Zeitschriftenaufsätze und Buchbeiträge (Rezensionen)

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Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Balzer, Felix; Hölzel, Sara
Uncertainty of surface temperature measurement in coordinate measuring machines :
Unsicherheit der Oberflächentemperaturmessung in Koordinatenmessgeräten. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-10

In der Präzisionslängenmesstechnik ist die Werkstücktemperatur aufgrund der Temperaturabhängigkeit der Materialeigenschaften eine wichtige Einflussgröße und liefert einen Beitrag zur Messunsicherheit. Neben den Einflüssen der Umgebung wie Temperaturschwankungen oder Bodenschwingungen auf das Koordinatenmessgerät selbst spielen auch die Einflüsse der Umgebung auf das Werkstück eine wichtige Rolle. Hierzu zählt neben den Temperaturschwankungen im Raum auch die jeweilige Vortemperierung der Werkstücke. Insbesondere führen die vorherige Bearbeitung und die Lagerung des Werkstücks zu Unterschieden zwischen der Oberflächen- und der Innentemperatur. Je größer die Genauigkeit der Temperaturbestimmung ist, desto kleiner sind die Messabweichungen. Deshalb wird zum Beispiel in Koordinatenmessgeräten während der Längenmessung die Temperatur im Messraum überwacht sowie die Temperaturen an der Oberfläche der Längenmesssysteme an den Messachsen und an der Oberfläche des Werkstücks erfasst und zur Onlinekorrektur der Messwerte verwendet. Zur Bestimmung der Werkstückoberflächentemperatur und der Kompensation dieser Temperatureinflüsse werden sowohl an den Werkstücken statisch, durch Magnete, befestigte Werkstücktemperatursensoren (Magnetfühler) verwendet als auch vor der Längenmessung automatisch einwechselbare Werkstücktemperatursensoren (Taster). Die Messunsicherheit dieser Temperatursensoren wird meist durch Kalibrierung in Flüssigkeitsbädern bestimmt. Dabei werden jedoch die Messunsicherheitsanteile, die durch das Aufsetzen auf die Oberfläche entstehen, nicht berücksichtigt. Diese Messunsicherheitsanteile wurden umfassend untersucht und werden im Beitrag vorgestellt.

Fröhlich, Thomas; Kissinger, Thomas; Manske, Eberhard
Process measurement technology and precision measurement technology :
Prozessmesstechnik und Präzisionsmesstechnik. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 91 (2024), 5, S. 231-232

Meier, Martin; Weichert, Christoph; Kawohl, Jan; Flügge, Jens; Manske, Eberhard
Vergleich von vollständig fasergekoppelten Interferometersystemen unter Vakuumbedingungen :
Comparison of full fiber coupled interferometer systems under vacuum conditions. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 91 (2024), 5, S. 281-289

The PTB built a comparator setup for testing length measuring systems under vacuum conditions. The setup is equipped with a linear stage which is operated in a closed loop using the feedback of a 1.5D encoder system with three encoder heads for length and vertical rotation angle and exhibits a movement range of 150 mm. The main measurement system is a heterodyne interferometer with periodic nonlinearities with amplitudes below 10 pm. The comparator setup was characterized using a mirror mounted on the stage reflecting the measurement as well as the reference beams. By these means, the resolution, the stability of the setup as well as the influence of guiding errors on position-dependent measurement deviations of the fully fiber coupled interferometer were investigated. A position-depending error was observed which was resulting from the variation of the performance of the coupling into the multi-mode fibers used to transfer the superposed beams to the photoreceivers. The measured deviations were 1.5 nm or 0.2 nm over 70 mm travel range depending on the core diameter of the multi-mode fibers of 50 µm and 200 µm, respectively. Three different commercial fiber interferometer systems were analysed under vacuum conditions with the comparator setup. All tested systems are working with light sources with a wavelength of approximately 1535 nm but differ in the amplitude of their periodic nonlinearities in the range between 10 pm and 29 nm. The tests of their resolution and stability were limited by vibrations in the comparator setup and the lack of adequate synchronization capabilities of the data acquisition of these systems.

Degenhardt, Johannes; Bounaim, Mohammed Wassim; Deng, Nan; Tutsch, Rainer; Dai, Gaoliang
A new kind of atomic force microscopy scan control enabled by artificial intelligence: concept for achieving tip and sample safety through asymmetric control. - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 7 (2024), 1, 11, S. 1-10

This paper introduces a paradigm shift in atomic force microscope (AFM) scan control, leveraging an artificial intelligence (AI)-based controller. In contrast to conventional control methods, which either show a limited performance, such as proportional integral differential (PID) control, or which purely focus on mathematical optimality as classical optimal control approaches, our proposed AI approach redefines the objective of control for achieving practical optimality. This presented AI controller minimizes the root-mean-square control deviations in routine scans by a factor of about 4 compared to PID control in the presented setup and also showcases a distinctive asymmetric response in complex situations, prioritizing the safety of the AFM tip and sample instead of the lowest possible control deviations. The development and testing of the AI control concept are performed on simulated AFM scans, demonstrating its huge potential.

Oertel, Erik; Manske, Eberhard
Der Einsatz von Mikrokugeln als Referenzartefakte für die in-situ-Charakterisierung von taktilen 3D-Mikrotastern entlang des Äquators der Tastkugel :
Using micro spheres as reference artifacts for the in-situ characterization of tactile 3D micro probes along the probing sphere’s equator. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 91 (2024), 5, S. 244-254

Nano and micro coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) have been developed for the characterization of small dimensional features. They require a procedure which enables a traceable and precise characterization of probing spheres. In this contribution we explore the use of well characterized micro spheres as reference artifacts for the in-situ characterization of probing spheres along the probing sphere’s equator. The spheres are characterized using a strategy which is based on a set of tactile surface scans in conjunction with a stitching-algorithm. These micro spheres serve as a reference for the in-situ characterization of a tactile 3D micro probe on a nano measuring machine (NMM-1). Our investigations are based on a sample of eight spheres sourced from two different suppliers. Although the sample is small, we could already observe characteristics which seem to be typical for spheres of a certain type (i.e. nominal radius and material). The experiments indicate that micro spheres are a suitable reference artifact for tactile 3D micro probes. We were able to reproduce the measured mean radius of the probing sphere with a standard deviation of 31 nm using reference spheres whose nominal radius covers a range of 89 µm.

Liang, Weixiang; Ye, Zixin; Hu, Dongfang; Xu, Jinxin; Jiang, Juncheng; Fröhlich, Thomas; Ding, Jiong
Performance evaluation approach for accelerating rate calorimeters by means of Joule heat. - In: Thermochimica acta, Bd. 735 (2024), 179719, S. 1-9

Currently, the commonly used performance evaluation approach for accelerating rate calorimeters (ARCs) is based on di‑tert‑butyl peroxide (DTBP). However, DTBP is not a certified reference material that contains untraceable and inaccurate thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. To address this issue, an evaluation approach using Joule heat was proposed. The key point of this approach is the use of Joule heat to simulate the exothermic process of a chemical reaction. First, an evaluation apparatus with reaction rate feedback control was developed. Subsequently, exothermic reaction experiments using the DTBP/toluene solution were simulated. The experimental results indicated that the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters obtained using this approach align with the preset values and exhibit good repeatability. This approach is traceable and can be traced back to the International System of Units, which facilitates reliable performance evaluation of commercial ARCs.

Leineweber, Johannes; Hebenstreit, Roman; Häcker, Annika-Verena; Meyer, Christoph; Füßl, Roland; Manske, Eberhard; Theska, René
Characterization of a parallel kinematics actuated in situ reference measurement system for 5D-nano-measurement and nano-fabrication applications :
Charakterisierung eines parallelkinematisch aktuierten In-situ-Referenzmesssystems für 5D-Nanomess- und Fabrikationsanwendungen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 91 (2024), 2, S. 102-115

Die stetig voranschreitende Entwicklung im Bereich der Fertigung optischer und elektronischer Elemente auf Basis von Nanotechnologien führt seit Jahren zu einer steigenden Nachfrage nach hochpräzisen Nanomess- und Nanofabrikationsmaschinen (The International Roadmap For Devices And Systems, IEEE, 2020; C. Grant Willson and B. J. Roman, “The future of lithography: SEMATECH litho forum 2008,” ASC Nano , vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 1323-1328, 2008). Als technologisch besonders anspruchsvoll hat sich dabei die Fabrikation auf stark geneigten, gekrümmten, asphärischen und freigeformten Oberflächen herausgestellt (R. Schachtschneider, et al., “Interlaboratory comparison measurements of aspheres,” Meas. Sci. Technol. , vol. 29, no. 13pp, p. 055010, 2018). Aufbauend auf den zukunftsweisenden Entwicklungen der Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschine 1 (NMM-1) (G. Jäger, E. Manske, T. Hausotte, and J.-J. Büchner, “Nanomessmaschine zur abbefehlerfreien Koordinatenmessung,” tm - Tech. Mess. , vol. 67, nos. 7-8, pp. 319-323, 2000) und der Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschine 200 (NPMM-200) (E. Manske, G. Jäger, T. Hausotte, and F. Balzer, “Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine NPMM-200 - sub-nanometre resolution and highest accuracy in extended macroscopic working areas,” in Euspen’s 17th International Conference , 2017), wird an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau seit mehreren Jahren an Konzepten für NPMM mit erhöhtem Freiheitsgrad geforscht (F. Fern, “Metrologie in fünfachsigen Nanomess- und Nanopositioniermaschinen,” Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2020; R. Schienbein, “Grundlegende Untersuchungen zum konstruktiven Aufbau von Fünfachs-Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschinen,” Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2020). So besitzt der seit 2020 entwickelte Demonstrator NMM-5D (J. Leinweber, C. Meyer, R. Füßl, R. Theska, and E. Manske, “Ein neuartiges Konzept für 5D Nanopositionier-, Nanomess-, und Nanofabrikationsmaschinen,” tm - Tech. Mess. , vol. 37, nos. 1-10, 2022) neben dem kartesischen Verfahrbereich von 25mm × 25mm × 5mm zusätzlich ein Rotationsvermögen des Tools von 360˚ sowie ein Neigungsvermögen von 50˚. Imfolgenden Artikel wird davon ausgehend die mechanische und metrologische Charakterisierung der parallelkinematisch aktuierten Rotationserweiterung präsentiert. Hierbei konzentrieren sich durchgeführte Untersuchungen primär auf die kinematisch verursachten Abweichungen des Tool Center Point (TCP) sowie die Detektierung dieser Abweichungen mit einem interferometrischen In-situ -Referenzmesssystem. Darüber kann perspektivisch eine geregelte Kompensation der auftretenden TCP-Abweichungen erfolgen.

Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Härtig, Frank; Heizmann, Michael; Kaiser, Ulrich
From measurement to information with intelligence - VDI future forum in Ettlingen/Germany :
Mit Intelligenz von der Messung zur Information - VDI-Zukunftsforum in Ettlingen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 91 (2024), 1, S. 1-3

Vasilyan, Suren; Rogge, Norbert; Preißler, Hannes; Starkloff, Michael; Schubert, Marco; Fröhlich, Thomas
Adaptation of metrology-grade ac current source in velocity mode of Planck-Balance 2: direct referencing induced voltages with ac quantum voltage standard. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 35 (2024), 1, 015026, S. 1-11

The adaptation of developed metrology-grade ac current source (MCS) to the velocity mode of measurements of the Planck-Balance 2 as a means for generating ac mechanical oscillations is presented. The universality in operating with the MCS unit especially practical for the Planck-Balance setup for frequencies of 0.1 Hz-20 Hz (including but not limited to the negligence of a broader range of 0.01 Hz up to several hundred Hz) and for amplitudes of up to 10 mA with 16 (offset with 14)-bit effective resolution is demonstrated. MCS allows generating complex ac waveform signals as waveform synthesizers by adding to the original signal an extra five independent harmonic components, each of which with an adjustable resolution of 10 ns for phase and 16-bit for amplitude. Additionally, the MCS is supported by an external clock at 10 MHz frequency which serves also as a common reference time base for the comparison between the direct output signal of MCS, or of the induced voltage in the coil of the Planck-Balance resulting due to the applied current by MCS, with the ac quantum voltage standard at the required accuracy levels.

Oertel, Erik; Manske, Eberhard
Influence of the reference surface and AFM tip on the radius and roundness measurement of micro spheres. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 35 (2024), 2, 025010, S. 1-16

The performance of tactile and optical surface sensors for nano and micro coordinate measuring machines is currently limited by the lack of precisely characterised micro spheres, since established strategies have mainly been developed for spheres in the range of millimetres or above. We have, therefore, recently focused our research efforts towards a novel strategy for the characterisation of spheres in the sub-millimetre range. It is based on a set of atomic force microscope (AFM) surface scans in conjunction with a stitching algorithm. To obtain an uncertainty statement, the uncertainty about the shape of the reference surface needs to be propagated via the shape of the AFM tip to the actual measurement object. However, the sampling process of an AFM is non-linear and the processing of AFM scans requires complex algorithms. We have, therefore, recently begun to model the characterisation of micro spheres through simulations. In this contribution, this model is extended by the influence of the tip and reference surface. The influence of the tip’s shape and reference surface is investigated through virtual and real experiments. The shape of the tip is varied by using tips with mean radii of 200 nm and 2 μm while sampling the same ruby sphere with a mean radius of 150 μm. In general, the simulation results imply that an uncertainty of less then 10 nm is achievable. However, an experimental validation of the model is still pending. The experimental investigations were limited by the lack of a suitable cleaning strategy for micro parts, which demonstrates the need for further investigations in this area. Although the characterisation of a full sphere has already been demonstrated, the investigations in this contribution are limited to equator measurements.

Häcker, Annika-Verena; Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Leineweber, Johannes; Ortlepp, Ingo; Hoffmann, Maximilian; Manske, Eberhard
Modularer Aufbau für das direkte Laserschreiben für Hochpräzise Nanostrukturierung :
Modular Direct Laser Writing setup for high precision nanostructuring. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 90 (2023), 11, S. 749-758

The increasing demand for micro- and nanofabrication and in parallel the increasing requirements on feature size and resolution is leading to an enormous growth in the field of multi-photon three-dimensional fabrication. To enable new and diverse investigations in this field and to enable high precision for nanofabrication on large areas, a high precision positioning system is combined with an ultra-short pulse laser system. The aim is a modular setup with constant adherence to the Abbe-comparator principle in order to achieve systematic improvements in the area of Direct Laser Writing. For a high-quality identification of the microstructures a measurement tool based on atomic force microscopy is used. To enable the fabrication of continuous micro- and nanostructures on large area, an extremely high positioning precision is used, where no further stitching methods are necessary. Therefore as base of the Direct Laser Writing system the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NMM-1) is used, which was developed at Technische Universität Ilmenau together with SIOS Meßtechnik GmbH, with a positioning volume of 25 mm × 25 mm × 5 mm and a positioning resolution in the sub-nanometer range. First investigations already confirmed that microfabrication with a Femtosecond Laser and the NMM-1 could be realized and showed the possibility of further developments in the field of Direct Laser Writing. Now the modular structure as a research platform is designed in such a way that the various extensions and measurement setups for large-scale investigations can always be implemented in a metrologically traceable manner. The presented work shows the development of a modular functional setup of an exposure system and NMM-1, which enables micro- and nanofabrication and an improvement in the structure size over large areas.

Liang, Weixiang; Chen, Jinyu; Jiang, Juncheng; Schalles, Marc; Marin, Sebastian; Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Ding, Jiong
In-situ calibration method for thermocouples in accelerating rate calorimeter based on multiple fixed-points and Joule heat. - In: Thermochimica acta, Bd. 726 (2023), 179559, S. 1-11

To solve the problem of temperature drift of thermocouples in accelerating rate calorimeter caused by long-term operation, an in-situ calibration method based on multiple fixed-points and Joule heat is proposed in this article. Firstly, the heat transfer model of the calorimeter is established, and the validity of the method is verified by numerical simulation. Secondly, a multiple fixed-points graphite calibrator and a cylindrical electronic resistance element are designed. Finally, the in-situ calibration is carried out. The calibration results show that the maximum permissible measurement error of the sample thermocouple after calibration is better than 0.220 ˚C and that the bias of consistency in-situ calibration method is smaller than 0.110 ˚C. In addition, a di-tert-butyl peroxide in toluene solution with a mass percent of 20% is selected as the experimental sample. The sample experiment results show that the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters are closer to the reference values after thermocouples calibration.

Shmagun, Vitalii; Vasilyan, Suren; Rogge, Norbert; Fröhlich, Thomas; Kissinger, Thomas
Comparison of fiber interferometric sensor with a commercial interferometer for a Kibble balance velocity calibration. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 34 (2023), 12, 125017, S. 1-10

This article presents a fiber interferometric sensor (FIS) for measuring the velocity amplitude of an oscillatory vibrating object, with a focus on velocity mode measurement in applications using the Kibble balance principle. The sensor uses the range-resolved interferometry method to measure the displacement of the moving object and employs a multi-harmonic sine-fit algorithm to estimate the displacement amplitude and frequency, thereby determining the velocity amplitude. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the experimental setup and the measurement techniques employed, as well as a detailed analysis of the uncertainty budget, with the performance validation of the FIS benchmarked against a commercial interferometer within a Kibble balance setup. The velocity amplitude of a coil of the Kibble balance, oscillating with an approx. amplitude of 20 μm and a frequency of 0.25 Hz, was measured using the sensor and found to be 31.282 31 μm s^−1 with a relative deviation of −1.9 ppm compared to a commercial interferometer. The high performance of the FIS, especially with regard to non-linearity errors, and the small size of the measuring head enable universality of integration into a wide variety of measurement systems, also including the use as general-purpose vibration and displacement sensor.

Shin, Dong Wook; Matsukuma, Hiraku; Sato, Ryo; Manske, Eberhard; Gao, Wei
Improved peak-to-peak method for cavity length measurement of a Fabry-Perot etalon using a mode-locked femtosecond laser. - In: Optics express, ISSN 1094-4087, Bd. 31 (2023), 16, S. 25797-25814

Differing from the conventional peak-to-peak method using two neighboring spectral peaks in the frequency-domain fringe spectrum of the spectral response of a Fabry-Perot etalon to a femtosecond laser, which contains N spectral peaks equally spaced with a spacing of the etalon free spectral range (FSR), the proposed method employs a pair of spectral peaks with a spacing of an integer multiple k (k ≫ 1) of FSR for measurement of the etalon cavity length d with a reduced measurement error. Under the constrain of the total N spectral peaks obtainable in the finite spectral range of the femtosecond laser, the optimized k is identified to be N/2 in consideration of an averaging operation using N - k samples of d to achieve the minimum measurement error. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by experimental results with an uncertainty analysis based on "Guides to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement".

