messungen bei symmetrischen und stark asymmetrischen Strömungsprofilen erfolgten, kann der Lorentzkraft Anemometrie auch bei schwach leitfähigen Fluiden eine universale Einsatzfähigkeit für diverse industriell relevante Strömungen attestiert werden. Dies begründet sich aus der gegenüber anderen kontaktlosen Messverfahren deutlich geringeren Abhängigkeit des Messsignals vom Geschwindigkeitsprofil des Fluids. Weiterhin wurde in dieser Arbeit das sogenannte Schwimmer-Konzept entwickelt, durch das erstmals eine Überwindung der Obergrenze für die Masse des Magnetsystems als Bestandteil jedes Lorentzkraft Anemometers möglich ist. Der entwickelte Aufbau erlaubt dabei bereits eine deutliche Erhöhung der Messauflösung bei zukünftiger Erweiterung des Magnetsystems. Wegen des einfachen Konzepts, bei dem ausschließlich Teile der Gewichtskraft kompensiert werden, wurde die Massenobergrenze nicht nur verschoben, sondern gänzlich aufgehoben. In einer abschließenden Charakterisierung des Strömungskanals sowie des zugehörigen Lorentzkraft Anemometers konnte gegenüber vorangegangenen Forschungsarbeiten eine deutliche Verbesserung der minimal notwendigen Strömungsgeschwindigkeit und elektrischen Leitfähigkeit erzielt werden, was vor allem auf den durch ein angrenzendes Projekt beigesteuerten differentiellen Lorentzkraft Sensor ermöglicht worden ist. Die neue Untergrenze für das Produkt aus Fluidgeschwindigkeit und Leitfähigkeit für Messungen mit einer Unsicherheit von weniger als 10 % kann für das Gesamtsystem derzeit mit 0,1 S/s angegeben werden, was einer Auflösungssteigerung von einer Größenordnung entspricht. Würde das Schwimmer-Konzept mit dem differentiellen Kraftmesssystem kombiniert werden, ist sogar eine Auflösungssteigerung von eineinhalb Größenordnungen (Faktor 30) zu erwarten. Gleichzeitig offenbarten die Untersuchungen am Rande der verfügbaren Auflösung aber noch einige mögliche Ansätze für zukünftige Entwicklungen und warfen spannende Fragen auf, die noch viel Raum für nachfolgende Forschungsarbeiten bieten.

Kästner, Christian; Seeland, Marco; Ayuk Mbi Egbe, Daniel; Hoppe, Harald
Locally resolved large scale phase separation in polymer:fullerene blends. - In: Journal of materials chemistry, ISSN 2050-7496, Bd. 4 (2016), 4, S. 1244-1250
Bühl, Jürgen; Förster, Rolf; Günther, Wolfgang; Müller, Matthias; Yakowleva, Y.; Dennefeld, Christina; Moldenhauer, Stefan; Heinicke, Christiane
Modularer-Recht-Eck-Wärme-Speicher aus Faserverbund-Werkstoffen-GFK TP1 & TP2 : Forschungsbericht/Abschlussbericht zum BMU-Forschungsvorhaben: 032543A & 032543B ; (01. Juli 2013 bis 30. Juni 2015). - Ilmenau : TU, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Institut für Thermo- und Fluiddynamik. - 1 Online-Ressource (359 Seiten, 24,59 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 0325543A-B [richtig] - 032543A-B [falsch]. - Verbund-Nummer 01145071
Kästner, Christian; Resagk, Christian
Temperature field measurement in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection :
Temperaturfeldmessung in turbulenter Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2015), S. 22-1-22-7

Ebert, Alexander; Kaleem, Saqib; Müller, Jens; Stephan, Ralf; Stöpel, Dirk; Kässer, Tobias; Konrath, Willibald; Hein, Matthias
An industry-level implementation of a compact microwave diode switch matrix for flexible input multiplexing if a geo-stationary satellite payload. - In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), ISBN 978-1-4799-7473-3, (2015), insges. 4 S.
Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri
Velocity and flow rate measurement of liquid metal by contactless electromagnetic Lorentz force technique. - In: LMPC 2015, ISBN 978-3-901384-63-9, (2015), S. 335-338

Providing flow analysis in case of aggressive and hot liquids is a complicated task, especially when liquid's composition and, hence, its physical properties, are unknown. Contactless techniques are the most promising methods for liquid metal flow rate control and some of these methods are based on electromagnetic induction of breaking force acting on an electrically conductive fluid which is moving through a magnetic field. One of the techniques is time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV). By using the method one can estimate volumetric flow rate without knowing of electrical conductivity, magnitude of magnetic field or characteristic dimension. The most important and crucial challenge within the technique is detection of small fluctuations of Lorentz force value. In this article we will focus on application and investigation of time-of-flight LFV.

Karcher, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Schumacher, Jörg; Wagner, Claus
Das Institut für Thermo- und Fluiddynamik. - In: Jenaer Jahrbuch zur Technik- und Industriegeschichte, ISSN 2198-6746, Bd. 18 (2015), S. 147-174

Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Karcher, Christian *1959-*;
Electromagnetic technique for liquid metal flow measurement by force time-of-flight principle. - In: Proceedings, ISBN 978-2-9553861-0-1, (2015), S. 519-521

Flow rate and velocity measurement in opaque and aggressive liquids such as metal melts is a challenging task in scopes, where flow should be controlled. Optical measurement techniques as well as submerging probes or control units cannot be applied in this highly severe environment; hence, contactless methods are of interest for practical flow control. One branch of such techniques is flow rate estimation by measurement of electromagnetic parameters. In this paper we present working principle and experimental results of a such contactless electromagnetic technique - time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV), which allows determine the flow rate of liquid metals. The principle is based on measurement of Lorentz force that generated inside liquid metal under its motion through magnetic field, because the force linearly depends on flow rate. The method needs neither additional calibration nor information about fluid properties and magnetic field magnitude.

Ebert, Reschad;
New developments on Lorentz force velocimetry for weakly conducting fluids. - In: Proceedings, ISBN 978-2-9553861-0-1, (2015), S. 299-302

Leng, Xueyuan; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Li, Benwen
The distinction of instability and turbulence between the Taylor-Couette flow and electrically driven flow in annular channel. - In: Proceedings, ISBN 978-2-9553861-0-1, (2015), S. 191-194

Dong, Shuai; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Wang, Xiaodong
Numerical simulation of swirling flow in the pipe under non-uniform magnetic field. - In: Proceedings, ISBN 978-2-9553861-0-1, (2015), S. 171-174

Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Boeck, Thomas;
Numerical simulation of a round jet in the presence of an axial magnetic field. - In: Proceedings, ISBN 978-2-9553861-0-1, (2015), S. 175-178

We report numerical simulations of a submerged round jet of conducting liquid issuing into a square duct in the presence of a uniform axial magnetic field. Starting from a quiescent initial condition, the spatial development of the jet is simulated until the transition or breakup zone is no longer evolving in space or the jet has reached the outlet while eventually be completely suppressed within the computational domain. For even stronger fields the laminar jet becomes unsteady again, which is presumably caused by a MHD pinching mechanism.

Dubovikova, Nataliia; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian;
Experimental study of an electromagnetic flow meter for liquid metals based on torque measurement during pumping process. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 26 (2015), 11, S. 115304, insges. 10 S.

This paper presents a detailed experimental study on an electromagnetic flow measurement technique to measure the flow rate of liquid metals. The experimental setup consists of a contactless electromagnetic pump with a torque sensor mounted on the pump shaft. The electromagnetic pump is composed of two rotating steel discs having embedded permanent magnets with alternating poles. The rotation of the discs creates a travelling sinusoidal magnetic field and eddy currents within the liquid metal. The metal is contained inside the duct located between the discs of the pump. The interaction of the magnetic field and the induced eddy currents generates an electromagnetic Lorentz force providing the pumping effect. The flow rate is proportional to this force. The torque sensor measures the moment of the discs due to the Lorentz force, which is converted to a flow rate value. We name the method Lorentz torque velocimetry (LTV). The full calibration procedure and experimental investigation of the LTV are described. The method can be used as a non-contact flow rate control technique for liquid metals.
Alkhalil, Shatha; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Lorentz force sigmometry: a novel technique for measuring the electrical conductivity of solid and liquid metals. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 26 (2015), 11, S. 115605, insges. 7 S.

In this paper, a novel method to measure the electrical conductivity of solid and molten metals is described. We term the method 'Lorentz force sigmometry', where the term 'sigmometry' refers to the letter sigma σ, often used to denote the electrical conductivity. The Lorentz force sigmometry method is based on the phenomenon of eddy currents generation in a moving conductor exposed to a magnetic field. Based on Ampere's law, the eddy currents in turn generate a secondary magnetic field; as a result, the Lorentz force acts to brake the conductor. Owing to Newton's third law, a measurable force, which is equal to the Lorentz force and is directly proportional to the electrical conductivity of the conductive fluid or solid, acts on the magnet. We present the results of the measurements performed on solids along with the initial measurements on fluids with a eutectic alloy composition of Ga67In20.5Sn12.5; detailed measurements on molten metals are still in progress and will be published in the future. We conducted a series of experiments and measured the properties of known electrical conductive metals, including aluminum and copper, to compute the calibration factor of the device, and then used the same calibration factor to estimate the unknown electrical conductivity of a brass bar. The predicted electrical conductivity of the brass bar was compared with the conductivity measured with a commercial device called 'SigmaTest'; the observed error was less than 0.5%.
Vasilyan, Suren; Ebert, Reschad; Weidner, Markus; Rivero, Michel; Halbedel, Bernd; Resagk, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas
Towards metering tap water by Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 26 (2015), 11, S. 115302, insges. 11 S.
Sajjad, Muhammad T.; Ward, Alexander J.; Kästner, Christian; Ruseckas, Arvydas; Hoppe, Harald; Samuel, Ifor D. W.
Controlling exciton diffusion and fullerene distribution in photovoltaic blends by side chain modification. - In: The journal of physical chemistry letters, ISSN 1948-7185, Bd. 6 (2015), 15, S. 3054-3060
Seeland, Marco; Kästner, Christian; Kästner, Christian *1981-*;
Quantitative evaluation of inhomogeneous device operation in thin film solar cells by luminescence imaging. - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 107 (2015), 7, S. 073302, insges. 5 S.
Bühl, Jürgen;
Wärme- (Energie)- Speicherentwicklungen aus Ilmenau. - In: Thermische Solarenergie, (2015), S. 88-89

Ebert, Reschad; Leineweber, Johannes;
Performance enhancement of a Lorentz force velocimeter using a buoyancy-compensated magnet system. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 26 (2015), 7, S. 75301, insges. 7 S.
Karmo, Diala; Ajib, Salman
Auslegung und Untersuchung von Lamellenrohr-Wärmeübertragern mit verbesserter Wärmeübertragung, Teil 2. - In: KI - Kälte, Luft, Klimatechnik, ISSN 1865-5432, Bd. 51 (2015), 4, S. 2-7

In diesem Beitrag werden die Wirkungen wesentlicher Parameter (z.B. Kontakt zwischen Rohren und Lamellen, Luftgeschwindigkeit...) auf die Wärmeübertragung dargestellt. Aufbauend darauf werden zwei neue effektive Auslegungen vogestllt. In der ersten Auslegungsalternative werden die Rohre in eine Zickzackform umgestellt, wobei der Lamellenblock ebenfalls ein Zickzack bildet. In der zweiten Auslegungsalternative werden die Lamellen versetzt. Durch die Bestimmung der Anzahl Rohrreihen, Lamellenhöhen und Lamellenabstände erfolgt in den neuen Auslegungen keine Erhöhung des Materialverbrauchs oder der Dimensionen der entwickelten Wärmeübertrager. Die Simulationsrechngen zeigen eine Erhöhung der Wärmeübertragung um bis zum 57% oder eine Reduzierung des Materialeinsatzes bzw. des Volumens um ca. 36 % bzw. 57 %. Dabei sind Druckverluste relative sehr geringfügig.

Karmo, Diala; Ajib, Salman
Auslegung und Untersuchung von Lamellenrohr-Wärmeübertragern mit verbesserter Wärmeübertragung, Teil 1. - In: KI - Kälte, Luft, Klimatechnik, ISSN 1865-5432, Bd. 51 (2015), 3, S. 32-37

In diesem Beitrag werden die Wirkungen wesentlicher Parameter (z.B. Kontakt zwischen Rohren und Lamellen, Luftgeschwindigkeit...) auf die Wärmeübertragung dargestellt. Aufbauend darauf werden zwei neue effektive Auslegungen vogestllt. In der ersten Auslegungsalternative werden die Rohre in eine Zickzackform umgestellt, wobei der Lamellenblock ebenfalls ein Zickzack bildet. In der zweiten Auslegungsalternative werden die Lamellen versetzt. Durch die Bestimmung der Anzahl Rohrreihen, Lamellenhöhen und Lamellenabstände erfolgt in den neuen Auslegungen keine Erhöhung des Materialverbrauchs oder der Dimensionen der entwickelten Wärmeübertrager. Die Simulationsrechngen zeigen eine Erhöhung der Wärmeübertragung um bis zum 57% oder eine Reduzierung des Materialeinsatzes bzw. des Volumens um ca. 36 % bzw. 57 %. Dabei sind Druckverluste relative sehr geringfügig.

Karmo, Diala; Ajib, Salman
Auslegung und Untersuchung von Lamellenrohr-Wärmeübertragern mit verbesserter Wärmeübertragung. - In: Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung, (2015), insges. 21 S.

Schumacher, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Flow measurement in metal melts using a non-contact surface velocity sensor based on time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics, ISSN 1875-8800, Bd. 44 (2014), 2, S. 183-191
Hernández, Daniel; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Small-size permanent magnet system for contactless local velocity measurement in liquid metals. - In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing, (2014), S. 325-328

Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Karcher, Christian *1959-*;
Experimental flow rate control in liquid metals by electromagnetic force. - In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing, (2014), S. 217-221

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang; Thess, André
EnEff: Wärme - Absorptionskälteanlage für Niedertemperaturfernwärme; Entwicklung einer Pilotanlage : Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben ; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.04.2009 bis 30.09.2013. - Ilmenau. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 19 S., 11,2 MB)Unterschiede zwischen dem gedruckten Dokument und der elektronischen Ressource können nicht ausgeschlossen werden
Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Karcher, Christian *1959-*;
Electromagnetic flow control in liquid metals using Lorentz force techniques. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 14 (2014), 1, S. 721-722
Hernández, Daniel; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
A Lorentz force flow meter for application at blast furnaces: design and calibration. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 14 (2014), 1, S. 725-726
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Willert, Christian
Boundary layer heat transport in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 14 (2014), 1, S. 657-658
Ebert, Reschad; Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Resagk, Christian
Application of Lorentz force techniques for flow rate measurement :
Anwendung der Lorentzkraft-Techniken für Durchflussmessungen. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2014), 13, insges. 6 S.

Körner, Max; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Experimental investigation of the formation of large-scale flow structures in indoor airflows :
Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Bildung großskaliger Strukturen in Raumluftströmungen. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2014), 37, insges. 7 S.

Hernández, Daniel; Karcher, Christian
A Lorentz force flow meter for application at blast furnaces: design and calibration. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2014), 9, insges. 6 S.

Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian
Application of non-contact electromagnetic force and torque measurements for the determination of liquid metal velocity. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2014), 8, insges. 4 S.

Karcher, Christian; Schmidt, Fabian; Kühndel, Jonas
Electromagnetic control of heat transfer in engine coolers. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2014), 7, insges. 14 S.

Pothérat, Alban; Klein, Rico
Why, how and when MHD turbulence at low Rm becomes three-dimensional. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 761 (2014), S. 168-205
Sokolov, Igor; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Experimental investigation of the transient phase of the Lorentz force response to the time-dependent velocity at finite magnetic Reynolds number. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 25 (2014), 12, S. 125304, insges. 7 S.

The working principle of Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is based on a linear dependence between measured force and velocity. We consider a case when a violation of that linear law takes place in order to take this effect into account for LFV. The response of the Lorentz force to a time-dependent velocity of solid conducting rods is experimentally studied. Solid conductors were chosen due to the fact that at a limited length of imposed magnetic field the end effects of secondary field generation are identical both in liquid and solid conductors. Thus one can simulate clearly a distortion of the imposed magnetic field in the case of nonstationary fluid flows.
Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Karcher, Christian *1959-*;
Force measurements by strain gauge sensors as part of time-of-flight flow rate control. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 6 S.
Kramer, Wolfgang; Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kobelt, Sven; Bestenlehner, Dominik; Drück, Harald; Bühl, Jürgen; Dasch, Georg
Solar-active-houses - analysis of the building concept based on detailed measurements. - In: Energy procedia, ISSN 1876-6102, Bd. 48 (2014), S. 895-903
Weidermann, Christian; Sokolov, Igor; Thess, André
Lorentz force and joule heat induced in an electrically conducting plate moving with time-dependent velocity under the influence of a homogeneous magnetic field. - In: IEEE transactions on magnetics, ISSN 1941-0069, Bd. 50 (2014), 8, S. 7027209, insges. 9 S.

This paper investigates the interaction of an initially uniform magnetic field with an electrically conducting slab that moves perpendicularly to the magnetic field with arbitrary time-dependent velocity. It is demonstrated that the problem of determining the time-dependent Lorentz force and the time-dependent Joule heat in the slab is mathematically equivalent to solving a 1-D heat diffusion problem with time-dependent boundary conditions and to submitting the solution to a nonstandard postprocessing procedure. For the particular case of an impulsively driven slab we exploit the mathematical analogy between magnetic diffusion and heat diffusion by translating a textbook solution of the corresponding heat-transfer problem into exact and previously unknown relations for Lorentz force and Joule heat. Moreover, we use a 1-D finite-difference code to investigate more general time dependencies of the velocity including smooth accelerations and random velocity changes. Our numerical determination of reaction times (T98) of the Lorentz force in the case of smooth accelerations provides a useful design tool for the development of Lorentz force flowmeters with short reaction times.
Wang, Xiaodong;
A numerical visualization of physical fields in an electromagnetic pump with rotating permanent magnets. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 50 (2014), 2, S. 139-156

An apparatus known as a permanent magnet (PM) pump is developed to drive circular motion of a liquid metal in a channel or in a loop using a rotor with permanent magnets to induce an electromagnetic field. Simulations are performed, in which the full equation set for the magnetohydrodynamic flow is decoupled into the magnetic field and hydrodynamic components. Two types of pumps, a two-rotor pump and a cylindrical pump, are used as examples. The pumps provide insight into visualizing physical fields such as the magnetic field, the eddy current, the electromagnetic force, the local velocity, and the pressure distribution. The operating rotational speed of the two-rotor PM pump type and the effect of using an outer yoke for the cylindrical PM pump type are quantitatively investigated. The driving efficiency is also evaluated in terms of several key parameters. The numerical results can be used to design high performance, optimized PM pumps.

Samsami, Farzaneh; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Vortex dynamics in the wake of a magnetic obstacle. - In: Journal of visualization, ISSN 1875-8975, Bd. 17 (2014), 3, S. 245-252
Stelian, Carmen; Yu, Yang; Li, Ben-wen; Thess, André
Influence of velocity profile on calibration function of Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1573-2754, Bd. 35 (2014), 8, S. 993-1004
Hernández, Daniel; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Local Lorentz force velocity using small-size permanent magnet systems. - In: 9th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies, (2014), S. 247-250

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a contactless velocity measurement technique suited for electrical conductive fluids like liquid metals. This technique is based on the interaction of the melt flow with an externally applied magnetic field produced by a special arrangement of permanent magnets. These interactions result in the generation of a flow-breaking Lorentz force inside the melt which is proportional to the velocity of the flow. In the case of local Lorentz force velocimetry, the permanent magnet system is significantly small compared to the melt volume giving access to local velocity information.

Alkhalil, Shatha; Thess, André; Fröhlich, Thomas; Kolesnikov, Yuri
Lorentz force sigmometry: a novel technique for measuring thermo-physical properties of molten metals. - In: 9th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies, (2014), S. 124
Richtiger Name des Verf.: Thomas Fröhlich

Dubovikova, Nataliia; Karcher, Christian; Karcher, Christian *1959-*;
Applications of Lorentz force techniques for flow rate control in liquid metals. - In: 9th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies, (2014), S. 118-122

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is based on the electromagnetic induction of braking force acting on an electrically conductive fluid, which moves through a static magnetic field. Two such methods are presented here. First, time-of-flight LFV allows determining the flow rate of liquid metal by two flow meters placed at a predetermined distance by finding the time delay between their signals. Secondly, Lorentz torque velocimetry is a technique, which uses an electromagnetic pump with a torque sensor connected to the pump's shaft. Simultaneous pumping and measurement of the torque allows controlling the flow rate.

Sokolov, Igor; Thess, André; Thess, André *1964-*;
Experimental investigation of the Lorentz force response to the time-dependent velocity input while considering finite magnetic Reynolds number. - In: 9th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies, (2014), S. 380-384

Mao, Jun; Liu, Wenjun; Wang, Qiang; Zhao, Lijia; Liu, Tie; He, Jicheng
Interface evoluation between binary immiscible fluids under weak magnetic field. - In: 9th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Thermo Acoustic and Space Technologies, (2014), S. 341-345

Zikanov, Oleg; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André; Rossi, Maurice
Laminar-turbulent transition in magnetohydrodynamic duct, pipe, and channel flows. - In: Applied mechanics reviews, ISSN 1088-8535, Bd. 66 (2014), 3, S. 030802, insges. 17 S.

A magnetic field imposed on a flow of an electrically conducting fluid can profoundly change flow behavior. We consider this effect for the situation of laminar-turbulent transition in magnetohydrodynamic duct, pipe, and channel flows with homogeneous magnetic field and electrically insulating walls. Experimental and recent computational results obtained for flows in pipes, ducts and channels are reviewed.
Du Puits, Ronald; Li, Ling; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André; Willert, Christian
Turbulent boundary layer in high Rayleigh number convection in air. - In: Physical review letters, ISSN 1079-7114, Bd. 112 (2014), 12, 124301, insges. 5 S.

Flow visualizations and particle image velocimetry measurements in the boundary layer of a Rayleigh-Bénard experiment are presented for the Rayleigh number Ra 1/4 1.4 × 1010. Our visualizations indicate that the appearance of the flow structures is similar to ordinary (isothermal) turbulent boundary layers. Our particle image velocimetry measurements show that vorticity with both positive and negative sign is generated and that the smallest flow structures are 1 order of magnitude smaller than the boundary layer thickness. Additional local measurements using laser Doppler velocimetry yield turbulence intensities up to I 1/4 0.4 as in turbulent atmospheric boundary layers. From our observations, we conclude that the convective boundary layer becomes turbulent locally and temporarily although its Reynolds number Re [approximately] 200 is considerably smaller than the value 420 underlying existing phenomenological theories. We think that, in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection, the transition of the boundary layer towards turbulence depends on subtle details of the flow field and is therefore not universal.
Heinicke, Christiane; Wondrak, Thomas
Spatial and temporal resolution of a local Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 25 (2014), 5, S. 055302, insges. 7 S.
Körner, Max;
An experimental method for the investigation of indoor airflows in a reduced scale model room : development and application, 2014. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: V, 97 Bl., 2,94 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Verfahren zur experimentellen Untersuchung nicht-isothermer Raumluftströmungen in einem stark verkleinerten Modellraum unter Berücksichtigung aller Ähnlichkeitskennzahlen entwickelt. Mit diesem Verfahren konnte erstmals eine sehr hohe Genauigkeit bezüglich der Ähnlichkeitskennzahlen Reynolds-Zahl Re, Rayleigh-Zahl Ra, Prandtl-Zahl Pr sowie der Archimedes-Zahl Ar erreicht werden. Die Anpassung der Randbedingungen an den Modellmaßstab erfolgt bei dieser Methode über die Anpassung der Materialeigenschaften eines beliebigen Arbeitsgases durch Erhöhen des Drucks p. Dieses Verfahren konnte in der weltweit einzigartigen Experimentieranlage SCALEX (SCALEX = scaled convective airflow laboratory experiment) umgesetzt und auf zwei Beispielproblemstellungen der Raumluftströmung (isotherme sowie gemischte Konvektion) erfolgreich angewendet werden. Dazu wurden die Geschwindigkeitsverteilungen der groß-skaligen Strömungsstrukturen in einem im Maßstab von 1:10 verkleinerten Modellraum hinreichend komplexer Geometrie für den Fall isothermer sowie gemischter Konvektion untersucht. Die Geschwindigkeitsmessungen wurden mit einem 2D-laser Doppler velocimetry System durchgeführt. Als Arbeitsgas wurde Schwefelhexafluorid (SF6) bei einem Druck von p = 4.517bar verwendet. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit sowie die neu entstandene Anlage tragen zu einem umfangreichen Verständnis sowie einem vereinfachten experimentellen Zugang zum komplexen Themengebiet der Raumluftströmungen bei.
Dubovikova, Nataliia; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian
Flow rate measurement in aggressive conductive fluids. - In: The European physical journal, ISSN 2100-014X, Bd. 67 (2014), 02022, S. 02022-p.1-02022-p.5
Heinicke, Christiane;
Contact-free measurement of the flow field of a liquid metal inside a closed container. - In: The European physical journal, ISSN 2100-014X, Bd. 67 (2014), 02033, S. 03033-p.1-03033-p.4
Zikanov, Oleg; Krasnov, Dmitry; Li, Yongqi; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André
Patterned turbulence in spatially evolving magnetohydrodynamic duct and pipe flows. - In: Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics, ISSN 1432-2250, Bd. 28 (2014), 3, S. 319-334

Laminar-turbulent transition in spatially evolving magnetohydrodynamic pipe and duct flows is investigated numerically. The results are in good agreement with the classical 1937 experiments of J. Hartmann and F. Lazarus. It is found that the recently discovered flow regimes with turbulent spots near sidewalls are realized in spatially developing flows and must be detectable in experiments.
Boeck, Thomas; Zec, Mladen; Thess, André
Electromagnetic drag on a magnetic dipole caused by a translating and rotating conducting cylinder. - In: Journal of engineering mathematics, ISSN 1573-2703, Bd. 88 (2014), 1, S. 177-195

We report an analytical and numerical investigation of the forces and torques on a magnetic point dipole due to the presence of a moving electrically conducting cylinder. The kinematic induction problem is formulated in the quasistatic approximation that is appropriate for low magnetic Reynolds numbers. The motion of the cylinder is either a steady translation along its axis or a steady rotation about it. We find different power laws for the dependence of the force on the distance between dipole and cylinder when it is either small or large compared with the cylinder radius. The power laws for large distances are derived systematically by a long-wave expansion in the axial coordinate. For rotation, the case of a finite cylinder is studied by means of a dipole approximation.
Boeck, Thomas;
A mixing-length model for side layers of magnetohydrodynamic channel and duct flows with insulating walls. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 26 (2014), 2, 025106, insges. 11 S.