Augustin, Silke; Schalles, Marc
New publication of the VDI/VDE guideline 3520 "Surface temperature measurement with contact thermometers" - contents and background of the development. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 12 (2023), 1, S. 197-204

Temperature measurement at the surface of solids by means of contact thermometers has its own metrological characteristics, which are in contrast to characteristics of the measurement with immersed contact thermometers. They significantly influence the accuracy and the measurement uncertainty of the measured temperature and its deviations. Up to now, no national or international guideline exists which deals with the determination of the static and dynamic measurement deviations. Therefore, the guideline committee “VDI/VDE-GMA FA 4.62 Contact Thermometry” has developed the new VDI (Association of German Engineers) and VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) guideline 3520 “Surface temperature measurement with contact thermometers”. It contains information about the most important properties of contact surface thermometers and error sources, and it presents typical measurement results for various applications. In addition, the parameters influencing the measurement result and test equipment for their determination are described, and concrete examples of thermometer data sheets are given.

Stricklin, Isaac; Gotszalk, Teodor; Behzadirad, Mahmoud; Manske, Eberhard; Kissinger, Thomas; Rangelow, Ivo W.; Busani, Tito L.
Multipurpose active scanning probe cantilevers for near-field spectroscopy, scanning tunnel imaging, and atomic-resolution lithography. - In: Journal of vacuum science & technology, ISSN 2166-2754, Bd. 41 (2023), 4, S. 042601-1-042601-9

In this work, we report progress on developing a multipurpose scanning probe cantilever applying gallium nitride nanowires as the probe tip. Gallium nitride nanowires possess high potential as probes due to their straight profile, tunable electrical and optical properties, high Young’s Modulus, durability, and high-yield fabrication process. Their wide bandgap enables them to be pumped to emit ultraviolet pulses which can be used for optical imaging and spectroscopy. They can be doped during growth to be electrically conductive, and their sharp tips obtained during epitaxial growth enable confinement of a high electric field at tip-sample interface. Their sharp tips are obtained during fabrication by their epitaxial growth which eliminates the need for postprocess sharpening that is typically required for standard STM tips. We present results of using gallium nitride nanowires for scanning tunnel microscopy applications of atomic-resolution imaging and lithography, and atomic force microscopy applications of imaging and lithography in vacuum and atmospheric environments.

Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Reibe, Michael; Krötschl, Anja; Reuter, Christoph; Ortlepp, Ingo; Dontsov, Denis; Hesse, Steffen; Rangelow, Ivo W.; Strehle, Steffen; Manske, Eberhard
Tip-based nanofabrication below 40 nm combined with a nanopositioning machine with a movement range of Ø100 mm. - In: Micro and nano engineering, ISSN 2590-0072, Bd. 19 (2023), 100201, S. 1-5

In this paper, the combination of an advanced nanopositioning technique and a tip-based system, which can be used as an atomic force microscope (AFM) and especially for field emission scanning probe lithography (FESPL) is presented. This is possible through the use of active microcantilevers that allow easy switching between measurement and write modes. The combination of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines and tip-based systems overcomes the usual limitations of AFM technology and makes it possible to perform high-precision surface scanning and nanofabrication on wafer sizes up to 4 in. We specifically discuss the potential of nanofabrication via FESPL in combination with the nanofabrication machine (NFM-100). Results are presented, where nanofabrication is demonstrated in form of a spiral path over a total length of 1 mm and the potential of this technique in terms of accuracy is discussed. Furthermore, ten lines were written with a pitch of 100 nm and a linewidth below 40 nm was achieved, which is in principle possible over the entire range of motion.

Krüger, Jan; Bergmann, Detlef; Köning, Rainer; Bodermann, Bernd; Manske, Eberhard
In situ, back-focal-plane-based determination of the numerical apertures in optical microscopes. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 62 (2023), 3, S. 756-763

In this contribution, we present a technique for in situ determination of the numerical apertures (NAs) of optical microscopes using calibrated diffraction gratings. Many commonly practiced procedures use an external setup to determine the objective and condenser NAs. However, these values may become modified in the used microscope systems, e.g., by system intrinsic apertures. Therefore, in our improved technique, determination of the imaging NA is conducted in situ within the corresponding microscope at hand. Furthermore, the method has been extended to yield the microscope’s illumination NA as well. In total, we tested this procedure for determination of the imaging NA for four different microscope objectives with nominal values of 0.55 and 0.9, together with the illumination NAs for four different circular aperture diaphragms with diameters between 10 µm and 500 µm using several gratings of different pitches. All determined NA values agree essentially with their nominal values within their experimental uncertainties, but the uncertainties have been reduced by typically an order of magnitude as compared with the manufacturer’s specifications.

Wedrich, Karin; Cherkasova, Valeriya; Platl, Vivien; Fröhlich, Thomas; Strehle, Steffen
Stiffness considerations for a MEMS-based weighing cell. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 23 (2023), 6, 3342, S. 1-15

In this paper, a miniaturized weighing cell that is based on a micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) is discussed. The MEMS-based weighing cell is inspired by macroscopic electromagnetic force compensation (EMFC) weighing cells and one of the crucial system parameters, the stiffness, is analyzed. The system stiffness in the direction of motion is first analytically evaluated using a rigid body approach and then also numerically modeled using the finite element method for comparison purposes. First prototypes of MEMS-based weighing cells were successfully microfabricated and the occurring fabrication-based system characteristics were considered in the overall system evaluation. The stiffness of the MEMS-based weighing cells was experimentally determined by using a static approach based on force-displacement measurements. Considering the geometry parameters of the microfabricated weighing cells, the measured stiffness values fit to the calculated stiffness values with a deviation from -6.7 to 3.8% depending on the microsystem under test. Based on our results, we demonstrate that MEMS-based weighing cells can be successfully fabricated with the proposed process and in principle be used for high-precision force measurements in the future. Nevertheless, improved system designs and read-out strategies are still required.

Blumröder, Ulrike; Köchert, Paul; Fröhlich, Thomas; Kissinger, Thomas; Ortlepp, Ingo; Flügge, Jens; Bosse, Harald; Manske, Eberhard
A GPS-referenced wavelength standard for high-precision displacement interferometry at λ = 633 nm. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 23 (2023), 3, 1734, S. 1-24

Since the turn of the millennium, the development and commercial availability of optical frequency combs has led to a steadily increase of worldwide installed frequency combs and a growing interest in using them for industrial-related metrology applications. Especially, GPS-referenced frequency combs often serve as a "self-calibrating" length standard for laser wavelength calibration in many national metrology institutes with uncertainties better than u = 1 × 10^-11. In this contribution, the application of a He-Ne laser source permanently disciplined to a GPS-referenced frequency comb for the interferometric measurements in a nanopositioning machine with a measuring volume of 200 mm × 200 mm × 25 mm (NPMM-200) is discussed. For this purpose, the frequency stability of the GPS-referenced comb is characterized by heterodyning with a diode laser referenced to an ultrastable cavity. Based on this comparison, an uncertainty of u = 9.2 × 10^-12 (τ = 8 s, k = 2) for the GPS-referenced comb has been obtained. By stabilizing a tunable He-Ne source to a single comb line, the long-term frequency stability of the comb is transferred onto our gas lasers increasing their long-term stability by three orders of magnitude. Second, short-term fluctuations-related length measurement errors were reduced to a value that falls below the nominal resolving capabilities of our interferometers (ΔL/L = 2.9 × 10^-11). Both measures make the influence of frequency distortions on the interferometric length measurement within the NPMM-200 negligible. Furthermore, this approach establishes a permanent link of interferometric length measurements to an atomic clock.

Weigel, Christoph; Cherkasova, Valeriya; Holz, Mathias; Phi, Hai Binh; Görner Tenorio, Christian; Wilbertz, Björn; Voßgrag, Leonard; Fröhlich, Thomas; Strehle, Steffen
Ultralow expansion glass as material for advanced micromechanical systems. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 25 (2023), 9, 2201873, S. 1-14

Ultralow expansion (ULE) glasses are of special interest for temperature stabilized systems for example in precision metrology. Nowadays, ULE materials are mainly used in macroscopic and less in micromechanical systems. Reasons for this are a lack of technologies for parallel fabricating high-quality released microstructures with a high accuracy. As a result, there is a high demand in transferring these materials into miniaturized application examples, realistic system modeling, and the investigation of microscopic material properties. Herein, a technological base for fabricating released micromechanical structures and systems with a structure height above 100 μm in ULE 7972 glass is established. Herein, the main fabrication parameters that are important for the system design and contribute thus to the introduction of titanium silicate as material for glass-based micromechanical systems are discussed. To study the mechanical properties in combination with respective simulation models, microcantilevers are used as basic mechanical elements to evaluate technological parameters and other impact factors. The implemented models allow to predict the micromechanical system properties with a deviation of only ±5% and can thus effectively support the micromechanical system design in an early stage of development.

Dai, Gaoliang; Degenhardt, Johannes; Hu, Xiukun; Wolff, Helmut; Tutsch, Rainer; Manske, Eberhard
A feasibility study towards traceable calibration of size and form of microspheres by stitching AFM images using ICP point-to-plane algorithm. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 34 (2023), 5, 055009, S. 1-13

We present a new method for traceable calibration of size and form error of microspheres, which was realised by stitching a series of atomic force microscopic (AFM) images measured at different orientations of microspheres using the metrological large range AFM of the PTB. The stitching algorithm is achieved using an iterative closest point point-to-plane algorithm. As the AFM tip geometry is one of the most significant error sources for the developed method, it was traceably calibrated to a line width standard (type IVPS100-PTB), whose feature geometry was calibrated with a traceable route to the lattice constant of crystal silicon. Measurement setup, scan strategy, and data evaluation processes have been detailed in the paper. Measurement results show high stability and robustness of the developed method. For instance, the standard deviation of four repeated measurements reaches 5 nm, indicating promising performance.

Miegel, Konrad; Fröhlich, Thomas; Pätz, Joachim
Strahlungsfehler bei Lufttemperaturmessungen: Minimierung des Fehlers durch ein neues Referenzsystem und Vergleich mit konventionellen Messsystemen, Tages- und Jahresgang ihres Fehlers in Abhängigkeit von Strahlung und Windgeschwindigkeit :
Radiation error of air temperature measurements: minimization of the error by a new reference system and comparison with conventional measurement systems, diurnal and annual variation of their errors as a function of radiation and wind speed. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 90 (2023), 1, S. 65-78

The measurement of air temperature is associated with inaccuracies resulting from radiation errors. Liquid thermometers and automatic sensors are therefore housed in screens. Mechanical ventilation also helps to increase the accuracy of readings. Nonetheless, temperature measurements are not completely accurate. This spurred the development of a measuring system that features improved radiation protection and a modified mechanical ventilation system through a new type of screen. Parallel measurements with this new measurement system and two conventional screens of multiple plastic cones were taken at a location in north-east Germany with a temperate climate. Of the two traditional screens, one was ventilated and the other not. Based on previous findings concerning the seasonality of radiation errors, our analysis of their dependency on global radiation and wind speed was focused on the months of May to August, when global radiation is at its strongest. It was found that the not insignificant differences in Δ T\Delta T display a characteristic diurnal variation. With the new measurement system, in comparison with the two conventional measurung systems, the average air temperature of the four surveyed months during daylight hours was 0.43 K and 0.58 K lower. The differences in Δ T\Delta T are greatest not in the middle of the day but when the sun is low in the sky, as radiation is then reflected into the screen. The findings contribute to the understanding of the temporal variability of radiation errors in modern weather stations in dependence on global radiation and wind speed. The technical innovations presented here allow radiation errors to be largely avoided.

Lintzen, Thomas; Pabst, Markus; Fröhlich, Thomas
Zur Massendynamik eines geschlossenen Ökosystems, gemessen mit einem Prototyp Vakuummassekomparator - eine methodische Validierungsstudie :
On mass dynamics in a closed ecological system, determined with a prototype vacuum mass comparator - a methodological validation study. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 90 (2023), 2, S. 127-137

The aim of this work was to validate a novel methodology for high-resolution, repetitive measurements of mass dynamics of biological processes and structures in a closed plant-earth ecosystem consisting of Mammillaria vetula and microorganisms. To perform these experiments, the living system was materially welded into a newly developed Titanium Weighing Hollow Body (TWHB) with a laser. Three non-vital, also hermetically welded and high-vacuum suitable, externally identical TWHBs, filled with sand, served as controls. All TWHBs were equipped with a feedthrough and integrated light source. LEDs generated continuous light in all four bodies, which drove the photobiological processes in the vital test body and allowed long-term growth. Mass differences of the TWHBs were measured with a vacuum mass comparator at four points in time three months apart against two stainless steel mass standards. The expanded measurement uncertainty of the mass increase of the vital TWHB was calculated according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) in each of the three independent experiments. The mass gain of the vital over the three nonvital TWHBs over the total experimental period of 9 months was +18 μg with the expanded measurement uncertainty 30 μg. The resulting mass gain would have had to be > 48 μg to be considered statistically significant with a confidence level of 97.7%; time intervals over three and six months were also not significant. The study validates for the first time a methodology capable of measuring mass dynamics of living matter over time, when statistically sound conclusions with measurement uncertainties in the microgram range are required. This opens up a new level of precision mass measurements, which makes the methodology a candidate, e.g., for the verification of the principle of mass conservation in the life-sciences.

Vasilyan, Suren; Fröhlich, Thomas; Rogge, Norbert
Einsatz von gepulsten Lasern mit hoher Leistung in der Präzisionskraftmesstechnik - ein Schritt in die Richtung einer künftigen, SI-rückführbaren und praktischen Kraftquantisierung durch Photonenimpulse :
Deploying the high-power pulsed lasers in precision force metrology - towards SI traceable and practical force quantization by photon momentum. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 89 (2022), 11, S. 757-777

Design and operational performance of table-top measurement apparatus is presented towards direct Planck constant traceable high accuracy and high precision small forces and optical power measurements within the SI unit system. Electromagnetic force compensation weighing balances, highly reflective mirrors and high-energy pulsed laser unit (static average power 20 W) are tailored together with a specially developed opto-electro-mechanical measurement infrastructure for cross-mapping the scale-systems of two different precision small force measurement methods. One of these methods obtains the force measurements by a state-of-the-art classical kinematic system employing the partial use of Kibble balance principle in the range of 10 nN  to  4000 nN to be compared with forces generated due to quantum-mechanical effect namely the transfer of the momentum of photons from a macroscopic object. Detailed overview of the adapted measurement methodology, the static and the limits of dynamic measurement, the metrological traceability routes of the measurement parameters, quantities and their measurement uncertainties, parametric estimation of up (down)-scaling perspectives of the measurements are presented with respect to the state-of-the-art measurement principles and standard procedures within the newly redefined International System of Units (SI).

Shmagun, Vitalii; Gerhardt, Uwe; Fröhlich, Thomas; Manske, Eberhard; Kissinger, Thomas
Absolute distance measurements for in-situ interferometer characterisation using range-resolved interferometry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 33 (2022), 12, 125024, S. 1-12

Range-resolved interferometry (RRI) allows the simultaneous demodulation of multiple interferometric signal sources and provides a tomographic view of all constituent interferometers that may be present in a setup. Through comparison with a reference distance of known length, absolute distance measurements can be performed. RRI is tailored to the use of laser frequency modulation through injection-current modulation of regular, monolithic laser diodes that are both cost-effective and highly coherent and therefore this approach promises broad applicability. In this paper, two methods for absolute distance measurement, one based on the direct evaluation of the signal peak positions and one based on the phase demodulation of an additional lock-in modulation signal, are experimentally demonstrated. Using an external verification displacement interferometer, both techniques are shown to achieve in-situ absolute distance measurements with systematic errors below over a 50 mm travel range. The aim of this paper is to establish the general suitability of RRI for absolute distance measurements and in-situ tomographic interferometer characterisation for precision engineering. In future, this approach could be used to diagnose interferometric setups for parasitic signal contributions, multiple reflections or to determine the dead path length for accurate environmental compensation, either for use during initial setup of, or for continuous operation alongside, a regular displacement measuring interferometer.

Mathew, Sobin; Narasimha, Shilpashree; Reiprich, Johannes; Scheler, Theresa; Hähnlein, Bernd; Thiele, Sebastian; Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Kurtash, Vladislav; Abedin, Saadman; Manske, Eberhard; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Formation and characterization of three-dimensional tetrahedral MoS2 thin films by chemical vapor deposition. - In: Crystal growth & design, ISSN 1528-7505, Bd. 22 (2022), 9, S. 5229-5238

A method to synthesize the three-dimensional arrangement of bulk tetrahedral MoS2 thin films by solid source chemical vapor deposition of MoO3 and S is presented. The developed synthesizing recipe uses a temperature ramping with a constant N2 gas flow in the deposition process to grow tetrahedral MoS2 thin film layers. The study analyses the time-dependent growth morphologies, and the results are combined and presented in a growth model. A combination of optical, electron, atomic force microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction are used to study the morphological and structural features of the tetrahedral MoS2 thin layers. The grown MoS2 is c-axis oriented 2H-MoS2. Additionally, the synthesized material is further used to fabricate back-gated field-effect transistors (FETs). The fabricated FET devices on the tetrahedral MoS2 show on/off current ratios of 10^6 and mobility up to ∼56 cm^2 V^-1 s^-1 with an estimated carrier concentration of 4 × 10^16 cm-3 for VGS = 0 V.

Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Fröhlich, Thomas; Schnelle-Werner, Olaf
Conference measurement uncertainty Erfurt 2021 :
Tagung Messunsicherheit Erfurt 2021. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 89 (2022), 10, S. 645-646

Leineweber, Johannes; Meyer, Christoph; Füßl, Roland; Theska, René; Manske, Eberhard
A novel concept for 5D nanopositioning, nanomeasuring and nanofabrication machines :
Ein neuartiges Konzept für 5D Nanopositionier-, Nanomess-, und Nanofabrikationsmaschinen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 89 (2022), 9, S. 634-643

In den vergangenen Jahren wurden an der TU-Ilmenau zahlreiche Entwicklungen im Bereich der Nanopositionier- und Nanomesstechnik realisiert. Insbesondere die NMM-1 [Gerd Jäger, Eberhard Manske, Tino Hausotte, Jans-Joachim Büchner, Nanomessmaschine zur abbefehlerfreien Koordinatenmessung, tm - Technisches Messen, 67(7-8), 2000] sowie die NPMM-200 [Eberhard Manske, Gerd Jäger, Tino Hausotte, Felix Balzer, Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine NPMM-200 - sub-nanometre resolution and highest accuracy in extended macroscopic working areas, euspen’s 17th International Conference, 2017] stellen ein Novum auf dem Gebiet der Koordinatenmesstechnik mit Nanometerpräzision unter Einhaltung des Abbe-Komparatorprinzips [Ernst Abbe, Messaparate für Physiker, Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde, 10:446-448, 1890] dar. Ausgehend von diesen Errungenschaften besteht ein nächster Schritt im Messen und Fabrizieren auf stark gekrümmten, asphärischen, oder freigeformten Oberflächen. Vor jenem Hintergrund wird im folgenden Artikel ein Konzept für ein zweiachsiges Rotationsmodul vorgestellt. Dieses dient als Erweiterung für die NMM-1 und ermöglicht über das kartesische Messvolumen von hinaus zusätzlich eine Rotation des Tools über 360 ˚ um die Hochachse sowie 60 ˚ Neigung. Die Umsetzung erfolgt über eine neuartige sphärische Parallelkinematik. Mit Hilfe eines interferometrischen In-Situ-Referenzmesssystems können die während der Rotationsbewegungen auftretenden translatorischen Positionsabweichungen detektiert werden. Erste Untersuchungen an einem Prototypenaufbau erbringen den Funktionsnachweis des Referenzmesssystems über den gesamten adressierbaren Winkelbereich.

Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Ortlepp, Ingo; Belkner, Johannes; Dontsov, Denis; Langlotz, Enrico; Hesse, Steffen; Rangelow, Ivo W.; Manske, Eberhard
Measurement precision of a planar nanopositioning machine with a range of motion of Ø100 mm. - In: Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, Bd. 12 (2022), 15, 7843, S. 1-14

This work deals with various investigations into the accuracy of a newly developed planar nanopositioning machine. This machine, called Nanofabrication Machine 100 (NFM-100), has a positioning range of 100 mm in diameter. To determine the precision, various movement scenarios are performed with the machine table, and the trajectory deviation from the set trajectory is determined. In particular, the focus is on high velocities of up to 20 mm/s. Even at high speeds in the range of several millimetres per second, this machine can impress with its performance and only has a deviation in the nanometre range.

Zentner, Lena; Henning, Stefan; Fröhlich, Thomas
Design of compliant mechanisms based on rigid-body mechanisms. - In: Romanian journal of technical sciences, ISSN 2601-5811, Bd. 67 (2022), 1, S. 61-78

The design of compliant mechanisms is a much more complicated task than their analysis. Consequently, there are many more methods available for the analysis of compliant mechanisms than for their synthesis. In this article, a contribution to the synthesis of compliant mechanisms is made by presenting a comparison of two different methods for their design. In both methods rigid-body systems are used as a basis for compliant mechanisms. Depending on the task of the compliant mechanism, one of these methods can be selected and applied. The deviations between the results of the used theory and measurement results as well as FEM results are less than 5.5 % for displacements and acting forces. Selected mechanisms for the realization of a straight-line motion of a point and for given relative motions are presented as examples.

Pabst, Markus; Darnieder, Maximilian; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas
Adjustment concept for compensating for stiffness and tilt sensitivity of a novel monolithic electromagnetic force compensation (EMFC) weighing cell. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 11 (2022), 1, S. 109-116

This paper describes the new adjustment concept of novel planar, monolithic, high-precision electromagnetic force compensation weighing cells. The concept allows the stiffness and the tilt sensitivity of the compliant mechanisms that are dependent on the nominal load on the weighing pan to be adjusted to an optimum. The new mechanism is set up and adjusted according to the developed mechanical model. For evaluation of the concept the system is tested on a high-precision tilt table and under high vacuum conditions in the environment of a commercially available mass comparator.

Gerlach, Gerald; Sommer, Klaus-Dieter
Sensor and Measurement Science International Conference 2021. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 89 (2022), 1, S. 1-3

Fröhlich, Thomas; Sindram, Johannes; Haueisen, Jens; Hunold, Alexander
Kraftmessung von Elektroden an einem menschlichen Kopfmodell :
Force measurement of electrodes on a human head model. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 11, S. 724-730

Electroencephalography (EEG) and transcranial electric stimulation (TES) require caps for holding the respective electrodes in place. To support the optimal design of such caps, knowledge of the force-displacement curves for each electrode position is desirable. We propose a calibrated setup to traceably measure force-displacement curves which consists of a human head model, a force sensor, a linear guide, a stepper motor, and a multiplexing multimeter. Repeated measures of a textile EEG-cap and a TES-cap show significant non-linearity and hysteresis effects for the force-displacement curves. Our setup will allow for the assessment of the fit of EEG and TES-caps for various head shapes and sizes.

Vasilyan, Suren; Rogge, Norbert; Rothleitner, Christian; Lin, Shan; Poroskun, Ivan; Knopf, Dorothea; Härtig, Frank; Fröhlich, Thomas
Fortschritte in der Entwicklung einer Planck-Waage (Planck-Balance 2 - PB2): eine Tabletop-Kibble-Waage zur Kalibrierung von Gewichten der Klasse E2 :
The progress in development of the Planck-Balance 2 (PB2): a tabletop Kibble balance for the mass calibration of E2 class weights. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 12, S. 731-756

In this paper we present the progress in development of a table-top version of the Kibble balance under the name Planck-Balance 2 (PB2). The PB2 is developed as a collaboration effort between the Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau) and Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) aiming for automatized mass calibration of the set of weights in the range from 1 mg to 100 g within the required uncertainties as stated by OIML recommendation R111 for weights of E2 class. We describe the design and the operational performance of the PB2 system in detail, the results of rigorous investigations of the error sources and subsequent improvements made since the beginning of the project in early 2017, the measurement data with the corresponding relative uncertainties and the preliminarily obtained uncertainty budget.

Germanow, Philipp; Rogge, Norbert; Hausotte, Tino; Fröhlich, Thomas
Fibre-optical calibration of position sensors for Planck-Balances :
Faseroptische Kalibrierung von Positionssensoren für Planck-Waagen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 12, S. 757-763

Zur Kibble-Kalibrierung von EMK-Systemen (sogenannte Planck-Waagen) muss die induzierte Spulenspannung, sowie die Geschwindigkeit der Aktorspule während der Bewegung relativ zum Magnetfeld erfasst werden. Die Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeit erfolgt anhand der, über die Zeit, gemessenen Position. Als Alternative zur interferometrischen Messung wird in diesem Artikel ein Verfahren zur faseroptischen Kalibrierung der, bei EMK-Systemen weit verbreiteten, optischen Positionssensoren vorgestellt. Der eigens entwickelte faseroptische Sensor, sowie die theoretisch beschriebene Kalibrierung wurden an einer Planck-Waage messtechnisch validiert. Im direkten Vergleich mit einem kommerziellen Interferometer wurden Kennlinienabweichungen von unter 60 nm über einem Bewegungsbereich von ± 12 [my]m erzielt.

Kittler, Mario; Krapf, Gunter; Töpfer, Hannes; Fröhlich, Thomas
Quantum-based sensors for detection and discretization of currents in EMFC weighing systems :
Quantenbasierte Sensorik zur Erfassung und Diskretisierung von Strömen für EMK-Wägesysteme. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 12, S. 764-772

Hochpräzise Wägesysteme nach dem Prinzip der elektromagnetischen Kraftkompensation (EMK), wie Massekomparatoren, finden trotz Neudefinition der Einheit Kilogramm weiterhin Anwendung bei der Realisierung sowie Weitergabe einer praktischen Masseskale, indem sie metrologische Massevergleiche anhand des elektrischen Stromes als Zwischengröße ermöglichen. Gleichzeitig haben Quanteninterferometer auf Basis einer supraleitenden Hochgeschwindigkeitselektronik das Potential, kleinste Änderungen des magnetischen Flusses im Femtotesla-Bereich aufzulösen und eröffnen somit einen alternativen Ansatz zum Erfassen kleinster Stromdifferenzen. Die Kombination dieser bislang größtenteils nur für Fundamentalexperimente in der elektrischen Metrologie ausgenutzten quantenelektrischen Effekte mit Systemen der Präzisionskraftmessung ist eine neuartige Ausgangsbasis zur Verbesserung der Messgenauigkeit dieser Referenzsysteme. Insbesondere bietet die Anwendung eines quantenbasierten Analog-zu-Digital-Wandlers ein deutliches Potential zum Erschließen bisher unerreichter Genauigkeiten. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse erster experimenteller Arbeiten zum Nachweis des grundlegenden Funktionsprinzips präsentiert. Darüber hinaus erfolgt eine Abschätzung der Leistungsfähigkeit sowie des Entwicklungspotentials des vorgestellten quantenbasierten Stromsensors für hochpräzise EMK-Wägesysteme.

Griebel, Alexandra; Henning, Stefan; Griebel, Stefan; Schale, Florian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Töpfer, Hannes; Zentner, Lena
Naučnye issledovanija na osnove modelirovanija s celьju raspoznavanija sily putem monitoringa a deformacionnogo sostojanija gibkogo mechanizma :
Model-based investigations of force detection by monitoring the deformation state of a compliant mechanism. - In: Problems of mechanics, ISSN 1512-0740, (2021), No. 3(84), Seite 51-62

A strong, long-lasting pressure on the human skin whose effect is increased by shear forces can lead to the development of a pressure ulcer (decubitus). In order to minimize the risk of pressure ulcers developing, critical forces acting between the body and a sitting or lying surface should be detected and eliminated in time. One possibility for detecting critical forces is the actuation of tactile switches. In this article, miniature tactile switches are integrated into a compliant mechanism using the example of a MATF1 mattress spring made by Hartmann Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG. For this purpose, the deformation behavior of the spring is analyzed by means of non-linear analytical and finite elements method (FEM) calculations and the required tactile switches parameters as well as suitable locations for their placement are determined. A functional model is then built and examined.

Manske, Eberhard; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas; Ortlepp, Ingo
Foreword to the special issue on "Tip- and laser-based 3D nanofabrication in extended macroscopic working areas". - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 4 (2021), 3, S. 131

Shin, Dong Wook; Quan, Lue; Shimizu, Yuki; Matsukuma, Hiraku; Cai, Yindi; Manske, Eberhard; Gao, Wei
In-situ evaluation of the pitch of a reflective-type scale grating by using a mode-locked femtosecond laser. - In: Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, Bd. 11 (2021), 17, 8028, S. 1-16

Major modifications are made to the setup and signal processing of the method of in-situ measurement of the pitch of a diffraction grating based on the angles of diffraction of the diffracted optical frequency comb laser emanated from the grating. In the method, the improvement of the uncertainty of in-situ pitch measurement can be expected since every mode in the diffracted optical frequency comb laser can be utilized. Instead of employing a Fabry-Pérot etalon for the separation of the neighboring modes in the group of the diffracted laser beams, the weight-of-mass method is introduced in the method to detect the light wavelength in the Littrow configuration. An attempt is also made to reduce the influence of the non-uniform spectrum of the optical comb laser employed in the setup through normalization operation. In addition, an optical alignment technique with the employment of a retroreflector is introduced for the precise alignment of optical components in the setup. Furthermore, a mathematical model of the pitch measurement by the proposed method is established, and theoretical analysis on the uncertainty of pitch measurement is carried out based on the guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM).

Ortlepp, Ingo; Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Manske, Eberhard
Processing and analysis of long-range scans with an atomic force microscope (AFM) in combination with nanopositioning and nanomeasuring technology for defect detection and quality control. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 21 (2021), 17, 5862, insges. 17 S.

This paper deals with a planar nanopositioning and -measuring machine, the so-called nanofabrication machine (NFM-100), in combination with a mounted atomic force microscope (AFM). This planar machine has a circular moving range of 100 mm. Due to the possibility of detecting structures in the nanometre range with an atomic force microscope and the large range of motion of the NFM-100, structures can be analysed with high resolution and precision over large areas by combining the two systems, which was not possible before. On the basis of a grating sample, line scans over lengths in the millimetre range are demonstrated on the one hand; on the other hand, the accuracy as well as various evaluation methods are discussed and analysed.

Hosobuchi, Keiichiro; Oertel, Erik; Manske, Eberhard
Metrological investigation of a scanning electrostatic force microscope on a nano-positioning and nano-measuring machine. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 32 (2021), 10, 104012, insges. 7 S.

A surface profile measurement system was developed by combining a scanning electrostatic force microscope (SEFM) and a nano-measuring machine (NMM-1) and its characteristics were evaluated. SEFM is a type of scanning probe microscope (SPM) advocated in 2012. In SEFM, eliminating the trade-off between measurement accuracy, measurement speed, and stability has been a problem. As with other SPMs, the positioning accuracy of the probe and sample directly affects the measurement accuracy in SEFM. In this research, the SEFM principle was applied to the NMM-1, which is a high-precision positioning platform that achieves an uncertainty of smaller than 10 nm. In order to improve the force detection sensitivity, a probe polishing and assembling procedures was devised and, as a result, the quality factor of the sensor has been significantly improved. Furthermore, a method for optimizing scan parameters based on a theoretical model was proposed. The noise level of the measurement results was reduced by setting appropriate parameters, which agreed well with the theory. Profile measurements utilizing the developed measurement system were performed on line-and-space samples with an amplitude of 270 nm and a pitch of 10 [my]m. The results were compared with a conventional atomic force microscope as a reference. A surface measurement was performed on the sample, and a complete non-contact scan of a measurement range of 25 [my]m × 25 [my]m was demonstrated.

Ortlepp, Ingo; Fröhlich, Thomas; Füßl, Roland; Reger, Johann; Schäffel, Christoph; Sinzinger, Stefan; Strehle, Steffen; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena; Zöllner, Jens-Peter; Rangelow, Ivo W.; Reinhardt, Carsten; Hausotte, Tino; Cao, Xinrui; Dannberg, Oliver; Fern, Florian; Fischer, David; Gorges, Stephan; Hofmann, Martin; Kirchner, Johannes; Meister, Andreas; Sasiuk, Taras; Schienbein, Ralf; Supreeti, Shraddha; Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Weise, Christoph; Reuter, Christoph; Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Manske, Eberhard
Tip- and laser-based 3D nanofabrication in extended macroscopic working areas. - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 4 (2021), 3, S. 132-148

The field of optical lithography is subject to intense research and has gained enormous improvement. However, the effort necessary for creating structures at the size of 20 nm and below is considerable using conventional technologies. This effort and the resulting financial requirements can only be tackled by few global companies and thus a paradigm change for the semiconductor industry is conceivable: custom design and solutions for specific applications will dominate future development (Fritze in: Panning EM, Liddle JA (eds) Novel patterning technologies. International society for optics and photonics. SPIE, Bellingham, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2593229). For this reason, new aspects arise for future lithography, which is why enormous effort has been directed to the development of alternative fabrication technologies. Yet, the technologies emerging from this process, which are promising for coping with the current resolution and accuracy challenges, are only demonstrated as a proof-of-concept on a lab scale of several square micrometers. Such scale is not adequate for the requirements of modern lithography; therefore, there is the need for new and alternative cross-scale solutions to further advance the possibilities of unconventional nanotechnologies. Similar challenges arise because of the technical progress in various other fields, realizing new and unique functionalities based on nanoscale effects, e.g., in nanophotonics, quantum computing, energy harvesting, and life sciences. Experimental platforms for basic research in the field of scale-spanning nanomeasuring and nanofabrication are necessary for these tasks, which are available at the Technische Universität Ilmenau in the form of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring (NPM) machines. With this equipment, the limits of technical structurability are explored for high-performance tip-based and laser-based processes for enabling real 3D nanofabrication with the highest precision in an adequate working range of several thousand cubic millimeters.

Thompson, Adam; Southon, Nicholas; Fern, Florian; Stupfler, Gilles; Leach, Richard
Efficient empirical determination of maximum permissible error in coordinate metrology. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 32 (2021), 10, 105013, insges. 17 S.

Maximum permissible errors (MPEs) are an important measurement system specification and form the basis of periodic verification of a measurement system's performance. However, there is no standard methodology for determining MPEs, so when they are not provided, or not suitable for the measurement procedure performed, it is unclear how to generate an appropriate value with which to verify the system. Whilst a simple approach might be to take many measurements of a calibrated artefact and then use the maximum observed error as the MPE, this method requires a large number of repeat measurements for high confidence in the calculated MPE. Here, we present a statistical method of MPE determination, capable of providing MPEs with high confidence and minimum data collection. The method is presented with 1000 synthetic experiments and is shown to determine an overestimated MPE within 10% of an analytically true value in 99.2% of experiments, while underestimating the MPE with respect to the analytically true value in 0.8% of experiments (overestimating the value, on average, by 1.24%). The method is then applied to a real test case (probing form error for a commercial fringe projection system), where the efficiently determined MPE is overestimated by 0.3% with respect to an MPE determined using an arbitrarily chosen large number of measurements.

Pahl, Tobias; Hagemeier, Sebastian; Bischoff, Jörg; Manske, Eberhard; Lehmann, Peter
Rigorous 3D modeling of confocal microscopy on 2D surface topographies. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 32 (2021), 9, 094010, insges. 15 S.

Although optical 3D topography measurement instruments are widespread, measured profiles suffer from systematic deviations occurring due to the wave characteristics of light. These deviations can be analyzed by numerical simulations. We present a 3D modeling of the image formation of confocal microscopes. For this, the light-surface interaction is simulated using two different rigorous methods, the finite element method and the rigorous coupled-wave analysis. The image formation in the confocal microscope is simulated using a Fourier optics approach. The model provides high accuracy and advantages with respect to the computational effort as a full 3D model is applied to 2D structures and the lateral scanning process of the confocal microscope is considered without repeating the time consuming rigorous simulation of the scattering process. The accuracy of the model is proved considering different deterministic surface structures, which usually cause strong systematic deviations in measurement results. Further, the influences of apodization and a finite pinhole size are demonstrated.

Weigert, Florian; Hebenstreit, Roman; Füßl, Roland; Theska, René
Experimental setup for the investigation of reproducibility of novel tool changing systems in nanofabrication machines. - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 4 (2021), 3, S. 181-189

Nanomeasuring machines developed at the Technische Universität Ilmenau enable three-dimensional measurements and manufacturing processes with the lowest uncertainties. Due to the requirements for these processes, a highly reproducible and long-term stable tool changing system is needed. For this purpose, kinematically determined couplings are widely used. The state-of-the-art investigations on those are not sufficient for the highest demands on the reproducibility required for this application. A theoretical determination of the reproducibility based on analytical or numerical methods is possible, however not in the desired nanometer range. Due to this, a measurement setup for the determination of the reproducibility in five degrees of freedom with nanometer uncertainty was developed. First, potential measuring devices are systematically examined and measurement principles were developed out of this. A three-dimensional vector-based uncertainty analysis is performed to prove the feasibility of the measurement principle and provides a basis for further design. As a result, a translatory measurement uncertainty of 10 nm and a rotatory uncertainty of 11 nrad can be reached. Afterwards, the measurement setup is designed, focusing on the metrological frame and the lift-off device. The developed setup exceeds the uncertainties of the measurement setups presented in the state-of-the-art by an order of magnitude, allowing new in-depth investigations of the reproducibility of kinematic couplings.

Straube, Guido; Fischer Calderón, Juan Sebastian; Ortlepp, Ingo; Füßl, Roland; Manske, Eberhard
A heterodyne interferometer with separated beam paths for high-precision displacement and angular measurements. - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 4 (2021), 3, S. 200-207

As standard concepts for precision positioning within a machine reach their limits with increasing measurement volumes, inverse concepts are a promising approach for addressing this problem. The inverse principle entails other limitations, as for high-precision positioning of a sensor head within a large measurement volume, three four-beam interferometers are required in order to measure all necessary translations and rotations of the sensor head and reconstruct the topography of the reference system consisting of fixed mirrors in the x-, y-, and z-directions. We present the principle of a passive heterodyne laser interferometer with consequently separated beam paths for the individual heterodyne frequencies. The beam path design is illustrated and described, as well as the design of the signal-processing and evaluation algorithm, which is implemented using a System-On-a-Chip with an integrated FPGA, CPU, and A/D converters. A streamlined bench-top optical assembly was set up and measurements were carried out to investigate the remaining non-linearities. Additionally, reference measurements with a commercial homodyne interferometer were executed.

Ortlepp, Ingo; Zöllner, Jens-Peter; Rangelow, Ivo W.; Manske, Eberhard
Heterodyne standing-wave interferometer with improved phase stability. - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 4 (2021), 3, S. 190-199

This paper describes a standing-wave interferometer with two laser sources of different wavelengths, diametrically opposed and emitting towards each other. The resulting standing wave has an intensity profile which is moving with a constant velocity, and is directly detected inside the laser beam by two thin and transparent photo sensors. The first sensor is at a fixed position, serving as a phase reference for the second one which is moved along the optical axis, resulting in a frequency shift, proportional to the velocity. The phase difference between both sensors is evaluated for the purpose of interferometric length measurements.

Granet, Gérard; Bischoff, Jörg
Matched coordinates for the analysis of 1D gratings. - In: Journal of the Optical Society of America, ISSN 1520-8532, Bd. 38 (2021), 6, S. 790-798

The Fourier modal method (FMM) is certainly one of the most popular and general methods for the modeling of diffraction gratings. However, for non-lamellar gratings it is associated with a staircase approximation of the profile, leading to poor convergence rate for metallic gratings in TM polarization. One way to overcome this weakness of the FMM is the use of the fast Fourier factorization (FFF) first derived for the differential method. That approach relies on the definition of normal and tangential vectors to the profile. Instead, we introduce a coordinate system that matches laterally the profile and solve the covariant Maxwells equations in the new coordinate system, hence the name matched coordinate method (MCM). Comparison of efficiencies computed with MCM with other data from the literature validates the method.

Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Ortlepp, Ingo; Blumröder, Ulrike; Dontsov, Denis; Schäffel, Christoph; Holz, Mathias; Rangelow, Ivo W.; Manske, Eberhard
Untersuchungen zur Positioniergenauigkeit der NanoFabrikationsmaschine (NFM-100) :
Investigations on the positioning accuracy of the Nano Fabrication Machine (NFM-100). - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 9, S. 581-589

This contribution deals with the analysis of the positioning accuracy of a new Nano Fabrication Machine. This machine uses a planar direct drive system and has a positioning range up to 100 mm in diameter. The positioning accuracy was investigated in different movement scenarios, including phases of acceleration and deceleration. Also, the target position error of certain movements at different positions of the machine slider is considered. Currently, the NFM-100 is equipped with a tip-based measuring system. This Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) uses self-actuating and self-sensing microcantilevers, which can be used also for Field-Emission-Scanning-Probe-Lithography (FESPL). This process is capable of fabricating structures in the range of nanometres. In combination with the NFM-100 and its positioning range, nanostructures can be analysed and written in a macroscopic range without any tool change. However, the focus in this article is on the measurement and positioning accuracy of the tip-based measuring system in combination with the NFM-100 and is verified by repeated measurements. Finally, a linescan, realised using both systems, is shown over a long range of motion of 30 mm.

Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Häcker, Annika-Verena; Reinhardt, Carsten; Manske, Eberhard
Two-photon direct laser writing beyond the diffraction limit using the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine. - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 4 (2021), 3, S. 149-155

Since the first realization of two-photon direct laser writing (DLW) in Maruo et al. (Opt Lett 22:132-134, 1997), the manufacturing using direct laser writing techniques spread out in many laboratories all over the world. Photosensitive materials with different material properties open a new field for micro- and nanofabrication. The achievable structuring resolution using this technique is reported to be sub-100 nm (Paz et al. in J. Laser Appl. 24:042004, 2012), while a smallest linewidth of 25 nm could be shown in Tan et al. (Appl Phys Lett 90:071106, 2007). In our approach, the combination of DLW with the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine NMM-1 offers an improvement of the technique from the engineering side regarding the ultra-precise positioning (Weidenfeller et al. in Adv Fabr Technol Micro/Nano Opt Photon XI 10544:105440E, 2018). One big benefit besides the high positioning resolution of 0.1 nm is offered by the positioning range of 25 mm × 25 mm × 5 mm (Jäger et al. in Technisches Messen 67:319-323, 2000; Manske et al. in Meas Sci Technol 18:520-527, 2007). Thus, a trans-scale fabrication without any stitching or combination of different positioning systems is necessary. The immense synergy between the highly precise positioning and the DLW is demonstrated by the realization of resist lines and trenches whose center-to-center distance undergoes the modified diffraction limit for two-photon processes. The precise positioning accuracy enables a defined distance between illuminated lines. Hence, with a comparable huge width of the trenches of 1.655 [my]m due to a low effective numerical aperture of 0.16, a resist line of 30 nm between two written trenches could be achieved. Although the interrelationships for achieving such narrow trenches have not yet been clarified, much smaller resist lines and trench widths are possible with this approach in the near future.

Marin, Sebastian; Pätz, Joachim; Fröhlich, Thomas
Self-heating of resistance thermometers for air temperature measurements with pulsed current supply :
Eigenerwärmung von Widerstandsthermometern für Lufttemperaturmessungen bei Impulstromspeisung. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 9, S. 556-561

Sehr präzise Lufttemperaturmessung in der Meteorologie oder in klimatisierten Innenräumen sind herausfordernd, weil Strahlungseinflüsse und die Eigenerwärmung der Widerstandsthermometer teilweise erhebliche Störeinflüsse sind. In unserem Artikel betrachten wir eine spezielle Stromspeisung und weisen nach, dass diese die Eigenerwärmung auf unter ein Millikelvin reduzieren kann. Für einen typischen, für den Außeneinsatz in meteorologischen Wetterstationen geeigneten und üblichen Fühleraufbau erfolgen Simulationen der durch den gepulsten elektrischen Messstrom auftretenden statischen und dynamischen Eigenerwärmung. Der transiente Verlauf der Eigenerwärmung hängt stärker vom inneren Aufbau des Fühlers als vom Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten zur umgebenden ruhenden Luft ab. Die mittlere statische Eigenerwärmung aus einem stark vereinfachten Modell passt gut zum simulierten transienten Verlauf. Die Methode der Impulsstromspeisung hat sich durch die beschriebenen Simulationen als sehr effektiv zur Verringerung der Eigenerwärmung von Widerstandsthermometern erwiesen.

Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Fröhlich, Thomas; Schnelle-Werner, Olaf
Measurement uncertainty 2020 :
Messunsicherheit 2020. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 2, S. 59-60

Schienbein, Ralf; Fern, Florian; Theska, René; Supreeti, Shraddha; Füßl, Roland; Manske, Eberhard
Fundamental investigations in the design of five-axis nanopositioning machines for measurement and fabrication purposes. - In: Nanomanufacturing and metrology, ISSN 2520-8128, Bd. 4 (2021), 3, S. 156-164

The majority of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines (NPMMs) are based on three independent linear movements in a Cartesian coordinate system. This in combination with the specific nature of sensors and tools limits the addressable part geometries. An enhancement of an NPMM is introduced by the implementation of rotational movements while keeping the precision in the nanometer range. For this purpose, a parameter-based dynamic evaluation system with quantifiable technological parameters has been set up and employed to identify and assess general solution concepts and adequate substructures. Evaluations taken show high potential for three linear movements of the object in combination with two angular movements of the tool. The influence of the additional rotation systems on the existing structure of NPMMs has been investigated further on. Test series on the repeatability of an NPMM enhanced by a chosen combination of a rotary stage and a goniometer setup are realized. As a result of these test series, the necessity of in situ position determination of the tool became very clear. The tool position is measured in situ in relation to a hemispherical reference mirror by three Fabry-Pérot interferometers. FEA optimization has been used to enhance the overall system structure with regard to reproducibility and long-term stability. Results have been experimentally investigated by use of a retroreflector as a tool and the various laser interferometers of the NPMM. The knowledge gained has been formed into general rules for the verification and optimization of design solutions for multiaxial nanopositioning machines.

Ortlepp, Ingo; Manske, Eberhard; Zöllner, Jens-Peter; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Phase-modulated standing wave interferometer. - In: Micromachines, ISSN 2072-666X, Bd. 12 (2021), 4, 357, insges. 15 S.

The actual technical implementation of conventional interferometers is quite complex and requires manual manufacturing. In combination with the required construction space defined by the optical setup, their applications are limited to selected measuring tasks. In contrast, Standing Wave Interferometers (SWIs) offer an enormous potential for miniaturisation because of their simple linear optical setup, consisting only of a laser source, a measuring mirror and two transparent standing wave sensors for obtaining quadrature signals. The two sensors are located inside the measuring beam and therefore directly influence the length measurement. To reduce optical influences on the standing wave and avoid the need for an exact and long-term stable sensor-to-sensor-distance, a single sensor configuration was developed. There, a phase modulation is superimposed to the sensor signal by a forced oscillation of the measuring mirror. When the correct modulation stroke is applied, the resulting harmonics in the sensor signal are 90˚ phase-shifted to each other and can hence be used for obtaining quadrature signals for phase demodulation and direction discrimination by an arctan-algorithm.

Lambri, Osvaldo Agustin; Weidenfeller, Bernd; Bonifacich, Federico Guillermo; Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio Pérez de; Cuello, Gabriel Julio; Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Recarte, Vicente; Zelada, Griselda I.; Riehemann, Werner
Magnetic behavior in commercial iron-silicon alloys controlled by the dislocation dynamics at temperatures below 420 K. - In: Journal of alloys and compounds, ISSN 1873-4669, Bd. 856 (2021), 157934

A decrease of the temperature dependent coercive forces up to around 370 K is discovered in iron silicon alloys, both in quenched samples and in samples which were previously thermally treated to achieve the highest magnetic quality. Alloys of composition Fe-6 wt.% Si and Fe-3 wt.% Si are studied. This reduction in the coercive force is controlled by an increase in the mobility of the domain walls due to the increase in the dislocation's mobility enhanced by the movement of vacancies. It is worthwhile to mention that this reduction in coercive force is only present at these slightly elevated temperatures which are markedly smaller than the usual annealing temperatures for heat treatment of iron silicon alloys while it disappears again at room temperature. Neutron thermodiffraction, magnetic hysteresis loops tracer and mechanical spectroscopy are used as experimental techniques.

Fern, Florian; Füßl, Roland; Manske, Eberhard; Schienbein, Ralf; Theska, René; Ortlepp, Ingo; Leineweber, Johannes
Measurement uncertainty analysis on a five-axis nano coordinate measuring machine NMM-5D following a vectorial approach :
Messunsicherheitsbetrachtungen an einem fünfachsigen Nano-Koordinatenmessgerät NMM-5D nach einem vektoriellen Ansatz. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 2, S. 61-70

Dieser Beitrag zeigt ein Konzept für eine fünfachsige Nano-Koordinatenmessmaschine zur Messung auf stark gekrümmten asphärischen und frei geformten optischen Oberflächen in einem Messvolumen von 25mm × 25mm × 5mm mit einem maximal möglichen Neigungswinkel von bis zu 60˚ zur Hochachse und einer maximalen Rotation von 360˚ um die Hochachse. Dabei wird die Probe translatorisch bewegt und der Sensor in seiner Orientierung verändert. Unter Einhaltung des Abbe-Komparatorprinzips für alle Messachsen wird die Bewegungsabweichung des Sensors bei der Rotation durch ein in-situ-Referenzmesssystem erfasst. Dieses besteht aus drei kartesisch angeordneten Fabry-Pérot-Interferometern mit dem Ursprung im Antastpunktes des Sensors, die den Abstand zu einer hemisphärischen Referenzfläche messen. Die Messunsicherheitsbetrachtung des Gesamtsystems erfolgt nach dem guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement in einem vektoriellen Ansatz und liefert unter konservativen Annahmen eine Unsicherheit des Antastpunktes von maximal 72 nm (k=1).

Sachs, Sebastian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg
Suppression of free convection effects for spherical 1 kg mass prototype. - In: International journal of heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1879-2189, Bd. 170 (2021), 121037, insges. 13 S.

We investigate the free convection processes in the vicinity of a spherical 1 kg mass standard by two- and three-dimensional direct numerical simulations using a spectral element method. Our focus is on the determination and suppression of updraft forces in a high-precision mass comparator which are caused by temperature differences between mass standard and its environment in the millikelvin range - a source of systematic uncertainties in the high-precison mass determination. A two-dimensional model is presented first, which obtains a good agreement with previous laboratory measurements for the smaller temperature differences up to 15 mK. The influence of different boundary conditions and side lengths of the square domain is discussed for the mass standard positioned in the center of the chamber. The complexity is increased subsequently in configurations with additional built-ins for counter heating in form of planar plates or hemispherical shells above the mass standard. The latter ones lead to a full compensation of the updraft force. Three-dimensional simulations in a closed cubic chamber confirm the two-dimensional findings and additionally reveal complex secondary flow patterns in the vicinity of the mass standard. The reduction of the heat transfer due to the built-ins is also demonstrated by a comparison of the Nusselt numbers as a function of the Rayleigh number in the chosen parameter range. Our simulations suggest that such additional constructive measures can enhance the precision of the mass determination by suppression of free convection and related systematic uncertainties.

Sasiuk, Taras; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René; Oliveira, Rafael Soares
A novel approach to generate a static torque in the range from 1 mN&hahog;m to 1 N&hahog;m :
Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Erzeugung eines statischen Drehmoments im Bereich von 1 mN&hahog;m bis 1 N&hahog;m. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 88 (2021), 2, S. 103-113

Drehmomentsensoren mit einem kleinen Messbereich bis zu 1 N&hahog;m sind Teil verschiedener Präzisionsgeräte, wie beispielsweise Roboter oder Werkzeuge für medizinische Operationen und Nanofabrikationsgeräte. Die Drehmomentsensoren benötigen häufig eine Kalibrierung, für die eine Rückführbarkeit nachgewiesen werden muss. Gemäß gesetzlichem Auftrag haben die nationalen metrologischen Institute die Aufgabe, die Drehmomenteinheiten zu realisieren und die geforderte Rückführbarkeit zu ermöglichen. Dieser Artikel zeigt, wie nach einem neuen Prinzip statische Drehmomente im Bereich von 1 mN&hahog;m bis 1 N&hahog;m erzeugt werden können. Ziel der laufenden Arbeiten war die Umsetzung dieser neuen Idee der Drehmomenterzeugung zur Schaffung einer neuen, präziseren Drehmoment-Normalmesseinrichtung. Die Leistungsfähigkeit der neuen Methode wurde mit der Erzeugung von statischen Drehmomenten nach dem Stand der Technik (PTB-Drehmoment-Normalmesseinrichtung) verglichen.

Vasilyan, Suren; López, Marco; Rogge, Norbert; Pastuschek, Marcel; Lecher, Holger; Manske, Eberhard; Kück, Stefan; Fröhlich, Thomas
Revisiting the limits of photon momentum based optical power measurement method, employing the case of multi-reflected laser beam. - In: Metrologia, ISSN 1681-7575, Bd. 58 (2021), 1, 015006, insges. 13 S.

In this work, we review the viability and precision of the photon-momentum-based optical power measurement method that employs an amplification effect caused by a multi-reflected laser beam trapped in an optical cavity. Measuring the total momentum transfer of the absorbed and re-emitted photons from a highly reflective surface (reflection of the laser beam from an optical mirror) as a force provides the possibility of measuring the optical power with direct traceability to SI units. Trial measurements were performed at two different metrology laboratories: the laboratory for mass/force at the Technical University of Ilmenau, and the clean room laser radiometry laboratory at PTB, with a portable force measurement setup consisting of two electromagnetic force compensation balances. We compared the results of the optical power measurements performed with the force measurement setup, via the photon-momentum-based method, with those performed using a calibrated reference standard detector traceable to PTB's primary standard for optical power, the cryogenic radiometer. The comparison was carried out for an optical power range between 1 W and 10 W at a wavelength of 532 nm, which corresponds to a force of approximately 2000 nN at the upper limit, yielding approximately 2.3% relative standard uncertainty in the case of 33 reflections. Thus, conflating the high-precision force metrology technique at [my]N to nN levels with the optical setup required to achieve specular multi-reflection configuration of the laser beam, where a macroscopic optical cavity with ultra-high reflective mirrors (>99.995%) can adjustably be suspended from the force sensors, depending on required geometry of reflections, we show that the uncertainty of the optical power measurements upon further increase of the nominally applied optical power, the number of laser beam reflections, or the reflectivity coefficient of the mirrors can be markedly reduced.

Oertel, Erik; Manske, Eberhard
Radius and roundness measurement of micro spheres based on a set of AFM surface scans. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 32 (2021), 4, 044005, S. 1-11

Micro coordinate measuring machines have been developed for the traceable characterisation of small complex parts, due to the demand in research and industry. These machines require geometrically well characterised probing spheres of ever smaller radii. Currently, there is no established procedure for the measurement of such spheres below radii of 500 [my]m. In this paper we, therefore, propose and investigate an approach which is based on a set of AFM surface scans in conjunction with a stitching algorithm. The strategy was implemented on a nano measuring machine and investigated on a ruby sphere with a radius of 150 [my]m. Although the strategy can generally be applied to the characterisation of a full sphere, we limit ourselves to the measurement of one greate circle (equator). The technique enables the measurement of micro spheres with a high lateral and vertical resolution. The mean radius of the ruby sphere was measured with a standard deviation of 3.7 nm over 6 repetitions. As our experiments have shown, the measurement procedure is at the moment mainly influenced by the shape of the AFM tip which requires further attention.

Fern, Florian; Füßl, Roland; Eichfelder, Gabriele; Manske, Eberhard; Kühnel, Michael
Coordinate transformation and its uncertainty under consideration of a non-orthogonal coordinate base. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 32 (2021), 4, 045001, insges. 6 S.

Nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines are 3D coordinate measuring systems with nanometer precision at measurement volumes in the cubic centimeter range. The coordinate base is formed by an interferometer system with a common mirror corner. The orthogonality deviations of the mirror corner require a coordinate transformation of the measuring axes. The uncertainty of the coordinate transformation must be taken into account in the overall measurement uncertainty budget. Starting from a complete transformation model, the result of model simplications on the transformation behaviour is analysed and discussed.

Schienbein, Ralf; Theska, René; Fern, Florian; Füßl, Roland; Supreeti, Shraddha
Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung von fünfachsigen Nanopositioniermaschinen für Mess- und Fertigungszwecke. - In: Jahrbuch Optik und Feinmechanik, ISSN 0075-272X, Bd. 66 (2020), S. 67-92

Dannberg, Oliver; Kühnel, Michael; Fröhlich, Thomas
Development of a cantilever calibration device :
Entwicklung einer Cantileverkalibriereinrichtung. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 87 (2020), 10, S. 622-629

Das Messen kleiner Kräfte ist in vielen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen, wie beispielsweise der Physik oder Biologie, erforderlich. Bei Kräften im Bereich von Nanonewton werden typischerweise AFM-Cantilever als Kraftsensoren genutzt. Die Steifigkeit des Cantilevers muss bekannt sein um von der Durchbiegung auf die Kraft zu schließen. Aufgrund von Fertigungsabweichungen kommt es zu einer großen Streuung der Cantileversteifigkeit. Für eine präzise Kraftmessung muss daher jeder einzelne Cantilever kalibriert werden. Das derzeit genauste Kalibrierverfahren basiert darauf die Kraft-Weg-Kennlinie des Cantilevers statisch zu messen und ihren Anstieg zu bestimmen. In diesem Artikel wird ein neuartiger Prüfstand beschrieben welcher nach diesem Prinzip arbeitet. Ein Interferometer misst die Position und eine neuartige, eingelenkige Wägezelle die Kraft des Cantilevers. Die Wägezelle wurde in zwei unabhängigen Experimenten mit übereinstimmendem Ergebnis kalibriert. Abschließend werden die Messergebnisse einer Cantileverkalibrierung präsentiert.

Nilsen, Madeleine; Dannberg, Oliver; Fröhlich, Thomas; Strehle, Steffen
Direct polymer microcantilever fabrication from free-standing dry film photoresists. - In: Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, ISSN 1361-6439, Bd. 30 (2020), 9, 095012, S. 1-13

Manske, Eberhard; Fröhlich, Thomas; Füßl, Roland; Ortlepp, Ingo; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Blumröder, Ulrike; Dontsov, Denis; Kühnel, Michael; Köchert, Paul
Progress of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines for cross-scale measurement with sub-nanometre precision. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Volume 31 (2020), number 8, 085005, Seite 1-8

Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Dontsov, Denis
Nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine for multi-sensor applications. - In: Measuring Equipment and Metrology, ISSN 2617-846X, Bd. 81 (2020), 2, S. 17-24

In micro- and nanotechnology, the demands placed on measurement technology are increasing. The structures to be measured are becoming more complex with smaller structure widths, increasingly larger surface regions, and thousands of inspection features. To solve the problems, it has become desirable and even necessary to combine multi-sensor technology with high precision nanopositioning and nano measuring technology. The Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine NMM-1 with a measuring range of 25 mm × 25 mm × 5 mm and sub-nanometer resolution allow the application of several optical, tactile and atomic force probes. The combination of several sensor technologies in a multi-sensor approach for application with the NMM-1 is demonstrated.

Omidian, Maryam; Néel, Nicolas; Manske, Eberhard; Pezoldt, Jörg; Lei, Yong; Kröger, Jörg
Structural and local electronic properties of clean and Li-intercalated graphene on SiC(0001). - In: Surface science, ISSN 1879-2758, Bd. 699 (2020), 121638

Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Fröhlich, Thomas; Härtig, Frank
The revised International System of Units (SI) and the resulting new potentials :
Das erneuerte Internationale Einheitensystem (SI) und seine Potenziale. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 87 (2020), 4, S. 223-225

Fröhlich, Thomas; Rogge, Norbert; Vasilyan, Suren; Rothleitner, Christian; Günther, Ludwig; Lin, Shan; Hilbrunner, Falko; Knopf, Dorothea; Härtig, Frank; Marangoni, Rafael R.
New ways to calibrate E2 mass standards and realization of forces up to 10 N :
Neue Wege zur Kalibrierung von E2-Massenormalen und Darstellung von Kräften bis 10 N. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 87 (2020), 4, S. 280-293

Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Hofmann, Martin; Supreeti, Shraddha; Mechold, Stephan; Holz, Mathias; Reuter, Christoph; Manske, Eberhard; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Cryogenic etching for pattern transfer into silicon of Mix-and-Match structured resist layers. - In: Microelectronic engineering, Bd. 227 (2020), 111325, insges. 5 S.

A Mix-and-Match lithography method for a high-resolution, high-precision and cost effective lithography tool using DLW and FE-SPL was developed and successfully realized. The pattern transfer from the photoresist to the silicon substrate is done by so-called "cryogenic etching". It means that the substrate is cooled down to cryogenic temperatures. In contrast to etching processes at standard room temperature, the cryogenic temperatures (below -100 ˚C) enable a highly anisotropic etching process. The difference between etching at room temperature compared to cryogenic etching is carried out in this work. The advantages of the etching process are highlighted for the pattern transfer from Mix-and-Match-structured samples. Therefore, the used photoresist mr-P 1201LIL (microresist technologies GmbH) has been examined concerning its silicon-to-resist selectivity which could be determined to be 6:1 for the applied etching recipe. Using cryogenic etching, we are now able to transfer the Mix-and-Match-structured patterns into silicon with appreciable high selectivities. This opens a novel pathway for the manufacturing of quantum devices on large wafers. The paper discusses current research results based on the TU Ilmenau Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machines (NPMM) including the novel application of nanofabrication. First, the basic setup and the resulting benefits of the NPMMs for measuring and fabrication in a working volume of up to 200 mm × 200 mm × 25 mm while abiding nanometer accuracy is described. This is in contradiction to state-of-the-art AFM scanners, which have a limited working range of appr. 100 [my]m × 100 [my]m. Next, the principle and the results of different nanofabrication technologies are shown. These include Scanning Probe Lithography (SPL), Direct Laser Writing (DLW) and UV-nanoimprint lithography (NIL). Last, efforts for further improving the feature placement accuracy of the NPMMs as well as attempts to combine several fabrication technologies to improve their throughput are touched on.

Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Krapf, Gunter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Grätzel, Michael; Gerken, Jan Ansgar; Schmidt, Kiril
Challenges of temperature measurement during the friction stir welding process. - In: Measuring Equipment and Metrology, ISSN 2617-846X, Bd. 81 (2020), 1, insges. 8 S.

The exact determination of the process zone temperature can be considered as an increasingly important role in the control and monitoring of the friction stir welding process (FSW). At present, temperature measurement is carried out with the aid of a temperature sensor integrated into the tool (usually thermocouples). Since these cannot be attached directly to the joining area, heat dissipation within the tool and to the environment cause measurement deviations as well as a time delay in the temperature measurement. The article describes a process and the challenges that arise in this process, how a direct temperature measurement during the process can be achieved by exploiting the thermoelectric effect between tool and workpiece, without changing the tool by introducing additional temperature sensors.

Weidenfeller, Bernd; Rode, Hauke; Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Weidenfeller, Katrin
Crystallinity, thermal diffusivity, and electrical conductivity of carbon black filled polyamide 46. - In: Journal of applied polymer science, ISSN 1097-4628, Bd. 137 (2020), 29, 48882, S. 1-10

Shih, Yi-Chieh; Tung, Pi-Cheng; Wang, Yung-Cheng; Shyu, Lih-Horng; Manske, Eberhard
Linear displacement calibration system integrated with a novel auto-alignment module for optical axes. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 20 (2020), 9, 2462, insges. 13 S.

Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Durstewitz, Steve; Hofmann, Martin; Ivanov, Tzvetan; Holz, Mathias; Ehrhardt, Waleed; Riegel, Wolf-Ulrich; Zöllner, Jens-Peter; Manske, Eberhard; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Determination of the mixing ratio of a flowing gas mixture with self-actuated microcantilevers. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 9 (2020), 1, S. 71-78

Hofmann, Martin; Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Supreeti, Shraddha; Mechold, Stephan; Holz, Mathias; Reuter, Christoph; Sinzinger, Stefan; Manske, Eberhard; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Mix-and-match lithography and cryogenic etching for NIL template fabrication. - In: Microelectronic engineering, Bd. 224 (2020), 111234

Manske, Eberhard;
Nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines. - In: Metrology, (2019), S. 35-58

Continuing engineering progress in precision fabrication technologies, especially in the semiconductor industry, precision optics fabrication, and the diversified micro- and nanotechnologies, stimulates the advance in precision metrology. Fabricated structures reach atomic dimensions in ever-larger areas, thus becoming more and more complex, also in three dimensions. Consequently, measurements are made - to an increasing extent - of larger surface regions and sidewalls with higher aspect ratios as well as fully 3D micro- and nanostructures. Advanced high precision measurement technology is more and more an enabling technology for nanotechnologies. Today, nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines provide high-precision measurements and the positioning of objects across different scales, from subnanometers up to several centimeters. This chapter deals with the requirements for highest measurement performance at the limits of physics and technology, resulting from the progress and the goals of modern high-tech fabrication technologies. The fundamentals of the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine, developed at the Institute of Process Measurement and Sensor Technology of the Ilmenau University of Technology and manufactured by the SIOS Meßtechnik GmbH Ilmenau, are described, and the measurement capabilities, potential applications, progress in research, and prospects of the device for the near future are pointed out.

Yatsyshyn, Svyatoslav; Stadnyk, Bohdan; Khoma, Yuriy; Mykyychuk, Mykola; Mihunov, Dmytro; Fröhlich, Thomas; Mastylo, Rostyslav
Development of software and hardware for the method of rehabilitation of patients with obliteration of atherosclerosis of the limb vessels :
Rozroblennja programno-aparatnogo zabezpečennja dlja metodu reabilitaciji chvorich obliterujučym aterosklerozom cudyn kincivok. - In: Measuring Equipment and Metrology, ISSN 2617-846X, Bd. 80 (2019), 1, S. 24-26

The theme of the project proposal relates to scientific research in the field of health care and medical technologies on the basis of the further development and implementation of hardware software, smart sensors, the technique of processing, normalizing and applying of information signals for the creation of means for adjusting the physiological state of the human body by the electro stimulation, agreed in real-time mode with cardiac rhythm. Interest in this topic is due to the manifestation of increasing the duration of the active period in the lives of a number of dangerous diseases, which, in the first place, include diseases of the cardiovascular system. Often, the cause of such diseases is age-related changes, as well as non-future behavior and human habits: smoking, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating and excessive alcohol. Changing behavior, a person can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Stadnyk, Bohdan; Yatsyshyn, Svyatoslav; Lutsyk, Yaroslav; Bubela, Tetiana; Fröhlich, Thomas
Thermoelectric materials science and nanotechnology : practice and theory
Termoelektryčne materialoznavstvo i nanotechnologiji : praktyka ta teorija. - In: Measuring Equipment and Metrology, ISSN 2617-846X, Bd. 80 (2019), 2, S. 30-40

Progress in the field of thermoelectricity requires the further development of material science deep into the substance through the use of the achievements of applied and theoretical advances in nanotechnologies, including nanothermodynamics. This enables to expand the range of current thermodynamic forces, taking into account the forces inherent in nanostructured substances, and to increase the efficiency of attracting the concept of eddy thermoelectric currents in order to increase the accuracy of temperature measurement by thermoelectric sensors. The researches of materials of thermoelectric sensors have not only included not only the study of the stability of thermoelectric sensors, but their study by their methods of non-destructive acoustic control. This makes it possible to assess and develop the role of specific mechanisms for the formation of eddy thermoelectric currents in the drift of thermoelectric power.

Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Krapf, Gunter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Grätzel, Michael; Gerken, Jan Ansgar; Schmidt, Kiril
Challenges of temperature measurement during the friction stir welding process :
Herausforderungen der Temperaturmessung während des Rührreibschweißprozesses. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 86 (2019), 12, S. 765-772

Manske, Eberhard; Fröhlich, Thomas; Vasilyan, Suren
Photon momentum induced precision small forces: a static and dynamic check. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Volume 30 (2019), number 10, 105004, Seite 1-11

Practical means of generation and calibration of the small precision forces in static and dynamic regimes around 1 Hz by the usage of radiation pressure effect from 1 W continuous wave visible (diode) laser light is presented. The additive effect of the transfer of photon momentum, caused by non-overlapping multiply reflecting laser beam locked within a quasi-passive and/or active macroscopic cavity system, is employed. The effective laser power (partially trapped experimentally) is amplified, such that the optically generated forces are increased from hundreds of pN to sub-N level. The results presented in this paper should be seen as a means for extending the edge of practically verifiable lower limits of SI-traceable force metrology.

Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas
Temperature dependence of dynamic parameters of contact thermometers. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 19 (2019), 10, 2299, insges. 9 S.

Gotszalk, Teodor; Jóâzwiak, Grzegorz; Radojewski, Jacek; Fröhlich, Thomas; Füßl, Roland; Manske, Eberhard; Holz, Mathias; Ivanov, Tzvetan; Ahmad, Ahmad; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Tip-based nano-manufacturing and -metrology. - In: Journal of vacuum science & technology, ISSN 2166-2754, Bd. 37 (2019), 3, S. 030803, insges. 9 S.

Sub-5 nm lithography and metrology are the key technologies for more CMOS and beyond CMOS nanoelectronics. To keep up with scaling down of nanoelectronic components, novel instrumentation for nanometer precise placement, overlay alignment, and measurement are essential to enable fabrication of next generation nanoelectronic systems. In particular, scanning probe microscopy (SPM) based methods for surface modification and measurement are the emerging techniques for producing and testing of sub-5 nm features. In this article, the authors demonstrate nanoscale lithography and coordinate metrology technologies, both being based on SPM methodology. Scanning probes with a piezoresistive deflection read-out and an integrated deflection actuator, later on referred to as the active piezoresistive cantilevers, were used for lithography employing field emission patterning. They were also integrated with the so-called nanomeasuring machine (NPM) andused for surface imaging, which made it possible to measure the structure dimensions in the 25 × 25 × 5 mm^3 space with 0.1 nm resolution and great accuracy. The basic NPM concept relies on a unique arrangement, enabling the so-called Abbe error-free measurements in all axes over the total scan range. The combination of the active piezoresistive cantilevers and NPM technologies makes it possible to store the exact location on the investigated surface, which can be found again with an accuracy of less than 2.5 nm. This system is also predestinated for the critical dimension, quality, and overlay control.

Yan, Na; Vasilyan, Suren; Fröhlich, Thomas
Torsion balance-based system for high-precision force measurement in horizontal plane: part II. Static and dynamic improvement. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Volume 30 (2019), 5, 055104, Seite 1-9

Dong, Yulian; Xu, Yang; Li, Wei; Fu, Qun; Wu, Minghong; Manske, Eberhard; Kröger, Jörg; Lei, Yong
Insights into the crystallinity of layer-structured transition metal dichalcogenides on potassium ion battery performance: a case study of molybdenum disulfide. - In: Small, ISSN 1613-6829, Bd. 15 (2019), 15, 1900497, insges. 9 S.

Layer-structured transition metal dichalcogenides (LS-TMDs) are being heavily studied in K-ion batteries (KIBs) owing to their structural uniqueness and interesting electrochemical mechanisms. Synthetic methods are designed primarily focusing on high capacities. The achieved performance is often the collective results of several contributing factors. It is important to decouple the factors and understand their functions individually. This work presents a study focusing on an individual factor, crystallinity, by taking MoS2 as a demonstrator. The performance of low and high-crystallized MoS2 is compared to show the function of crystallinity is dependent on the electrochemical mechanism. Lower crystallinity can alleviate diffusional limitation in 0.5-3.0 V, where intercalation reaction takes charge in storing K-ions. Higher crystallinity can ensure the structural stability of the MoS2 layers and promote surface charge storage in 0.01-3.0 V, where conversion reaction mainly contributes. The low-crystallized MoS2 exhibits an intercalation capacity (118 mAh g^-1), good cyclability (85% over 100 cycles), and great rate capability (41 mAh g^-1 at 2 A g^-1), and the high-crystallized MoS2 delivers a high capacity of 330 mAh g^-1 at 1 A g^-1 and retains 161 mAh g^-1 at 20 A g^-1, being one of the best among the reported LS-TMDs in KIBs.

Stadnyk, Bohdan; Yatsyshyn, Svyatoslav; Mykyychuk, Mykola; Lutsyk, Ya.; Skoropad, P.; Fröhlich, Thomas
Metrological reliability of thermoelectric nanosensor of quantum temperature standard :
Мetrologična nadijnistь termoelektryčnogo nanosensora kvantovogo etalonu temperatury. - In: Measuring Equipment and Metrology, ISSN 2617-846X, Bd. 79 (2018), 2, insges. 9 S.

While studying the physical foundations of the temperature standard, we obtained a quantum unit of temperature as the value of the temperature jump when one electron-phonon scattering per unit time. We expressed it in terms of the ratio of fundamental physical constants h/kB; it is equal to 3.199 493 42 &hahog; 10-11 K with a relative standard uncertainty of 59.2 &hahog; 10-8. The investigated quantum standard is recommended for use as an "intrinsic standard", which does not require continuously repeated measurements (to check its accuracy) in relation to the current unit of temperature. The possibility of the introduction of standard quantum temperature requires paying significant attention to the I (current) - T (temperature) converting element as unique electronic device that is subject to significant stress during operation. Considering its nanosized dimensions, since this element is made on the basis of CNTFET by transforming it into a nanosized thermocouple (source and drain) with a superconducting CNT gate as the thermocouple junction, we foresee particularly stringent requirements for this element.

Hofmann, Martin; Aydogan, Cemal; Lenk, Claudia; Krivoshapkina, Yana; Lenk, Steve; Volland, Burkhard E.; Kästner, Marcus; Alaca, Burhanettin Erdem; Manske, Eberhard; Rangelow, Ivo W.
Selective pattern transfer of nano-scale features generated by FE-SPL in 10 nm thick resist layers. - In: American journal of nano research and applications, ISSN 2575-3738, Bd. 6 (2018), 1, S. 11-20

High performance single nanometer lithography is an enabling technology for beyond CMOS devices. In this terms a novel mask- and development-less patterning scheme by using electric field, current controlled Scanning Probe Lithography (FE-SPL) in order to pattern structures on different samples was developed. This work aims to manufacture nanostructures into different resist by using FE-SPL, whereas plasma etching at cryogenic temperatures is applied for an efficient pattern transfer into the bottom Si substrate. The challenge for future quantum devices, generated by SPL and cryogenic etching, is finding a resist that is at most 10 nm in thickness and has a plasma durability high enough for pattern transfer into silicon. As a first step towards future quantum devices the silicon-to-resist selectivity of calixarene, AZ Barli, poly (3-hexylthiophen-2, 5-diyl) and polymethylmethacrylat for the anisotropic cryogenic dry etching process was estimated. A silicon-to-resist selectivity of about 4:1 for each of these resists was found. With these results, nano-scale, highly parallel double line features in silicon for future double patterning were generated.