We propose a simple extension of Prandtls classical mixing-lengthmodel for channel flow in order to describe the effects of a uniform spanwise magnetic field. The mixing length is assumed to be constrained by an additional length scale called the Joule damping length. It is based on the friction velocity and the Joule damping time. The limitation of mixing length is implemented by using the harmonic mean of the wall distance and the Joule damping length. Near the wall, the model captures the combined linear-logarithmic dependence of velocity on the wall distance observed in direct numerical simulations. It also provides a satisfactory prediction for the overall velocity distribution for different Reynolds and Hartmann numbers. The velocity profile of turbulent side layers in magnetohydrodynamic duct flows in a strong field can also be computed with the help of the model provided that the Hartmann layers are already laminar.
Fdez-Aballí Altamirano, Carlos; Moldenhauer, Stefan; González Bayón, J.; Verhelst, S.; De Paepe, M.
A two control volume model for the Thermal Lag Engine. - In: Energy conversion and management, ISSN 0196-8904, Bd. 78 (2014), S. 565-573
Körner, Max; Schulz, Michal; Fritze, Holger; Stenzel, Christian
Control of partial pressure of oxygen in the ppm range based on a two metal-oxide buffer system. - In: Sensors and actuators, ISSN 0925-4005, Bd. 190 (2014), S. 702-706
du Puits, Ronald; Kaiser, Robert; Rilk, Johannes; Thess, André
Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air: how uniform is the local wall heat flux at finite aspect ratio?. - In: Progress in turbulence V, (2014), S. 149-152

Halbedel, Bernd; Resagk, Christian; Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Hilbrunner, Falko; Thess, André
A novel contactless flow rate measurement device for weakly conducting fluids based on Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Flow, turbulence and combustion, ISSN 1573-1987, Bd. 92 (2014), 1/2, S. 361-369
Richtiger Name des Verf.: Falko Hilbrunner

This paper presents an improved experimental setup for the contactless flow rate measurement in a weakly electrically conducting fluid on the base of Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) and discusses the measurement results. The new setup embodies major improvements over the setup reported inWegfraß et al. (Appl Phys Lett 100:194103, 2012). This measurement setup consists of a newly designed fluid channel with well defined flow profiles - a plug profile at the inlet and quasi parabolic profile at the outlet of the test section. Another improvement is the force measurement system which is based on electromagnetic force compensation (EMC). Furthermore an optimized Halbach array is used as a magnet system. The results of our measurements confirm the feasibility of LFV in a model fluid (salt water) with conductivities less than 10 Sm-1 and demonstrate that the optimized magnet system increases the measurement signal. The used force measurement system had to be particularly calibrated for this purpose, so that in combination with the new magnet system design a three times higher signal resolution for the fluid velocity under laboratory conditions was achieved.
Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang; Karmo, Diala; Sadik, Rachid; Weidner, Helmut
Untersuchungsergebnisse eines kombinierten Wärmeversorgungssystems mit Solarenergie und Erdwärmespeicher. - In: Gebäudetechnik, Innenraumklima, ISSN 2195-643X, Bd. 134 (2013), 4, S. 254-269

Hohendorff, Bernd; Weidermann, Christian; Pollinger, Philipp; Burkhart, Klaus J.; Müller, Lars Peter
Jamming of fingers: an experimental study to determine force and deflection in participants and human cadaver specimens for development of a new bionic test device for validation of power-operated motor vehicle side door windows. - In: Biomedical engineering, ISSN 1862-278X, Bd. 58 (2013), 1, S. 39-49
Klan, Herbert; Thess, André
Sonderfälle, (2013), S. 773-776
Engert, Sonja; Granzner, Ralf; Schwierz, Frank; Töpfer, Hannes
Mathematische Modellierung charakteristischer Rauscheinflüsse auf MOSFET-Transistoren. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, 2013, MP 1.2

Silizium-MOSFETs gehören zu den Grundelementen in integrierten Logikschaltungen. Ein gebräuchlicher Weg zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz ist die Verringerung der Signalpegel, was zu dem sogenannten Subthreshold-Betrieb führt. Ein Vorteil dieser Maßnahme ist, dass sie auf die gebräuchlichen Strukturen angewendet werden kann. Allerdings führt die Verringerung des Signalpegels zur Verschlechterung des Signal-Rausch-Verhältnisses. Für jeden Transistor lassen sich ein Ein- und ein Aus-Zustand als zwei beliebige Punkte auf der Übertragungskennlinie definieren. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei verschiedene Rauscharten hinsichtlich der Auswirkung auf diese Zustände mathematisch untersucht. Das thermische Rauschen ist, wurde als gaußverteiltes Ausgangssignal (Drain-Strom) modelliert. Es beeinflusst das Zustandsverhalten im gesamten Bereich der Gatespannung. Das Random-Telegraph-Rauschen (RTN) wird durch Traps an der Grenzfläche zwischen Gateoxid und Kanal verursacht, welche entsprechend der Ladungsträgerstatistik entweder geladen oder neutral sein können. Es bewirkt ein zufälliges Hin- und Herschalten des Drainstromes zwischen zwei festen Pegeln bei konstanter Gatespannung. Dieser Rauscheinfluss wirkt entweder auf den Ein- oder auf den Aus-Zustand, je nach Polarisierung des Traps. Es wird eine Methode demonstriert, anhand derer sich Aussagen treffen lassen, in welchem Bereich die Gatespannung bei bekannten Transistoreigenschaften und RTN-Pegel liegen darf.

Steinhoff, Patrik; Schmidt, Martin; Resagk, Christian; Müller, Dirk
Measurements with a redesigned 3D-PTV system in natural and mixed convection. - In: 10th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV'10, (2013), insges. 5 S.
Ebert, Reschad; Wiederhold, Andreas;
High resolution Lorentzforce velocimetry in weakly conducting fluids by use of Halbach-Magnet-Arrays :
Auflösungserhöhung der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie für schwach leitfähige Fluide durch Einsatz von Halbach-Magnet-Arrays. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2013), S. 26-1-26-5

Ebert, Reschad; Vasilyan, Suren; Wiederhold, Andreas
Flow velocimetry for weakly conducting electrolytes based on high resolution Lorentzforce measurement. - In: International journal of modern physics, ISSN 2010-1945, Bd. 24 (2013), S. 1360015, insges. 8 S.
Gramß, Michael;
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Kalibrierung von Lorentzkraft-Anemometern für die Durchflussmessung in Flüssigmetallströmungen bei metallurgischen Hochtemperaturprozessen, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 93 Bl., 3, 74 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit experimentellen Untersuchungen zur Kalibrierung von Lorentzkraft-Anemometern in Flüssigmetallströmungen. Ein Lorentzkraft-Anemometer ist ein elektromagnetisches Durchflussmessgerät, das an der TU Ilmenau entwickelt wird. Mit diesem Gerät ist es möglich, berührungsfrei Durchflüsse in heißen und aggressiven Medien, wie Flüssigmetallschmelzen zu messen. Ein Lorentzkraft-Anemometer besteht aus einem Magnetsystem, das mit einem Kraftsensor gekoppelt ist. Die durch die Wechselwirkung des Magnetfeldes mit der strömenden Metallschmelze entstehende Kraft ist proportional zum Durchfluss. Daneben beeinflussen aber noch zahlreiche andere Faktoren, wie die magnetische Flussdichte des Magnetsystems oder die elektrische Leitfähigkeit der Schmelze, das Messergebnis. Deshalb ist eine Kalibrierung des Systems notwendig. Erste Testmessungen in der Industrie zeigten, dass die trockene Kalibrierung, bei der die Schmelze in einer Gießrinne durch Festkörper mit festgelegter Breite und verschiedenen Höhen modelliert wird, um eine nasse Kalibrierung ergänzt werden muss. Eine Hypothese ist, dass die Ergebnisse der trockenen Kalibrierung in die Ergebnisse der nassen Kalibrierung überführt werden können, wenn ein einziges Lorentzkraft-Anemometer der gleichen Charge mit trockener und nasser Kalibrierung untersucht wird. Für die Kalibrierung des Gerätes wurden zwei Versuchsanlagen geplant, aufgebaut und instrumentiert. Mit Hilfe der sogenannten trockenen Kalibrierung können grundlegende Einflussfaktoren auf die gemessene Kraft des Lorentzkraft-Anemometers untersucht werden. Der Versuchsaufbau der trockenen Kalibrierung wurde weiterentwickelt und verbessert. Für die nächste Generation von Lorentzkraft-Anemometern wurde die Anlage neu konstruiert und aufgebaut. Der Durchfluss wird bei dieser Methode durch Variation der Geschwindigkeit der Probekörper und durch verschiedene Höhen der Probekörper verändert. Damit ergibt sich eine Abhängigkeit der Lorentzkraft von der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit und von der Höhe des durchströmten Volumens. Es stellt sich eine lineare Abhängigkeit der Kraft von der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit ein. Es werden Kraftwerte bis 4,5N gemessen. Die Höhe des durchströmten Volumens zeigt eine nichtlineare, kubische Abhängigkeit. Die elektrische Leitfähigkeit ist direkt proportional zur erzeugten Kraft. Für die sogenannte nasse Kalibrierung wurde die Versuchsanlage LiTinCa geplant, aufgebaut und instrumentiert. Diese Anlage arbeitet mit Reinzinn bei Temperaturen zwischen 240&ring;C und 380&ring;C. In dieser Anlage können Strömungsgeschwindigkeit und die Höhe des durchströmten Volumens aufgrund der vorherrschenden Gerinneströmung nicht getrennt betrachtet werden. Es wird deshalb der Massenstrom für die Betrachtungen herangezogen. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen eine lineare Abhängigkeit zwischen Kraft und Massenstrom. Es werden Kraftwerte bis 2,5N verzeichnet. Die Ergebnisse der trockenen Kalibrierung und der nassen Kalibrierung werden verglichen und daraus Schlussfolgerungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge erarbeitet. Es können bereits tendenzielle Übereinstimmungen festgestellt werden, die die Hypothese einer Überführbarkeit der Ergebnisse unterstützen. Um aber eine endgültige Aussage über die Überführbarkeit der trockenen in nasse Kalibrierung treffen zu können, sollten weitere Untersuchungen unter Berücksichtigung der Verbesserungsvorschläge angestellt werden. Weiterhin wurde die Grundlagenforschschungsanlage Tintelo geplant und aufgebaut. Hier wird Zinn bei 400&ring;C in einem geschlossenen Ringkanal verwendet. An der horizontalen Testsektion der Anlage können, im Gegensatz zu LiTinCa, Untersuchungen an Lorentzkraft-Anemometer mit kontinuierlicher Flüssigmetallströmung durchgeführt werden. Dadurch werden Kalibrierungen mit längeren Messzeiten möglich. Aus Zeitgründen konnten hier noch keine Messungen erfolgen.
Moldenhauer, Stefan;
Analytical model of the pulse tube engine. - In: Energy, ISSN 1873-6785, Bd. 62 (2013), S. 285-299
Heinicke, Christiane;
Röntgenblick dank Mini-Magnet. - In: Klaus Tschira Preis für verständliche Wissenschaft, (2013), S. 10-13

Gramß, Michael; Karcher, Christian; Dzur, Birger
Elektromagnetische Formung von Flüssigmetallfreistrahlen. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2013), 12, insges. 10 S.

Dubovikova, Nataliia; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian;
Contactless flow control and flow measurement in liquid metals using a combination of an electromagnetic pump and a Lorentz force torque sensor. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2013), 11, insges. 7 S.

Weidermann, Christian; Klein, Rico
Praktische Anwendungen der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2013), 6, insges. 7 S.

Yu, Yang; Li, Ben-Wen; Thess, André
The effect of a uniform magnetic field on vortex breakdown in a cylinder with rotating upper lid. - In: Computers & fluids, ISSN 1879-0747, Bd. 88 (2013), S. 510-523

The effects of an axial uniform magnetic field on vortex breakdown in the swirling flow, which is steady, axisymmetric and generated by the rotation of upper lid of an enclosed cylinder, are investigated. A collocation spectral solver is developed. After validating by dynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) problems, it is applied for the solution of the swirling flow in an enclosed cylinder with aspect ratio (height/radius) of 1:5 6 c 6 2. In the presence of an axial uniform magnetic field, the effects of magnetic field on the dimensionless lengths of vortex along the z-axis and the central positions of vortex on the zaxis are analyzed. The conductivities of the upper lid, lower base and side wall are considered. The results show that, for different electrical boundary conditions, the behaviors of vortex are significantly different and even converse. In particular, when the upper rotating lid is the only perfectly conducting, the magnetic effects are the strongest.
Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kobelt, Sven; Bestenlehner, Dominik; Drück, Harald; Bühl, Jürgen; Rubeck, Peter
Untersuchung des realen Betriebsverhaltens von neun SolarAktivHäusern. - In: Aktiv-Solarhaus, ISBN 978-3-943891-13-3, (2013), S. 88-95

Köllner, Thomas; Schwarzenberger, Karin; Eckert, Kerstin; Boeck, Thomas
Multiscale structures in solutal Marangoni convection: three-dimensional simulations and supporting experiments. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 25 (2013), 9, 092109, insges. 31 S.

Transient solutal Marangoni convection in a closed two-layer system is studied by a combination of numerical simulations and supplementary validation experiments. The initially quiescent, equally sized liquid layers are the phases of a cyclohexanol/water mixture. Butanol is additionally dissolved in the upper organic layer. Its diffusion across the interface is sensitive to the Marangoni instability. Complex convective patterns emerge that develop a hierarchical cellular structure in the course of the mass transfer. Our highly resolved simulations based on a pseudospectral method are the first to successfully reproduce the multiscale flow observed in the experiments. We solve the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations with an undeformable interface, which is modeled using the linear Henry relation for the partition of the weakly surface-active butanol. Length scales in the concentration and velocity fields associated with the small and large-scale cells agree well with our experimental data from shadowgraph images. Moreover, the simulations provide detailed information on the local properties of the flow by which the evolution of the patterns and their vertical structure are analyzed. Apart from relatively weak influences due to buoyancy, the evolution of the convective structures is self-similar between different initial butanol concentrations when length and time are appropriately rescaled.
Li, Ling;
Experimental investigation of the velocity and temperature fields near the walls in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: X, II, 106 S., 13,17 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
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Für den Wärmetransport in turbulenter Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion sind die beiden Grenzschichten an Heiz- und Kühlplatte von besonderer Bedeutung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird über die Messung von dreidimensionalen Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturfeldern in turbulenter Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion mittels Laser-Doppler-Anemometrie und Mikro-Thermistor berichtet. Es wurden hochaufgelöste Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturmessungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Grenzschichten bei verschiedenen Rayleigh-Zahlen, Aspektverhältnissen und Messpositionen durchgeführt. Ein Teil der Daten wurde mit äquivalenten Ergebnissen aus direkten numerischen Simulationen (DNS) verglichen. Für die physikalische Beschreibung der Grenzschicht und für die Überprüfung von verschiedenen Grenzschichtmodellen, wie zum Beispiel die Prandtl-Blasius-Lösung, werden zeitgemittelte Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturprofile, die Profile von deren Fluktuationen, die Skalierungsgrößen der Grenzschicht, die Scher-Reynolds-Zahl und die Invarianten des Reynoldsschen Spannungstensors bei Rayleigh-Zahlen im Bereich zwischen Ra = 3,44 × 10^9 und Ra = 9,78 × 10^{11} und für Aspektverhältnisse im Bereich zwischen [Gamma] = 1,0 und [Gamma] = 3,0 analysiert. Die dreidimensionalen Geschwindigkeitsmessungen haben gezeigt, dass in der Nähe der Kühlplatte bei Ra = 3,44 × 10^9 und Ra = 2,88 × 10^{10} keine wand-normale Geschwindigkeitskomponente existiert. Sowohl die viskose als auch die thermische Grenzschichtdicke skalieren mit der Rayleigh-Zahl wie [Delta] _v Ra^{ 0,24} und [Delta] _ [Theta] Ra^{ 0,24}. Der Vergleich der experimentell gewonnenen Daten mit denen aus der DNS basiert auf Ergebnissen bei Rayleigh-Zahlen Ra = 3 × 10^9 und Ra = 3 × 10^{10}, sowie einem festen Aspektverhältnis von [Gamma] = 1. Es zeigte sich, dass die gemessenen Geschwindigkeitsdaten sehr gut mit den DNS-Daten übereinstimmen [1], die Temperaturdaten jedoch leicht differieren. Speziell die gemessenen Temperaturprofile zeigen nicht den linearen Verlauf der DNS-Daten und die gemessenen Temperaturgradienten an der Wand sind signifikant größer als die DNS-Werte. Weiterhin wird in der Arbeit über simultane Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturmessungen in der großen Konvektionszelle bei Ra = 8,96 × 10^{11}, [Gamma] = 1,13 an drei verschiedenen Messpositionen berichtet. Es wurden die Profile der wand-normalen Geschwindigkeit und der Temperatur untersucht sowie diffusiver und konvektiver Wärmetransport aus den gemessenen Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturfluktuationen berechnet. Dabei zeigte es sich, dass bei der Wärmeübertragung innerhalb der Grenzschicht der diffusive und außerhalb der Grenzschicht der konvektive Transport dominiert.
Thess, André;
Thermodynamic efficiency of pumped heat electricity storage. - In: Physical review letters, ISSN 1079-7114, Bd. 111 (2013), 11, 110602, insges. 5 S.

Pumped heat electricity storage (PHES) has been recently suggested as a potential solution to the large-scale energy storage problem. PHES requires neither underground caverns as compressed air energy storage (CAES) nor kilometer-sized water reservoirs like pumped hydrostorage and can therefore be constructed anywhere in the world. However, since no large PHES system exists yet, and theoretical predictions are scarce, the efficiency of such systems is unknown. Here we formulate a simple thermodynamic model that predicts the efficiency of PHES as a function of the temperature of the thermal energy storage at maximum output power. The resulting equation is free of adjustable parameters and nearly as simple as the well-known Carnot formula. Our theory predicts that for storage temperatures above 400 C PHES has a higher efficiency than existing CAES and that PHES can even compete with the efficiencies predicted for advanced-adiabatic CAES.
Heinicke, Christiane; Thess, André;
Electromagnetic force on a magnetic dipole inside an annular pipe flow. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 25 (2013), 9, 097102, insges. 9 S.

We present an illuminating example of electromagnetic flow measurement in liquid metals that is easy to analyze yet displays a remarkably good agreement with laboratory experiments. Our system involves a small permanent magnet located inside an annular pipe carrying the flow of a liquid metal. We investigate the Lorentz force acting upon the magnet using a combination of laboratory experiments with liquid metal at room temperature and a simple analytical model.We demonstrate that the measured Lorentz forces are in very good agreement with the predictions of our model over a wide range of geometry parameters. By virtue of its simplicity and close relationship to the well known creeping magnet classroom experiment, our system can also serve as an educational tool for introductory courses in liquidmetal magnetohydrodynamics.
Moldenhauer, Stefan; Holtmann, Christoph; Stark, Tilman; Thess, André
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the pulse tube engine. - In: Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer, ISSN 1533-6808, Bd. 27 (2013), 3, S. 534-541

The pulse tube engine is a simple prime mover based on the pulse tube process. It has high potential to be applicable in waste heat usage. In the present work a simulation model is used to design a pressurized experimental pulse tube engine employing helium as working fluid. The measured engine characteristics are compared with the calculated predictions. Using the model and the experimental test rig, the engine performance is studied for different heat input temperatures, filling pressures, and operating frequencies. The energy conversion process, based on a broken thermodynamic symmetry and a thermal lag occurring in the pulse tube, is proven theoretically. Fundamental characteristics and application limitations of the pulse tube engine are disclosed experimentally. The obtained engine behavior provides suggestions for its further development.
Moldenhauer, Stefan; Stark, Tilman; Holtmann, Christoph; Thess, André
The pulse tube engine: a numerical and experimental approach on its design, performance, and operating conditions. - In: Energy, ISSN 1873-6785, Bd. 55 (2013), S. 703-715

The pulse tube engine is a simple heat engine based on the pulse tube process. Due to its simplicity it has a high potential to be applicable in waste heat usage and energy harvesting purposes. In this work, mathematical and experimental design tools are developed to study a pressurized laboratory scale pulse tube engine. The mathematical model is based on the transient numerical solution of the governing differential equations for mass, momentum and energy. The Modelica environment of SimulationX is used to solve the equations numerically and the model is employed to design the experimental test engine with helium as working fluid. The transient behavior of the pulse tube engine's underlying thermodynamic properties is studied numerically and experimentally under different design parameters as well as for different heat input temperatures, filling pressures and operating frequencies. The measured engine characteristics are compared with the calculated predictions. Internal and external power losses are quantified. Design studies for a further development of the pulse tube engine are performed experimentally. The developed numerical tool provides a rational framework for up-scaling the current laboratory model to industrial scale.
Heinicke, Christiane;
Spatially resolved measurements in a liquid metal flow with Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 54 (2013), 6, 1560, S. 1-8
Pulugundla, Gautam; Heinicke, Christiane; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Lorentz force velocimetry with a small permanent magnet. - In: European journal of mechanics. Fluids. - Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1998- , ISSN: 1873-7390 , ZDB-ID: 2019287-3, ISSN 1873-7390, Bd. 41 (2013), S. 23-28

In this paper, we propose an experimental methodology for the measurement of Lorentz forces acting on a small permanent magnet when exposed to the flow of an electrically conducting fluid. The present measurements are considerably more challenging than previous global flow measurements since they require accurate force measurements in the range of micro-newtons. To this end, we experimentally and numerically evaluate the total Lorentz force acting on a 1 cm^3 cubic permanent magnet that is exposed to a liquid metal flow in a straight rectangular duct with non-magnetic and electrically insulating walls. Parametric analyses are performed at different flow velocities and different relative magnet positions. High resolution force measurements are performed in a liquid metal channel filled with the eutectic alloy GaInSn. In spite of the simplified nature of the numerical approach the numerical results agree with the experiments. Hence the present results demonstrate the applicability of small magnet systems to LFV.
Moldenhauer, Stefan;
Analysis and development of the pulse tube engine, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: XVII, 122 S., 5,35 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
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Thermische Energiewandlungsprozesse werden für gewöhnlich von einer beträchtlichen Menge Abwärme begleitet, welche oft ungenutzt an die Umgebung abgegeben wird. Ein Verbrennungsmotor wandelt beispielsweise nur etwa ein Drittel der ihm zugeführten Verbrennungswärme in nutzbare mechanische oder elektrische Energie um. Etwa zwei Drittel der chemischen Kraftstoffenergie werden als Abwärme abgegeben. Die Rückgewinnung von Energie aus dem verbrennungsmotorischen Abgas ist ein Weg, um den Kraftstoffverbrauch zu senken und zu einer vernünftigen Verwendung der Energieressourcen beizutragen. Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift hat die Analyse und Entwicklung einer neuen und bisher kaum erforschten Technologie - den Pulsrohrmotor - zum Ziel, der für niedrigtemperierte Abwärme angewandt werden soll. Um das zu erreichen, besteht diese Arbeit aus einem theoretischen und einem experimentellen Teil. Sowohl ein analytisches als auch ein numerisches Simulationsmodell des Pulsrohrmotors werden entwickelt, um sein thermodynamisches Arbeitsprinzip aufzuklären und Vorhersagen über seine Leistung und Effizienz bei Variation von Design und Arbeitsbedingungen zu treffen. Die theoretischen Ergebnisse werden benutzt, um einen Experimentalpulsrohrmotor im Labor aufzubauen. Dieser verwendet unter Druck stehendes Helium als Arbeitsgas und ist mit einer Vielzahl von Sensoren zur Messung von Temperatur, Druck und Leistung ausgestattet, was einen Vergleich der gemessenen Motorleistung mit den theoretischen Vorhersagen ermöglicht. In der Arbeit wird erstmalig gezeigt, dass die Anordnung von Pulsrohr und Regenerator eine thermodynamische Asymmetrie bewirkt, welche den grundlegenden Funktionsmechanismus des Pulsrohrmotors darstellt und der Regenerator - im Gegensatz zum Stirlingmotor - für dessen Funktion essentiell ist. Es wird analytisch bewiesen, dass der Pulsrohrmotor intrinsisch irreversibel arbeitet. Eine Relation für das zum Betrieb der Maschine minimal benötigte Temperaturverhältnis von Wärmequelle zu Wärmesenke wird analytisch abgeleitet und anhand des im Labor aufgebauten Pulsrohrmotors experimentell bestätigt. Aus den theoretischen und experimentellen Leistungsdaten werden die Eigenschaften des Pulsrohrmotors bestimmt und Beschränkungen seiner Effizienz aufgezeigt. Der im Labor aufgebaute Pulsrohrmotor besitzt eine maximale Nettoleistung von 6 W bei einer Nettoeffizienz von 8 %. Um Leistung und Effizienz zu erhöhen, werden Vorschläge für ein verbessertes Design geschlussfolgert und für die Entwicklung eines leistungsstarken Pulsrohrmotors benutzt. Weiterhin wird das Potential des Pulsrohrmotors für dessen Anwendung in der Rückgewinnung verbrennungsmotorischer Abgasenergie diskutiert und mit dem thermoelektrischen Energiewandler verglichen.
Thess, André; Boeck, Thomas
Electromagnetic drag on a magnetic dipole interacting with a moving electrically conducting sphere. - In: IEEE transactions on magnetics, ISSN 1941-0069, Bd. 49.2013, 6, Pt. 2, S. 2847-2857

In this paper, we report an analytical study of the forces and torques acting upon a magnetic dipole interacting with a moving electrically conducting sphere. The work is motivated by the question whether Lorentz force velocimetry [Thess et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 96, 2006, 164501] - a noncontact flow measurement technique for liquid metals and electrolytes - can be applied to granular materials as well. We derive explicit expressions for all forces and torques for the case of low magnetic Reynolds number and small particle size. After a discussion of symmetry and reciprocity relations among the forces and torques, we apply the general theory to the particular cases of a translating (nonrotating) and rotating (nontranslating) sphere. The analysis for the purely translating sphere leads to the conclusion that the force is proportional to where is the radius of the sphere and is its minimum distance to the magnetic dipole. This result indicates that Lorentz force velocimetry can indeed be applied to granular metallic materials. The analysis for the purely rotating sphere leads to the result that the torque is proportional to. This result can be applied to derive a rigorous solution for a rotary Lorentz force flowmeter interacting with a rotating sphere. This solution implies that, contrary to intuitive expectation, a frictionless rotary Lorentz force flowmeter rotates with only 4/5 of the angular velocity of the sphere with which it interacts rather than undergoing synchronous rotation.
Heinicke, Christiane;
Local Lorentz force velocimetry for liquid metal duct flows, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: II, 107 S., 8,07 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
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Metallschmelzen sind heiß, chemisch aggressiv und undurchsichtig, und damit für konventionelle Strömungsmessgeräte unzugänglich. Die neu entwickelte Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie (LKA oder LFV) umgeht diese Probleme, da sie die berührungslose Messung von Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten in elektrisch leitfähigen Flüssigkeiten mit Hilfe von Magnetfeldern erlaubt. Dabei ist die Wechselwirkung zwischen dem eingesetzten Permanentmagneten und der leitfähigen, bewegten Flüssigkeit ein Maß für die Geschwindigkeit der Metallschmelze. Die Standard-LKA wurde bereits ausgiebig untersucht und wird für den industriellen Alltag entwickelt. Bisher beschränkte sich die LKA auf Volumenstrommessungen; Störungen des Geschwindigkeitfeldes, wie sie nach Knicken im Strömungskanal oder durch Ablagerungen an der Kanalwand entstehen, konnten bislang nicht aufgelöst werden. Diese Lücke wird mit der vorliegenden Arbeit geschlossen und die Standard-LKA um die Möglichkeit der lokal aufgelösten Geschwindigkeitsmessung erweitert. Insbesondere wird belegt, dass lokale Messungen mit der LKA trotz der prinzipiell unendlichen Ausdehnung des Magnetfeldes möglich sind. Zu diesem Zweck werden verschiedene Experimente durchgeführt. In allen wird ein Lorentzkraft-Anenometer (LFF) mit einem Permanentmagneten ausgestattet, der deutlich kleiner ist als die typischen Längenskalen der zu untersuchenden Strömung. Das Arbeitsmedium ist die bei Raumtemperatur flüssige Legierung GaInSn. Mit einem Vorexperiment wird gezeigt, dass die winzigen erzeugten Kräfte tatsächlich aufgelöst werden können. Die Erkenntnisse aus dem vorläufigen Aufbau flossen in den Aufbau des Hauptexperiments, das aus einem Kanal mit quadratischem Querschnitt und einem Interferenzoptischen Kraftmesssystem besteht. Die erhaltenen Kraftprofile dienen der Validierung von zukünftigen numerischen Simulationen. Wichtiger ist jedoch die Charakterisierung der Anwendungsbereiche des lokalen LFF mit Hilfe bestimmter Modifikationen des Strömungsprofils: (1) Laminare Strömungen können von turbulenten Strömungen unterschieden werden. (2) Das Maximum der mittleren Strömung kann lokalisiert werden. (3) Zwei benachbarte Strahlen können trotz des prinzipiell unendlichen Magnetfelds voneinander unterschieden werden. (4) Die zeitliche Auflösung ist ausreichend um Bereiche besonders hoher Turbulenz und Wirbelablösung zu identifizieren.
Pulugundla, Gautam;
Numerical modelling of liquid metal flows interacting with strongly inhomogeneous magnetic fields, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei:XIV, 90 S., 7,13 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
Parallel als Druckausg.

Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Erweiterung der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie (LKA oder LFV) um die Geschwindigkeitsmessung mit kleinen Permanentmagneten, die sich durch stark inhomogene Magnetfelder auszeichnen. Trotz ihres unendlich ausgedehnten Feldes liefern die kleinen Magnete Informationen über das Strömungsfeld in ihrer unmittelbaren Umgebung (Einflussbereich). Die Untersuchung stützt sich hierbei auf die numerische Modellierung der magnetohydrodynamischen Interaktion des Magnetwürfels mit einer Metallströmung, welche durch einen Kanal mit quadratischem Querschnitt fließt. Die bei der Wechselwirkung entstehende Lorentzkraft wird durch eine Kombination der Simulationsprogramme COMSOL und FLUENT ermittelt. Der den Programmen zugrunde liegende Code wird in dieser Arbeit verifiziert und durch Laborexperimente bestätigt. Anschließend wird mit einem RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes)-Turbulenzmodell der Einfluss verschiedener Geometrien sowie verschiedener elektromagnetischer Kontrollparameter auf die Lorentzkraft geprüft. Die Untersuchungen beziehen sich hierbei auf drei spezielle Strömungsregimes. Das erste ist das kinematische Regime, in dem die Rückwirkung der Lorentzkraft auf die Strömung vernachlässigbar ist. In diesem Regime wurde eine universelle Abhängigkeit der Kraft vom Magnetabstand gefunden. Die beiden anderen Regimes sind dynamische Regimes bei sehr niedrigen sowie hohen Reynolds-Zahlen. In diesen verändert der Magnet das Strömungsfeld. Die dynamischen Untersuchungen zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den durchgeführten Experimenten. Der letzte Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit LES (Large Eddy Simulations): (i) Es werden die Fehler in den verschiedenen LES-Modellen analysiert und mit denen der unteraufgelösten DNS (direkten numerischen Simulation) verglichen. Die numerische Dissipation zeigt ein ähnliches Verhalten wie die subskaligen Spannungen, was den Einsatz spezifischer LES-Modelle überfluessig macht. (ii) Die Korrelation zwischen den Fluktuationen der Lorentzkraft und der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit legt eine starke Kausalität zwischen den beiden Größen nahe. Dies könnte für zukünftige Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der lokalen Geschwindigkeitsmessung mittels Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie relevant sein.
Tympel, Saskia;
Magnetohydrodynamic duct flow in the presence of a magnetic dipole, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 94 S., 12,84 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Die effiziente Verarbeitung von aggressiven flüssigen Werkstoffen, wie Aluminium oder Kupfer, erfordert häufig die Kenntnis von Durchflussraten und der räumlichen Verteilung des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes. Es ist das erklärte Ziel der lokalen Lorentzkraftanemometrie derartiges zu leisten. Dabei wird an einem kleinen Magneten die Lorentzkraft, die durch das in der Nähe fließende Metall induziert wird, gemessen. Jedoch nimmt diese Kraft auch auf das Fluid Einfluss und verformt das Strömungsprofil. Von welcher Art diese Verformung ist und ob diese die messbare Kraft verändert, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit mittels analytischer und numerischer Methoden untersucht. Als Magnetfeld wird die einfachste räumlich variable Konfiguration gewählt, ein magnetisches Dipolfeld. Dazu werden die magnetohydrodynamischen Gleichungen in quasistatischer Näherung, d.h. für kleine magnetische Reynoldszahlen, mittels direkter numerischer Simulation untersucht. Zwei dimensionslose Kennzahlen sind hierbei maßgebend: die Hartmannzahl Ha und die Reynoldszahl Re. Der untersuchte Parameterraum überschreitet zwar den im Laborexperiment erreichbaren, lieferte jedoch trotzdem nützliche Hinweise für die Auswertung der Messergebnisse. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden erstmalig die Einflussparameter für eine dreidimensionale Strömung unter Einwirkung eines inhomogenen, lokalen Magnetfelds untersucht. Die Untersuchungen bieten interessante Perspektiven für die Strömungsbeeinflussung und folglich auch für die Strömungskontrolle.
Wegfraß, André;
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Anwendbarkeit der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie auf schwach leitfähige Fluide, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: VIII, 128 S., 8,79 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

In Zeiten nachhaltiger Energieeinsparung sowie stetig steigender Rohstoffpreise ist die Durchflussmesstechnik aus dem alltäglichen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sei es bei der Ermittlung des Wasserverbrauchs im Haushalt oder bei der Treibstoffabfüllung an der Tankstelle, jeder Einzelne ist darauf bedacht, dass der ihm in Rechnung gestellte auch dem tatsächlich angefallenen Verbrauch entspricht. Trotz der Vielzahl unterschiedlicher existierender Mengen- und Volumenzähler bestehen indes immer noch Anwendungsfälle, bei denen der Durchfluss nur sehr ungenau oder gar nicht erfasst werden kann. Problematisch ist die Erfassung vor allem, wenn das Messgut undurchsichtig, extrem heiß und chemisch aggressiv ist. Einen Lösungsweg zur Überwindung des aufgeführten Problems stellt die Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie (LKA) dar. Das im Jahre 2005 an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau patentierte, berührungslos arbeitende Durchflussmessverfahren basiert auf den elektromagnetischen Wechselwirkungen, welche beim Durchfließen eines elektrisch leitfähigen Mediums durch ein Magnetfeld entstehen. Besonders gut funktioniert das Verfahren in der Metallurgie aufgrund der dort herrschenden hohen elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten. Aktuell werden erste serienreife Prototypen auf ihre Tauglichkeit getestet. Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Frage, ob sich die LKA für schwach leitfähige Fluide erweitern lässt. Im Gegensatz zu Anwendungsfällen in der Metallurgie müssen dafür Lorentzkräfte in der Größenordnung F < 1E-5 N aufgelöst werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei LKA-Prototypen aufgebaut, die für die Messung einer Salzwasserströmung angepasst wurden. So konnte die Eignung der LKA für die Durchflussmessung von schwach leitfähigen Fluiden erstmalig experimentell nachgewiesen werden. Die von Thess et al. vorhergesagte lineare Abhängigkeit zwischen der Lorentzkraft und der Fließgeschwindigkeit sowie der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des schwach leitfähigen Fluids wird bestätigt. Außerdem zeigt die Arbeit, wie sich verschiedene Magnet- und Geschwindigkeitsfelderauf die gemessene Lorentzkraft auswirken.
Weidermann, Christian;
Design and laboratory test of a Lorentz force flowmeter for pipe flows, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: IV, 140 S., 6,53 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie ist ein universelles Verfahren zur kontaktlosen Durchflussmessung elektrisch leitfähiger Fluide. Das Verfahren beruht auf dem Prinzip der Magnetofluiddynamik, welches besagt, dass durch die Bewegung eines elektrisch leitfähigen Materials in einem externen Magnetfeld eine Lorentzkraft entsteht, die der Bewegungsrichtung des Fluids entgegenwirkt. Die Lorentzkraft kann mit Hilfe eines Kraftsensors messtechnisch erfasst und daraus die mittlere Strömungsgeschwindigkeit des Fluids abgeleitet werden. Das Ziel der Dissertation ist es, ein neuartiges Durchflussmessgerät zur kontaktlosen Messung von Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten in Rohren zu entwickeln und im Labor zu testen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurde ein theoretisches Modell erarbeitet, welches die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit des Messverfahrens beschreibt. Weiterhin wurden im Rahmen der Dissertation umfangreiche Designstudien für verschiedene Teilkomponenten des Messgerätes durchgeführt. Unter anderem wurden verschiedene Varianten für Magnetsysteme mittels Finiter Elemente Methode untersucht. Dabei konnte der Halbach-Zylinder mit 16 Segmenten als derzeit effektivstes Magnetsystem gefunden werden. Weiterhin wurde eine umfassende Analyse der thermischen Randbedingungen im Stahlwerk durchgeführt. Das Ergebnis der Studie zeigt, dass eine hinreichende Kühlung des Messgerätes auf weniger als 60&ring;C Innentemperatur möglich ist. Zum Test der Messgeräte und zur Überprüfung der Modelle und Designkonzepte wurden zwei Versuchsstände konzipiert, konstruiert und aufgebaut. Das erste Experiment dient dem experimentellen Nachweis der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit der Lorentzkraft. Das zweite Experiment dient der Kalibrierung der Messgeräte. In einer umfangreichen Studie wurden die Kalibrierkonstanten eines ausgewählten Systems für unterschiedliche Materialien und Durchmesser der Probekörper bestimmt. Über den Rahmen der Promotion hinaus wurde der erste Prototyp eines Lorentzkraft-Anemometers erfolgreich unter Industriebedingungen im Stahlwerk getestet.
Jian, Dandan;
Flow measurement in liquid metals using Lorentz force velocimetry : laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, 2013. - 94, XXVI S. Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013

Die Durchflussmessung von heißen und aggressiven Metallschmelzen ist eine große Herausforderung bei metallurgischen Prozessen, Beispiele hierfür sind das Stranggießen von Stahl und Produktion von Sekundär-Aluminium. Aufgrund der Aggressivität von Metallschmelzen kommen vorrangig berührungslose Messmethoden in Betracht. Die Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie (LKA) ist ein vielversprechendes Messverfahren, um diesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden. Das Verfahren beruht auf den physikalischen Prinzipien der Magnetofluiddynamik (MFD). Die für diese Arbeit genutzte und auf den MFD Prinzipien basierende Strömungsmesser, sogenannte Lorentzkraft-Anemometer bestehen aus einem Magnetsystem und einem Kraftsensor. Der Sensor misst die durch die Bewegung der elektrisch leitfähigen Metallschmelze durch das Magnetfeld induzierte elektromagnetische Lorentzkraft. Diese ist proportional zum Durchfluss oder der lokalen Geschwindigkeit in der Nähe des Magnetsystems. Ein Nachteil der Messanordnung besteht darin, dass die Lorentzkraft abhängig von der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des Fluides und der Stärke des von außen angelegten Magnetfeldes ist. Eine Methode, dieses Defizit zu umgehen, ist die sogenannte Time-of-Flight Technik. Hierbei sind zwei Anemometer hintereinander mit einem bestimmten Abstand angeordnet. Diese detektieren den Durchgang einer Struktur oder einer Störung in der Strömung und misst die Zeit, die die Wirbel zum Durchlaufen des Abstandes benötigen. Aus dieser Laufzeit kann auf die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit geschlossen werden. Die Laufzeit wird durch die Bildung der Kreuzkorrelation der Kraftsignale der beiden Anemometer bestimmt. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, experimentell nachzuweisen, dass die ToF-LKA ein vielversprechender Ansatz zur berührungsfreien der Strömungsmessung in Metallschmelzen ist. Diese Arbeit stellt eine Reihe von experimentellen Untersuchungen vor. Zu Beginn wird die Durchflussmessung in einer turbulenten Flüssigmetall-Kanalströmung durchgeführt. Im Weiteren werden die Untersuchungen auf Flüssigmetallströmung an der Oberfläche ausgeweitet. Hier ist die lokale Geschwindigkeitsmessung an der Oberfläche von Interesse. In diesem Experiment wird das niedrigschmelzende Flüssigmetall GaInSn verwendet. Basierend auf diesen Messungen wird ein spezielles Messgerät entwickelt, um lokale Oberflächengeschwindigkeiten in heißen Metallschmelzen zu erfassen. Mit diesem Sensor werden, Testmessungen unter industrienahen Bedingungen mit der Metallschmelze Sn32%Pb52%Bi bei ca. 210&ring;C und mit geschmolzenem Stahl bei ca. 1700&ring;C durchgeführt. Zu jedem Experiment wird das Ergebnis numerischer Simulationen präsentiert, um ein besseres Verständnis der Magnetofluiddynamik herzustellen.

Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Visualization of the Ludford column. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 721 (2013), S. 438-453

When a liquid metal flows around a truncated cylinder in the presence of a magnetic field which is parallel to the xis of the cylinder, a stagnant region develops above the cylinder. We call this region a Ludford column. The Ludford column represents the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) analogue of the well-known Taylor columns in rotating flows. Whereas Taylor columns can be easily visualized using dye, the visualization of Ludford columns has remained elusive up to now because liquid metals are opaque. We demonstrate that this fundamental limitation of experimental MHD can be overcome by using a superconducting 5 T magnet. This facility permits us to perform MHD experiments in which the opaque liquid metals are replaced with a transparent electrolyte while maintaining the key MHD effects. We report results of a series of flow experiments in which an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid flows around a bar with square cross-section (which for simplicity shall be referred to as a cylinder). We vary the Reynolds number in the range 5 < Re < 100 and the Hartmann number in the range 0 < Ha < 14. The experimental procedure involves flow sualizations using tracer particles as well as velocity measurements using particle image velocimetry (PIV). Our experiments provide direct access to the Ludford column for the first time and reveal the spatial structure of this basic feature of MHD flows.
Schwarzenberger, Karin; Köllner, Thomas; Linde, Hartmut; Odenbach, Stefan; Boeck, Thomas; Eckert, Kerstin
On the transition from cellular to wavelike patterns during solutal Marangoni convection. - In: European physical journal special topics, ISSN 1951-6401, Bd. 219 (2013), 1, S. 121-130

We study characteristic convection patterns emerging during the mass transfer of acetic acid from a glycerol-water layer to a superposed acetone layer by means of experiments and numerical simulations. The patterns form as a result of the stationary Marangoni instability. The initial phase of the pattern evolution is studied using high-resolution simulations. They show hierarchically ordered cellular structures which closely resemble experimental observations. In the later stages presently accessible to the experiments, the cells are locally replaced by relaxation oscillation waves. The emergence of these structures is favored when the experiment is performed in narrow cuvettes.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Thess, André; Boeck, Thomas; Zhao, Yurong; Zikanov, Oleg
Patterned turbulence in liquid metal flow: computational reconstruction of the Hartmann experiment. - In: Physical review letters, ISSN 1079-7114, Bd. 110 (2013), 8, 084501, insges. 5 S.

We present results of a numerical analysis of Hartmann's historical experiments on flows of mercury in pipes and ducts under the influence of magnetic fields. The computed critical parameters for the laminarturbulent transition as well as the friction coefficients are in excellent agreement with Hartmann's data. The simulations provide a first detailed view of the flow structures that are experimentally inaccessible. Novel flow regimes with localized turbulent spots near the sidewalls parallel to the magnetic field and otherwise laminar flow are discovered. We finally suggest how these predictions can be tested in a transparent fluid using optical flow measurement.
Otto, Thomas; Rossi, Maurice; Boeck, Thomas;
Viscous instability of a sheared liquid-gas interface: dependence on fluid properties and basic velocity profile. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 25 (2013), 3, 032103, insges. 37 S.

In the framework of linear stability theory, we analyze how a liquid-gas mixing layer is affected by several parameters: viscosity ratio, density ratio, and several length scales. These scales reflect the presence of a velocity defect induced by the wake behind the splitter plate and the presence of boundary layers which develop ahead of the plate trailing edge. Incorporating such effects, we compute the various temporal and spatial instability modes and identify their driving instability mechanism based on their Reynolds number dependence, spatial structure, and energy budget. It is examined how the velocity defect modifies the temporal and the spatial stability properties. In addition, the transition from convective to absolute instability occurs at lower velocity contrast between gas and liquid free streams when a defect is present. This transition is also promoted by surface tension. Compared to inviscid stability computations, our spatial stability analysis displays a better agreement with measured growth rates obtained in two recent air-water experiments.
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Thermal boundary layers in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection at aspect ratios between 1 and 9. - In: New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630, Bd. 15 (2013), 013040, insges. 23 S.

We report highly resolved temperature measurements in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air at a fixed Prandtl number Pr = 0.7. Extending our previous work (du Puits et al 2007 J. Fluid Mech. 572 231-54), we carried out measurements at various aspect ratios while keeping the Rayleigh number constant. We demonstrate that the temperature field inside the convective boundary layers of both horizontal plates is virtually independent on the global flow pattern accompanying the variation in the aspect ratio. Thanks to technical upgrades of the experimental facility as well as a significant improvement of the accuracy and reliability of our temperature measurement - and unlike in our previous work - we find that the measured profiles of the time-averaged temperature field neither follow a clear power-law trend nor fit a linear or a logarithmic scaling over a significant fraction of the boundary-layer thickness. Analyzing the temperature data simultaneously acquired at both horizontal plates, various transitions in the cross-correlation and the auto-correlation function of the temperature signals are observed while varying the aspect ratio 0. These transitions might be associated with a change in the global flow pattern from a single-roll mode at 0 = 1 toward a double- or a multi-roll mode pattern at higher aspect ratios.
Körner, Max; Shishkina, Olga; Wagner, Claus; Thess, André
Properties of large-scale flow structures in an isothermal ventilated room. - In: Building and environment, ISSN 0360-1323, Bd. 59 (2013), S. 563-574

In the present work experimental and numerical investigations of the large-scale structures of isothermal air flow in a highly simplified model room are reported and discussed. We compare the measured velocity distribution with direct numerical simulations (DNSs) for the reference Reynolds number Reref 2.4 104, which is based on the maximum inlet velocity and the height of the room. This comparison shows a high similarity concerning the flow structures. Furthermore, we investigate the dependence of the spatial and temporal behavior of flow structures on the Reynolds number from measurements covering a Reynolds number range of 1.0 104 Re 7.0 104. The major finding is that there is a coherent oscillation of the large-scale flow structures, which depends on the Reynolds number. Our findings show that the frequencies of the oscillations are in a good agreement with an empirical model, which describes the auto-oscillation of two colliding planar jets with respect to the Reynolds number and the geometry relations of the inlets. Moreover, the present work indicates that the chosen flow geometry is well suited as a simplified model for problems of room ventilation and can serve as a base for forthcoming studies of non-isothermal cases.
Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang
Solar thermally driven cooling systems: some investigation results and perspectives. - In: Energy conversion and management, ISSN 0196-8904, Bd. 65 (2013), S. 663-669
Moldenhauer, Stefan; Thess, André; Holtmann, Christoph; Fernández-Aballí, Carlos
Thermodynamic analysis of a pulse tube engine. - In: Energy conversion and management, ISSN 0196-8904, Bd. 65 (2013), S. 810-818

The pulse tube engine is an innovative simple heat engine based on the pulse tube process used in cryogenic cooling applications. The working principle involves the conversion of applied heat energy into mechanical power, thereby enabling it to be used for electrical power generation. Furthermore, this device offers an opportunity for its wide use in energy harvesting and waste heat recovery. A numerical model has been developed to study the thermodynamic cycle and thereby help to design an experimental engine. Using the object-oriented modeling language Modelica, the engine was divided into components on which the conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy were applied. These components were linked via exchanged mass and enthalpy. The resulting differential equations for the thermodynamic properties were integrated numerically. The model was validated using the measured performance of a pulse tube engine. The transient behavior of the pulse tube engine's underlying thermodynamic properties could be evaluated and studied under different operating conditions. The model was used to explore the pulse tube engine process and investigate the influence of design parameters.
Karmo, Diala; Ajib, Salman; Al Khateeb, Ayman
New method for designing an effective finned heat exchanger. - In: Applied thermal engineering, ISSN 1359-4311, Bd. 51 (2013), 1/2, S. 539-550

This paper presents a computational analysis of the heat transfer and pressure drop in a finned tube heat exchanger. The main objectives are to develop a method for designing an effective finned heat exchanger through changing the arrangement of the fins and tubes so that the tubes can be bent in a zigzag shape. Thus, they present an angle of less than 90 to the vertical fins. Consequently, the fin block forms a zigzag shape. The construction and the dimensions of the developed alternative heat exchanger are comprehensively presented. This new design is characterized by smaller dimensions of the heat exchanger and allows an increase of the heat transfer on the surface of the fins. Furthermore, a slight increase in the fan and pump power can result, which is very small compared with the recovered heat transfer. However, an effective model is analyzed by means of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD), FLUENT code, which is used to solve the equation for the heat transfer and pressure drop. The major results of the work show an increase in the heat transfer value of 59.13% in comparison to the existing old model. This increase is also accompanied by an increase in the ratio between the total power consumption and the amount of heat transfer obtained of 3.84% compared to 0.8% in the old model.
Samsami, Farzaneh; Thess, André
Investigation of flow structure in electromagnetically driven liquid metal confined in an annulus by Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry - ISUD8 2012. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering, (2012), S. 83

Electromagnetic driving of the fluids as the driving mechanism in electromagnetic pumps is of great interest in industry. On the other hand the fluid flow in annulus has its own place in investigating the channel flow structure in the sense that we can use it as a model for a very long channel. It means that we can have the same flow structure in a confined area without wasting too much energy and effort to build up a long channel. Although the combination of electromagnetic force with toroidal geometry sounds efficient and practical, but lots of questions will arise when we do combine them. These questions are mainly about the formation of Hartmann layer and its role on transition to turbulence. During the last decades several numerical and experimental investigations were aimed to determine the instability criteria of this problem. In the previous experiments the potential drop across the annular channel has been used as a measure to show the transition to turbulence. Since these voltage drops can't give us any information about the structure of the flow, we decided to spot the possibility of using UDV to detect this structure. A rectangular channel with 10mm x 67mm cross section and an inner radious of 40mm is used in this investigation. The channel is filled up with eutectic alloy GaInSn. Two insulating Hartmann walls and two conducting side walls which are 10mm apart (in the radial direction) are the special boundary conditions in our case. Side walls are parallel to the magneitc field. Our facilities let us test 500mT as maximum magnetic field and 2000A as the maximum driving current. An ultrasounic 8 MHz sensor with the aid of DOP2000 is used for this investigation.Here we will reperesnts the results of our experiments and compare them with the theoretical predictions of the reference literatures. This will help understanding the role of Hartman layer on transition to turbulence.

Andreew, Oleg; Thess, André
Two-dimensional flow mapping past a circular cylinder using a 7-channel UDV system. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering, (2012), S. 11-14

Weidermann, Christian; Thess, André; Lieftucht, Dirk; Reifferscheid, Markus
Application of Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) in continuous casting of steel. - In: Fifth International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking ICS 2012, (2012), insges. 4 S.

Lobutova, Elka; Li, Ling; Voges, Danja; Resagk, Christian
Micro PIV measurements of the internal flow of Amoeba proteus. - In: Book of abstracts, ISBN 978-989-98777-5-7, 2012, 2.4.2, insges. 1 S.

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Resagk, Christian; Hilbrunner, Falko; Halbedel, Bernd; Thess, André
Contact-free flow rate measurement in weakly conducting electrolyte using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Proceedings of XX IMEKO World Congress, ISBN 978-89-950000-5-2, (2012), insges. 2 S.

Men, Shouqiang; Xiao, Hongbo;
Detection of interface displacement of liquid metal using magnetic field tomography. - In: Advances in metallurgical and mining engineering, ISBN 978-3-03-785310-8, (2012), S. 326-330

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang
Messergebnisse der Wärme- und Stoffübertragungsvorgänge eines berieselten Absorbers. - In: KI - Kälte, Luft, Klimatechnik, ISSN 1865-5432, Bd. 48 (2012), 1/2, S. 18-21

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Alferenok, Artem; Resagk, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Halbedel, Bernd; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
Contactless flow measurement of electrolytes using Lorentz force velocimetry :
Lorentzkraft - Anemometrie für die berührungslose Durchflussmessung von Elektrolyten. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 79 (2012), 9, S. 399-402
Resagk, Christian; Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Hilbrunner, Falko; Halbedel, Bernd; Thess, André
A novel contactless flow rate measurement device for poorly conducting fluids using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: THMT 12, ISBN 978-1-56700-302-4, (2012), insges. 5 S.

Körner, Max; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Experimental investigation of large-scale structures of an indoor airflow using a small scale model room :
Experimentelle Untersuchungen gross-skaliger Strömungsstrukturen von Raumluftströmungen anhand eines stark verkleinerten Modellraumes. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2012), S. 15-1-15-6

Lobutova, Elka; Voges, Danja;
Investigations of the cytoplasm flow of amoeba proteus :
Strömungsmechanische Untersuchungen der Zytoplasmaströmung von Amoeba proteus. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2012), S. 51-1-51-5

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian;
Non-contact measurements in liquid metal free-surface flow using time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: EPD Congress 2012, (2012), S. 105-112

Heinicke, Christiane; Tympel, Saskia; Pulugundla, Gautam; Rahneberg, Ilko; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André
Interaction of a small permanent magnet with a liquid metal duct flow. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 112 (2012), 12, 124914, insges. 17 S.
Tympel, Saskia; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Distortion of liquid metal flow in a square duct due to the influence of a magnetic point dipole. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 12 (2012), 1, S. 567-568

We consider liquid metal flow in a square duct with electrically insulating walls under the influence of a magnetic point dipole using three-dimensional direct numerical simulations with a finite-difference method. The dipole acts as a magnetic obstacle. The Lorentz force on the magnet is sensitive to the velocity distribution that is influenced by the magnetic field. The flow transformation by an inhomogeneous local magnetic field is essential for obtaining velocity information from the measured forces. In this paper we present a numerical simulation of a spatially developing flow in a duct with laminar inflow and periodic boundary conditions.
Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Flow rate measurements in turbulent liquid metal channel flow using Time-of-Flight Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 12 (2012), 1, S. 577-578
Engert, Sonja; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André
Electromagnetic interaction of a conducting cylinder with a magnetic dipole caused by steady rotation. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 12 (2012), 1, S. 579-580

The motion of a conductor in a magnetic field induces eddy currents whose interaction with the field produces Lorentz forces opposing the motion. One can determine the velocity of the conductor from the force on the magnet system since the latter is equal but opposite to the Lorentz force on the conductor. This contactless method is known as Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV). We study an idealized configuration of LFV, i.e. a rotating solid cylinder interacting with a point dipole. The understanding of parameter influences in this setup can be helpful for more realistic configurations. We use a purely kinematic approach appropriate for low magnetic Reynolds numbers. Numerical results for small and large distances between dipole and cylinder have been obtained with the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics.
Mishra, M.; Thess, André; Thess, André *1964-*; De Wit, A.
Influence of a simple magnetic bar on buoyancy-driven fingering of traveling autocatalytic reaction fronts. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 24 (2012), 12, 124101, insges. 13 S.

Magnetic fields have been shown experimentally to modify convective dynamics developing around traveling chemical fronts in presence of unfavorable density gradients. To understand the conditions in which such magnetic fields affect autocatalytic fronts, we study theoretically the influence of a simple magnetic bar on buoyancy-driven density fingering of a chemical front by numerical simulations of a reaction-diffusion-convection system. The model couples Darcy's law for the flow velocity to an evolution equation for the concentration of the autocatalytic product, which affects both the density of the solution and the magnetic force. The solutions of both products and reactants are assumed to be diamagnetic (i.e., negative magnetic susceptibility) and the magnetization is oriented perpendicularly to the plane in which the front travels. We show that, when aligned along the direction of front propagation, the magnetic force is able to suppress or enhance the convective instability depending on the value of the magnetic Rayleigh number of the problem. If the magnetic force is oriented transversely to the front propagation direction, tilted drifting convective patterns are obtained.
Moldenhauer, Stefan; Holtmann, Christoph; Stark, Tilman; Thess, André
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the pulse tube engine. - In: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics meeting papers, 2012, AIAA 2012-3712, insges. 11 S.

The pulse tube engine is a simple prime mover based on the pulse tube process. It has high potential to be applicable in waste heat usage. In the present work a simulation model is used to design a pressurized experimental pulse tube engine employing helium as working fluid. The measurd engine characteristics are comparred with the calculated predictions. Using the model and the experimental test rig, the engine performance is studied for different heat input temperatures, filling pressures and operating frequencies. The energy conversion process based on a broken thermodynamic symmertry and a thermal lag occurring in the pulse tube is proven theoretically. Fundamental characteristics and application limiations of the pulse tube engine are disclosed experimentally. The obtained engine behavior provides suggestions for its further development.
Dong, Shuai; Krasnov, Dmitry; Li, Benwen; Boeck, Thomas
Instability of unsteady streaks with streamwise magnetic field. - In: 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012, FM11-004, insges. 2 S.

The instability of unsteady streaky flow in a channel under the presence of a constant and uniform treamwise magnetic field is investigated with linear stability analysis. Without magnetic field, the linear secondary perturbations evolving on the basic state exhibit transient growth. The suppression of the transient growth of perturbations with different wavenumbers is investigated upon increasing the Hartmann number, and a simple power law is found between the optimal wavenumber and the Stuart number.

Wang, Xiaodong; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Klein, Rico; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
A RANS numerical model for calibration of Lorentz force flowmeter applying to metallugy industry. - In: 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012, FM11-002, insges. 2 S.