Darnieder, Maximilian; Torres, Mario; Linß, Sebastian; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena; Fröhlich, Thomas
Modellierung der Drehsteifigkeit dünner Festkörpergelenke in der Präzisionsgerätetechnik. - In: Jahrbuch Optik und Feinmechanik, ISSN 0075-272X, Bd. 64 (2018), S. 139-165

Festkörpergelenke werden seit langem in verschiedensten Bereichen der Feinwerktechnik eingesetzt, besonders dort, wo erhöhte Anforderungen an die Präzision bestehen. Beispiele dafür sind Präzisionswaagen und Massekomparatoren, die bereits eine beeindruckende Leistungsfähigkeit erreicht haben. Dies ist nicht zuletzt auf die genaue Kenntnis der mechanischen Eigenschaften und deren Modellierung zurückzuführen. Dennoch ergeben viele in der Literatur verfügbare analytische Modellgleichungen zur Berechnung der Drehsteifigkeit der hier typischen, besonders dünnen Festkörpergelenke eine Abweichung von rund 10 % gegenüber dem 3D-Modell basierend auf der Finiten-Elemente-Methode. Dies wird anhand der genauen Betrachtung des Spannungszustandes im belasteten Gelenk aufgezeigt und ist ein relevanter Aspekt für die Entwicklung von Geräten für Präzisionsanwendungen und deren Justierung. Der Beitrag beleuchtet dieses Phänomen im Detail, zeigt Grenzen verschiedener Modellansätze in Abhängigkeit der Geometrie auf und bietet dem Leser einen Vorschlag zur präzisen Modellierung in einem großen Parameterraum an, die ohne eine aufwändige Finite-Elemente-Analyse auskommt.

Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Darnieder, Maximilian; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René
On modeling the bending stiffness of thin semi-circular flexure hinges for precision applications. - In: Actuators, ISSN 2076-0825, Bd. 7 (2018), 4, 86, S. 1-16

Compliant mechanisms based on flexure hinges are widely used in precision engineering applications. Among those are devices such as precision balances and mass comparators with achievable resolutions and uncertainties in the nano-newton range. The exact knowledge of the mechanical properties of notch hinges and their modeling is essential for the design and the goal-oriented adjustment of these devices. It is shown in this article that many analytical equations available in the literature for calculating the bending stiffness of thin semi-circular flexure hinges cause deviations of up to 12% compared to simulation results based on the three-dimensional finite element model for the considered parameter range. A close examination of the stress state within the loaded hinge reveals possible reasons for this deviation. The article explains this phenomenon in detail and shows the limitations of existing analytical models depending on specific geometric ratios. An accurate determination of the bending stiffness of semi-circular flexure hinges in a wide range of geometric parameters without the need for an elaborate finite element analysis is proposed in form of FEM-based correction factors for analytical equations referring to Euler-Bernoulli's beam theory.

Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Fröhlich, Thomas
Messunsicherheit 2018. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 85 (2018), 12, S. 713-715

Brethauer, Andreas; Fröhlich, Thomas; Engels, Elmar
Comparison of water and water-glycol mixtures in temperature measurement :
Vergleich von Wasser und Wasser-Glykol-Gemischen bei der Temperaturmessung. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 85 (2018), 10, S. 635-643

Vorbringer-Dorozhovets, Nataliya; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Manske, Eberhard
Investigation of position detectors for atomic force microscopes. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 29 (2018), 10, S. 105101, insges. 13 S.

This paper presents different possibilities of determination of cantilever deflection using the beam theory and finite element method. It is proved that the cantilever can be described as an elementary beam with the force point within the neutral fibre, and its deflection can be determined according to Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. The determined analytical relationship between the inclination angle of the cantilever beam and displacement of its end is used for further calculations of the output signal of the atomic force microscope (AFM) position detector optical lever. Such position detectors as an interferometer, optical lever, and focus sensor are compared for application in an AFM. Analytical and numerical position detector models are developed here for determination of characteristic curves of detector output signals and their sensitivities. The comparison shows that the interferometer is by far the most sensitive and the optical lever is similarly sensitive to the focus sensor. Furthermore, a combined deflection-detection system that contains a homodyne Michelson interferometer and an optical lever is discussed.

Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Schalles, Marc; Krummeck, Stefan
Bilateral comparison for determining the dynamic characteristic values of contact thermometers in fluids. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 7 (2018), 1, S. 331-337

Darnieder, Maximilian; Pabst, Markus; Wenig, Ronny; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas
Static behavior of weighing cells. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 7 (2018), 2, S. 587-600

Hernández, Daniel; Marangoni, Rafael R.; Schleichert, Jan; Karcher, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Wondrak, Thomas
Numerical and experimental study on vorticity measurement in liquid metal using local Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 29 (2018), 3, S. 035301, insges. 13 S.

Local Lorentz force velocimetry (local LFV) is a contactless velocity measurement technique for liquid metals. Due to the relative movement between an electrically conductive fluid and a static applied magnetic field, eddy currents and a flow-braking Lorentz force are generated inside the metal melt. This force is proportional to the flow rate or to the local velocity, depending on the volume subset of the flow spanned by the magnetic field. By using small-size magnets, a localized magnetic field distribution is achieved allowing a local velocity assessment in the region adjacent to the wall. In the present study, we describe a numerical model of our experiments at a continuous caster model where the working fluid is GaInSn in eutectic composition. Our main goal is to demonstrate that this electromagnetic technique can be applied to measure vorticity distributions, i.e. to resolve velocity gradients as well. Our results show that by using a cross-shaped magnet system, the magnitude of the torque perpendicular to the surface of the mold significantly increases improving its measurement in a liquid metal flow. According to our numerical model, this torque correlates with the vorticity of the velocity in this direction. Before validating our numerical predictions, an electromagnetic dry calibration of the measurement system composed of a multicomponent force and torque sensor and a cross-shaped magnet was done using a rotating disk made of aluminum. The sensor is able to measure simultaneously all three components of force and torque, respectively. This calibration step cannot be avoided and it is used for an accurate definition of the center of the magnet with respect to the sensor's coordinate system for torque measurements. Finally, we present the results of the experiments at the mini-LIMMCAST facility showing a good agreement with the numerical model.

Brethauer, Andreas; Fröhlich, Thomas; Engels, Elmar
Examination of the dynamic behavior of contact thermometers under real conditions :
Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Berührungsthermometern unter realen Bedingungen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 85 (2018), 2, S. 119-127

Zur Bestimmung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Berührungsthermometern existieren standardisierte Messvorrichtungen. Die auf diese Weise ermittelten Thermometerkennwerte ermöglichen den Vergleich unterschiedlicher Thermometer. Mit dem Ansprechverhalten unter realen Einbaubedingungen haben die so ermittelten Kennwerte jedoch oft wenig zu tun. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird das dynamische Verhalten unterschiedlicher Berührungsthermometer in unterschiedlichen Einbausituationen miteinander verglichen. Dabei kommen ein Temperatursprung an der Thermometer-Außenseite, sowie ein sogenannter Loop-Current-Step-Response-Test (LCSR-Test) zum Einsatz. Der LCSR-Test kann hier gerade unter Einbaubedingungen eine Aussage über das Ansprechverhalten eines Thermometers liefern.

Hilbrunner, Falko; Rahneberg, Ilko; Fröhlich, Thomas
Wattwaage mit Hebelübersetzung auf Basis eines kommerziellen EMK-Wägesystems. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 85 (2018), 11, S. 658-679

Bei Waagen nach dem Prinzip der elektromagnetischen Kraftkompensation wird die auf eine Waagschale wirkende Gewichtskraft eines Wägegutes durch eine elektromagnetische Gegenkraft kompensiert. Nach dem Stand der Technik wird der Zusammenhang zwischen dem, die Gegenkraft erzeugendem Aktorstrom durch eine Spule und der Gewichtskraft des Wägegutes durch Kalibrierung mit Massenormalen hergestellt. Mit der für 2018 zu erwartenden Neudefinition der SI-Einheit der Masse durch Festlegung eines Wertes der Planck-Konstanten wird ein unmittelbarer Zusammenhang zwischen den mechanischen und elektrischen Größen geschaffen, so dass das aus Fundamentalexperimenten bekannte Wattwaagenprinzip zur Kalibrierung von Massen eingesetzt werden kann. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird eine darauf aufbauende Methode zur Bestimmung des Kraftfaktors Bl einer kommerziellen EMK-Wägzelle vorgestellt. Dies geschieht durch die simultane Messung der Spannung über der im Magnetfeld bewegten Spule und deren Geschwindigkeit. Dabei wird im vorgestellten Verfahren die Spule gleichzeitig zur Erzeugung der Bewegung mit einem harmonischen Wechselsignal bestromt. Die Frequenz der harmonischen Bewegung hat hierbei maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Unsicherheit des resultierenden Kraftfaktors. Eine Trennung der Spannungsanteile über der Spule erfolgt durch simultane Messung von Strom und Spannung an der Spule und Auswertung unter Berücksichtigung der vorliegenden Amplituden und Phasenlagen. Die Spule ist hierbei, wie bei kommerziellen EMK-Wägezellen üblich, über ein mechanisches Hebelwerk angekoppelt. Durch diese Hebelübersetzung ist es möglich, mit einem kompakten elektrodynamischen Aktuator (Spule-Permanentmagnetsystem), einen großen wirksamen Kraftfaktor zu realisieren. - Im Ergebnis können mit dem System Kräfte in beliebiger Raumrichtung gemessen bzw. erzeugt werden, wobei die Massebestimmung einen Spezialfall darstellt, für den zusätzlich die lokale Fallbeschleunigung bekannt sein muss. Unter Nutzung der gleichen Methodik kann durch Vertauschung von Eingangs- und Ausgangsgrößen des Formalismus, die EMK-Wägezelle auch als Positionssensor eingesetzt werden. Hierbei erfolgt unter Zuhilfenahme eines Referenzgewichtes (Justiergewichtes) und der Ausgangsspannung des Positionssensors des Wägesystems eine Kalibrierung der Auslenkung des Koppelstücks. Für beide Verfahren werden im Gegensatz zu Fundamentalexperimenten industriell relevante Messunsicherheiten im ppm-Bereich angestrebt. Es werden Messungen für beide Messmodi auf Basis kommerziell verfügbarer EMK-Wägezellen und elektrischer Messtechnik vorgestellt und diskutiert.

Stadnyk, Bohdan; Fröhlich, Thomas; Mykyychuk, Mykola; Klos, Ihor; Yatshyshyn, Svyatoslav; Kalinovska, Iryna
Mass measures with coded remote access for Cyber-Physical Systems. - In: Advances In Cyber-Physical Systems, ISSN 2707-0069, Bd. 2 (2017), 2, S. 76-80

The aspects of design and operation of information measuring subsystem of Cyber-Physical System of coke and chemical plant are considered. This subsystem of mass parameters definition, based on industrial internet, provides coded remote access aiming at the execution of both weighing and verification metrological operations by using an embedded multivalued mass measure. To ensure the quality and reproducibility of Cyber-Physical System a remote access on the basis of TCP/IP protocol to balances was studied and developed. Installation was equipped with the standard built-in mass measure that enabled to perform in-place operations of metrological checking, verification, calibration etc. not interrupting the production cycle.

Hollandt, Jörg; Rudtsch, Steffen; Fröhlich, Thomas
Fachtagung Temperatur 2017 in Berlin (Teil 1). - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 84 (2017), 12, S. 753-754

Die Fachtagung TEMPERATUR 2017, die am 17. und 18. Mai 2017 in der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Berlin stattfand, blickt mittlerweile auf eine langjährige Tradition zurück. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Wissenschaftlich-Technischen Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik und dem Bezirksverband Suhl der Kammer der Technik wurde die Fachtagung TEMPERATUR unter der Leitung von Dr. Frank Bernhard von der Technischen Universität Ilmenau erstmalig im Jahr 1980 organisiert und dann 1982, 1986 sowie 1989 fortgesetzt. Nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung hat sich die Tagungsreihe TEMPERATUR im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum als bedeutende Fachtagung zu Verfahren und Geräten der Temperatur- und Gasfeuchtemessung etabliert und wurde nun regelmäßig von der PTB organisiert.

Vasilyan, Suren; Fröhlich, Thomas; Manske, Eberhard
Total momentum transfer produced by the photons of a multi-pass laser beam as an evident avenue for optical and mass metrology. - In: Optics express, ISSN 1094-4087, Bd. 25 (2017), 17, S. 20798-20816

Marangoni, Rafael R.; Schleichert, Jan; Rahneberg, Ilko; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Manske, Eberhard; Fröhlich, Thomas
Mehrkomponenten-Kraftmessung in der Mikrobearbeitung :
Multi-component force measurement in micromachining. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 84 (2017), 9, S. 587-592

Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Tutsch, Rainer
Messunsicherheit. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 84 (2017), 2, S. 71-72

Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Tutsch, Rainer
Entwicklung der Auswertung von Messungen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 84 (2017), 5, S. 293-295

Marangoni, Rafael R.; Rahneberg, Ilko; Hilbrunner, Falko; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas
Analysis of weighing cells based on the principle of electromagnetic force compensation. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 28 (2017), 7, S. 075101, insges. 7 S.

Stark, Tilman; Manske, Eberhard
Transiente Kalibrierung der Temperaturabhängigkeit resistiver Hochdrucksensoren in Großserie. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 83 (2016), 12, S. 712-720

Imkamp, Dietrich; Berthold, Jürgen; Heizmann, Michael; Kniel, Karin; Manske, Eberhard; Peterek, Martin; Schmitt, Robert; Seidler, Jochen; Sommer, Klaus-Dieter
Challenges and trends in manufacturing measurement technology - the "Industrie 4.0" concept. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 5 (2016), 2, S. 325-335

Strategic considerations and publications dealing with the future of industrial production are significantly influenced these days by the concept of "Industrie 4.0". For this reason the field of measurement technology for industrial production must also tackle this concept when thinking about future trends and challenges in metrology. To this end, the Manufacturing Metrology Roadmap 2020 of the VDI/VDE Society for Measurement and Automatic Control (GMA) was published in 2011 (VDI/VDE-GMA, 2011; Imkamp et al., 2012). The content of this roadmap is reviewed and extended here, covering new developments in the field of the Industrie 4.0 concept and presented with expanded and updated content.

Wiederhold, Andreas; Ebert, Reschad; Weidner, Markus; Halbedel, Bernd; Fröhlich, Thomas; Resagk, Christian
Influence of the flow profile to Lorentz force velocimetry for weakly conducting fluids - an experimental validation. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 27 (2016), 12, S. 125306, insges. 9 S.

The Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) is a highly feasible contactless method for measuring flow rate in a pipe or in a channel. This method has been established for liquid metal flows but also for weakly conducting electrolytes where the Lorentz force amplitudes are typically six orders smaller than the ones from liquid metal flows. Due to an increased resolution of the Lorentz force measurements which was the main focus of research in the last years, now it is possible to investigate the influence of the flow profile on the amplitude of the Lorentz force. Even if there is a semi-theoretical approach an experimental validation is still outstanding. Therefore we have tested symmetric and asymmetric flow profiles to test the LFV for weakly conducting fluids for typical industrial flows. Salt water has been used as a test electrolyte with constant values of the electrical conductivity from 0.035 to 20 S m-1 and of the flow velocity in a range of 0.5-3 m s-1. We confirmed by extensive measurements that LFV is a suitable method for flow measurements even for different flow profiles within 5% measurement uncertainty. For a wide range of applications in research and industry the LFV should be not sensitive to various flow profiles.

Shyu, Lih-Horng; Wang, Yung-Cheng; Chang, Chung-Ping; Shih, Hung-Ta; Manske, Eberhard
A signal interpolation method for Fabry-Perot interferometer utilized in mechanical vibration measurement. - In: Measurement, Bd. 92 (2016), S. 83-88

Jäger, Gerd; Manske, Eberhard; Hausotte, Tino; Müller, Andreas; Balzer, Felix
Nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine NPMM-200 - a new powerful tool for large-range micro- and nanotechnology. - In: Surface topography, ISSN 2051-672X, Bd. 4 (2016), 3, S. 034004, insges. 8 S.

Schleichert, Jan; Rahneberg, Ilko; Hilbrunner, Falko; Fröhlich, Thomas
Mehrkomponenten-Kraft- und -Drehmomentsensor nach dem Prinzip der elektromagnetischen Kompensation. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 83 (2016), 7/8, S. 445-452

Schleichert, Jan; Carlstedt, Matthias; Marangoni, Rafael R.; Rahneberg, Ilko; Fröhlich, Thomas
Dynamic characterization of a three-component force sensor using a Lorentz force load changer :
Dynamische Charakterisierung eines Dreikomponenten Kraftsensors mit Hilfe eines Lorentzkraft-Lastwechslers. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 83 (2016), 7/8, S. 430-438

Hohmann, Michael; Schalles, Marc; Fröhlich, Thomas
Kalibrierung von Wärmestromsensoren zur Detektion von kleinen Wärmeströmen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 83 (2016), 7/8, S. 393-401

Manske, Eberhard; Fröhlich, Thomas; Füßl, Roland
Measurement uncertainty consideration in the case of precision length measurement applications. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 83 (2016), 7/8, S. 453-458

Hernández, Daniel; Schleichert, Jan; Karcher, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Wondrak, Thomas; Timmel, Klaus
Local Lorentz force flowmeter at a continuous caster model using a new generation multicomponent force and torque sensor. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 27 (2016), 6, S. 065302, insges. 9 S.

Lorentz force velocimetry is a non-invasive velocity measurement technique for electrical conductive liquids like molten steel. In this technique, the metal flow interacts with a static magnetic field generating eddy currents which, in turn, produce flow-braking Lorentz forces within the fluid. These forces are proportional to the electrical conductivity and to the velocity of the melt. Due to Newton's third law, a counter force of the same magnitude acts on the source of the applied static magnetic field which is in our case a permanent magnet. In this paper we will present a new multicomponent sensor for the local Lorentz force flowmeter (L2F2) which is able to measure simultaneously all three components of the force as well as all three components of the torque. Therefore, this new sensor is capable of accessing all three velocity components at the same time in the region near the wall. In order to demonstrate the potential of this new sensor, it is used to identify the 3-dimensional velocity field near the wide face of the mold of a continuous caster model available at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. As model melt, the eutectic alloy GaInSn is used.