We present a RANS numerical model for calibrating LFF. Two common metallurgy industry flow types: duct flow and open-channel flow have been studied with this model. For duct flow, the computing calibration constant demonstrates coincide with accuracy of 3.4% with an experimental model. For open-channel flow, a multiphase model is built to take free surface into account. The free surface deformation, magnetic field optimization and characteristics of the realistic flow in an open channel can be simulated by this numerical model.

Tympel, Saskia; Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Deflection of laminar liquid metal flow by a magnetic point dipole. - In: 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012, FM11-006, insges. 2 S.

We study distortion of laminar liquid metal flow by a magnetic point dipole in a straight square duct. This basic configuration is of fundamental interest for Lorentz force velocimetry, where the Lorentz force opposing the relative motion of conducting medium and magnetic field is measured to determine the flow velocity. The total force is highly dependent on the velocity profile, which changes its shape due to the acting Lorentz force itself. We are interested in the deflection of the flow and its dependence on magnitude and distribution of the magnetic field. To this end, we perform direct numerical simulations with an accurate finite-difference scheme in the limit of small magnetic Reynolds numbers. The hydrodynamic Reynolds number is choosen to be high enough to allow the generation of vortices and turbulent structures.

Thess, André; Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Fröhlich, Thomas; Halbedel, Bernd; Hilbrunner, Falko; Resagk, Christian
Noncontact electromagnetic flow measurement in electrolytes. - In: 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012, FM11-005, insges. 2 S.

Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a noncontact electromagnetic flow measurement technique that is currently successfully applied for velocity measurements in liquid metals both in laboratory experiments and industry. However, up to now the application of LFV was restricted to conducting fluids with electrical conductivities of the order of 106 S/m such as are encountered in liquid metals. Here we demonstrate that LFV can be successfully extended to poorly conducting fluids (electrolytes) by using high-resolution force measurements.

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Rilk, Johannes; Thess, André
Boundary layer visualization in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air. - In: 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012, FM05-004, insges. 2 S.

We present results of boundary layer flow visualization in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard (RB) convection in air at Rayleigh number of Ra=1.4 x 1010. The experiments have been performed in a slender rectangular test cell with the dimensions of 2.5 m x 2.5 m x 0.6 m. The cell was installed in our large-scale RB experiment 'Barrel of Ilmenau' using its uniformly tempered heating and cooling plates as bottom and top bound of the small cell. Highly resolved movies as well as single frames of the boundary layer flow have been captured at various positions above the heating plate. They show that the idea of a basically laminar boundary layer does not hold at low Prandtl and moderate Rayleigh numbers.

Uhlig, Robert P.; Zec, Mladen; Brauer, Hartmut; Thess, André
Lorentz force eddy current testing: a prototype model. - In: Journal of nondestructive evaluation, ISSN 1573-4862, Bd. 31 (2012), 4, S. 357-372

We report an investigation of the motion of a freefalling permanent magnet in an electrically conducting pipe containing an idealized defect. This problem represents a highly simplified yet enlightening version of a method called Lorentz force eddy current testing which is a modification of the traditional eddy current testing technique. Our investigation is a combination of analytical theory, numerical simulation and experimental validation. The analytical theory allows a rigorous prediction about the relation between the size of the defect and the change in falling time which represents the central result of the present work. The numerical simulation allows to overcome limitations inherent in the analytical theory. We test our predictions by performing a series of experiments. We conclude that our theory properly captures the essence of Lorentz force eddy current testing although a refinement of the experiment is necessary to reduce the discrepancy to the predictions. In spite of its apparent simplicity the present system can serve as a prototype and benchmark for future research on Lorentz force eddy current testing.
Kolesnikov, Yuri; Wang, Xiaodong; Thess, André;
Experimental study and numerical visualization of physical fields of electromagnetic pumps constructed on permanent magnets. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-2, S. 621-624

Wegfraß, André; Resagk, Christian; Diethold, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Werner, Michael; Halbedel, Bernd; Thess, André
Lorentz force velocimetry for poorly conducting fluids - development and validation of a novel flow rate measurement device. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-2, S. 613-616

Jian, Dan-dan; Karcher, Christian
Flowrate measurement in turbulent liquid metal channel flow using time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry: experimental investigations and numerical modeling. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-1, S. 582-585

Heinicke, Christiane; Pulugundla, Gautam; Tympel, Saskia; Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg; Rahneberg, Ilko; Fröhlich, Thomas; Hilbrunner, Falko; Thess, André
Lorentz force velocimetry for local velocity measurement. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-1, S. 578-581

Jian, Dan-dan; Karcher, Christian; Xu, Xiu-jie; Deng, An-yuan; Wang, En-gang; Thess, André
Development of a non-contact electromagnetic surface velocity sensor for molten metal flow. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-1, S. 509-513

Thess, André; Boeck, Thomas; Engert, Sonja; Gramß, Michael; Heinicke, Christiane; Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian; Klein, Rico; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Minchenya, Vitaly; Pulugundla, Gautam; Resagk, Christian; Santara, Fatoumata Bintou; Schumacher, Jörg; Tympel, Saskia; Weidermann, Christian; Wegfraß, André
New developments in Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-1, S. 475-478

Zec, Mladen; Uhlig, Robert P.; Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut; Thess, André
Lorentz force sigmometry. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-1, S. 123-126

Santara, Fatoumata Bintou; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Investigation of Lorentz force velocimetry using electromagnets. - In: Journal of iron and steel research international, ISSN 1006-706X, Bd. 19.2012, Suppl. 1-1, S. 106-109

Votyakov, Evgeny V.; Thess, André
Interaction of a magnetic dipole with a slowly moving electrically conducting plate. - In: Journal of engineering mathematics, ISSN 1573-2703, Bd. 77 (2012), 1, S. 147-161

We report an analytical investigation of the force and torque acting upon a magnetic dipole placed in the vicinity of a moving electrically conducting nonmagnetic plate. This problem is relevant to contactless electromagnetic flow measurement in metallurgy and extends previous theoretical works (Thess et al., Phys Rev Lett 96:164501, 2006; New J Phys 9:299, 2007) to the case where the orientation of the magnetic dipole relative to the plate is arbitrary. It is demonstrated that, for the case of low magnetic Reynolds number, the three-dimensional distributions of the induced electric potential, of the eddy currents, and of the induced magnetic field can be rigorously derived. It is also shown that all components of the force and torque can be computed without any further approximation. The results of the present work serve as a benchmark problem that can be used to verify numerical simulations of more complex magnetic field distributions.
Klein, Rico; Weidermann, Christian; Wang, Xiaodong; Gramß, Michael; Alferenok, Artem; Thieme, Alexander; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Contactless flow measurement of liquid metals using Lorentz force velocimetry :
Lorentzkraft - Anemometrie für die berührungslose Durchflussmessung von Metallschmelzen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 79 (2012), 9, S. 394-398

In der Metallurgiebranche fehlen derzeit geeignete Verfahren zur präzisen Erfassung, Regelung und Dosierung der zwischen den einzelnen Produktionsstufen übertragenen Mengen an Metallschmelze. Durch den Einsatz des patentierten Verfahrens der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie, bei dem der direkte Kontakt zur heißen Metallschmelze nicht erforderlich ist, lässt sich diese Aufgabe lösen und somit ein nachhaltiger Beitrag zu zukünftig energie- und kostenoptimierter Produktion leisten. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden das Prinzip des Verfahrens erläutert und die wissenschaftlich-technischen Wege zur Entwicklung, Prüfung und Kalibierung von entsprechenden Lorentzkraft-Anemometern vorgestellt. Desweiteren werden Beispiele aktueller Anwendungen der Lorentzkraft-Anemometer in der Praxis diskutiert.
Li, Ling; Shi, Nan; Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg; Thess, André
Boundary layer analysis in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air: experiment versus simulation. - In: Physical review, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 86 (2012), 2, S. 026315, insges. 12 S.
Otto, Thomas;
Spatio-temporal stability analysis in two-phase mixing layers : effect of a velocity deficit near the interface, 2012. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: II, 144 S., 3,10 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2012
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Wachstum wellenförmiger Störungen an der Fluidgrenze in Zwei-Phasen-Mischungsschichten. Dieses Phänomen tritt z.B. beim primären Zerstäubungsprozess von Flüssigkeiten durch ein angrenzendes oder die Flüssigkeit umschließendes Gas auf. Im Rahmen der linearen Stabilitätstheorie wird sowohl der Einfluss der verschiedenen Stoffgrößen als auch jener der Beschaffenheit der Grundströmung betrachtet. Die gegebene Grundströmung, auf der sich die Störungen ausbreiten, ist dabei durch ein ebenes Geschwindigkeitsfeld mit parallelen Stromlinien gegeben. Ferner wird die charakteristische Struktur des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes am Düsenausgang berücksichtigt: Zunächst werden im Inneren der Düse Flüssigkeit und Gas getrennt voneinander auf unterschiedliche Geschwindigkeiten beschleunigt. Infolge der trennenden Wand im Inneren der Düse kommt es zur Bildung von Geschwindigkeitsgrenzschichten in beiden Medien an der festen Wand. Nach anschließendem Kontakt beider Ströme bildet sich somit ein Geschwindigkeitsfeld mit Nachlaufströmung in der Umgebung der Grenzfläche heraus. Für anwachsende wellenförmige Störungen in unmittelbarer Nähe der Grenzfläche zwischen beiden Fluiden werden die Wellenlängen und Wachstumsraten untersucht, wobei sowohl die zeitliche als auch die räumliche Ausbreitung der Störungen von Interesse ist. Die Abhängigkeit der Größen von den Stoffparametern, Fluidgeschwindigkeiten, sowie dem Geschwindigkeitsdefekt relativ zu den mittleren Geschwindigkeiten der flüssigen und gasförmigen Phase werden dokumentiert. Dabei wird die Oberflächenspannung berücksichtigt, jedoch Einflüsse des Schwerefeldes vernachlässigt.
Minchenya, Vitaly; Chigarev, Anatoly; Karcher, Christian
Stabilization of the free liquid metal surface during electromagnetic forming. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2012), 8, insges. 6 S.

Karcher, Christian; Jian, Dandan
Velocity measurement in free-surface liquid metal flow using time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry: numerical modeling. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2012), 7, insges. 16 S.

Kaiser, Robert; du Puits, Ronald
Error estimation of temperature measurements in non-isothermal shear layers. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 53 (2012), 1, S. 137-143
Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Resagk, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Halbedel, Bernd; Thess, André
Flow rate measurement of weakly conducting fluids using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 23 (2012), 10, S. 105307, insges. 6 S.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas
Numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic duct flow at high Reynolds and Hartmann numbers. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 704 (2012), S. 421-446
Dong, Shuai; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas;
Secondary energy growth and turbulence suppression in conducting channel flow with streamwise magnetic field. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 24 (2012), 7, 074101, insges. 20 S.
Gopalakrishnan, Sugilal; Thess, André
A simplified mathematical model of glass melt convection in a cold crucible induction melter. - In: International journal of thermal sciences, ISSN 1778-4166, Bd. 60 (2012), S. 142-152

Cold crucible induction melting is emerging as a promising technology for immobilizing nuclear waste in glass matrices. Since the transport properties such as viscosity and electrical conductivity of molten glass exhibit strong temperature dependencies, performance of the cold crucible induction melter is highly sensitive to the thermal field prevailing in the molten glass pool. A simplified mathematical model was developed to numerically investigate the impact of molten glass properties such as viscosity, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity on the performance of a cold crucible induction melter meant for high level radioactive waste vitrification. The present investigation of the thermal convection using the simplified model confirms the findings of previous studies. Numerical simulation of thermal convection shows that low electrical conductivity and high viscosity existing in the cooler parts of the molten glass bath can lead to poor electromagnetic induction and localized heating in the present melter-inductor configuration. The stable thermal stratification due to bottom cooling leads to a relatively stagnant fluid layer in the lower part of the glass melt. These features of the thermal convection can limit the heat transfer and mixing in the glass melt which in turn can affect both the melting capacity and product homogeneity adversely. Mechanical stirring using a water-cooled stirrer can overcome these limitations. The present study confirms that mechanical stirring of the glass melt can enhance the electromagnetic induction through thermal homogenization. Mechanical mixing eliminates the relatively stagnant fluid layer observed in thermal convection. Distribution of induced power, temperature and velocity predicted by the simplified model exhibit matching characteristics of the results obtained by other investigators. The simplified model reduces the computational load substantially as it eliminates complex electromagnetic computations.
Hohendorff, Bernd; Weidermann, Christian; Pollinger, Philipp; Burkhart, Klaus J.; Konerding, Moritz A.; Prommersberger, Karl Josef; Rommens, Pol M.
Finger injuries caused by power-operated windows of motor vehicles: an experimental cadaver study. - In: Injury, ISSN 1879-0267, Bd. 43 (2012), 6, S. 903-907
Hamlington, Peter E.; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Local dissipation scales and energy dissipation-rate moments in channel flow. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 701 (2012), S. 419-429
Berthold, S.;
Investigation of thermal convection in water columns using particle image velocimetry. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 52 (2012), 6, S. 1465-1474
Bühl, Jürgen;
Wärme (Langzeit-) Speicher aus Glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff (GFK) - Entwicklung. - In: Thermische Solarenergie, (2012), S. 290-291

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic flow measurements in liquid metals using time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 23 (2012), 7, S. 074021, insges. 14 S.
Uhlig, Robert Peter; Zec, Mladen; Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut; Thess, André
Lorentz force sigmometry: a contactless method for electrical conductivity measurements. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 111 (2012), 9, 094914, insges. 7 S.
Alt, Wolfgang; Böhm, Valter; Kaufhold, Tobias; Lobutova, Elka; Resagk, Christian; Voges, Danja; Zimmermann, Klaus
Theoretical and experimental investigations of amoeboid movement and first steps of technical realisation. - In: Nature-inspired fluid mechanics, (2012), S. 3-23

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Fröhlich, Thomas; Halbedel, Bernd; Hilbrunner, Falko; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André
A universal noncontact flowmeter for liquids. - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 100 (2012), 19, S. 194103, insges. 4 S.
Li, Ling; Du Puits, Ronald
3-d measurements of the velocity in the boundary layer of turbulent convection. - In: Progress in turbulence and wind energy IV, (2012), S. 283-286

Wegfraß, André; Lobutova, Elka; Lobutova, Elka *1978-*;
Application of 3D particle tracking velocimetry in convection. - In: Progress in turbulence and wind energy IV, (2012), S. 297-300

Jaber, Samar; Ajib, Salman
Energy recovery system in mediterranean region. - In: Sustainable cities and society, Bd. 3.2012 (Jul.), S. 24-29
Hohendorff, Bernd; Weidermann, Christian; Pollinger, Philipp; Burkhart, Klaus; Prommersberger, Karl-Josef; Müller, Lars Peter
Einklemmung eines Kinderfingers: eine experimentelle Studie zur Bestimmung der elastischen Widerstände und der Punkte des Beginns der Knochen-/Gelenkdeformierung. - In: Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie, ISSN 1439-3980, Bd. 44 (2012), 1, S. 1-4
Alferenok, Artem; Werner, Michael; Gramß, Michael; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Halbedel, Bernd
Numerical optimization of the magnet system for the Lorentz Force Velocimetry of electrolytes. - In: International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics, ISSN 1875-8800, Bd. 38 (2012), 2/3, S. 79-92
Wang, Xiaodong; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Numerical calibration of a Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 23 (2012), 4, S. 045005, insges. 9 S.
Jaber, Samar;
Low energy building with novel cooling unit using PCM, 2012. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 155 S., 15,0 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2012
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Die vorliegende Arbeit dient der Minimierung des Energieverbrauchs von Wohngebäuden, ohne die thermische Behaglichkeit negativ zu beeinflußen und trägt damit zur Verringerung von CO2-Emissionen bei. Es wurden thermische, energetische und wirtschaftliche Gesichtspunkte betrachtet. Der Einsatz von Passivsolarsystemen und Energieeinsparungssysteme wurde für typische Wohnhäuser mit einer Wohnfläche vom 154 m2 in Europa und dem Nahen Osten in drei verschiedenen Klimazonen untersucht.Um die Performance der Energiesysteme zu analysieren, wurden Simulationsrechnungen mit den kommerziellen Programmpaketen TRNSYS und INSEL durchgeführt. Darüberhinaus wurde eine Verdampfungs- und Speichereinheit, die ein Phasenwechselesmaterial enthält simuliert. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Software Module in Visual Basic entwickelt und eingesetzt. Dieses Software Module heißt IESU software. Eine Gleichung zur Beschreibung der Lebenszykluskosten (LCC) wurde in Abhängigkeit thermischer Parameter und ökonomischer Faktoren der lokalen Märkte aufgestellt und eine Optimierungsrechnung durchgeführt.Das optimale Design von Wohnhäusern und Energiesystemen hat großen Einuss auf den Energieverbrauch. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Energieverbrauch um 85,62% in Berlin, um 86,33% in Amman und um 74,05% in Aqaba gesenkt werden kann. Darüberhinaus konnte das LCC Criterion in Berlin um 41,85%, in Amman um 19,21% und in Aqaba um 15,22% gesenkt werden.Die makkroökonomische Analyse zeigt, dass eine Anwendung der präsentierten Methoden bei Million typischen Wohngebäuden die jährlich CO2- Einsparungen in Höhe von 5,7 Mio.t in Berlin, 2,98 Mio.t in Amman und 2,96 Mio.t in Aqaba zur Folge hätte. Die Amortisierungszeit beträgt 18 Jahre in Berlin, 11 Jahre in Amman und 8,6 Jahre in Aqaba.
Hamlington, Peter E.; Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Statistics of the energy dissipation rate and local enstrophy in turbulent channel flow. - In: Physica, ISSN 1872-8022, Bd. 241 (2012), 3, S. 169-177
Karmo, Diala; Ajib, Salman
Untersuchung der Einflüsse der Lamellenformen auf die Wärmeübertragungseigenschaften eines Trockenkühlturms. - In: Deutsche Kälte-Klima-Tagung 2011, Aachen, 16. - 18. November 2011, 2011, insges. 8 S. (+ 16 S. Folienpräsentation)

Kaiser, Robert; Salort, Julien; Roche, Philippe-E.
The ultimate regime of convection over uneven plates. - In: 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), (2011), 5, S. 052044, insges. 10 S.
Lobutova, Elka; Li, Ling; Voges, Danja; Resagk, Christian
Micro PIV measurements of the internal flow of Amoeba proteus. - In: Proceedings, (2011), insges. 1 S.

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Non-contact local flow measurement using Lorentz force velocimetry in tandem arrangement. - In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, (2011), S. 143-150

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang
Messergebnisse der Wärme- und Stoffübertragungsvorgänge eines berieselten Absorbers. - In: Deutsche Kälte-Klima-Tagung 2011, Aachen, 16. - 18. November 2011, (2011), S. 24-25

Kolesnikov, Jurij; Karcher, Christian; Thess, Andre
Liquid metal flows under non-homogeneous magnetic field: Lorentz force flowmeters in metallurgy. - In: EPD congress 2011, ISBN 978-1-118-03652-5, (2011), S. 731-736

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic flowrate measurements using tandem Lorentz force velocimetry as a cross-correlation flowmeter. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, ISBN 978-3-86360-001-3, (2011), S. 32

Chigareva, Julia; Minchenya, Vitaly
Damage mechanism in the cermet fuel rod shell undergoing rapid cooling: analytical modeling. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), insges. 5 S.
Gramß, Michael; Karcher, Christian
Calibration of a Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), insges. 3 S.
Men, Shouqiang;
Data acquisition and processing of weak low-frequency magnetic signals. - In: Mechatronic systems and automation systems, ISBN 978-3-03-785184-5, (2011), S. 299-302

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Berührungsfreie globale und lokale Strömungskontrolle in Flüssigmetallschmelzen. - In: Kurzfassungen, (2011), S. 74-75

Werner, Michael; Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Halbedel, Bernd; Resagk, Christian; Hilbrunner, Falko
Nutzung von Lorentzkräften zur kontaktlosen Messung der Fließgeschwindigkeiten von elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Fluiden. - In: Kurzfassungen, (2011), S. 15-16

Jaber, Samar;
Thermal and economical investigation of evaporative air-conditioning in Europe and Middle East. - In: Solar air-conditioning, (2011), S. 207-213

Ajib, Salman;
Investigation results on dry cooling tower with lamellae heat exchanger. - In: Solar air-conditioning, (2011), S. 170-171

Hamlington, Peter E.; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Dissipation-scale fluctuations in the inner region of turbulent channel flow. - In: 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), (2011), 4, S. 042019, insges. 5 S.
Li, Ling; Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald;
Viscous boundary layers in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), (2011), 8, S. 082004, insges. 5 S.
Heinicke, Christiane; Thess, André; Thess, André *1964-*; Rahneberg, Ilko;
Towards local resolution measurements in turbulent liquid metal duct flows. - In: 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), (2011), 7, S. 072029, insges. 8 S.
Otto, Thomas; Boeck, Thomas; Rossi, Maurice
Viscous linear instability of a sheared liquid-gas interface - effect of a velocity deficit near the interface. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 11 (2011), 1, S. 615-616
Pulugundla, Gautam; Karcher, Christian
Numerical study of creeping liquid metal flow in the presence of a permanent magnet. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 11 (2011), 1, S. 679-670
Kirpo, Maksims; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André
Electromagnetic interaction of moving conductors with magnets: kinematic solutions for infinitely long square and cylindrical geometries. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 11 (2011), 1, S. 657-658
Tympel, Saskia; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Laminar magnetohydrodynamic duct flow in the presence of a magnetic dipole. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 11 (2011), 1, S. 671-672
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Thess, André; Boeck, Thomas
Direct numerical simulation of transition in MHD duct flow. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 11 (2011), 1, S. 659-660
Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic flow rate measurement in turbulent liquid metal channel flow. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 11 (2011), 1, S. 645-646
Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian; Chigarev, Anatoly
Suppression of electromagnetically induced free-surface instabilities in liquid metals. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 11 (2011), 1, S. 485-486
Jaber, Samar; Ajib, Salman
Thermal and economic windows design for different climate zones. - In: Energy and buildings, Bd. 43 (2011), 11, S. 3208-3215
Zhao, Yurong; Zikanov, Oleg;
Instability of magnetohydrodynamic flow in an annular channel at high Hartmann number. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 23 (2011), 8, 084103, insges. 8 S.
Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian
Closed loop stabilization system for electromagnetically shaped liquid metal droplet. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 867-871

Stelian, Carmen; Alferenok, Artem; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Numerical optimization and calibration of a Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 707-711

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic flow control using Lorentz force velocimetry: experimental investigations and numerical modeling. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 665-669

Wang, Xiaodong; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
A numerical model of an omega-shaped electromagnetic pump with rotating permanent magnets. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 477-481

Boeck, Thomas; Kirpo, Maksims; Tympel, Saskia; Krasnov, Dmitry; Thess, André
Lorentz force velocimetry for a conducting medium in a straight duct: results for a point dipole. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 363-367

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Resagk, Christian; Hilbrunner, Falko; Halbedel, Bernd; Thess, André
Development of a novel flow rate measurement device for poorly conducting fluids using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 353-356

Rivero, Michel; Andreev, Oleg; Thess, André; Cuevas, Sergio
Experimental study of flows past a magnetic obstacle. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 347-351

Heinicke, Christiane; Thess, André
Lorentz force velocimetry of turbulent MHD duct flow: experimental study. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 341-345

Pulugundla, Gautam; Karcher, Christian
Lorentz force velocimetry of turbulent MHD duct flow: numerical study. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 317-321

Dong, Shuai; Krasnov, Dmitry; Li, Ben-wen; Boeck, Thomas
Instability of streaks in channel flow with streamwise magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 199-203

Zhao, Y.; Zikanov, Oleg;
First instability in annular channel and duct at high Hartmann number. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 163-168

Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Thess, André; Boeck, Thomas
Direct numerical simulation of transition and turbulence in MHD duct flow. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 157-161

Listratov, Yaroslav I.; Zikanov, Oleg; Sviridov, E. V.; Sviridov, V. G.; Krasnov, Dmitry
Direct numerical simulation of mixed convection in a horizontal pipe with strong transverse magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, (2011), S. 25-29

Stelian, Carmen; Alferenok, Artem; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Optimization of a Lorentz force flowmeter by using numerical modeling. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 47 (2011), 3, S. 273-283

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic global and local melt flow measurements using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2011), 10, insges. 28 S.

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Wang, Xiaodong; Thess, André;
Lorentz force velocimetry in a flow with changing geometry. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2011), 9, insges. 7 S.

Hohendorff, Bernd; Weidermann, Christian; Pollinger, Philipp; Burkhart, Klaus J.; Konerding, Moritz A.; Prommersberger, Karl Josef; Rommens, Pol M.
Entrapment of adult fingers between window glass and seal entry of a motor vehicle side door: an experimental study for investigation of the force at the subjective pain threshold. - In: Journal of biomechanics, ISSN 1873-2380, Bd. 44 (2011), 11, S. 2158-2161
Li, Ling; Du Puits, Ronald
The velocity field in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2011), S. 46-1-46-5

Lobutova, Elka; Li, Ling; Voges, Danja; Resagk, Christian
Micro PIV measurements of the internel flow of Amoeba proteus under influence of an electrical field :
Micro-PIV Messung in Amoeba proteus unter Einwirkung eines elektrischen Feldes. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2011), S. 25-1-25-4

Körner, Max; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Experimental investigation of large-scale structures of an indoor airflow using laser light sheet visualization and LDV-measurements :
Experimentelle Untersuchung großskaliger Strömungsstrukturen in einer Raumluftströmung mit Laser-Lichtschnitt-Visualisierungen und LDV-Messungen. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2011), S. 16-1-16-7

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Resagk, Christian; Hilbrunner, Falko; Halbedel, Bernd; Thess, André
Development of a novel flow rate measurement device for poorly conducting fluids using Lorentz Force Velocimetry :
Entwicklung einer neuen Durchflussmesstechnik zur Vermessung elektrisch schwachleitfähiger Fluide mittels Lorentzkraft Anemometrie. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2011), S. 15-1-15-4

Jaber, Samar; Ajib, Salman
Optimum design of Trombe wall system in mediterranean region. - In: Solar energy, ISSN 1471-1257, Bd. 85 (2011), 9, S. 1891-1898
Jaber, Samar; Ajib, Salman
Evaporative cooling as an efficient system in Mediterranean region. - In: Applied thermal engineering, ISSN 1359-4311, Bd. 31 (2011), 14/15, S. 2590-2596
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas
Comparative study of finite difference approaches in simulation of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence at low magnetic Reynolds number. - In: Computers & fluids, ISSN 1879-0747, Bd. 50 (2011), 1, S. 46-59
Thess, André; Resagk, Christian; Ruck, Bodo; Leder, Alfred; Dopheide, Dietrich
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 19. Fachtagung, 6. - 8. September 2011, Ilmenau ; [Tagungsband]. - Karlsruhe : Dt. Ges. für Laser-AnemometrieGALA e. V., 2011. - Getr. Zählung ISBN 978-3-9805613-7-2
Parallel als CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen

Wang, Xiaodong; Klein, Rico; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Application of Lorentz force velocimetry to open channel flow. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 690 (2011), S. 99-102
Kirpo, Maksims; Tympel, Saskia; Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Thess, André
Electromagnetic drag on a magnetic dipole near a translating conducting bar. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 109 (2011), 11, 113921, insges. 11 S.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Parepalli, Prarthana; Zikanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas
Effect of wall conductivity on current distribution and turbulence in a channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. - In: European journal of mechanics, ISSN 1873-7390, Bd. 30 (2011), 4, S. 421-427
Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Calibration of the Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Flow measurement and instrumentation, ISSN 1873-6998, Bd. 22 (2011), 3, S. 242-247
Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Karcher, Christian *1959-*; Thess, André;
Lorentz force flowmeter for liquid aluminum : laboratory experiments and plant tests. - In: Metallurgical and materials transactions, ISSN 1543-1916, Bd. 42 (2011), 3, S. 441-450
Viré, Axelle; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Knaepen, Bernhard
Modeling and discretization errors in large eddy simulations of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic channel flows. - In: Journal of computational physics, ISSN 1090-2716, Bd. 230 (2011), 5, S. 1903-1922
Thess, André;
The entropy principle : thermodynamics for the unsatisfied ; with 4 tables. - Berlin : Springer, 2011. - XI, 180 S. ISBN 978-3-642-13348-0

Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Rossi, Maurice; Boeck, Thomas
Optimal growth and transition to turbulence in magnetohydrodynamic duct flow. - In: ASME digital collection, (2010), S. 1153-1159
Körner, Max; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André
Experimental investigation of non-isothermal indoor airflow in a small-scale model room using LASER techniques. - In: Applications of laser techniques to fluid mechanics, (2010), 2.4-4, Seite 1-5

Thess, André;
Heat transfer by free convection: internal flows. - In: VDI heat atlas, (2010), S. 673-680

Kast, Werner; Klan, Herbert; Thess, André
Heat transfer by free convection: special cases. - In: VDI heat atlas, (2010), S. 681-684

Kast, Werner; Klan, Herbert; Thess, André
Heat transfer by free convection: external flows. - In: VDI heat atlas, (2010), S. 667-672

Kast, Werner; Klan, Herbert; Thess, André
Thermal output of heating appliances operating with hot water. - In: VDI heat atlas, (2010), S. 685-690

Thess, André;
Heat transfer by free convection: fundamentals. - In: VDI heat atlas, (2010), S. 661-666

Li, Ling; Du Puits, Ronald;
Experimental investigation on velocity of large-scale Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2010), S. 39-1-39-5

Moldenhauer, Stefan; Thess, André
Modelica based simulation model of a pulse tube engine. - In: 13th ITI Symposium, (2010), S. 178-182

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang; Safarik, Mathias
Untersuchungsergebnisse einer solarthermisch betriebenen 5-kW-Absorptionskältemaschine. - In: KI - Kälte, Luft, Klimatechnik, ISSN 1865-5432, Bd. 46 (2010), 10, S. 18-24, insges. 6 S.

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Asymmetries in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection. - In: Progress in turbulence III, (2010), S. 179-182

Kirpo, Maksim; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André
Eddy current interaction of a magnetic dipole with a translating solid bar. - In: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, ISBN 978-9984-45-223-4, (2010), S. 221-226

Gopalakrishnan, Sugilal; Thess, André
Electromagnetically induced chaotic mixing in a pipe mixer. - In: Chemical engineering science, Bd. 65 (2010), 23, S. 6282-6291
Viré, Axelle; Knaepen, Bernard; Thess, André;
Lorentz force velocimetry based on time-of-flight measurements. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 22 (2010), 12, 125101, insges. 15 S.
Otto, Thomas; Boeck, Thomas; Rossi, Maurice
Two-fluid spatial instability with velocity defect in the basic flow. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 10 (2010), 1, S. 481-482
Kirpo, Maksims; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, Andrè
Eddy-current braking of a translating solid bar by a magnetic dipole. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 10 (2010), 1, S. 513-514
Krasnov, Dmitry; Parepalli, Prarthana; Zikanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas
Effect of wall conductivity on turbulent channel flow under spanwise magnetic field. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 10 (2010), 1, S. 515-516
Minchenya, Vitaly;
Closed loop stabilization system for electromagnetically formed free liquid metal surfaces. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2010), 11, insges. 8 S.

Pulugundla, Gautam;
Interaction of a magnetic dipole with liquid metal flow. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2010), 10, insges. 7 S.

Karcher, Christian; Jian, Dandan; Minchenya, Vitaly
Durchflussmessung in turbulenten Flüssigmetallströmungen mittels Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie : numerische Simulation mit FLUENT. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2010), 9, insges. 17 S.

Jian, Dandan; Karcher, Christian
Durchflussmessung in Flüssigmetallströmungen mittels Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie : Modellexperimente. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2010), 8, insges. 9 S.

Gopalakrishnan, Sugilal; Thess, André
Chaotic mixing in electromagnetically controlled thermal convection of glass melt . - In: Chemical engineering science, Bd. 65 (2010), 19, S. 5309-5319
Lobutova, Elka;
Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Particle-Tracking-Velocimeters zur Untersuchung von groß-skaligen Strukturen in thermischer Konvektion, 2010. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 99 S., 3726 KB) Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Diss., 2010

In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde ein dreidimensionales Particle-Tracking-Velocimeter zur Messung von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern und Aufnahme von einzelnen Trajektorien in Luft in sehr großen Messvolumina entwickelt und erfolgreich in turbulenter thermischer Konvektion angewendet. Im Fokus dieser Studie stand die Untersuchung der bisher wenig erforschten Strukturbildung in natürlichen Konvektionsströmungen. Das 3D-PTV-System besteht aus vier Kameras, zwei Blitzgeräten und Bildverarbeitungssoftware. Als Tracer-Partikel wurden heliumgefüllte Seifenblasen und heliumgefüllte Latexballons eingesetzt. Die räumliche Auflösung und Genauigkeit des Systems wurden mittels einesTestkörpers mit bekannter Trajektorie geprüft. Der erste Einsatz des PTV-Systems in einer Rayleigh-Bénard-Zelle mit einem Durchmesser 7,15 m und einer Höhe 3,58 m lieferte charakteristische Modender groß-skaligen Zirkulationsströmung außerhalb der Grenzschichten. Aus den aufgenommenen einzelnen Partikel-Trajektorien lassen sich wichtige Daten über die Luftströmung wie Geschwindigkeitszeitreihen und Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichtefunktion (PDF) der Geschwindigkeits- und Beschleunigungfluktuationen gewinnen.
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Measurements of the instantaneous local heat flux in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630, Bd. 12 (2010), 075023, insges. 13 S.
Andreev, Oleg; Pothérat, Alban; Thess, André;
Generation of liquid metal structures of high aspect ratio by application of an ac magnetic field. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 107 (2010), 12, 124903, insges. 11 S.
Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Statistics of velocity gradients in wall-bounded shear flow turbulence. - In: Physica, ISSN 1872-8022, Bd. 239 (2010), 14, S. 1258-1263
Viré, Axelle; Krasnov, Dmitry; Knaepen, Bernard; Boeck, Thomas
Large-eddy simulations of a turbulent magnetohydrodynamic channel flow. - In: Direct and large-eddy simulation VII, (2010), S. 147-152

Boeck, Thomas;
Coherent structures, instabilities and turbulence in interfacial and magnetohydrodynamic flows. - Online-Ressource Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2010

Die vorliegende Zusammenfassung wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen stellt mehrere theoretische und numerische Untersuchungen von Instabilitäten und komplexer nichtlinearer Dynamik in Strömungen vor. Die Zusammenfassung schildert vorwiegend die Motivation für die verschiedenen Arbeiten sowie die grundlegende Physik der betrachteten Strömungen. Hauptergebnisse werden auch angegeben. Einzelheiten zu den mathematischen Modellen und numerischen Methoden finden sich in den Veröffentlichungen. Der Eigenanteil des Autors an den verschiedenen Veröffentlichungen ist in einem separaten Anhang ausgewiesen. Bei den betrachteten Strömungen handelt es sich um thermische Konvektion in Ein- und Zwei-Schicht-Systemen nichtmischbarer Fluide, Zweiphasen-Scherschichten und Kanalströmungen elektrisch leitfähiger Flüssigkeiten in einem äußeren Magnetfeld. Diese Konfigurationen sind durch eine Reihe von Anwendungen motiviert, z.B. Wärme- und Stoffübergang an fluiden Grenzflächen bei verfahrenstechnischen Prozessen, Zerstäubung von Flüssigkeiten für die Verbrennung oder elektromagnetische Pumpen und Bremsen für die Materialverarbeitung in der Metallurgie. Die Komplexität der realen Anwendungen wurde beträchtlich reduziert, um fundamentale Mechanismen und Eigenschaften solcher Strömungen zu untersuchen. Die erreichte geometrische und konzeptionelle Einfachheit ist zweckmäßig für die numerischen Untersuchungen, weil man dadurch spezialisierte, aber sehr effiziente numerische Methoden einsetzen kann. Die Ergebnisse solcher Untersuchungen können das physikalische Verständnis der Strömungen verbessern und zur Validierung von allgemeineren numerischen Verfahren dienen. Thermische Konvektion wurde in mehreren Anordnungen betrachtet. Die erste ist oberflächenspannungsgetriebene (thermokapillare) Konvektion in einer einzelnen Flüssigkeitsschicht, für die die Strömungsstruktur und das Skalierungsverhalten des Wärmestroms mit zwei- und dreidimensionalen Simulationen untersucht wurden. Die zweite Anordnung ist ein System aus zwei Schichten mit Heizung von unten bzw. von oben und verschiedenen Kombinationen von nicht mischbaren Flüssigkeiten. Zwei verschiedene Zwei-Schicht-Systeme wurden mit dreidimensionalen, nichtlinearen Simulationen untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Veränderungen der Konvektionsmuster bei Variation der Stärke des thermischen Antriebs lag. Auf dem Gebiet der Zweiphasen-Scherschichten wurden zwei lineare Stabilitätsuntersuchungen auf der Grundlage der gekoppelten Rayleigh/Orr-Sommerfeld-Gleichungen durchgeführt, sowie eine Verifikation des nichtlinearen SURFER Codes mit Hilfe der linearen Stabilitätsresultate aus den Orr-Sommerfeld-Gleichungen. Das Neue an diesen Arbeiten ist der direkte Vergleich der Resultate für den reibungsfreien Fall und den Fall endlicher Zähigkeit bei Grundströmungen mit gleicher Struktur, und die Identifikation eines spezifischen, zähigkeitsbedingten Instabilitätsmechanismus im Parameterbereich von Zerstäubungsexperimenten mit Luft und Wasser. Auf dem Gebiet der Kanalströmungen leitfähiger Flüssigkeiten war der Autor an numerischen Untersuchungen des Turbulenzübergangs und der Turbulenz beteiligt. Für ein Magnetfeld in Spannweitenrichtung wurde ein nichtlinearer Mechanismus für den Turbulenzübergang bei subkritischer Reynoldszahl analysiert. Außerdem wurden die Eigenschaften der Turbulenz sowohl für ein Magnetfeld senkrecht zur Kanalwand als auch mit Magnetfeld in Spannweitenrichtung mittels numerischer Simulationen bestimmt.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Rossi, Maurice; Boeck, Thomas
Optimal linear growth in magnetohydrodynamic duct flow. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 653 (2010), S. 273-299
Lobutova, Elka; Resagk, Christian; Putze, Torsten;
Investigation of large-scale circulations in room air flows using three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry. - In: Building and environment, ISSN 0360-1323, Bd. 45 (2010), 7, S. 1653-1662
Doumenc, Frederic; Boeck, Thomas; Guerrier, Béatrice; Rossi, Maurice
Transient Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni convection due to evaporation: a linear non-normal stability analysis. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 648 (2010), S. 521-539
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Thickness of the diffusive sublayer in turbulent convection. - In: Physical review, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 81 (2010), 1, S. 016307, insges. 5 S.
Gopalakrishnan, Sugilal; Thess, André; Weidmann, Günter; Lange, Ulrich
Chaotic mixing in a Joule-heated glass melt. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 22 (2010), 1, 013101, insges. 12 S.
Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang
Untersuchungsergebnisse einer solarthermisch betriebenen 5 kW Absorptionskältemaschine. - In: Kurzfassungen, (2009), S. 25

Lobutova, Elka; Du Puits, Ronald; Du Puits, Ronald *1964-*;
Eigenschaften von grossskaligen Zirkulationen in thermischer Konvektion. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, ISBN 978-3-9805613-5-8, (2009), S. 44-1-44-5

Karcher, Christian; Minchenya, Vitaly; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Industrial application of Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 2 S.
Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian
Suppression of the electromagnetically induced intabilities of the liquid metal disk. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 2 S.
Ajib, Salman; Safarik, Mathias; Richter, Lutz; Kuhn, Moritz; Günther, Wolfgang; Weidner, Gregor
Development of a 5 kW absorption chiller for solar cooling installations. - In: Solar air-conditioning, (2009), S. 196-202

Wimmer, Zaki; Karcher, Christian
Development of an air-air-heat exchanger for lacquer drying furnaces. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 2 S.
Karcher, Christian; Karno, Ali
Convective heat transfer around microstructured bodies. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 2 S.
Wimmer, Zaki;
Entwicklung eines Wärmetauschers für Lacktrockenanlagen, 2009. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 84 S., 4635 KB) Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Diss., 2009

In Trockenschränken der Lackier- und Kunststofftechnikindustrie werden während eines Trocknungsprozesses brennbare Stoffe freigesetzt. Diese verursachen bei Kontakt mit heißen Oberflächen (den Heizstäben in dem Trocknungsofen) eine Explosionsgefahr. Die Sicherheitsanforderungen solcher Trockner sind in DIN EN 1539 detailliert beschrieben. In diesen Trocknern muss technisch bedingt ein Teil der Umluft (Trocknungsluft) abgeführt und mit Frischluft ersetzt werden, damit die Konzentration der entzündbaren freigesetzten Dämpfe einen bestimmten vorgegebenen Grenzwert nicht überschreitet. Die in der Abluft enthaltene Wärme geht dabei verloren. Daher muss die Frischluft vor der Zufuhr in den Nutzraum auf Betriebstemperatur gebracht werden. Die dazu notwendige Wärme erzeugen die Heizstäbe, die die Frischluft auf dem Weg zum Ofennutzraum überströmt. Durch den Einsatz eines Luft-Luft-Wärmetauschers wird ein Teil der Abluftwärme zur Vorheizung der Frischluft verwendet. Typischerweise werden für solchen Prozesse Plattenwärmetauscher eingesetzt. Die mit der Abluft abgeführten brennbaren Stoffe erreichen während der Abkühlung im Wärmetauscher ihren Taupunkt und kondensieren. Dieses Kondensat neigt dazu, sich auf den Wärmeaustauschoberflächen abzulagern. Das schnelle Verkrusten von konventionellen Wärmetauschern erschwerte bisher die technische Nutzung der Abwärme. Der hohe Wartungs- und Reinigungsaufwand durch die Ablagerung und die Partikelabscheidung macht den Betrieb von Wärmetauschern unwirtschaftlich. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die notwendigen Kenntnisse zu sammeln, um einen wartungsfreien Wärmetauscher zu entwickeln bzw. die Wartungszyklen zu verlängern. Die Dissertation ist in sechs Hauptkapitel unterteilt. Das erste beinhaltet die Problembeschreibung. Ein theoretischer Hintergrund der Grundlagen der Ablagerung und die notwendigen Basiskenntnisse der durchgeführten numerischen Simulationen werden im zweiten Kapitel dargestellt. Das dritte Kapitel beinhaltet die durchgeführten numerischen Simulationen und ihre Ergebnisse. Das vierte Kapitel legt die durchgeführten Experimente und ihre Ergebnisse dar. Dann werden alle Ergebnisse der Dissertation in Kapitel fünf zusammengefasst und eine Diskussion durchgeführt und schließlich werden Vorschläge zu Weitererforschung der Ablagerung im Luft-Luft-Wärmetauscher in Kapitel sechs erörtert.
Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Lorentz force flowmeter in industrial application. - In: General paper selections, ISBN 978-0-87339-740-7, (2009), S. 859-867

Lobutova, Elka;
Flow structures in air convection measured with 3D particle tracking velocimetry. - In: Conference proceedings, (2009), insges. 2 S.

Lobutova, Elka; Du Puits, Ronald; Du Puits, Ronald *1964-*;
Properties of large-scale circulations in thermal convection :
Eigenschaften von grossskaligen Zirkulationen in thermischer Konvektion. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2009), insges. 5 S.

Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Dry calibration of the Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 45 (2009), 4, S. 569-578

Karcher, Christian; Minchenya, Vitaly
Control of free-surface instabilities during electromagnetic shaping of liquid metals. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 45 (2009), 4, S. 511-518

Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Lorentz force flowmeter in industrial application. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 45 (2009), 3, S. 459-465

Boeck, Thomas;
Low-Prandtl-number Bénard-Marangoni convection in a vertical magnetic field. - In: Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics, ISSN 1432-2250, Bd. 23 (2009), 6, S. 509-524
Gopalakrishnan, Sugilal; Thess, André
Chaotic mixing in all-electric glass furnace. - In: 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2009), S. 533-536

Andreev, Oleg; Pothérat, Alban; Thess, André
High frequency magnetic field control of the shape of a liquid metal drop. - In: 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2009), S. 731-734

Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Minchenya, Vitaly; Thess, André
Flow rate measurement in liquid aluminum using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2009), S. 419-422

Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian
Suppression of the liquid metal disk instabilities using locally non-homogeneous high-frequency magnetic field. - In: 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2009), S. 711-714

Thess, André; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Minchenya, Vitaly
New developments in Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2009), S. 379-382

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Experimental investigation of liquid metal flow across a non-homogeneous magnetic field. - In: 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2009), S. 41-44

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg
Transition to turbulence in MHD duct flow. - In: 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2009), S. 49-52

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Experimental vortex generation and instabilities at flow around a magnetic obstacle. - In: Advances in turbulence XII, (2009), S. 955

Andreev, Oleg; Kobzev, A.; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Optical visualisation of the flow around a cylinder in electrolyte under strong axial magnetic field. - In: Advances in turbulence XII, (2009), S. 833-836

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg
Transient growth in MHD duct flow. - In: Advances in turbulence XII, (2009), S. 829-832

Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Boeck, Thomas *1970-*; Schumacher, Jörg;
Velocity gradient statistics in a turbulent channel flow. - In: Advances in turbulence XII, (2009), S. 633-636

Salort, Julien; Gauthier, F.; Chabaud, B.; Bourgeois, O.; Garden, J.-L.; Du Puits, Ronald; Thess, André; Roche, Philippe-E.
Convection at very high Rayleigh number: signature of transition from a micro-thermometer inside the flow . - In: Advances in turbulence XII, (2009), S. 159-162

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Thermal boundary layers in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Advances in turbulence XII, (2009), S. 589-592

Urbaneck, Thorsten; Göppert, Stefan; Lohse, Rolf; Schirmer, Ulrich; Platzer, Bernd; Bühl, Jürgen; Nilius, Andreas
Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung von Be- und Entladesystemen für Tank- und Erdbeckenspeicher : Methodik und Projektergebnisse. - In: Thermische Solarenergie, (2009), S. 252-257

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Structure of viscous boundary layers in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Physical review, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 80 (2009), 3, S. 036318, insges. 8 S.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Schumacher, Jörg; Boeck, Thomas
Energy dissipation rates in low-Rm MHD turbulence with mean shear: results for channel flow with spanwise field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 45 (2009), 2, S. 155-164

Gauthier, F.; Salort, Julien; Bourgeois, O.; Garden, J.-L.; du Puits, Ronald; Thess, André; Roche, Philippe-E.
Transition on local temperature fluctuations in highly turbulent convection. - In: epl, ISSN 1286-4854, Bd. 87 (2009), 4, S. 44006, insges. 6 S.
Karcher, Christian; Wimmer, Zaki;
Entwicklung eines Wärmerücktauschers mit langen Wartungsintervallen für kleinvolumige Lacktrockenschränke : Abschlussbericht. - Römhild [u.a.] : Eliog Kelvitherm Industrieofenbau GmbH [u.a.]. - 76 S.
Shishkina, Olga; Thess, André
Mean temperature profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection of water. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 633 (2009), S. 449-460
Doumenc, Frédéric; Boeck, Thomas; Chenier, E.; Guerrier, Béatrice; Rossi, Maurice
Stability boundaries for transient evaporative Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection. - In: Thermodynamics of phase changes, (2009), insges. 4 S.

Lohse, Rolf; Bühl, Jürgen
Planungsleitfaden zur geschichteten Be- und Entladung thermischer Speicher in solarthermischen Anlagen. - Chemnitz : Techn. Univ., Professur Techn. Thermodynamik, 2009. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 35 S., 4.33 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMU 0329271A
Lobutova, Elka; Resagk, Christian; Rank, Robert; Müller, Dirk
Extended three dimensional particle tracking velocimetry for large enclosures. - In: Imaging measurement methods for flow analysis, (2009), S. 113-124

Fuster, Daniel; Bagué, Anne; Boeck, Thomas; Le Moyne, Luis; Leboissetier, Anthony; Popinet, Stéphane; Ray, Pascal; Scardovelli, Ruben; Zaleski, Stéphane
Simulation of primary atomization with an octree adaptive mesh refinement and VOF method. - In: International journal of multiphase flow, ISSN 1879-3533, Bd. 35 (2009), 6, S. 550-565
Gießler, Cornelia; Thess, André;
Numerical simulation of electromagnetically controlled thermal convection of glass melt in a crucible. - In: International journal of heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1879-2189, Bd. 52 (2009), 13/14, S. 3373-3389
Odenthal, Hans-Jürgen; Rexroth, Carl-Henning; Sommerfeld, Martin; Ludwig, Andreas; Baake, Egbert; Thess, André
Verbesserte metallurgische Prozesse durch moderne Simulationstechnik. - In: Stahl + Eisen, ISSN 0340-4803, Bd. 129 (2009), 2, S. 37-46

Zentner, Lena; Böhm, Valter; Minchenya, Vitaly
On the new reversal effect in monolithic compliant bending mechanisms with fluid driven actuators. - In: Mechanism and machine theory, Bd. 44 (2009), 5, S. 1009-1018

This paper presents a reversal effect which is a particular deformation effect of compliant monolithic fluid driven actuators. Compared to conventional miniaturizable bending structures the mechanisms discussed in this paper have several properties such as larger movement range, greater flexibility and less sensory effort. Typical applications of the discussed mechanisms with novel reversal effect are gripping and manipulating tasks in robotics. This paper is mainly focused on the analytical and numerical investigations together with experimental verification describing the reversal effect of the considered mechanisms.
Gießler, Cornelia; Thess, André;
Electromagnetic control of thermal convection of a fluid with strongly temperature-dependent material properties. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 618 (2009), S. 135-154
Lobutova, Elka;
Untersuchung von Lagrang'schen Partikeltrajektorien in thermischer Konvektion mittels 3D PTV. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2008), S. 51-1-51-6

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang; Thess, André
Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben: Entwicklung eines Absorptionskälteaggregates kleiner 5 kW Kälteleistung (AKA 5) : Kurzfassung ; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.05.2005 bis 30.09.2008. - Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, FG Thermo- und Magnetofluiddynamik. - Online-Ressource (66 S., 1,51 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 0327381C. - Verbund-Nr. 01037526. - Engl. Titel: Development of solar thermally driven 5 kW absorption chiller
Li, Ben-Wen; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André; Kräzschmar, A.; Terhoeven, Peter
Stability and numerical simulation of the liquid metal pinch using the shallow water approximation. - In: New trends in fluid mechanics research, (2008), S. 717

Karcher, Christian; Minchenya, Vitaly
Control of free-surface instabilities during electromagnetic shaping of liquid metals. - In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing, (2008), S. 143-149

Thess, André; Votyakov, Evgeny; Knaepen, Bernard; Zikanov, Oleg
Theory and numerical simulations of the Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing, (2008), S. 21

Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Calibration of the Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing, (2008), S. 303-306

Otto, Thomas; Rossi, Maurice; Boeck, Thomas
Spatial instability of two-phase mixing layers. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 8 (2008), 1, S. 10635-10636
Kotalik, Pavel; Boeck, Thomas
Modelling of heat transfer and fluid flow in laser welding. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 8 (2008), 1, S. 10623-10624
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Schumacher, Jörg; Boeck, Thomas
MHD turbulence in a channel with spanwise field. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 8 (2008), 1, S. 10955-10956
Bühl, Jürgen; Müller, Matthias; Nilius, Andreas
Wissenschaftliche Programmbegleitung und Messprogramm Solarthermie-2000/2000plus für Solaranlagen im Freistaat Thüringen (Projektphase 3) : Schlussbericht/Sachbericht. - Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, FG Thermo- und Magnetofluiddynamik, AG Regenerative Energieanwendung. - Online-Ressource (231 S., 5,95 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 0329601O. - Literaturangaben
Thess, André;
Was ist Entropie? : eine Antwort für Unzufriedene. - In: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, ISSN 1434-0860, Bd. 72 (2008), 2, S. 11-17
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Boundary layer structure in highly turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: CD-ROM proceedings, ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6, (2008), insges. 2 S.

Thess, André; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Minchenya, Vitaly
Lorentz force velocimetry: theory and practice. - In: CD-ROM proceedings, ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6, (2008), insges. 2 S.

Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang; Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek
Investigation of interface oscillations in liquid metals using magnetic field tomography. - In: CD-ROM proceedings, ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6, (2008), insges. 2 S.

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Schumacher, Jörg
Turbulent MHD channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. - In: CD-ROM proceedings, ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6, (2008), insges. 2 S.

Otto, Thomas; Rossi, Maurice; Boeck, Thomas
Spatial instability of two-phase mixing layers. - In: Conference proceedings, 2008, Paper ID ILASS08-1-18, insges. 8 S.

Senin, Stepan; Langebach, Jan; Karcher, Christian
Determination of interior surface temperature using luminance measurement of thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: Experimental heat transfer, ISSN 1521-0480, Bd. 21 (2008), 2, S. 133-142
Zienicke, Egbert; Li, Ben-Wen; Thess, André; Kräzschmar, A.; Terhoeven, Peter
Theoretical and numerical stability analysis of the liquid metal pinch using the shallow water approximation. - In: Journal of thermal science, ISSN 1993-033X, Bd. 17 (2008), 3, S. 261-266
Votyakov, Evgeny V.; Zienicke, Egbert; Zienicke, Egbert *1963-*;
Constrained flow around a magnetic obstacle. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 610 (2008), S. 131-156
Karno, Ali; Ajib, Salman
Thermodynamic analysis of an absorption refrigeration machine with new working fluid for solar applications. - In: Heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1432-1181, Bd. 45 (2008), 1, S. 71-81
Du Puits, Ronald;
Wärmetransport in turbulenten Konvektionsströmungen. - [Ilmenau] : [Techn. Univ.]. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: [XIV], 103 S., [5] Bl., 2,58 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2008
Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Calibration of the Lorentz force velocimeter for high-temperature melts. - In: Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008, (2008), S. 785-788

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André; Minchenya, Vitaly
Lorentz force velocimetry: development and application. - In: Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008, (2008), S. 537-540

Thess, André; Gießler, Cornelia
Electromagnetic control of glass melt flow in a closed loop. - In: Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008, (2008), S. 453-454

Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Schumacher, Jörg; Boeck, Thomas
MHD turbulence in channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008, (2008), S. 399-403

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg
Optimal linear growth in MHD duct flow. - In: Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008, (2008), S. 351-355

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Thess, André; Zikanov, Oleg
Large-scale intermittency of liquid-metal channel flow in a magnetic field. - In: Physical review letters, ISSN 1079-7114, Bd. 101 (2008), 24, 244501, insges. 4 S.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zikanov, Oleg; Schumacher, Jörg; Boeck, Thomas
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in a channel with spanwise magnetic field. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 20 (2008), 9, 095105, insges. 19 S.
Gießler, Cornelia; Schlegel, Ruben; Thess, André
Numerical investigation of the flow of a glass melt through a long circular pipe. - In: International journal of heat and fluid flow, ISSN 1879-2278, Bd. 29 (2008), 5, S. 1462-1468
Gießler, Cornelia;
Theoretical investigations of electromagnetic control of glass melt flow. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2008. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: X, 103 S., 3,86 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2008
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Die elektromagnetische Strömungskontrolle von Flüssigkeiten mit hoher elektrischer Leitfähigkeit wird bereits in verschiedenen Bereichen industriell genutzt. Vergleichsweise neu ist die Anwendung elektromagnetischer (Lorentz) Kräfte zur Beeinflussung von Fluiden mit geringer elektrischer Leitfähigkeit, wie beispielsweise Glasschmelzen. Die Lorentzkraft in Glasschmelzen wird durch die Überlagerung eines eingeprägten elektrischen Stromes und eines externen Magnetfeldes erzeugt.Grundsätzlich kann die Lorentzkraft zur Durchflussregulierung und für das Durchmischen genutzt werden. Diese theoretische Arbeit widmet sich beiden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten unter Berücksichtigung der charakteristischen Materialeigenschaften von Glasschmelzen. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation wird die Rohrströmung von Glasschmelzen anhand eines eindimensionalen analytischen Modells untersucht. Die Strömung wird durch Lorentzkraft und Gravitation beeinflusst. Weiterhin werden Temperaturänderungen durch Wärmeverluste, direkte elektrische Heizung, Konvektion und Wärmeleitung in die Betrachtung einbezogen. Wie bei laminarer Rohrströmung mit konstanten Materialeigenschaften hängt die mittlere Geschwindigkeit im Bereich hoher und sehr niedriger antreibender Kräfte linear von diesen ab. Für reine Heizung wird eine neue laminare Strömungscharakteristik beobachtet das Quadrat der mittleren Geschwindigkeit ist proportional zur antreibenden Kraft. Bei Kühlung jedoch kann das Strömungsverhalten Bifurkationen mehrwertige Lösungen aufweisen, die bereits durch ein einfaches nicht-magnetisches Experiment nachgewiesen werden können. Dieses nichtlineare Verhalten wird durch die starke Kopplung von Geschwindigkeit, Temperatur und temperaturabhängigen Materialeigenschaften hervorgerufen. Die Ergebnisse des analytischen Modells werden durch zweidimensionale, axialsymmetrische Simulationen validiert. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird dreidimensionale Strömungssimulationen von Glasschmelze in einem Tiegel präsentiert. Die Lorentzkraft führt insgesamt zu einer Zunahme der kinetischen Energie. Die mittlere Geschwindigkeit ist eine lineare Funktion der Lorentzkraft, falls diese dominiert. Der Übergang von einer vorwiegend durch Auftrieb angetriebenen Strömung zu einer elektromagnetisch gesteuerten Strömung ist durch eine Hysterese gekennzeichnet. Man erhält zwei verschiedene stationäre Strömungsstrukturen für einen gegebenen Steuerparameter. Die Lösung hängt dabei von den Anfangsbedingungen der Berechnung ab. Weiterhin kann das dreidimensionale Problem auf eine Strömung in einem geschlossenen Rohrkreislauf reduziert werden. Die mittlere Geschwindigkeit wird dabei durch eine algebraische Gleichung beschrieben. Der geschlossene Rohrkreislauf ist die stark vereinfachte Darstellung einer geschlossenen Stromlinie in einem Tiegel unter dem Einfluss der Lorentzkraft. Das Modell ermöglicht klar den Einfluss der temperaturabhängigen Viskosität und elektrischen Leitfähigkeit auf das Strömungsverhalten aufzuzeigen.
Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André; Minchenya, Vitaly; Roth, Eckhard
Development of Lorentz force velocimetry and applications. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2008), 7, S. 1-4

Minchenya, Vitaly; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic control of the free liquid metal surfaces: experiment. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2008), 6, S. 1-7

Karcher, Christian; Minchenya, Vitaly
Elektromagnetische Kontrolle freier Flüssigmetalloberflächen: Theorie. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, (2008), 5, S. 1-10

Halbedel, Bernd; Krieger, Uwe; Giessler, Cornelia; Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Thess, André
Potenziale elektromagnetischer Kräfte zur Modifizierung von Glasschmelzen. - In: Programm und Referate, ISBN 978-3-921089-55-2, (2008), insges. 16 S.