Vasilyan, Suren; Rivero, Michel; Schleichert, Jan; Halbedel, Bernd; Fröhlich, Thomas
High-precision horizontally directed force measurements for high dead loads based on a differential electromagnetic force compensation system. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 27 (2016), 4, S. 045107, insges. 13 S.

Khoma, Anna; Manske, Eberhard
Methods of surface reconstruction from the white light interferogram based on Hilbert transform :
Metody rekonstrukcji powierzchni z interferogramu âswiatła białego bazuj&hlink;ace na transformacie Hilberta. - In: Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, ISSN 2300-6358, Bd. 34 (2015), 4, S. 71-75

The paper presents methods for nonlinear surface profile reconstruction from the white light interferogram based on Hilbert transform. The accuracy of these methods was analyzed on the example of a spherical surface reconstruction. The method investigation included surface and interferogram synthesis based on the mathematical model and estimation the profile reconstruction error. The method of estimating the instantaneous phase of the interferogram showed the greatest accuracy.

Yatsyshyn, Svyatoslav; Stadnyk, Bohdan; Manske, Eberhard; Khoma, Anna
Metrological array of cyber-physical systems : Part 13 : segmental approximation for surface topology reconstruction. - In: Sensors & transducers, ISSN 2306-8515, Bd. 195 (2015), 12, S. 50-55

This article presents the segment approximation method for surface topology reconstruction from white light interferogram. The method involves polynomial approximation of separate interferogram segments, and polynomial coefficients are computed at calibration stage. Metrological properties of proposed method are investigated by interferogram modeling tilted and spherical surfaces.

Fröhlich, Thomas; Manske, Eberhard
Prozessmesstechnik und Präzisionsmesstechnik : editorial. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 82 (2015), 7/8, S. 391-392

Das 58. Ilmenauer Wissenschaftliche Kolloquium, das vom 8. bis 12. September 2014 stattfand, stand unter dem Motto Shaping the Future by Engineering. Das Ilmenauer Wissenschaftliche Kolloquium (IWK) hat eine mehr als 50-jährige Tradition und ist damit eine der dienstältesten ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Konferenzen Deutschlands. Die drei Hauptthemen der Konferenz "Precision Engineering and Precision Measurement Technology", "Mechatronics, Biomechatronics and Mechanism Technology" und "SystemsTechnology" spiegeln die Forschungsschwerpunkte und -strategien der Technischen Universität Ilmenau und besonders der Fakultät für Maschinenbau wider, die im Jahr 2014 Ausrichter des IWK war. Dieses Schwerpunktheft enthält 7 ausgewählte Artikel, die aus Konferenzvorträgen in den durch das Institut für Prozessmess- und Sensortechnik organisierten Konferenzreihen Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machines und Measurement and Sensor Technology entstanden sind.

Manske, Eberhard;
Sonderforschungsbereich 622 "Nanopositionier- und Nanomeßmaschinen". - In: Jenaer Jahrbuch zur Technik- und Industriegeschichte, ISSN 2198-6746, Bd. 18 (2015), S. 431-440

Manske, Eberhard; Fröhlich, Thomas
Das Institut für Prozeßmeß- und Sensortechnik. - In: Jenaer Jahrbuch zur Technik- und Industriegeschichte, ISSN 2198-6746, Bd. 18 (2015), S. 135-146

Schreiber, Mario; Emran, Mohammad Sha; Fröhlich, Thomas; Schumacher, Jörg; Thess, André
Quantification of free convection effects on 1 kg mass standards. - In: Metrologia, ISSN 1681-7575, Bd. 52 (2015), 6, S. 835-841

We determine the free-convection effects and the resulting mass differences in a high-precision mass comparator for cylindrical and spherical 1 kg mass standards at different air pressures. The temperature differences are chosen in the millikelvin range and lead to microgram updrafts. Our studies reveal a good agreement between the measurements and direct numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equations of free thermal convection. A higher sensitivity to the free convection effects is found for the spherical case compared to the cylindrical one. We also translate our results on the free convection effects into a form which is used in fluid mechanics: a dimensionless updraft coefficient as a function of the dimensionless Grashof number Gr that quantifies the thermal driving due to temperature differences. This relation displays a unique scaling behavior over nearly four decades in Gr and levels off into geometry-specific constants for the very small Grashof numbers. The obtained results provide a rational framework for estimating systematic errors in mass metrology due to the effects of free convection.

Rogge, Norbert; Engwicht, Michael; Welsch, Steffen; Hilbrunner, Falko; Fröhlich, Thomas
Hygrostat based on adsorption processes controlled by a high precision chilled dew point mirror :
Feuchtluftgenerator auf Basis eines Sorptionshygrostaten mit einem Hochpräzisionstauspiegel. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 82 (2015), 10, S. 477-484

Vasilyan, Suren; Ebert, Reschad; Weidner, Markus; Rivero, Michel; Halbedel, Bernd; Resagk, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas
Towards metering tap water by Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 26 (2015), 11, S. 115302, insges. 11 S.

Ullmann, Vinzenz; Emam, Sherief; Manske, Eberhard;
White-light interferometers with polarizing optics for length measurements with an applicable zero-point detection. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 26 (2015), 8, S. 084010, insges. 15 S.

Ullmann, Vinzenz; Kühnel, Michael; Kühnel, Michael *1981-*; Manske, Eberhard;
Concentric run-out error determination of rotary tables with an interferometric probe head :
Interferometrische Rundlauffehlerbestimmung von Drehtischen für die optische Rundheitsmessung. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 82 (2015), 6, S. 299-308

Schalles, Marc; Fröhlich, Thomas; Flügge, Jens
PCM-shielding of precision measuring equipment by means of latent heat. - In: Precision engineering, Bd. 42 (2015), S. 80-84

Stadnyk, Bohdan; Manske, Eberhard; Khoma, Anna
Stan ta perspektivi rozvitku kompьjuterizovanich sistem kontrolju topologii poverchni :
State and prospects of computerized systems monitoring the topology of surfaces, based on white light interferometry. - In: Computational problems of electrical engineering, ISSN 2309-4834, Bd. 4 (2014), 1, S. 75-80

This paper describes a computerized system for object topology control based on a white light interferometer. The theoretical fundamentals of white light interferometry and mathematical model of an interferogram are presented. An overview and comparative analysis of methods for the reconstruction of the topology of surfaces based on a white light interferogram are performed, their main advantages and disadvantages are defined, and the objectives for the development of computerized systems are formulated.

Vasilyan, Suren; Fröhlich, Thomas
Direct Lorentz force compensation flowmeter for electrolytes. - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 105 (2014), 22, S. 223510, insges. 4 S.

Oliveira, Rafael S.; Winter, Simon; Lepikson, Herman A.; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René
A new approach to test torque transducers under dynamic reference regimes. - In: Measurement, Bd. 58 (2014), S. 354-362

A system is proposed to test torque transducers under reference dynamic regimes, where the reference torque is provided by the application of angular acceleration to a coupled mass moment of inertia. The dynamic regimes include different angular velocity intervals, angular velocity steps and high torque rates. A basic general assembly is proposed and theoretical and practical analyses are performed to determine the primary parameters and depict components. The results show that the angular velocity and torque curves are repeatable and also that the simultaneous responses of torque and acceleration are linear. The mass moments of inertia involved in the measurement process are evaluated. The results provide a positive direction for future tests with transducers and the objective to fill the gap in the metrological traceability chain for torque measurement with dynamic tests and sensor verification.

Schalles, Marc;
PCMs for improving measurement and manufacturing precision. - In: Mikroniek, ISSN 0026-3699, Bd. 54 (2014), 3, S. 15-19

Vorbringer-Dorozhovets, Nataliya; Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd
Interferometer-based scanning probe microscope for high-speed, long-range, traceable measurements. - In: Pomiary, automatyka, kontrola, ISSN 0032-4140, Bd. 60 (2014), 2, S. 69-72

The specialty of the metrological SPM-head is the combined deflection detection system for simultaneous acquisition of bending, torsion and position of the cantilever with one measuring beam. The deflection system comprises a beam deflection and an interferometer in such a way that measurements of the cantilever displacement are traceable to the SI unit metre. Integrated into a NPM machine scans with a Resolution of 0.1 nm over a range of 25 mm × 25 mm are possible.

Halbedel, Bernd; Resagk, Christian; Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Hilbrunner, Falko; Thess, André
A novel contactless flow rate measurement device for weakly conducting fluids based on Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Flow, turbulence and combustion, ISSN 1573-1987, Bd. 92 (2014), 1/2, S. 361-369
Richtiger Name des Verf.: Falko Hilbrunner

This paper presents an improved experimental setup for the contactless flow rate measurement in a weakly electrically conducting fluid on the base of Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV) and discusses the measurement results. The new setup embodies major improvements over the setup reported inWegfraß et al. (Appl Phys Lett 100:194103, 2012). This measurement setup consists of a newly designed fluid channel with well defined flow profiles - a plug profile at the inlet and quasi parabolic profile at the outlet of the test section. Another improvement is the force measurement system which is based on electromagnetic force compensation (EMC). Furthermore an optimized Halbach array is used as a magnet system. The results of our measurements confirm the feasibility of LFV in a model fluid (salt water) with conductivities less than 10 Sm-1 and demonstrate that the optimized magnet system increases the measurement signal. The used force measurement system had to be particularly calibrated for this purpose, so that in combination with the new magnet system design a three times higher signal resolution for the fluid velocity under laboratory conditions was achieved.

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Alferenok, Artem; Resagk, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Halbedel, Bernd; Lüdtke, Ulrich; Thess, André
Contactless flow measurement of electrolytes using Lorentz force velocimetry :
Lorentzkraft - Anemometrie für die berührungslose Durchflussmessung von Elektrolyten. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 79 (2012), 9, S. 399-402

Hausotte, Tino; Balzer, Felix-Gerhard; Vorbringer-Dorozhovets, Nataliya; Manske, Eberhard
Surface and coordinate measurements with nanomeasuring machines. - In: International journal of nanomanufacturing, ISSN 1746-9392, Bd. 8 (2012), 5/6, S. 467-483

The nanomeasuring machine (NMM-1) was designed for surface and coordinate measurements within a measurement volume of 25 mm × 25 mm × 5 mm. The machine is equipped with three homodyne plane-mirror miniature interferometers for the measurement of the displacement of a movable corner mirror. The object being measured is placed on the corner mirror, which is positioned by a three-axis drive system. Various measurement tasks are possible depending on the probe system installed. Most of the sensors utilised are one-dimensional tactile or optical surface sensors or probes. In recent years, measurements of three-dimensional features and sidewalls are becoming more important. For these more complex measurements, probe systems with two or three directions of sensitivity are necessary and were therefore integrated into the NMM-1. The article gives an overview of the operation and properties of the NMM-1, its use for surface and coordinate measurements, of integrated probe systems and of two probing systems developed.

Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Marin, Sebastian; Lehmann, Harald
Fixed point thermometers for thin pipelines :
Fixpunktthermometer für kleine Rohrquerschnitte. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 79 (2012), 12, S. 559-562

Fixpunktthermometer wurden für den Einsatz in konventionellen Kraftwerken entwickelt und erfolgreich erprobt. Bei dezentraler Energieerzeugung sind zumeist kleinere Rohrdurchmesser (40 - 100 mm) für den jeweiligen Wärmeträgertransport üblich. Die Verwendung von Fixpunkt-Thermometern (mit Miniaturfixpunkttiegeln von mindestens 25 mm Länge) in solchen Rohrleitungen ist mit inakzeptabel großen Strömungsverlusten oder, bei zu geringer, Eintauchtiefe, mit einer Verfälschung der Thermoelement-Temperatur verbunden.

Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Mammen, Helge; Ament, Christoph; Güther, Thomas
Thermoelemente für den Einsatz in Abgassystemen von Verbrennungsmotoren. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 79 (2012), 10, S. 472-477

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Resagk, Christian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Halbedel, Bernd; Thess, André
Flow rate measurement of weakly conducting fluids using Lorentz force velocimetry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 23 (2012), 10, S. 105307, insges. 6 S.

Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd
Multi-sensor approach for multivalent applications in nanometrology. - In: International journal of automation and smart technology, ISSN 2223-9766, Bd. 2 (2012), 2, S. 141-145

The field of nanometrology is subject to increasing complexity as dimensional structures become more intricate with smaller structural widths and increasingly larger surface areas, and with the inclusion of thousands of inspection features. The relevant metrology tools thus need to provide the ability to measure in three dimensions with atomic resolution over large areas, and at a speed/throughput suitable for industrial applications. Ilmenau developed Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Technologies with an measuring range of tens of millimeter, subnanometer resolution and nanometer accuracy, allowing for combination with a multi-sensor approach for multivalent measurement and positioning applications in nanometrology.

Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd; Hausotte, Tino
A multi-sensor approach for complex and large-area applications in micro and nanometrology. - In: Measure, ISSN 1931-5775, Bd. 7 (2012), 2, S. 44-50

In micro and nanotechnology, the metrological demands are increasing. The structures to be measured are becoming more complex with smaller structure widths, increasingly larger surface regions, and thousands of inspection features. In order to solve the problems, it has become desirable and even necessary to combine multi-sensor technology with high precision nanopositioning and nanomeasuring technology. The Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine NMM-1 with a measuring range of 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm and sub-nanometer resolution allows the application of several optical, tactile and atomic force probes. The combination of several sensor technologies in multi-sensor approach for application with the NMM-1 is demonstrated.

Wegfraß, André; Diethold, Christian; Werner, Michael; Fröhlich, Thomas; Halbedel, Bernd; Hilbrunner, Falko; Resagk, Christian; Thess, André
A universal noncontact flowmeter for liquids. - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 100 (2012), 19, S. 194103, insges. 4 S.

Balzer, Felix; Hausotte, Tino; Vorbringer-Dorozhovets, Nataliya; Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd
Tactile 3D microprobe system with exchangeable styli. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 22 (2011), 9, S. 094018, insges. 7 S.

Over the past decade a trend of component miniaturization can be observed both in industry and in the laboratory, which involves an increasing demand for nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines as well as for miniature tactile probes for measuring complex three-dimensional objects. The challenge is that these components - for example, diesel injectors, microgears and small optics - feature dimensions in the micrometre range with associated dimensional tolerances below 100 nm. For this reason, a significant number of research projects have dealt with microprobes for performing the dimensional measurements of microstructures with the goal of achieving measurement uncertainties in the nanometre range. This paper introduces an updated version of a 3D microprobe with an optical detection system developed at the Institute of Process Measurement and Sensor Technology. It consists of a measuring head and a separate probe system. The mechanical design of the probe system has been completely overhauled to enable the exchange of the stylus separately from the flexure elements. This is very important for the determination of the probing sphere's roundness deviations. The silicon membranes used in the first system design are therefore replaced by metal membranes. A new design of these membranes, optimized for isotropic probing forces and locking parasitic movements, is presented. Regarding the measuring head, the optical design has been redesigned to eliminate disruptive interference on the quadrant photodiode used for deflection measurement and to improve adjustment. Its dimensioning is discussed, especially the influence of the laser beam diameter on the interference contrast due to the parallel misalignment of the collimated laser beam. Initial measurement results are presented to prove functionality.

Hausotte, Tino; Percle, Brandon; Manske, Eberhard; Füßl, Roland; Jäger, Gerd
Measuring value correction and uncertainty analysis for homodyne interferometers. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 22 (2011), 9, S. 094028, insges. 6 S.

The Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine (NMM-1) developed at the Ilmenau University of Technology is equipped with three homodyne plane-mirror miniature interferometers for the measurement of the displacement of a movable corner mirror. The object being measured is placed on the corner mirror, which is positioned by a three-axis drive system. The uncertainty of interferometric length measurements is dependent on several factors. Starting with an improved equation for calculating length, this paper describes a part of the determination of the measurement uncertainty for a displacement measurement using two positions of the measuring mirror. The new approach separates the correlated influencing factors for three positions of the measuring mirror: for the position where the interferometer counter is reset to zero and the other two positions of two measured points. Additionally, the work takes into account the influence of the dead path length and its determination.

Vorbringer-Dorozhovets, Nataliya; Hausotte, Tino; Manske, Eberhard; Shen, Jing-Chung; Jäger, Gerd
Novel control scheme for a high-speed metrological scanning probe microscope. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 22 (2011), 9, S. 094012, insges. 7 S.

Kosinskiy, Mikhail; Ahmed, Syed Imad-Uddin; Liu, Yonghe; Gubisch, Maik; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Spieß, Lothar; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Friction and wear properties of WC/C nano-scale multilayer coatings on technical surfaces. - In: Tribology letters, ISSN 1573-2711, Bd. 44 (2011), 1, S. 89-98

Jäger, Gerd; Manske, Eberhard; Hausotte, Tino
Performance and limitation of nanomeasuring technology. - In: International journal of nanomanufacturing, ISSN 1746-9392, Bd. 7 (2011), 1, S. 54-62

Jäger, Gerd;
Herausforderungen und Grenzen der interferometrischen Präzisionsmesstechnik. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 78 (2011), 3, S. 114-117

Die Prinzipien, die Grundlagen und die Arbeitsweise von Zweifrequenz- und Einfrequenz-Interferometern werden beschrieben. Auf der Grundlage einer messtechnischen Analyse werden die Vorteile aber auch die Grenzen der laserinterferometrischen Messverfahren dargestellt. Die Ermittlung des kleinsten auflösbaren Weginkrements erlaubt die Berechnung der Auflösung von Interferometern. Neben den Abbé-Fehlern werden weitere Einflüsse aufgeführt, welche sich auf die Messunsicherheit interferometrischer Längenmessungen auswirken. Eine 3D-Abbéfehlerfreie Anordnung wird am Beispiel einer Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschine erläutert. Diese Maschine wurde in Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Institut Prozessmess- und Sensortechnik und der SIOS Meßtechnik GmbH entwickelt.

Krapf, Gunter; Schalles, Marc; Schalles, Marc *1977-*; Fröhlich, Thomas;
Estimation of fixed-point temperatures - a practical approach. - In: Measurement, Bd. 44 (2011), 2, S. 385-390

Phase transition temperatures can be used for thermometer calibrations in accordance with the ITS-90. For this the thermometer is inserted into a fixed-point cell filled with a highly pure substance. While the substance is melting or freezing the temperature inside the cell remains almost constant and the thermometer measures a plateau in the temperature curve. From this plateau the phase transition temperature needs to be estimated for the calibration of the thermometer. This can be done using different mathematical methods, taking into account various systematic deviations as well as reproducibilities of the results depending on the chosen method, the fixed-point material's purity and above all the amount of fixed-point material. Hence this article presents results from measurements in miniature fixed-point cells filled with zinc of various purities. The plateau curves were measured at different heating rates and comparatively analysed using five different estimation methods.