Die elektromagnetische Modifizierung von Materialien mittels elektromagnetisch generierter Kraftdichten steht seit Jahren im Fokus wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen. Dazu zählen Prozesse wie das Schmelzen, Erstarren, Kristallisieren, Abscheiden von metallischen und anorganisch-nichtmetallischen Materialien in Magnetfeldern. - Grundsätzliche Voraussetzungen für die Wirkung von elektromagnetischen Kräften in Materialien sind bewegliche elektrisch geladene Teilchen (woraus elektrische Leitfähigkeiten resultieren, mit denen in einem elektrischen Feld Stromdichten erzeugt werden können) oder bewegliche mit magnetischen Momenten behaftete Teilchen/Bereiche (woraus endliche Suszeptibilitäten resultieren) und in jedem Fall das Vorhandensein eines Magnetfeldes. Dann wirken im oder auf das Material Lorentzkräfte und/oder paramagnetische Kräfte. - Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Realisierbarkeit solcher elektromagnetischer Kräfte in Glasschmelzen diskutiert und Ergebnisse zu deren Modifizierung aus eigenen Forschungen, die im Rahmen der von der DFG seit 2001 geförderten Forschergruppe "Magnetofluiddynamik" und weiterer bilateraler FuE-Projekte durchgeführt werden konnten, vorgestellt.

Ebert, Anna; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Experimental study of temperature distribution and local heat flux for turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection of air in a long rectangular enclosure. - In: International journal of heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1879-2189, Bd. 51 (2008), 17/18, S. 4238-4248
Thess, André;
Comment on "Oblique axisymmetric stagnation flows in magnetohydrodynamics" [Phys. Fluids 19, 114106 (2007)]. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 20 (2008), 6, 069102, insges. 1 S.
Boeck, Thomas; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya
Three-dimensional simulations of water-mercury anticonvection. - In: Fluid dynamics & materials processing, ISSN 1555-256X, Bd. 4 (2008), 1, S. 11-19

Langebach, Jan;
Beiträge zur thermischen Auslegung von Automobilscheinwerfern. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2008. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: XVI, 153 S., 12,04 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007
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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Wärmetransport in Automobilscheinwerfern numerisch und experimentell untersucht. Die Scheinwerfer unterteilen sich dabei in Bezug auf die Lichtquelle in zwei Klassen: Scheinwerfer mit Halbleiter-Lichtquellen (Light-Emitting-Diodes) und Scheinwerfer mit Temperaturstrahlern (Halogen-Glühlampen). Das Auslegungskonzept beider Klassen unterscheidet sich grundlegend. Deshalb entstehen für die Arbeit zwei Schwerpunkte: Die optimale Kühlung von Halbleiter-Lichtquellen im Scheinwerfer und die Verminderung von lokalen Überhitzungen an der Abdeckscheibe von Scheinwerfern mit Temperaturstrahlern, sogenannten Hot-Spots. Halbleiter-Lichtquellen werden zum verbesserten Wärmetransport mit Kühlkörpern versehen. Sind diese im geschlossenen Gehäuse des Scheinwerfers platziert, muss die Wärme vom Kühlkörper an die Innenluft des Scheinwerfers und von dort an die Gehäusewand abgegeben werden. Der erste Teil der Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss der erzwungenen und gemischten Konvektion auf den Wärmetransport von Kühlkörper zu Gehäuse und vergleicht ihn mit dem Einfluss der natürlichen Konvektion im geschlossenen Scheinwerfergehäuse. Im Gegensatz zu bestehenden Studien wird die erzwungene Konvektion zur Erhöhung des Wärmeüberganges am Kühlkörper und dem Gehäuse genutzt und nicht zum Abtransport von erwärmten Fluid. Der Einsatz der gemischten Konvektion erhöht den Wärmetransport im untersuchten Modell um mehr als 50% gegenüber natürlicher Konvektion. Der Wärmetransport kann durch Positionierung der Wärmequelle in der Hauptströmung, durch Vergrößerung der Gehäusefläche und durch den Einsatz eines Abdeckrahmens maximiert werden. Wird der Kühlkörper anstelle einer ebenen Platte durch eine Oberfläche mit Rippen ersetzt, erhöht sich der Wärmetransport maximal um den Faktor 2,2. Behindern benachbarte Bauteile das kühlende Fluid am Zu- und Abströmen vom Kühlkörper, so wird der Wärmetransport stark reduziert. Der Abstand und die Größe der Begrenzungen vermindern den Wärmetransport im untersuchten Parameterbereich für natürliche Konvektion um bis zu 65%. Die Untersuchungen werden numerisch durchgeführt und mit Modellexperimenten validiert. Die Entstehung des Hot-Spots an der Abdeckscheibe von Scheinwerfern wird im zweiten Teil der Arbeit studiert. Anhand eines experimentellen Aufbaus kann der Druck innerhalb eines Scheinwerfermodells reduziert werden und somit erlauben die Experimente die Variation der Rayleigh-Zahl über sechs Größenordnungen. Dies mindert den Einfluss des konvektiven Wärmetransportes stark und die Kopplung von Konvektion und Strahlung wird direkt beeinflusst. Die gefundenen Ergebnisse erweitern die wenigen, in diesem Parameterbereich verfügbaren Literaturdaten erheblich. In den Experimenten werden die Rayleigh-Zahl, Abstand von Reflektor und Abdeckscheibe und Emissionskoeffizient des Reflektors als Kennzahlen des Modells ermittelt. Begleitende numerische Simulationen bilden die Strömungsverhältnisse innerhalb der Geometrie nach und erklären die auftretenden Effekte. Eine zweite numerische Studie untersucht ein Modell der Abdeckscheibe, die alle vorher variierten Parameter in sich vereint. Weitere Parameter der Abdeckscheibe, wie die Scheibendicke, werden so in die Untersuchungen aufgenommen. Das Modell ist mit dem einer ebenen Platte, mit diskreter Wärmequelle und gekoppeltem Wärmetransport auf zwei Seiten vergleichbar und stellt eine neuartige Kombination zum Studium des Wärmetransportes dar. Es kommt außerdem ohne die Benutzung eines Strahlungsmodells für gerichtete Strahlung aus
Ebert, Anna;
Experimentelle Untersuchungen der turbulenten Rayleigh-Benard Konvektion von Luft in einem Quader. - Ilmenau : ISLE, 2008. - XII, 103 S. Zugl.: Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007

In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden die Eigenschaften des Temperaturfeldes in turbulenter Rayleigh-Bdnard Konvektion im Bereich 6 x 107 { Ra 16 x 108 untersucht. Dafür wurde eine guaderförmige Konvektionszelle aufgebaut. Die hochaufgelösten zeitlichen und räumlichen Temperaturmessungen sind an vier für die Konvektionsströmung charakteristischen Stellen durchgeftihrt worden. Dabei standen die Eigenschafben des Temperaturprofils und der thermischen Grenzschicht im Fokus dieser Studie. Die simultane Messung der Temperaturprofile an Heiz- und Ktihlplatte ermöglichte die Untersuchungen der zeitlichen Periodizität des Temperaturfeldes und die Anaiyse der Symmetrie der vertikalen Temperaturverteilung. Weiterhin wurde die Verteilung des lokalen Wärmestromes in der Konvektionszelle untersucht. Die erzielte Messergebnisse brachten neue Erkenntnisse über die Struktur der Temperaturprofile und deren Selbstähnlichkeit.

Krieger, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Thess, André
Electromagnetic effects on glass melt flow in crucibles. - In: European journal of glass science and technology, ISSN 1753-3554, Bd. 49 (2008), 1, S. 33-40
Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas
Optimal growth and transition to turbulence in channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 596 (2008), S. 73-101
Thess, André; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Zienicke, Egbert; Zikanov, Oleg; Moresco, Pablo; Alboussiere, Thierry
Transition to turbulence in the Hartmann boundary layer. - In: GAMM-Mitteilungen, ISSN 1522-2608, Bd. 30 (2007), 1, S. 125-132
Bosbach, Johannes; Wagner, Claus; Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Thess, André
Large scale Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Particle image velocimetry, (2007), S. 292-297

Gießler, Cornelia; Krieger, Uwe; Thess, André
Electromagnetic control of glass melt flows - theoretical contributions. - In: Sklář a keramik, ISSN 0037-637X, Bd. 57C (2007), Seite 68-73

Langebach, Jan; Fischer, Peter; Karcher, Christian
Convective heat transfer of internal electronic components in a headlight geometry. - In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Bd. 1 (2007), 4, S. 177-182
Rossi, Maurice; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas; Zikanov, Oleg
Transition in a plane channel flow in the presence of a magnetic field. - In: CFM 2007, (2007), insges. 5 S.
Lobutova, Elka; Resagk, Christian; Rank, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Putze, Torsten; Maas, Hans-Gerd
Investigation of large-scale flow structures in Rayleigh-Bènard convection using 3D particle tracking velocimetry :
3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry zur Untersuchung von groß-skalige Strukturen in Rayleigh-Bènard Konvektion. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 2007, S. 37.1-37.7

Moreau, René; Thess, André; Tsinober, Arkady
MHD turbulence at low magnetic Reynolds number: present understanding and future needs. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, (2007), S. 231-246

Karcher, Christian; Kocourek, Vaclav
Free-surface instabilities during electromagnetic shaping of liquid metals. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 7 (2007), 1, S. 4140009-4140010
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Breakdown of wind in turbulent thermal convection. - In: Physical review, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 75 (2007), 1, S. 016302, insges. 4 S.
Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang; Kuilekov, Milko; Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut
2D measurements of magnetic field near an oscillating interface between two fluids carrying an electrical current. - In: Steel research international, ISSN 1611-3683, Bd. 78 (2007), 5, S. 433-437

Ebert, Anna; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Temperature measurements in a rectangular Rayleigh-Bénard cell. - In: Progress in turbulence II, (2007), S. 189-192

Langebach, Jan; Fischer, Peter; Karcher, Christian
Convective heat transfer of internal electronic components in a headlight geometry. - In: Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN 1307-6884, Bd. 22 (2007), S. 194-199

Langebach, Jan; Senin, Stepan; Karcher, Christian
Experimental study of convection and radiation interaction in a headlight model using pressure variation. - In: Experimental thermal and fluid science, Bd. 32 (2007), 2, S. 521-528
Lobutova, Elka; Resagk, Christian; Rank, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Putze, Torsten; Maas, Hans-Gerd
Investigation of large-scale flow structures in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection using 3D particle tracking velocimetry. - In: 7th International Symposium Particle Image Velocimetry, (2007), insges. 5 S.

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg
Subcritical instability of liquid metal channel flow in the presence of a spanwise magnetic field. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 7 (2007), 1, S. 4140005-4140006
Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang
Investigation results of an absorption refrigeration machine operated solar thermally for cooling and air conditioning under using of a new work solution. - In: Solar air-conditioning, ISBN 978-3-934681-61-3, (2007), insges. 7 S.

Conrath, Michael;
Dynamics of liquid metal drops influenced by electromagnetic fields, 2007. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 80 S., 2067 KB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Diese Arbeit ist den Effekten gewidmet, die an der Oberfläche von Flüssigmetall im Magnetfeld auftreten können. Im Prinzip erlauben Magnetfelder, Lorentzkräfte auf flüssiges Metall auszuüben und in seinem Innern Induktionswärme zu generieren. Es ist aber auch bekannt, dass Flüssigmetall-Oberflächen durch Magnetfelder dramatische Formänderungen oder Schwingungen erfahren können. Ein Verständnis dieser Phänomene ist wichtig für sämtliche metallurgische Anwendungen, bei denen freie Oberflächen vorkommen. Als repräsentatives Problem untersuchen wir einen Tropfen aus Flüssigmetall, der eine freie Oberfläche mit einem endlichen Volumen verbindet. Wir schliessen Temperatureffekte aus und konzentrieren uns auf die Wirkung der Lorentzkraft. Wir erarbeiten ein Schema zur Klassifikation von Tropfen-Magnetfeld-Problemen basierend auf der Frequenz des Magnetfeldes und dem Shielding-Parameter des Tropfens in diesem Feld. Anhand dieses Schemas wählen wir fünf Fallstudien aus und studieren das Tropfenverhalten im i) transienten, ii) hochfrequenten und iii) mittelfrequenten Magnetfeld. Die Untersuchungen sind vorwiegend analytischer Art, nur die Mittelfrequenz-Studie ist experimentell. Die beiden wichtigsten Probleme, welche die vorliegende Arbeit zum Gegenstand hat, sind das symmetrische Zusammendrücken oder Halten von Flüssigmetalltropfen einerseits und deren azimutale Verformungen andererseits. Für das transiente Magnetfeld werden zwei Studien präsentiert, jede zu einem der beiden Hauptprobleme. Eine Verbindung zwischen transientem und hochfrequentem Feld besteht darin, das mit beiden Feldtypen stationäre Kräfte im Metall erzeugt werden können. Ein wichtiger Unterschied ist jedoch, dass transiente Felder das Metall durchdringen können, während hochfrequente Felder vom Metall abgeschirmt werden, wodurch eine Kopplung zwischen Tropfenform und Magnetfeld entsteht. Die Effekte im hochfrequenten Feld sind daher schwieriger zu modellieren. Wir präsentieren eine Hochfrequenz-Studie, in der es um das Zusammendrücken und Halten von Tropfen in einem gegebenen Magnetfeld geht. Eine zweite Hochfrequenz-Studie beschäftigt sich mit longitudinaler Levitation. Dort geben wir als einfache Tropfenform einen Flüssigmetall-Zylinder vor und ermitteln das Magnetfeld, welches die vorausgesetzte Tropfenform tatsächlich ermöglichen würde. Im mittelfrequenten Feld bieten sich für theoretische Betrachtungen die grössten Schwierigkeiten, da das Magnetfeld den Tropfen nun partiell durchdringt und kaum noch vereinfacht werden kann. Dieser Bereich wurde daher durch die fünfte Studie experimentell erkundet. Dabei wurde eine Flüssigmetall-Scheibe verwendet, welche nur zweidimensionale Verformungen ausführen kann. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen, dass insbesondere transiente Magnetfelder gangbare Wege der analytischen Modellierung bieten. Ebenso wie hochfrequente Magnetfelder eignen sie sich zum Formen und Stützen freier Flüssigmetall-Oberflächen. Für das Studium der azimutalen Verformungen hat sich die Scheiben-Geometrie als günstig erwiesen, sowohl analytisch als auch experimentell. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass eine Fortführung der Arbeit auf dem Gebiet der Wechselwirkung zwischen Magnetfeldern und Flüssigmetall-Oberflächen lohnenswert ist.
Thess, André; Votyakov, Evgeny V.;
Interaction of a localized distribution of magnetized material with a moving electrically conducting substance. - In: Complex effects in MHD: from astrophysics to liquid metals, (2007), S. 61-66

Gießler, Cornelia; Thess, André
Electromagnetic control of a highly viscous pipe flow with variable material properties. - In: Complex effects in MHD: from astrophysics to liquid metals, (2007), S. 15-24

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert;
Turbulent magnetohydrodynamic channel flow : results of direct numerical simulations. - In: Complex effects in MHD: from astrophysics to liquid metals, (2007), S. 3-14

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Global flow structures in highly turbulent convection. - In: Roomvent 2007, ISBN 978-952-998981-2, (2007), insges. 5 S.

Viré, Axelle; Krasnov, Dmitry; Knaepen, Bernard; Boeck, Thomas
Parallel simulation of turbulent magneto-hydrodynamic flows. - In: Parallel computing: architectures, algorithms and applications, (2007), S. 483-490

Westhoff, Andreas; Grabinski, Nina; Bosbach, Johannes; Wagner, Claus; Thess, André
Scaling of turbulent mixed convection under high pressure. - In: Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, (2007), S. 505-510

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg
Transition in MHD channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. - In: Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, (2007), S. 1081-1086

Knaepen, Bernard; Thess, André; Votyakov, Evgeny; Zikanov, Oleg
Numerical simulation of a longitudinal Lorentz force flowmeter for turbulent flows in a circular pipe. - In: Advances in turbulence XI, (2007), S. 749

Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Lobutova, Elka; Ebert, Anna; Thess, André
Coherent large-scale flow structures in turbulent convection. - In: Advances in turbulence XI, (2007), S. 606-608

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg
Transition to turbulence in plane channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. - In: Advances in turbulence XI, (2007), S. 73-75

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Mean velocity profile in confined turbulent convection. - In: Physical review letters, ISSN 1079-7114, Bd. 99 (2007), 23, 234504, insges. 4 S.
Boeck, Thomas; Yecko, Philip; Bague, Anne; Zaleski, Stephane
Instability in two-phase mixing layers. - In: Proceedings of the ICMF 2007, 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ISBN 978-3-86010-913-7, (2007), insges. 12 S.

Boeck, Thomas; Li, Jie; López-Pagés, Enrique; Yecko, Philip; Zaleski, Stéphane
Ligament formation in sheared liquid-gas layers. - In: Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics, ISSN 1432-2250, Bd. 21 (2007), 1, S. 59-76
Krieger, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Gießler, Cornelia; Thess, André
Electromagnetic homogenizing effects on glass melt flows in crucibles. - In: Sklář a keramik, ISSN 0037-637X, Bd. 57C (2007), Seite 62-67

The formation of the melt flow plays a key role in the production of glass due to the required homogeneity of the melt and the quality of the product. Recently, we have reported on the manipulation of the flow velocity of glass melts in crucibles realized by the generation of external Lorentz forces [1]. The electromagnetic effects can be applied to improve the mixing in the melt which results in an enhancement of the thermal and chemical homogenization. In this paper we want to summarize the results of in-situ measurements of temperature and compare these outcomes with the striae formation in solidified glasses in dependence on the used chemical composition of the glass melts (transparent, cobalt oxide doped glass). In the following we deduce the possibilities of acceleration, deceleration and even reversion of the flow from calculated values of the flow velocity resulting from the reversion of the external Lorentz force direction.

Brauer, Hartmut; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André; Resagk, Christian; Karcher, Christian; Halbedel, Bernd
Studies of interactions of electroconductive fluids with electromagnetic fields. - In: Conference proceedings, (2007), S. 867-868

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Global flow structures in highly turbulent convection. - In: Proceedings, abstract book, ISBN 978-952-998980-5, (2007), S. 287

Barth, Manuela; Raabe, Armin; Arnold, Klaus; Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald
Flow field detection using acoustic travel time tomography. - In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift, ISSN 1610-1227, Bd. 16 (2007), 4, S. 443-450
Minchenya, Vitaly; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Thess, André
Calibration of Lorentz force velocimeter for the flow measurement in high-temperature melts. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Induktive Verfahren und Elektromagnetische Schmelzenbeeinflussung, (2007), 8, S. 1-12

Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Minchenya, Vitaly; Thess, André
Industrieelle Durchflussmessung in Aluminiumschmelzenströmungen mittels Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Induktive Verfahren und Elektromagnetische Schmelzenbeeinflussung, (2007), 6, insges. 16 S.

Thess, André; Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Votyakov, Evgeny
Elektromagnetische Strömungsmessung. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Induktive Verfahren und Elektromagnetische Schmelzenbeeinflussung, (2007), 5, S. 1

Thess, André; Votyakov, Evgeny; Knaepen, Bernard; Zikanov, Oleg
Theory of the Lorentz force flowmeter. - In: New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630, Bd. 9 (2007), 299, insges. 27 S.
Dosky, Stefan von;
Kältesysteme für miniaturisierte mechatronische Anwendungen, 2007. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 127 S., 2867 KB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst den Entwurf, die Simulation und die Skalierung verschiedener miniaturisierter mechatronischer Kältemaschinen und deren Baugruppen. Zunächst werden sämtliche physikalische Prinzipien zur Kälteerzeugung systematisiert. Daraus lassen sich technische Kältemaschinen und deren Komponenten ableiten. Unter Verwendung mechatronischer Kriterien wird ermittelt, dass die Gruppe der Kaltdampf-Kältemaschinen für eine Skalierung in kleinste Geometrien prädestiniert ist. Die vergleichsweise hohen Leistungszahlen konventioneller Kaltdampf-Kältemaschinen sollen unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen für mikrotechnische Anwendungen verfügbar werden. Um dies zu ermöglichen, werden verschiedene Entwurfs- und Skalierungsmethoden entwickelt und verfeinert. Es finden grafische Kreisprozessanalyse, blockorientierte Simulation, Entropieanalyse und CFD-Modellierung Anwendung. In diesem Zusammenhang erfolgt die Entwicklung geeigneter Software- und Datenbankmodule sowie die Erarbeitung eines Schemas zur Dimensionierung von Kältemittel-Entspannungskanälen. Anhand vergleichender Beispiele zwischen konventionellen und mikrotechnischen Kältemaschinen werden die Skalierungsmethoden erprobt und evaluiert. Die Entwicklung, der Aufbau und die Laboruntersuchung der miniaturisierten Kaltdampf-Kältemaschinen und deren Komponenten erfolgt in verschiedenen geometrischen Skalierungsstufen. Kleinste Hubkolbenkompressoren, aktive und passive Entspannungsorgane sowie transluzente Wärmetauscher werden entwickelt, gebaut und labortechnisch untersucht. Sowohl der konventionelle als auch der mikrotechnische Baugruppenentwurf findet Anwendung. Die Berechnungs- und Simulationsergebnisse werden mit den Messergebnissen verglichen und die Erkenntnisse der Untersuchungen zusammenfassend dargestellt. Die Skalierungsgrenzen für kleinste Kältemaschinen im mechatronischen Umfeld werden mit dieser Arbeit aufgezeigt und systematisiert.
Zenin, Stepan;
Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Wärmetransport in einem Automobilscheinwerfer. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2007. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: IX, 101 S., 4,60 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Wärmetransport in einem Automobilscheinwerfer numerisch und experimentell untersucht. Der Wärmetransport wird durch das gleichzeitige Auftreten von Konvektion, Wärmeleitung und Wärmestrahlung charakterisiert. Im vorliegenden Fall dominiert Strahlung den Wärmetransport. Durch die gekoppelten Transportmechanismen bilden sich lokale Überhitzungen (sog. Hot Spots) an Gehäuse und Abschlussscheibe. Das Entstehen dieser Hot Spots und damit ein Verständnis des Wärmetransports gehören zu den Schwerpunkten der Arbeit.Zur Modellierung des gekoppelten Wärmetransports werden zwei- und dreidimensionale numerische Modelle entworfen. Die numerische Simulation wird mit Hilfe eines kommerziellen Strömungssimulationsprogramms STAR-CD durchgeführt, das über die DTRM-Methode zur Strahlungsberechnung verfügt. Diese Methode beschränkt die Strahlungsberechnung auf die diffuse Komponente. Die gerichtete Komponente bleibt zunächst unberücksichtigt. Das Verhalten des Wärmetransports wird in 2D-Modellen in verschiedenen Kombinationen untersucht: reine Konvektion, reine Strahlung und Konvektion gekoppelt mit Strahlung. Als Ergebnis werden Korrelationen zum Wärmeübergang ermittelt und daraus Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Temperaturniveaus des Hot Spots abgeleitet.Dazu zählen die Erhöhung der konvektiven Kräfte (Erhöhung der Ra-Zahl), die Reduzierung des Emissionsgrads der Lampe und die Erhöhung der Wärmeleitfähigkeit der Abschlussscheibe (Reduzierung Rl). Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse aus der 2D-Simulation in der 3D-Geometrie verifiziert.Neben der numerischen Modellierung werden die strömungsmechanischen Phänomene auch experimentell untersucht. Dafür werden Versuchsmodelle zur Strömungs- und Temperaturanalyse aufgebaut. Die Strömungsanalyse wird mit Hilfe eines optischen PIV-Messverfahrens (Particle Image Velocemetry) durchgeführt. Damit wird sowohl das globale Strömungsfeld als auch die Strömung in der Nähe des Hot Spots an der Scheibe analysiert. In einem weiteren Experiment wird das Verhalten des Hot Spots in Abhängigkeit vom Innendruck experimentell untersucht. Mittels der Druckvariation wird das Verhältnis zwischen Konvektion und Strahlung verändert. Dazu wird der Wärmetransport in einem Parameterbereich untersucht, für den bisher keine Untersuchungen vorliegen. So kann die Ra-Zahl im Bereich 10 < Ra < 1000000 variiert werden. Zur Analyse des Wärmeübergangs wird eine neuartige Messmethode vorgestellt, die auf dem Einsatz einer Leuchtdichtemesskamera in Verbindung mit thermochromen Flüssigkristallen basiert. Diese Methode wird zur berührungslosen Bestimmung der Temperaturverteilung auf der Innenseite des Modells eingesetzt. Gleichzeitig wird die Temperaturverteilung an Außenoberflächen mittels Infrarot-Messkamera erfasst. Dadurch können Aussagen zum Wärmeübergang an der Abschlussscheibe getroffen werden. Die Anwendung dieser Methode an einem Scheinwerfermodell zeigt die Genauigkeit von +/- 0.35 im Vergleich zu Standardmethoden.Die Erkenntnisse aus numerischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen werden für die Analyse des Wärmetransports in einem realen Scheinwerfer angewandt. Die DTRM-Methode mit der diffusen Strahlung führt zu großen Abweichungen zur Realität. Zur Verbesserung der Strahlungsmodellierung wird eine optimierte Berechnungsmethode entwickelt, die auf der Kopplung zwischen einem kommerziellen Strömungssimulationsprogramm und einem Ray Tracing Programm beruht. Mit diesem Verfahren gelingt es, die korrekte Lage des Hot Spots und dessen Temperaturniveau in realer Geometrie zu bestimmen.
Thess, André;
Das Entropieprinzip : Thermodynamik für Unzufriedene. - München : Oldenbourg, 2007. - VIII, 171 S. ISBN 3-486-58428-6
Literaturverz. S. [149] - 150

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Boundary layer structure in highly turbulent convection. - In: Advances in turbulence XI, (2007), S. 144-146

Ebert, Anna; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Structure of the thermal boundary layer for turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection of air in a long rectangular enclosure. - In: Physical review, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 75 (2007), 6, S. 066303, insges. 11 S.
Karno, Ali;
Simulation und Optimierung der Betriebsweise einer solarthermisch betriebenen Absorptionskältemaschine unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Arbeitsstoffpaare. - Ilmenau : ISLE, 2007. - VI, 173 S. Zugl.: Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Diss., 2006
Sprache der Zusammenfassung: Englisch

Simulation und Optimierung der Betriebsweise einer solarthermisch betriebenen Absorptionskältemaschine unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Arbeitsstoffpaare In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden rechnergestützte Verfahren anhand verschiedener Programme (ANSYS, EES, und V BASIC) zur Simulation und Optimierung der Komponentengeometrie sowie der stationären Betriebsweise des Gesamtsystems von solarbetriebenen Absorptionskältemaschinen, die bei niedrigen Antriebstemperaturen (ab 50 &ayn;C) betrieben werden sollen, entwickelt. Die Simulationsmodelle werden an Messungen verifiziert und dann auf einige Problemstellungen angewendet. Zur Realisierung des Zieles (Austreibung ab 50 &ayn;C) wird das im Fachgebiet untersuchte neue Arbeitsstoffpaar Aceton-Zinkbromid eingesetzt. Die dafür erforderlichen thermophysikalischen Stoffdaten sowie die in der Kältetechnik sehr häufig verwendeten Arbeitsdiagramme (Log P, T; h, T; h, ? und ?, T) für die Lösung Aceton-Zinkbromid und Mollier log P, h-Diagramm für das reine Aceton wurden berechnet, dargestellt, korreliert, diskutiert und mit der Literatur verglichen. Die Simulationsergebnisse haben die Einsatzmöglichkeit des neuen Arbeitsstoffpaares als Arbeitsmittel in der Niedertemperatur betriebener Absorptionskältemaschine bestätigt.

Thess, André;
Transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 579 (2007), S. 383-412
Gießler, Cornelia; Lange, Ulrich; Thess, André;
Nonlinear laminar pipe flow of fluids with strongly temperature-dependent material properties. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 19 (2007), 4, 043601, insges. 12 S.
Votyakov, Evgeny V.; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Andreev, Oleg; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André
Structure of the wake of a magnetic obstacle. - In: Physical review letters, ISSN 1079-7114, Bd. 98 (2007), 14, 144504, insges. 4 S.
Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert;
Numerical study of turbulent magnetohydrodynamic channel flow. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 572 (2007), S. 179-188
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Tilgner, Andreas; Busse, Friedrich H.; Thess, André
Structure of thermal boundary layers in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 572 (2007), S. 231-254
Bosbach, Johannes; Kühn, Matthias; Wagner, Claus; Raffel, Markus; Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Thess, André
Large scale particle image velocimetry of natural and mixed convection. - In: 13th International Symposium Lisbon, (2006), 3-1, Seite 1-12

Resagk, Christian; Lobutova, Elka; Rank, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Putze, Torsten; Maas, Hans-Gerd
Measurement of large-scale flow structures in air using a novel 3D particle tracking velocimetry technique. - In: 13th International Symposium Lisbon, (2006), 26-1, Seite 1-4

Conrath, Michael; Kocourek, Vaclav; Karcher, Christian
Behavior of a liquid metal disk in the magnetic field of a circular current loop. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 4 S.
Thess, André; Knaepen, Bernard; Votyakov, Evgeny; Zikanov, Oleg
Sensivity analysis of a Lorentz force flowmeter for laminar and turbulent flows in a circular pipe. - In: Studying turbulence using numerical simulation databases - XI, (2006), S. 431-441

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Rossi, Maurice; Zikanov, Oleg; Knaepen, Bernard
Transition to turbulence in MHD channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. - In: Studying turbulence using numerical simulation databases - XI, (2006), S. 363-374

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang; Karno, Ali
Optimisation potential of solar thermal driven absorption refrigeration machine under using of a new work solution. - In: Full proceedings, (2006), insges. 7 S.

Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang; Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko
2D measurements of magnetic field near an oscillating interface between two electrically conducting fluids. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 741-744

Thess, André; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Votyakov, Evgeny
Lorentz force velocimetry : a contactless technique for flow measurement in high-temperature melts. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 731-734

Gießler, Cornelia; Thess, André;
Electromagnetic control of glass melt flow. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 502-506

Krieger, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Gießler, Cornelia; Hülsenberg, Dagmar
Electromagnetic generation of glass melt flows in crucibles : experimental results and effects. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 316-319

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André; Thess, André *1964-*; Andreev, Oleg
Liquid metal channel flow under influence of inhomogeneous magnetic field: experiment. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 281-284

Karcher, Christian; Kocourek, Vaclav; Kocourek, Vaclav *1974-*; Schulze, Dietmar;
Free surface instabilities of liquid metal drops induced by high-frequency magnetic fields. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 231-236

Conrath, Michael; Kocourek, Vaclav; Kocourek, Vaclav *1974-*; Karcher, Christian;
Behavior of a liquid metal disk in the magnetic field of a circular current loop. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 210-213

Votyakov, Evgeny V.; Zienicke, Egbert; Zienicke, Egbert *1963-*; Thess, André;
Liquid metal flow under the influence of heterogeneous magnetic field: numerical study. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 194-199

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert;
Numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in channel flow. - In: Proceedings, (2006), S. 139-144

Karno, Ali; Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang
Simulation und Optimierung der Betriebsweise einer niedertemperaturbetriebenen Absorptionskältemaschine. - In: Arbeitsabteilung II.1, (2006), S. 167-182

Karcher, Christian; Kocourek, Vaclav; Conrath, Michael
Electromagnetic dome-shaping during electron beam evaporation: model experiments and analytical modeling . - In: Elektrotechnika i elektronika, ISSN 0861-4717, Bd. 41 (2006), 5/6, S. 147-152

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Karcher, Christian; Karcher, Christian *1959-*; Thess, André;
Control of convective heat transfer during electron beam evaporation using rotating magnetic fields. - In: Elektrotechnika i elektronika, ISSN 0861-4717, Bd. 41 (2006), 5/6, S. 141-146

Karno, Ali; Ajib, Salman
Effects of baffle cut and number of baffles on pressure drop and heat transfer in shell-and-tube heat exchangers - numerical simulation. - In: International journal of heat exchangers, ISSN 15245608, Bd. 7 (2006), 2, S. 299-322

Boeck, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert;
Simulation and phenomenology of turbulent magnetohydrodynamic channel flow. - In: Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 5, (2006), S. 179-182

Ebert, Anna; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Properties of thermal boundary layer in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 5, (2006), S. 499-502

Barth, Manuela; Raabe, Armin; Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André
Akustische Tomographie zur zeitgleichen Erfassung von Temperatur- und Strömungsfeldern. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 2006, S. 36.1-36.8

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang; Aust, J.; Karno, Ali
Primary investigation results on a new working solution of an absorption chiller smaller performance. - In: Thermische Solarenergie, (2006), S. 423

Ajib, Salman; Günther, Wolfgang; Aust, J.; Karno, Ali
Erste Messergebnisse mit einem neuen Arbeitsstoffpaar an einer Absorptionskältemaschine kleinerer Leistung. - In: Thermische Solarenergie, (2006), S. 418-422

Kocourek, Vaclav; Karcher, Christian; Conrath, Michael; Schulze, Dietmar
Stability of liquid metal drops affected by a high-frequency magnetic field. - In: Physical review. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics / American Physical Society. - College Park, Md. : APS, January 1993-December 2015 , ISSN: 1550-2376 , ZDB-ID: 1472725-0, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 74 (2006), 2, S. 026303, insges. 7 S.
Karno, Ali; Ajib, Salman
Effect of tube pitch on heat transfer in shell-and-tube heat exchangers - new simulation software. - In: Heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1432-1181, Bd. 42 (2006), 4, S. 263-270
Conrath, Michael; Karcher, Christian
Static electromagnetic shaping of liquid metal drops in transient magnetic fields. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 42 (2006), 1, S. 21-30

Conrath, Michael; Karcher, Christian
Static dome-shaping in transient magnetic fields. - In: Elektrotechnika i elektronika, ISSN 0861-4717, Bd. 41 (2006), 5/6, S. 153-157

Lobutova, Elka; Resagk, Christian; Rank, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Putze, Torsten; Maas, Hans-Gerd
Visualisation of large-scale flow structures in air using a novel 3D particle tracking velocimetry technique. - In: CD-ROM proceedings, (2006), insges. 6 S.

Zienicke, Egbert; Boeck, Thomas; Zienicke, Egbert
Transition to turbulence in magnetohydrodynamic channel flow of liquid metals. - In: NIC Symposium 2006, (2006), S. 341-348

Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Thess, André; Dolzhansky, Felix V.; Grossmann, Siegfried; Araujo, Francisco Fontenele; Lohse, Detlef
Oscillations of the large scale wind in turbulent thermal convection. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 18 (2006), 9, 095105, insges. 15 S.
Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Experimental study of liquid metal channel flow under the influence of a nonuniform magnetic field. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 18 (2006), 6, 065108, insges. 11 S.
Karcher, Christian; Kocourek, Vaclav; Pothérat, Alban; Hartmann, Roland
Microcasting: model experiments and numerical simulation. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), S. 459-460

Eckert, Kerstin; Thess, André
Secondary instabilities in surface-tension-driven Bénard-Marangoni convection. - In: Dynamics of spatio-temporal cellular structures, (2006), S. 163-176

Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Brauer, Hartmut
Magnetic field tomography on two electrically conducting fluids. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 17 (2006), 8, S. 2136-2140

A cylindrical cell containing GaInSn alloy and aqueous solution of KOH, a highly simplified aluminium reduction cell, is constructed. A direct current is applied to the cylindrical cell to generate the magnetic field. In a range of amplitude and frequency of vertical vibration, a stable, non-axisymmetric wave pattern is produced, and the displacement of the oscillating interface is measured by a digital camcorder. The perturbation of the magnetic field caused by the non-axisymmetric interface is measured by fluxgate sensors and processed by fast Fourier transforms. The measurements are consistent with forward calculations, and have been exploited to reconstruct the deformed interface by solving an inverse problem so as to develop magnetic field tomography to reconstruct an unknown interface between two electrically conducting fluids.
Schulze, Dietmar; Karcher, Christian; Kocourek, Vaclav; Mohring, Jens-Uwe
Electrically induced instabilities of liquid metal free surfaces. - In: Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, (2006), S. 50-55

Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Halbedel, Bernd; Krieger, Uwe; Schröpfer, Dirk; Thess, André; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Elektromagnetische Modifizierung von Strömungen in Schmelzen. - In: Elektrowärme international, ISSN 2367-1130, Bd. 64 (2006), 2, S. 107-110

Die steigenden Anforderungen an die Qualität von technischen Gläsern sowie der Trend zur Kostenreduzierung führen zu einer stetigen Verbesserung der Glasproduktion, aber auch zu immer neuen Glaszusammensetzungen. Die damit verbundenen Veränderungen der Werkstoffeigenschaften wirken sich unmittelbar auf die Herstellungsparameter aus. Die Kenntnis und die Beeinflussung der Strömungsverhältnisse in einem Schmelzaggregat sind daher von großer Bedeutung, um eine gute Homogenität der Glasschmelze und der daraus hergestellten Produkte zu gewährleisten. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Möglichkeit der berührungslosen und von den Glasschmelzprozess bestimmenden Parametern unabhängig steuerbaren Strömungsbeeinflussung durch elektro-magnetisch erzeugte Lorentzkräfte aufgezeigt. Der Nachweis der Effekte erfolgt mittels in-situ gemessenen Temperaturverteilungen und durch Visualisierung der Glasbadströmungen mit Hilfe von färbenden Ionen. Eine weitere Aufklärung über die Strömungsverhältnisse wird durch die Ergebnisse dreidimensionaler numerischer Simulationen mit dem selbstentwickelten Simulationsprogramm PROMETHEUS und der kommerziellen Software zur Strömungsberechnung FLUENT gegeben.

Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André; Thess, André *1964-*; Terhoeven, Peter
A simple model for liquid metal electric current limiters. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 18 (2006), 5, 058103, insges. 4 S.
Thess, André; Votyakov, Evgeny;
Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Physical review letters, ISSN 1079-7114, Bd. 96 (2006), 16, 164501, insges. 4 S.
Senin, Stepan; Gall, Dietrich; Karcher, Christian; Nolte, Rainer
Einsatz von Leuchtdichtekameras zur Temperaturbestimmung mittels Flüssigkristallen. - In: Licht, ISSN 0024-2861, Bd. 58 (2006), 3, S. 212-215

In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues Anwendungsgebiet für eine ortsauflösende Leuchtdichtekamera vorgestellt. Die Kamera wird zur Messung lichttechnischer Daten von choresterinischen Flüssigkristallen eingesetzt, die ihre optischen Eigenschaften mit der Temperatur ändern. Damit kann die Temperaturverteilung von mit Flüssigkristall beschichteten Oberflächen bestimmt werden. Hierzu wir der Zusammenhang zwischen der Temperatur und der Leuchtdichte bestimmt. Es werden zwei Messverfahren vorgestellt. Das erste Verfahren basiert auf der Bestimmung des in der Flüssigkristallschicht transmittierten Lichtstromes. Bei dem zweiten Verfahren wir der reflektierte Lichtstrom in Abhägigkeit von der Temperatur untersucht. Diese Methode kann beispielsweise auf die Temperaturmessung von Leuchtmitteln angewandt werden.

Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Halbedel, Bernd; Krieger, Uwe; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
Influence of Lorentz forces on glass melts. - In: Proceedings, (2005), 02.006/1-02.006/5, insges. 5 S.

Hussien, Zaki; Karcher, Christian
Entwicklung eines Wärmetauschers für Lacktrockenofen. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [13.P.03], insges. 2 S.
Gießler, Cornelia; Steigenberger, Joachim; Zimmermann, Klaus
Analytical modelling and numerical analysis for designing an instrument channel in a mobile probe. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [07.12], insges. 2 S.
Senin, Stepan; Langebach, Jan; Karcher, Christian
Bestimmung von Innenoberflächentemperaturen mittels Leuchtdichtemessung von Flüssigkristallen. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [05.2.07], insges. 3 S.
Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Vom Grundlagenexperiment zur Raumluftströmung : Teil 1: Ergebnisse des weltgrößten Rayleigh-Benard-Experiments. - In: Arbeitsabteilung IV, (2005), S. 191-196

Senin, Stephan; Wachsmann, Ernst-Peter; Karcher, Christian
Thermal analysis in automotive components. - In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting, (2005), S. 450-459

Senin, Stepan; Langebach, Jan; Karcher, Christian
Measuring surface temperatures using thermochromic liquid crystals. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 5 (2005), 1, S. 585-586
Langebach, Jan; Senin, Stepan; Karcher, Christian
Influence of varying pressure on natural convection and radiation heat transfer in an enclosure. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 5 (2005), 1, S. 575-576
Zienicke, Egbert;
Parametric study of the streak breakdown mechanism in Hartmann flow. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, (2005), S. 125-128

Gießler, Cornelia; Sievert, Carsten; Krieger, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
A model for electromagnetic control of buoyancy driven convection in glass melts. - In: Fluid dynamics & materials processing, ISSN 1555-256X, Bd. 1 (2005), 3, S. 247-266

Men, Shouqiang; Resagk, Christian; Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko
Reconstruction of interface between two electrically conducting fluids from magnetic field measurements. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, (2005), S. 329-332

Conrath, Michael; Karcher, Christian
Analytical study of electromagnetic shaping of liquid metal drops in transient magnetic fields. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, (2005), S. 315-318

Kocourek, Vaclav; Karcher, Christian; Schulze, Dietmar
Oscillations of liquid metal drops in a high-frequency magnetic field. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, (2005), S. 11-14

Votyakov, Evgeny V.; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André
MHD-channel flow of liquid metal under inhomogeneous magnetic field - Part 2: Direct numerical simulation. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, (2005), S. 215-218

Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
MHD-channel flow of liquid metal under inhomogeneous magnetic field - Part 1: Experiment. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, (2005), S. 185-190

Karcher, Christian;
Free surface instabilities produced by high-frequency magnetic fields. - In: 2nd Sino-German Workshop on "Electromagnetic Processing of Materials", (2005), insges. 1 S.

Men, Shouqiang; Resagk, Christian; Kuilekov, Milko; Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut
2D measurements of magnetic field near an oscillating interface between two fluid carrying an electrical current. - In: 2nd Sino-German Workshop on "Electromagnetic Processing of Materials", (2005), insges. 1 S.

Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Votyakov, Evgeny; Thess, André
Liquid metal flow under inhomogeneous magnetic field. - In: 2nd Sino-German Workshop on "Electromagnetic Processing of Materials", (2005), insges. 1 S.

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
2D Grenzschichtmessungen in turbulenter Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion mittels LDA. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2005), S. 21-1-21-5

Ebert, Anna; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André; Bosbach, Johannes; Wagner, Claus; Raffel, Markus
Visualisierung von large-scale Strukturen in thermischer Konvektion mittels PIV. - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, (2005), S. 16-1-16-5

Mohring, Jens-Uwe; Karcher, Christian; Schulze, Dietmar
Dynamic behavior of a liquid metal interface under the influence of a high-frequency magnetic field. - In: Physical review. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics / American Physical Society. - College Park, Md. : APS, January 1993-December 2015 , ISSN: 1550-2376 , ZDB-ID: 1472725-0, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 71 (2005), 4, S. 047301, insges. 4 S.
Krieger, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André
Elektromagnetische Strömungsbeeinflussung in Glasschmelzen. - In: Programm und Referate, (2005), insges. 12 S.

Mit Hilfe experimenteller Untersuchungen und numerischen Simulationen wird die Verbesserung von Homogenisierungsprozessen in Glasschmelzen durch die Wirkung von künstlichen Lorentzkräften nachgewiesen. Die Generierung von künstlichen Lorentzkräften erfolgt durch das Einprägen einer elektrischen Stromdichte (50Hz) und eines magnetischen Wechselfeldes gleicher Frequenz in die Glasschmelze. Zur Untersuchung der Wirkung von Auftriebskraft, natürlicher und künstlicher Lorentzkraft wurden in-situ Messungen der Temperaturverteilung in der Glasschmelze und Experimente mit färbenden Ionen durchgeführt. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse dienen in Verbindung mit numerischen Simulationen der Erforschung der Wirkungskette: Elektromagnetisches Feld Strömungsfeld Werkstoffeigenschaften und somit zur Untersuchung der physikalischen Grundlagen des elektromagnetischen Rührens. Die Fortführung der experimentellen Arbeiten (Visualisierung der Strömungsbeeinflussung) und die Weiterentwicklung der numerischen Simulationssoftware (Berücksichtigung nichtlinearer Rückkopplungseffekte) bilden Schwerpunkte der weiteren Forschung und sollen zur Entwicklung eines Werkzeuges für die Vorhersage der Rührwirkung elektromagnetischer Felder in Glasschmelzen führen.

Langebach, Jan; Senin, Stepan; Karcher, Christian
Heat transfer measurements in automotive headlamps. - In: Mechanical engineering from macro to nano, (2005), S. 301-302

Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Busse, Friedrich H.; Thess, André; Tilgner, Andreas
Temperature and velocity measurements in a large-scale Rayleigh-Bénard experiment. - In: Progress in turbulence, (2005), S. 159-162

Zienicke, Egbert;
Parametric study of streak breakdown mechanism in Hartmann flow. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 17 (2005), 11, 114101, insges. 10 S.
Boeck, Thomas;
Instability of two-phase mixing layers: analysis of exact and approximate base flows from boundary layer theory. - In: Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, ISSN 1437-4358, Bd. 30 (2005), 3, S. 215-224
Boeck, Thomas;
Beânard-Marangoni convection at large Marangoni numbers: results of numerical simulations. - In: Advances in space research, ISSN 0273-1177, Bd. 36 (2005), 1, S. 4-10
Boeck, Thomas;
Viscous versus inviscid instability of two-phase mixing layers with continuous velocity profile. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 17 (2005), 3, 032106, insges. 11 S.
Karcher, Christian; Schreiber, Hans;
Magnetohydrodynamische Anwendungen bei der Aluminiumherstellung. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Behandlung von Werkstoffen im Elektromagnetischen Feld, (2005), 12, S. 1-10

Lüdtke, Ulrich;
Numerische Simulation von Flüssigmetalloberflächen unter dem Einfluss von Lorentzkräften. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Behandlung von Werkstoffen im Elektromagnetischen Feld, (2005), 11, S. 1-6

Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Halbedel, Bernd; Krieger, Uwe; Schröpfer, Dirk; Thess, André; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Elektromagnetische Modifizierung von Strömungen in Schmelzen. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Behandlung von Werkstoffen im Elektromagnetischen Feld, (2005), 10, S. 1-8

Mit Hilfe experimenteller Untersuchungen und numerischen Simulationen konnte eine Veränderung der Strömungsverhältnisse durch die Wirkung von künstlichen Lorentzkräften nachgewiesen werden. Die Generierung von künstlichen Lorentzkräften erfolgt durch das Einprägen einer elektrischen Stromdichte und eines magnetischen Wechselfeldes bei gleicher Frequenz (50Hz) in die Glasschmelze. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse tragen in Verbindung mit numerischen Simulationen zum Verständnis der physikalischen Grundlagen des elektromagnetischen Rührens und damit zur Erforschung der Wirkungskette: Elektromagnetisches Feld Strömungsfeld Werkstoffeigenschaften bei.

Gießler, Cornelia; Thess, André;
Electromagnetic control of a highly viscous pipe flow. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Behandlung von Werkstoffen im Elektromagnetischen Feld, (2005), 1, S. 1-12

Men, Shouqiang; Resagk, Christian; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Brauer, Hartmut
Magnetic field tomography on two electrically conducting fluids. - In: Data reconstruction and fusion, chemical reactor engineering, process modelling and control, visualisation and image analysis, (2005), S. 594-599

Conrath, Michael; Karcher, Christian
Shaping of sessile liquid metal drops using high-frequency magnetic fields. - In: European journal of mechanics, ISSN 1873-7390, Bd. 24 (2005), 2, S. 149-165
Kurenkov, Oleksiy;
Reconstruction and stability analysis of interfaces between electrically conducting fluids, 2005. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 118 S., 2689 KB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2005
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Der Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die lineare Stabilitätsanalyse einer instabilen Aluminium/Kryolith Grenzfläche in Aluminium-Elektrolysezellen mit einer Gundströmung ("background flow") sowie Methoden für die Rekonstruktion der Aluminium/Kryolith Grenzfläche. Es wurden zwei Rekonstruktionsprobleme behandelt: die Rekonstruktion aus der Störung des elektrischen Potentials bzw. aus der Störung des Magnetfelds. Die Ursache für beide Störungen ist die Grenzflächenauslenkung. - Die lineare Stabilitätsanalyse wurde an einem vereinfachten Modell durchgeführt. Es wurde die Ausbreitung von Gravitationswellen unter Einfluss von vertikalem Magnetfeld in einem unendlich ausgedehnten Kanal mit isolierenden Wänden studiert. Die Navier-Stokes Gleichungen wurden in einer Flachwassernäherung aufgeschrieben und dann linearisiert. Es wurde festgestellt, das der Stabilitätsbereich durch die dimensionslose Geschwindigkeit der Grundströmung und der MHD-Parameter begrenzt ist. Das Aspektverhältnis und die Materialeigenschaften beeinflussen die Stabilitätsgrenzen. Es wurde gefunden, dass die Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instabilität und die MHD-Instabilität unabhängig voneinander entstehen. - Die Rekonstruktion der Grenzfläche in einer Alu-Zelle aus dem elektrischem Potential beinhaltet zwei Klassen von Problemen. Das Vorwärtsproblem betrifft die Berechnung eines elektrischen Potentials in den Fluiden bei bekannter Grenzflächendeformation. Das Inverse Problem umfasst die Bestimmung von einer unbekannten Grenzfläche aus der bekannten Potentialverteilung. Bei der Lösung des Vorwärtsproblems wurden die linearisierte Grundgleichungen analytisch gelöst. Das Inverse Problem wurde mit Standardtechniken wie Singulär-Wert Zerlegung gelöst. Anschließend wurde eine optimale Lösung mittels L-Kurve gefunden, die als Kompromiss zwischen dem Datenfehler und dem Lösungsfehler gewählt wurde. Zwecks Validierung wurde ein numerisches Experiment durchgeführt, das die Robustheit des Verfahren gegenüber dem Messfehler gezeigt hat. - Für die Rekonstruktion der Grenzfläche aus dem Magnetfeld wurde das Vorwärtsproblem gelöst. Die Geometrie des Systems wurde als ein unendlich ausgedehnter Zylinder mit isolierenden Wänden und beliebiger Querschnittsform beschrieben. Zwei Fluide mit unterschiedlichen elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten und Dichten sind übereinander angeordnet. Der vertikale homogene elektrische Strom fließt über die Grenzfläche. Die Störung des Magnetfeldes und die Stromverteilung wurden berechnet. Zwei Beispiele wurden berechnet, eins für eine kreisförmige Querschnittsform und ein anderes für eine rechteckige Querschnittsform.
Thess, André; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Boeck, Thomas; Terhoeven, Peter; Krätzschmar, Andreas
The H-trough: a model for liquid metal electric current limiters. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 527 (2005), S. 67-84
Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut; Kuilekov, Milko; Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang
Reconstruction of the interface between two conducting fluids with modified genetic algorithms. - In: Computer engineering in applied electromagnetism, (2005), S. 111-116

Kocourek, Vaclav; Conrath, Michael
On the stability of liquid metal drops affected by high-frequency magnetic fields. - In: Induction, dielectric, conduction and electromagnetic processing, (2004), S. 371-380

Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André; Zikoanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas
Numerical simulation of transition to turbulence in MHD channel flow. - In: Direct and large-eddy simulation V, (2004), S. 197-204

Thess, André;
On the transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional MHD turbulence. - In: Studying turbulence using numerical simulation databases - X, (2004), S. 63-74

Zikanov, Oleg; Vorobev, A.; Thess, André; Davidson, P. A.; Knaepen, B.
Anisotropy of MHD turbulence at low magnetic Reynolds number. - In: Studying turbulence using numerical simulation databases - X, (2004), S. 35-46

Ajib, Salman; Nilius, Andreas; Diab, Ali
Untersuchungsergebnisse einer solarthermisch betriebenen Absorptionskältemaschine im Kleinleistungsbereich. - In: Vorträge des dritten deutsch-syrischen Workshops an der Universität Aleppo in der Arabischen Republik Syrien vom 04.10.2004 bis zum 08.10.2004 für: Erneuerbare Energien, Elektroenergiequalität, Kommunikation und E-Learning, (2004), S. 140-141

Ajib, Salman;
PV-Anlagen im Insel- und netzgekoppelter Betrieb : Auslegung und praktische Erfahrungen. - In: Vorträge des dritten deutsch-syrischen Workshops an der Universität Aleppo in der Arabischen Republik Syrien vom 04.10.2004 bis zum 08.10.2004 für: Erneuerbare Energien, Elektroenergiequalität, Kommunikation und E-Learning, (2004), S. 110-111

Kolesnikov, Yuri;
MHD-applications for aluminium-recycling :
MHD-Anwendungen beim Aluminium-Recycling. - In: Vorträge des dritten deutsch-syrischen Workshops an der Universität Aleppo in der Arabischen Republik Syrien vom 04.10.2004 bis zum 08.10.2004 für: Erneuerbare Energien, Elektroenergiequalität, Kommunikation und E-Learning, (2004), S. 240-241

Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Halbedel, Bernd; Conrad, Gerhard; Thess, André; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Using of electromagnetic stirring in glass melts :
Nutzung der elektromagnetischen Rühren bei Glasschmelzen. - In: Vorträge des dritten deutsch-syrischen Workshops an der Universität Aleppo in der Arabischen Republik Syrien vom 04.10.2004 bis zum 08.10.2004 für: Erneuerbare Energien, Elektroenergiequalität, Kommunikation und E-Learning, (2004), S. 237-239
Richtiger Name des 6. Verfassers: Ulrich Lüdtke

Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Electromagnetic brake in turbulent flow :
Electromagnetisches Bremsen turbulenter Strömungen. - In: Vorträge des dritten deutsch-syrischen Workshops an der Universität Aleppo in der Arabischen Republik Syrien vom 04.10.2004 bis zum 08.10.2004 für: Erneuerbare Energien, Elektroenergiequalität, Kommunikation und E-Learning, (2004), S. 232-236

Krieger, Uwe; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Halbedel, Bernd; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
Homogenisieren von Glasschmelzen durch elektromagnetisches Rühren. - In: Glas-Ingenieur, ISSN 0940-2276, Bd. 14 (2004), 6, S. 57-61
Richtiger Name des 4. Verfassers: Ulrich Lüdtke

Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Men, Shouqiang; Resagk, Christian
Interface reconstruction in cylindrical two-compartment-systems using magnetic field tomography. - In: Proceedings, (2004), insges. 2 S.

Kocourek, Vaclav; Karcher, Christian; Schulze, Dietmar
Stability of liquid metal drops affected by high-frequency magnetic fields. - In: Proceedings, (2004), insges. 2 S.

Krieger, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Thess, André
Homogenisation of electrically heated glass melts by Lorentz forces. - In: Proceedings, (2004), insges. 2 S.

Thess, André; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Boeck, Thomas;
A model for liquid metal electric current limiters. - In: Proceedings, (2004), insges. 1 S.

Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Liqiud metal flow under inhomogeneous magnetic field. - In: Proceedings, (2004), insges. 2 S.

Halbedel, Bernd; Krieger, Uwe; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
Neue Betrachtungen und experimentelle Ergebnisse zur Wirkung von Lorentzkräften in elektrisch beheizten Glasschmelzen. - In: Kurzreferate, (2004), S. 104-107

Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Thess, André; Busse, Friedrich H.; Tilgner, Andreas
Velocity and temperature measurements in a large-scale Rayleigh-Bénard experiment using LDA and micro thermistors. - In: 12th International Symposium Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, (2004), 9-2, 6 Seiten

Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Thess, André; Raffel, Markus; Bosbach, Johannes; Aroussi, Abdelwahab
Large-scale flow visualization and particle image velocimetry in convective airflow. - In: CD-ROM proceedings, (2004), insges. 9 S.

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Temperature and velocity measurements in a large-scale Rayleigh-Benard experiment. - In: Advances in turbulence X, (2004), S. 125-128

Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André; Zikanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas
Numerical simulation of transition to turbulence in MHD channel flow. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 155-160

Votyakov, E. V.; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André
Liquid metal flow under inhomogeneous magnetic field: numerical simulation. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 123-128

Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Study of liquid metal flow in lokal transverse magnetic field. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 117-121

Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang; Sievert, Carsten; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Brauer, Hartmut
2D magnetic field measurements on the oscillating interface between two fluids. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 101-104

Halbedel, Bernd; Krieger, Uwe; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Thess, André
Generation and influences of Lorentz and magnetic interfacial forces on black glass melts from the BaO - B2O3 - Fe2O3-SiO2 system. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 61-67

Karcher, Christian; Kocourek, Vaclav; Schulze, Dietmar
Stability of liquid metal drops affected by a high-frequency magnetic field. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 51-59

Sievert, Carsten; Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang; Schmidt, Udo; Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut
Measurement of interface deformation and magnetic field at a conducting two-fluid system. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 41-43

Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang
Optical characterisation of interface oscillations in liquid metals using PIV, laser vibrometer and image processing. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 25-31

Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang
A magnetic field tomography system for interface reconstruction in magnetic fluid dynamics. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 17-23

Thess, André;
Recent and future developments in EPM at Ilmenau University of Technology. - In: Proceedings, Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, (2004), S. 1-4

Du Puits, Ronald; Bosbach, Johannes; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André; Wagner, Claus
Particle image velocimetry in a large-scale Rayleigh-Bénard experiment. - In: ROOMVENT 2004, (2004), insges. 4 S.

Ajib, Salman; Nilius, Andreas; Karno, Ali
Erste Untersuchungsergebnisse eines Versuchsstandes einer niedertemperaturbetriebenen Absorptionskältemaschine. - In: 14. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, (2004), S. 488-493

Ajib, Salman; Karno, Ali; Nilius, Andreas
Thermodynamic properties of a low temperature driven absorption refrigeration machine. - In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2004, Cape Town, South Africa, 21 - 24 June 2004, (2004), insges. 7 S.

Zikanov, Oleg; Thess, André
Direct numerical simulation as a tool for understanding MHD liquid metal turbulence. - In: Applied mathematical modelling, Bd. 28 (2004), 1, S. 1-13
Senin, Stepan; Reich, A.; Karcher, Christian
Anwendung der Lichtsimulation bei der Temperaturberechnung in einem Scheinwerfer. - In: Berechnung und Simulation im Fahrzeugbau, (2004), S. 171-190

Senin, Stepan; Karcher, Christian
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Wärmeübertragung in Scheinwerfern. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 4 (2004), 1, S. 496-497
Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert; Zikanov, Oleg; Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André
Numerical study of the instability of the Hartmann layer. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 504 (2004), S. 183-211
Kurenkov, A.; Thess, André; Zikanov, Oleg; Segatz, M.; Droste, Ch.; Vogelsang, D.
Stability of aluminum reduction cells with mean flow. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 40 (2004), 2, S. 203-212

Men, Shouqiang; Resagk, Christian; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Brauer, Hartmut
Measurement of magnetic flux density on a rotating distorted electrolyte-metal interface. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 15 (2004), 7, S. 1323-1326
Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Men, Shouqiang; Resagk, Christian
Surface current reconstruction using magnetic field tomography. - In: IEEE transactions on magnetics, ISSN 1941-0069, Bd. 40 (2004), 2, S. 1398-1401
Ziolkowski, Marek; Brauer, Hartmut; Kuilekov, Milko; Men, Shouqiang; Resagk, Christian
Interface reconstruction between two conducting fluids applying. - In: IEEE transactions on magnetics, ISSN 1941-0069, Bd. 40 (2004), 2, S. 1248-1251
Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Halbedel, Bernd; Conrad, Gerhard; Thess, André; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Electromagnetic stirring of glass melts using Lorentz forces - experimental results. - In: Glass science and technology, ISSN 0946-7475, Bd. 77 (2004), 4, S. 186-193

Bühl, Jürgen; Müller, Matthias; Nilius, Andreas
"Wissenschaftliche Programmbegleitung und Meßprogramm Solarthermie-2000 für Solaranlagen im Freistaat Thüringen (Projektphase 2)" : Schlußbericht/Sachbericht. - Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Fachgebiet Thermo- und Fluiddynamik, Fak. für Maschinenbau. - Online-Ressource (254 S., 18,5 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 0329601J6. - Literaurverz. Bl. 59 - 63
Ajib, Salman; Nilius, Andreas; Diba, Jaber; Diab, Ali; Karno, Ali
Betriebscharakteristik einer solarthermisch betriebenen Absorptionskältemaschine im Kleinleistungsbereich. - In: Session 4-10, (2004), S. 85-91

Karno, Ali; Ajib, Salman; Diba, Jaber; Nilius, Andreas
FEM-Berechnungen und numerische Untersuchungen an Rohrbündelwärmetauschern mit Umlenkblechen. - In: Session 4-10, (2004), S. 73-78

Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian
Low-Prandtl-number Marangoni convection driven by localized heating on the free surface: results of three-dimensional direct simulations. - In: Interfacial fluid dynamics and transport processes, (2003), S. 157-175

Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Boeck, Thomas; Golovin, Alexander A.; Braverman, Leonid M.; Thess, André
Convective instabilities in layered systems. - In: Interfacial fluid dynamics and transport processes, (2003), S. 21-44

Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Du Puits, Ronald *1964-*; Thess, André;
Error estimation of laser-Doppler anemometry measurements in fluids with spatial inhomogeneities of the refractive index. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 35 (2003), 4, S. 357-363
Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André;
Thermosolutale Auftriebs- und Marangonikonvektion : Schlussbericht für das Vorhaben "Thermosolutale Marangonikonvektion" ; Förderzeitraum: Mai 1999 - Dezember 2002. - Ilmenau. - Online-Ressource (25 S., 1,21 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 50WM0047. - Engl. Titel: Thermosolutal bouyancy and Marangoni convection. - Literaturverz.

Marangoni drying, solutal and thermal Marangoni effect, bouyancy convection, Hele-Shaw cell, stability analysis, spectral methods, direct numerical simulation
Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André; Zienicke, Egbert; Roth, Eckhard; Mitschunas, Vigimantas
Experimental study of a plane liquid metal flow under inhomogenous magnetic field. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 12-13

Krasnov, Dmitry; Zienicke, Egbert; Zikanov, Oleg; Thess, André; Boeck, Thomas
Numerical study of instability and transition to turbulence in the Hartmann flow. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 12

Brauer, Hartmut; Ziolkowski, Marek; Kuilekov, Milko; Resagk, Christian; Men, Shouqiang
Free-boundary identification using magnetic field measurements in magnetic fluid dynamics. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 10

Conrath, Michael; Karcher, Christian
Shaping of sessile liquid metal drops in high-frequency magnetic fields. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 8

Kocourek, Vaclav; Karcher, Christian; Schulze, Dietmar
Experimental investigations of liquid metal drops affected by high-frequency magnetic field. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 8

Li, Ben-Wen; He, J.-Ch.; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André
Both Fourier and Chebyshev spectral methods for shallow water approximations for a cylindrical jet of liquid metal pinch. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 7

Thess, André; Gießler, Cornelia; Sievert, Carsten; Halbedel, Bernd; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Lüdtke, Ulrich
A model for electromagnetically driven convection in glass melts. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 3-4

Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Halbedel, Bernd; Conrad, G.; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André; Lüdtke, Ulrich
Movement of glass melts by Lorentz forces. - In: Program and abstracts, (2003), S. 3

Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André; Krätzschmar, A.; Terhoeven, Peter
A shallow water model for the instability of a liquid metal jet crossed by an axial electrical current. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 39 (2003), 3, S. 237-244

Ajib, Salman; Karno, Ali; Nilius, Andreas
Anforderungen an die Betriebseigenschaften der Komponenten einer Absorptionskälteanlage mit Niedertemperaturantriebsquellen. - In: Proceedings and our portrait, (2003), insges. 6 S.

Kocourek, Vaclav; Karcher, Christian; Schulze, Dietmar
Experimentelle Untersuchung der elektromagnetischen Instabilität auf der freien Oberfläche eines Flüssigmetall-Tropfens. - In: Proceedings and our portrait, (2003), insges. 5 S.

Karcher, Christian; Mohring, Jens-Uwe
Stability of a liquid metal interface affected by a high-frequency magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 39 (2003), 3, S. 267-276

Andreev, Oleg; Thess, André; Thess, André *1964-*; Haberstroh, Christoph
Visualization of magnetoconvection. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 15 (2003), 12, S. 3886-3889
Karno, Ali; Ajib, Salman
Auslegungsprogramm für Rohrbündelwärmetauscher : durch Rechentechnik zu Ergebnissen. - In: Kälte, Klima aktuell, ISSN 0722-4605, Bd. 22 (2003), 5, S. 30-36, insges. 4 S.

Resagk, Christian; Du Puits, Ronald; Conzen, Carsten; Thess, André
LDA-Messungen in turbulenten, nicht-isothermen Grenzschichten am "Ilmenauer Fass". - In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 2003, S. 19.1-19.6

Thess, André; Gießler, Cornelia; Sievert, Carsten; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Halbedel, Bernd; Hülsenberg, Dagmar
Modeling of electromagnetic stirring of glass melts. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Elektromagnetische Verfahrenstechniken, (2003), 4, S. 1-3

Nilius, Andreas; Bühl, Jürgen
Durchführung eines Messprogramms an dem 300 m3 GFK-Pilotspeicher und Untersuchungen zur Optimierung des Wärmespeicherkonzeptes : [Laufzeit vom 01.04.1998 bis 31.01.2003]. - Solarthermie-2000 ; [Q]
[Elektronische Ressource]. - Ilmenau : Techn. Univ., Fakultät f. Maschinenbau. - Online-Ressource (62 p., 3,54 Mb.)Differences between the printed and electronic version of the document are possible. - Contract BMBF 0329606Q/0. - nIndex p. 58 - 60

Solar unterstützte Nahwärmesysteme, saisonale Speicherung, Heißwasserspeicher, messtechnische Begleitung und Überwachung, GFK - glasfaserverstärkter Kunststoff, integrale Wärmedämmung, thermische Be-und Entladesysteme, Kosten
Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André
Thermosolutale Auftriebs- und Marangonikonvektion : Schlussbericht für das Vorhaben "Thermosolutale Marangonikonvektion" ; Förderzeitraum: Mai 1999 - Dezember 2002. - Ilmenau. - 24 Bl.Förderkennzeichen BMBF 50WM0047. - Engl. Zsfass. u.d.T.: Thermosolutal bouyancy and Marangoni convection. - Literaturverz.

Marangoni drying, solutal and thermal Marangoni effect, bouyancy convection, Hele-Shaw cell, stability analysis, spectral methods, direct numerical simulation

Karcher, Christian;
Beiträge zur Kontrolle von industriellen Strömungstransportvorgängen. - Getr. Zählung : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2003
Intermediärsprache: Englisch

Du Puits, Ronald; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André
Flow visualization in a large-scale Rayleigh-Bénard experiment. - In: Application of laser techniques to fluid mechanics, (2002), 35-3, Seite 1-6

Karno, Ali; Ajib, Salman
Auslegungsprogramm für Rohrbündelwärmetauscher. - In: Arbeitsabteilung II.2, (2002), S. 167-184

Lüdtke, Ulrich; Karcher, Christian;
Electromagnetic control of electron beam evaporation: numerical simulation. - In: High performance scientific and engineering computing, (2002), S. 279-286

Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
Electromagnetic control of convective heat transfer in liquid metal flow during electron beam evaporation. - In: Energy conversion and management, ISSN 0196-8904, Bd. 43 (2002), 3, S. 433-440
Zienicke, Egbert; Li, Ben-Wen; Thess, André; Krätzschmar, A.; Terhoeven, Peter
Stability analysis of the liquid metal pinch using the shallow water approximation. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, 2002, S. I-51-I-56

Li, Ben-Wen; Zienicke, Egbert; Seehafer, N.; Demircan, A.; Politano, Helene
Numerical investigation of magnetohydrodynamic instability for liquid metal in a cylindrical cavity. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, 2002, S. I-253-I-254

Kocourek, Vaclav; Conrath, Michael; Karcher, Christian
Shaping of a liquid metal drop using high-frequency magnetic fields. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, 2002, S. I-199-I-204

Mohring, Jens-Uwe; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic pinch in an annulus : experimental investigation and analytical modelling. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, 2002, S. I-143-I-148

Kurenkova, N.; Andrejews, Oleg; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André
MHD Rayleigh-Benard convection in a fluid layer inside a horizontal magnetic field. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, 2002, S. I-13-I-18

Thess, André;
History and future of the Hartmann boundary layer. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, 2002, S. L-27-L-28

Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Roth, Eckhard; Thess, André; Zienicke, Egbert
Experimental and numerical study of electromagnetic braking in liquid metal flows. - In: Fundamental and applied MHD, 2002, S. II-7-II-12

Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Andreev, Oleg; Thess, André
Natural convection in a liquid metal heated from above and influenced by a magnetic field. - In: European journal of mechanics, ISSN 1873-7390, Bd. 21 (2002), 1, S. 75-90
Hofmann, Otto R.; Thess, André D.
Elektromagnetische Beeinflussung der Glasbadströmung - ein neues Anwendungsgebiet der Magnetohydrodynamik. - In: Glas-Ingenieur, ISSN 0940-2276, Bd. 12 (2002), 1, S. 39-45

Boeck, Thomas; Nepomnjaščij, Aleksandr Abovič; Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Golovin, Alexander; Braverman, Leonid; Thess, André
Three-dimensional convection in a two-layer system with anomalous thermocapillary effect. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 14 (2002), 11, S. 3899-3911
Ajib, Salman; Sieckmann, Hartmut; Voß, Eberhardt; Wiltzer, Karl-Heinz
Eine autarke Absorptionskälteanlage. - In: 47. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (2002), insges. 6 S.

Kocourek, Vaclav; Conrath, Michael; Conrath, Michael *1976-*; Karcher, Christian;
Verformung eines Flüssigmetall-Tropfens im elektromagnetischen Feld. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Wärme- und Kraftwirkungen im elektromagnetischen Feld, 2002, insges. 7 S.

Mohring, Jens-Uwe; Karcher, Christian;
Untersuchung der Stabilität einer ringförmigen Flüssigmetalloberfläche unter dem Einfluss elektromagnetischer Felder. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Wärme- und Kraftwirkungen im elektromagnetischen Feld, 2002, S. 3.1-3.8, insges. 7 S.

Halbedel, Bernd; Conrad, Gerhard; Kolesnikov, Juri; Hülsenberg, Dagmar; Thess, André
Elektromagnetisches Rühren von Glasschmelzen - Versuchsstand für Präzisionsexperimente. - In: Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik - Wärme- und Kraftwirkungen im elektromagnetischen Feld, 2002, insges. 15 S.

Zienicke, Egbert; Politano, Hélène; Pouquet, Annick
Computational MHD : part 2 - Application to a nonlinear dynamo model. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, (2002), S. 131-143

Karcher, Christian; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Schulze, Dietmar; Thess, André
Computational MHD : part 3 - Application to electromagnetic control of convective flows. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, (2002), S. 147-161

Schaller, Rolf;
Untersuchungen zum konvektiven Wärmetransport beim Elektronenstrahlverdampfen aus wassergekühlten Tiegeln. - Aachen : Shaker, 2002. - XIV, 118 S.. - (Berichte aus dem Maschinenbau) : Zugl.: Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2001
ISBN 3-8265-9743-5
Literaturverz. S. 101 - 106

Karcher, Christian; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André;
Electromagnetic control of convective heat transfer during electron beam evaporation. - In: Workshop Reihe Elektroprozesstechnik - elektromagnetische Verfahrenstechniken, 2001, 16, insges. 10 Bl.

Thess, André; Schulze, Dietmar
Die DFG-Forschergruppe Magnetofluiddynamik an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau. - In: Workshop Reihe Elektroprozesstechnik - elektromagnetische Verfahrenstechniken, 2001, 2, insges. 8 Bl.

Andreev, Oleg; Haberstroh, Christoph; Thess, André
MHD flow in electrolytes at high Hartmann numbers. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, ISSN 0024-998X, Bd. 37 (2001), 1/2, S. 151-160

Zikanov, Oleg; Boos, Waldemar; Wolke, K.; Thess, André
A model for thermal Marangoni drying. - In: Journal of engineering mathematics, ISSN 1573-2703, Bd. 40 (2001), 3, S. 249-267
Kurenkova, N.; Zienicke, Egbert; Thess, André
Influence of the thermoelectric effect on the Rayleigh-Bénard instability inside a magnetic field. - In: Physical review. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics / American Physical Society. - College Park, Md. : APS, January 1993-December 2015 , ISSN: 1550-2376 , ZDB-ID: 1472725-0, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 64 (2001), 3, S. 036307, insges. 10 S.
Boeck, Thomas; Thess, André
Power-law scaling in Bénard-Marangoni convection at large Prandtl numbers. - In: Physical review. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics / American Physical Society. - College Park, Md. : APS, January 1993-December 2015 , ISSN: 1550-2376 , ZDB-ID: 1472725-0, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 64 (2001), 2, S. 027303, insges. 4 S.
Ajib, Salman;
Profitability of using solar energy for refrigeration and air conditioning. - In: Technology for the 21st century, (2001), S. 30-37

Zienicke, Egbert; Politano, Hélène; Pouquet, Annick
Parallel computation of the saturation process in a nonlinear dynamo model. - In: CNRS DFG collaborative research programme, (2001), S. 127-141

Karcher, Christian; Steen, P. H.
High-Reynolds-number flow in a narrow gap driven by solidification : 2. Planar-flow casting application. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 0031-9171, Bd. 13 (2001), 4, S. 834-840

Karcher, Christian; Steen, P. H.
High-Reynolds-number flow in a narrow gap driven by solidification : 1. Theory. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 0031-9171, Bd. 13 (2001), 4, S. 826-833

Braverman, Leonid; Nepomnjaščij, Aleksandr Abovič; Rubinshtein, B.; Thess, André
Computer algebra tool for the solution of the boundary-value problems. - In: International Conference on Differential Equations, (2000), S. 809-811

Resagk, Christian; Grabow, Jörg; Schellenberger, Ulrich
Optical characterisation of surface and interface waves in liquid metal-water layers using PIV and laser vibrometer techniques. - In: 10th International Symposium Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, (2000), 37p5, Seite 1-8

Karcher, Christian; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
Electromagnetic control of convective heat transfer in a liquid metal heated locally at its upper surface. - In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Pamir Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic at Dawn of Third Millenium, (2000), S. 663-668

Andreev, Oleg; Haberstroh, Christoph; Thess, André
Rayleigh-Benard convection of an electrolyte in a rectangular cell under the influence of a strong horizontal magnetic field. - In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Pamir Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic at Dawn of Third Millenium, (2000), S. 345-350

Zienicke, Egbert; Politano, Helene; Pouquet, A.
Variable intensity of Lagrangian chaos in a nonlinear dynamo. - In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Pamir Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic at Dawn of Third Millenium, (2000), S. 227-232

Zikanov, Oleg; Thess, André; Davidson, P. A.; Ziegler, Donald P.
A new approach to numerical simulation of melt flows and interface instability in Hall-Héroult cells. - In: Metallurgical and materials transactions, ISSN 1543-1916, Bd. 31 (2000), 6, S. 1541-1550
Karcher, Christian; Schaller, Rolf; Boeck, Thomas; Metzner, Christian; Thess, André
Turbulent heat transfer in liquid iron during electron beam evaporation. - In: International journal of heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1879-2189, Bd. 43 (2000), 10, S. 1759-1766
Karcher, Christian; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Schulze, Dietmar; Thess, André
Electromagnetic control of melt flow in electron beam evaporation, part 2: numerical simulations. - In: Proceedings, (2000), S. 473-478

Kolesnikov, Yuri; Andreev, Oleg; Schaller, Rolf; Scheffel, B.; Thess, André
Electromagnetic control of melt flow in electron beam evaporation: part 1: experimental investigations. - In: Proceedings, (2000), S. 469-472

Zikanov, Oleg; Thess, André; Davidson, P. A.; Ziegler, D. P.
Nonlinear shallow water model of the interfacial instability in aluminum reduction cells. - In: Proceedings, (2000), S. 109-114

Braverman, Leonid M.; Eckert, Kerstin; Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Thess, André
Convection in two-layer systems with an anomalous thermocapillary effect. - In: Physical review. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics / American Physical Society. - College Park, Md. : APS, January 1993-December 2015 , ISSN: 1550-2376 , ZDB-ID: 1472725-0, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 62 (2000), 3, S. 3619-3631
Kurenkov, A.; Thess, André
Reconstruction of interfaces between electrically conducting fluids from electric potential measurements. - In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Pamir Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic at Dawn of Third Millenium, (2000), S. 45-50

Bühl, Jürgen;
Knapp kalkuliert : Planung und Betrieb solarthermischer Grossanlagen. - In: Sonnenenergie, ISSN 0172-3278, Bd. 25 (2000), 4, S. 32-34

Thess, André; Zikanov, Oleg; Nepomnjaščij, Aleksandr Abovič;
Finite-time singularity in the vortex dynamics of a string. - In: Physical review, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 59 (1999), 3, S. 3637-3640
Eckert, Kerstin; Thess, André
Nonbound dislocations in hexagonal patterns: pentagon lines in surface-tension-driven Bénard convection. - In: Physical review. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics / American Physical Society. - College Park, Md. : APS, January 1993-December 2015 , ISSN: 1550-2376 , ZDB-ID: 1472725-0, ISSN 1550-2376, Bd. 60 (1999), 4, S. 4117-4124
Andreev, Oleg; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Thess, André;
Magnetic control of convection in liquid metal heated from above. - In: Transfer phenomena in magnetohydrodynamic and electroconducting flows, (1999), S. 373-380

Puta, Horst; Gobsch, Gerhard; Schellenberger, Ulrich; Feldmann, H.; Bürger, H.-D.; Schulze, Dirk
Solarthermische Systeme mit hohem Wirkungsgrad und hohem Speichervermögen durch umfassende Nutzung der Vakuumisolation (VakuSol). - In: [Vortragsreihen, (1999), S. 535-538

Belkessam, Omar;
FEM-Berechnungen und Untersuchungen an thermischen Solarkollektoren. - In: [Vortragsreihen, (1999), S. 524-529

Ajib, Salman;
Solarthermische Energie zur Kälteerzeugung im Kleinleistungsbereich : Anforderungen und Grenzen. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 8 S.

Resagk, Christian; Thess, André;
Optische Charakterisierung von Grenzflächenwellen in leitenden Flüssigkeiten. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 6 S.

Trutschel, Ralf; Schellenberger, Ulrich
Dynamic simulation of free surfaces in capillaries with the finite element method. - In: International journal for numerical methods in fluids, ISSN 1097-0363, Bd. 26 (1998), 4, S. 485-495<485::AID-FLD646>3.0.CO;2-#
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Schultheis, Peter; Bühl, Jürgen
Kostenoptimierte Gewinnung von thermischer Solarenergie zur Brauchwasserbereitung und Heizungsunterstützung. - In: Solarthermie - eine Chance für Thüringen?, (1996), S. 51-57

Heinze, Dirk; Hansch, H.; Hofmann, D.; March, Barbara; Steinke, Arndt
Monolithisch integrierter Taupunkt-Sensor mit hoher Genauigkeit und Langzeitstabilität unter industriellen Bedingungen. - In: Sensoren und Messysteme, (1996), S. 319-325

Trutschel, Ralf; Schellenberger, Ulrich
Modellierung des Flüssigkolben-Stirlingmotors. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1996), S. 468-473

Schellenberger, Ulrich; Markert, Martin
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Optimierung des Flüssigkolben-Stirlingmotors. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1996), S. 462-467

Resagk, Christian; Schellenberger, Ulrich; Rasch, A.; Voigt, S.
Zweistrahl-Multiplex LDA mit integriert-optischem Schalter und Phasenmodulator. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1996), S. 531-534

Trutschel, Ralf; Schellenberger, Ulrich
Fluidmechanische FEM-Berechnungen freier Oberflächen in Kapillaren. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1996), S. 82-87

Heinze, Dirk; March, Barbara; Steinke, Arndt
Taupunkt-Messung mit monolithisch-integrierten Sensoren. - In: Sensor-Report, ISSN 0179-9592, Bd. 10 (1995), 3, S. 30-31

Heinze, Dirk; Hofmann, D.; March, Barbara; Steinke, Arndt; Hansch, H.
Intelligente Silizium-Taupunktsensoren als kostengünstiges Beispiel für siliziumintegrierte Sensorik in CMOS-LSI-Technologien. - In: Sensor 95, (1995), S. 861-864

Oertel, Bernd; Hübert, Thomas; Heinze, Dirk; Banach, Ulrich
Capacitive sensor system for measurement of temperature and humidity. - In: Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 1432-1130, Bd. 349 (1994), 5, S. 391-393
Füting, Manfred; Heinze, Dirk; March, Barbara; Steinke, Arndt
In situ function testing of a dew-point microsensor in the environmental scanning electron microscope. - In: Micro-system technologies '94, (1994), S. 1178-1180

Heinze, Dirk; Steinke, Arndt
Thermodynamische Grundlagen, Modellierung und Realisierung von Siliziumtaupunktsensoren zur Gasfeuchtemessung. - In: [Kongreßteile A11 - A13, B11 - B13, C11 - C13], (1993), S. 119-128

Heinze, Dirk;
Thermodynamische Wirkprinzipien und deren sensortechnische Umsetzung zur Bestimmung des Wassergehaltes von Gasen. - In: Mikrosysteme für Verfahrens- und Fertigungstechnik, (1993), S. 69-76

Oertel, Bernd;
AgMeO - Kontakte mit Ultraschall geschweisst. - In: Kontaktverhalten und Schalten, (1991), S. 131-138

Hübert, T.; Banach, U.; Heinze, Dirk
Glaskeramiken für kapazitive Sensoren zur Messung von Temperatur und Feuchte. - In: Wissenschaftlicher Kongreßteil (A/B) - 16. Mai 1991 (Kongressteile A11-A13; B11-B13], (1991), S. 237-246

Heinze, Dirk; Steinke, Arndt
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