Jäger, Gerd;
Three-dimensional nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine with a resolution of 0.1 nm. - In: Optoelectronics, instrumentation and data processing, ISSN 1934-7944, Bd. 46 (2010), 4, S. 318-323

The paper describes traceable nanometrology based on a nanopositoning machine with integrated nanoprobes. The operation of a high-precision long-range three-dimensional nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NMM-1) having a resolution of 0.1 nm over the positioning and measuring range of 25 x 25 x 5 mm is explained. Various developed probe systems have been integrated into the NMM-1 machine, including a focus sensor, a white light sensor, and tactile nanoprobes. Single-beam, double-beam and triple-beam interferometers are installed into the NMM-1 machine to measure and control the six degrees of freedom. Measured results are presented.

Jäger, Gerd; Hausotte, Tino; Manske, Eberhard; Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Dorozhovets, Nataliya; Hofmann, Norbert
Nanomeasuring and nanopositioning engineering. - In: Measurement, Bd. 43 (2010), 9, S. 1099-1105

The paper describes traceable nanometrology based on a nanopositioning machine with integrated nanoprobes. The operation of a high-precision long range three-dimensional nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NPM-Machine) having a resolution of 0,1 nm over the positioning and measuring range of 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm is explained. An Abbe offset-free design of three miniature plan mirror interferometers and applying a new concept for compensating systematic errors resulting from mechanical guide systems provide very small uncertainties of measurement. The NPM-Machine has been developed by the Institute of Process Measurement and Sensor Technology of the Technische Universität Ilmenau and manufactured by the SIOS Messtechnik GmbH Ilmenau. The machines are operating successfully in several German and foreign research institutes including the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany. The integration of several, optical and tactile probe systems and nanotools makes the NPM-Machine suitable for various tasks, such as large-area scanning probe microscopy, mask and wafer inspection, nanostructuring, biotechnology and genetic engineering as well as measuring mechanical precision workpieces, precision treatment and for engineering new material. Various developed probe systems have been integrated into the NPM-Machine. The measurement results of a focus sensor, metrological AFM, white light sensor and tactile stylus probes are presented. Single beam-, double beam- and triple beam interferometers built in the NPM-Machine for six degrees of freedom measurements are described.

Jäger, Gerd;
Herausforderungen und Grenzen der interferometrischen Präzisionsmesstechnik. - In: Jahrbuch Optik und Feinmechanik, ISSN 0075-272X, Bd. 56 (2010), S. 1-8

Manske, Eberhard; Amthor, Arvid
Workbench for the nano world : developing nanopositioning machines with dSPACE tools. - In: dSpace magazine, (2009), 1, S. 20-23

Hausotte, Tino; Percle, Brandon; Jäger, Gerd
Advanced three-dimensional scan methods in the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 20 (2009), 8, S. 084004, insges. 8 S.

The nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine developed at the Ilmenau University of Technology was originally designed for surface measurements within a measuring volume of 25 mm × 25 mm × 5 mm. The interferometric length measuring and drive systems make it possible to move the stage with a resolution of 0.1 nm and a positioning uncertainty of less than 10 nm in all three axes. Various measuring tasks are possible depending on the installed probe system. Most of the sensors utilized are one-dimensional surface probes; however, some tasks require measuring sidewalls and other three-dimensional features. A new control system, based on the I++ DME specification, was implemented in the device. The I++ DME scan functions were improved and special scan functions added to allow advanced three-dimensional scan methods, further fulfilling the demands of scanning force microscopy and micro-coordinate measurements. This work gives an overview of these new functions and the application of them for several different measurements.

Schalles, Marc;
Uncertainty budget for the temperature realisation with a triple-fixed-point blackbody. - In: Accreditation and quality assurance, ISSN 1432-0517, Bd. 14 (2009), 6, S. 313-317

A new triple-fixed-point blackbody for the calibration of radiation thermometers at fixed-point temperatures in the range of 232-660 &ayn;C was developed at the Ilmenau University of Technology. The fixed-point temperatures Tfp were measured by means of a transfer radiation thermometer and an uncertainty budget for Tfp was established, whose components differ from typical uncertainty budgets of single-fixed-point blackbodies.

Thete, Aniket R.; Groß, G. Alexander; Hausotte, Tino; Jäger, Gerd; Dorozhovets, Nataliya; Köhler, J. Michael
Nanotopographic characterization of spotted micro arrays on polyvinyl alcohol films by high-resolution long-range nanoprofiling. - In: Scanning, ISSN 1932-8745, Bd. 31 (2009), 1, S. 35-48

Tibrewala, Arti; Hofmann, Norbert; Phataralaoha, Anurak; Jäger, Gerd; Büttgenbach, Stephanus
Development of 3D force sensors for nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 9 (2009), 5, S. 3228-3239

Jäger, Gerd; Dontsov, Denys; Pöschel, Wolfgang; Schott, Walter
High precision metrological nano measuring machine. - In: MST news, ISSN 0948-3128, (2009), 1, S. 27-28

Continuing growth of the market for micro and nano system technologies is driven by increasing needs for components functionality for the automotive and consumer-oriented market. The cutting-edge technology comes for this market from the semiconductor industry, the biggest driver for the nano world.

Bernhard, Frank;
In-situ calibration of inhomogeneous thermocouples by integrated miniature fixed-point cells. - In: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering / Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia. - Tallinn, 1995-2007 , ISSN: 1406-0175 , ZDB-ID: 1313751-7, ISSN 1406-0175, Bd. 13 (2007), 4, S. 320-337

Schmidt, Ingomar; Hausotte, Tino; Gerhardt, Uwe; Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd
Investigations and calculations into decreasing the uncertainty of a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NPM-Machine). - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 18 (2007), 2, S. 482-486

Continuously increasing demands on nanopositioning and nanomeasuring (NPM) machines require a detailed analysis of and a decrease in measurement uncertainty. Initial studies have been done in the field of length and angle measurement. The analysis resulted in updated assemblies, which were investigated further. Significant improvements in mechanical stability, drift behaviour and temperature dependence were produced. To minimize the undesired heat production by the non-self-locking vertical linear drive systems, an improved weight force compensation arrangement adaptable to different object masses was developed and tested. Also, the system's natural frequencies were analysed. A modified structure with increased stiffness of the vertical drive system was designed to improve the NPM's dynamic behaviour.

Manske, Eberhard; Hausotte, Tino; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Machleidt, Torsten; Franke, Karl-Heinz; Jäger, Gerd
New applications of the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine by using advanced tactile and non-tactile probes. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 18 (2007), 2, S. 520-527

Liu, Yonghe; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Jäger, Gerd
Materials, bearings, and lubricants for nanopositioning. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 73 (2006), 9, S. 500-510

Füßl, Roland; Grünwald, Rainer; Grünwald, Rainer *1944-2022*; Schmidt, Ingomar;
Analysis of the measurement uncertainties of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines (NPM-machines) by means of a new vectorial model approach :
Messunsicherheitsanalyse von Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschinen mit Hilfe eines neuen vektoriellen Modellansatzes. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 73 (2006), 9, S. 465-471

Jäger, Gerd; Manske, Eberhard; Hausotte, Tino
Neue Anwendungen der Nanomessmaschine (NPM-Maschine) durch die Entwicklung nanoskaliger optischer und taktiler Tastsensoren. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 73 (2006), 9, S. 457-464

Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Jäger, Gerd
A novel plane mirror interferometer without using corner cube reflectors. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 17 (2006), 4, S. 746-752

Jäger, Gerd; Manske, Eberhard
Nanopositionier- und Nanomesstechnik. - In: Ingenieur-Nachrichten, (2005), 2, S. 4

Welter, Matthias; Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd
Interferometrischer Sensor und interferometrisches Kalibriersystem für Ultrapräzisions-Anwendungen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 72 (2005), 10, S. 566-575

Stiebig, H.; Mandryka, Victor; Bunte, E.; Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Jun, K. H.
Novel micro interferometer for length measurements. - In: Journal of non-crystalline solids, ISSN 0022-3093, Bd. 338/340 (2004), S. 793-796

Jäger, Gerd; Grünwald, Rainer; Manske, Eberhard; Hausotte, Tino; Füßl, Roland
A nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine : operation-measured results. - In: Nami-jishu-yu-jingmi-gongcheng, ISSN 1672-6030, Bd. 2 (2004), 2, S. 81-84

An the Institute of Process Measurement and Sensor Technology of Technische Universität Ilmenau, a three-dimensional nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NPM-Machine) has been developed. The Abbe offset-free design provides extra-ordinary accuracy. In the entire positioning and measuring range of 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm the interferometric length measurement system reaches a resolution of 0,1 nm and an uncertainty of 5 - 10 nm. The article gives basic information on this nanopositioning and measuring machine, explains its mode of operation and represents measurement results.

Hausotte, Tino; Jäger, Gerd; Manske, Eberhard; Hofmann, Norbert; Mastylo, Rostyslav
Traceable nanometrology with a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine. - In: Zhongguo-jixie-gongcheng-xuekan, ISSN 0257-9731, Bd. 25 (2004), 5, S. 399-404

Mastylo, Rostyslav; Manske, Eberhard; Manske, Eberhard *1956-*; Jäger, Gerd;
Development of a focus sensor and its integration into the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine :
Entwicklung eines Fokussensors und Integration in die Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschine. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 71 (2004), 11, S. 596-602

Schott, Walter; Pöschel, Wolfgang; Ecke, Susanne; Jäger, Gerd; Grünwald, Rainer; Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Manske, Eberhard; Wurzbacher, Holger
Präzision mit Laserlicht. - In: Laser + Photonik, ISSN 1610-3521, (2003), 1, S. 31-33

Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Stiebig, H.; Mandryka, Victor; Bunte, E.; Jäger, Gerd
An optical standing-wave interferometer for displacement measurements. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 14 (2003), 3, S. 311-316

Chen, Chao-Jung; Jäger, Gerd; Hofmann, Norbert
Entwicklung eines metrologischen Rasterkraftmikroskops :
Development of a traceable atomic force microscope. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 69 (2002), 11, S. 483-487

Wang, Yung-Cheng; Manske, Eberhard; Jäger, Gerd
Simultaneous length and angle measurement with a plane mirror interferometer :
Untersuchungen zur gleichzeitigen Längen- und Winkelmessung mit einem Planspiegelinterferometer. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 68 (2001), 7/8, S. 319-325

Grünwald, Rainer;
Professor Gerd Jäger, Mitglied des Herausgeberbeirats, wird 60. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 68 (2001), 3, S. 115

Boguhn, Dirk; Augustin, Silke; Bernhard, Frank; Mammen, Helge
Phase transformations of technically pure metals and two-component alloys in miniature fixed-point crucibles. - In: High temperatures, high pressures, ISSN 0018-1544, Bd. 33 (2001), 4, S. 419-426

Fröhlich, Thomas; Jäger, Gerd
Dynamical temperature compensation of precision instruments :
Dynamische Temperaturkompensation von Präzisionsmessgeräten. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 67 (2000), 4, S. 166-170

Jäger, Gerd; Manske, Eberhard; Hausotte, Tino; Büchner, Hans-Joachim
Nano measuring machine for zero Abbe offset coordinate-measuring :
Nanomessmaschine zur abbefehlerfreien Koordinatenmessung. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 67 (2000), 7/8, S. 319-323

Jäger, Gerd;
Nano-measuring- and positioning technique :
Nanomess- und Positioniertechnik. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 67 (2000), 7/8, S. 297

Scherge, Matthias; Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Jäger, Gerd; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Interferometric detection of adhesion-induced nano-deflections. - In: Journal of optics, ISSN 2056-7162, Bd. 29 (1998), 1, S. 23-27

Fröhlich, Thomas; Blumröder, Götz
Bestimmung des Verhältnisses der Zeitkonstanten zweier Trägheitsglieder erster Ordnung aus der Differenz der Sprungantworten. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 65 (1998), 9, S. 319-321

Es wird ein Verfahren beschrieben, das die Bestimmung des Verhältnisses der zeitkonstanten aus dem zeitlichen Verlauf der Differenz zweier Sprungantworten ermöglicht.

Lehmann, Harald; Boguhn, Dirk
Elektronische Fixpunkt-Thermometer verringern Temperaturmeßunsicherheiten. - In: Maschinenmarkt, ISSN 0341-5775, Bd. 103 (1997), 41, S. 36-39

Lehmann, Harald; Bernhard, Frank
Thermoelemente mit integrierter Miniatur-Fixpunktzelle. - In: Sensor-Report, ISSN 0179-9592, Bd. 10 (1995), 5, S. 42-45

Jäger, Gerd;
"Lasernanometrologie". - In: Zukunftstechnologien, Ethik, Management, (1995), S. 115-116

Jäger, Gerd;
Precision distance measurement with miniature interferometers coupled by optical fibres :
Präzisionslängenmessungen mit lichtwellenleitergekoppelten Miniaturinterferometern. - In: Sensor-Magazin, ISSN 0945-6899, (1993), 1/2, S. 5-10

Bernhard, Frank;
Vereinfachte Approximationsmodelle für das Temperatur-Zeit-Verhalten homogener, unendlich langer Zylinder. - In: Heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1432-1181, Bd. 27 (1992), 6, S. 369-376

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermische Meßfehler bei Temperaturmessungen mit Berührungsthermometern. - In: Temperaturmessung in der Technik, (1992), S. 36-59

Jäger, Gerd;
Eichfähige lichtwellenleitergekoppelte interferenzoptische Kraftsensoren und Wägezellen, T.2.. - In: Sensor-Magazin, ISSN 0945-6899, (1990), 1, S. 23-25

Krause, Lutz;
Kraft-Drehmoment-Sensoren für Industrieroboter. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 39 (1990), 2, S. 74-76

Jäger, Gerd;
Robotersensorsysteme. - In: Systeme der Informationstechnik, (1990), S. 676-680

Jäger, Gerd;
Prozeßmeß- und Sensortechnik. - In: Systeme der Informationstechnik, (1990), S. 551-569

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ A: Wolfram-5% Rhenium/Wolfram-20% Rhenium. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1989, Bl. 8.9, insges. 15 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ E: Nickel-Chrom/Kupfer-Nickel. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1989, Bl. 8.8, insges. 17 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ L: Chromel/Kopel. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1989, Bl. 8.7, insges. 15 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ K: Nickel-Chrom/Nickel-Aluminium. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1989, Bl. 8.3, insges. 17 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ M: Kupfer/Kopel. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1988, Bl. 8.6, insges. 8 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ T: Kupfer/Kupfer-Nickel. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1988, Bl. 8.5, insges. 12 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ S: Platin-10% Rhodium/Platin. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1988, Bl. 8.4, insges. 17 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Thermoelemente : Typ J: Eisen/Kupfer-Nickel. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1988, Bl. 8.2, insges. 17 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Temperaturmessung mit Berührungsthermometern : statische thermische Meßfehler. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1988, Bl. 2.2, insges. 9 S.

Bernhard, Frank;
Temperaturmessung mit Berührungsthermometern : prinzipielle meßtechnische Eigenschaften. - In: KDT-Temperaturmeßregeln, 1988, Bl. 2.1, insges. 7 S.

Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Jäger, Gerd
Contactless interferometric incremental measurement technique. - In: Measurement, Bd. 6 (1988), 4, S. 146-150

Bernhard, Frank;
Temperature and thermal measurement. - In: Measurement, Bd. 5 (1987), 1, S. 46-47

Plonka, Leszek;
Drucknormale zur Druckmessung von Flüssigkeiten und Gasen. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 4, S. 75-82

Bernhard, Frank;
[Rezension von: Körtvélyessy, László von, Thermoelement-Praxis]. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln. - München : Oldenbourg, ISSN 0026-0347, 2, S. 116
, Rezension von : Thermoelement-Praxis / Körtvélyessy, László *1932-*. - Essen : Vulkan-Verl., c 1981
Jäger, Gerd; Grünwald, Rainer; Laubstein, Michael
Digitales Präzisionsdilatometer. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 32 (1983), 6, S. 250-251

Büchner, Hans Joachim; Jäger, Gerd
Digitales Kalibriergerät für Wegsensoren. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 32 (1983), 6, S. 248-249

Jäger, Gerd;
Elektronische interferentielle Kraftsensoren und ihre Anwendung in Wägezellen. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 32 (1983), 6, S. 243-245

Jäger, Gerd;
Sensortechnik Präzisionsmeßtechnik. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 32 (1983), 6, S. 242

Sommer, Klaus; Heinze, Dirk
Prinzip der geheizten Taupunktmeßfühler und deren Realisierungsmöglichkeiten. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln, ISSN 0026-0347, Bd. 25 (1982), 8, S. 439-444

Heinze, Dirk;
Einheitliche mathematische Beschreibung von Gasfeuchtemeßverfahren. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 28 (1982), 3, S. 59-81

Heinze, Dirk;
Systematik und Modellgleichungssatz zur einheitlichen mathematischen Beschreibung von Gasfeuchtemeßverfahren. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln, ISSN 0026-0347, Bd. 24 (1981), 9, S. 502-508

Kröckel, Ottomar; Heinze, Dirk
Das Neutronenbremsverfahren zur kontinuierlichen Bestimmung der Feuchte in keramischen Massen. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 26 (1980), 4, S. 117-121

Witting, Brigitte; Heinze, Dirk
Ein mathematisches Modell des LiCI-Leitfähigkeitsfühlers. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 26 (1980), 4, S. 75-80

Sommer, Klaus; Heinze, Dirk
Das Fehlverhalten des LiCI-Feuchtefühlers. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 26 (1980), 4, S. 69-74

Noack, Gunter; Heinze, Dirk
Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens vom elektrischen Aspirationspsychrometer EAP 1. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 26 (1980), 4, S. 63-68

Heinze, Dirk;
Beschreibungsverfahren zur mathematischen Modellierung von Gasfeuchtefühlern. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 26 (1980), 4, S. 57-62

Bernhard, Frank;
Das dynamische Verhalten der Temperatur integrierender homogener Kreiszylinder. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 25 (1979), 3, S. 91-97

Vilser, Walthard; Lemke, Sebastian
Zusatzeinheit zum Handophthalmoskop für fotoelektrische Messungen. - In: Jenaer Rundschau, ISSN 0368-203X, Bd. 23 (1978), 1, S. 36-38

Jäger, Gerd;
Ein Beitrag zur Fehlerbetrachtung digitaler Wägesysteme. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 26 (1977), 6, S. 263-265

Jäger, Gerd;
[Rezension von: Tränkler, Hans-Rolf, Die Technik des digitalen Messens]. - In: Feingerätetechnik. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, ISSN 0014-9683, 1, S. 37
, Rezension von : Die Technik des digitalen Messens / Tränkler, Hans-Rolf. - 1. Aufl.. - München [u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1976
Heinze, Dirk;
Gegenwärtiger Stand der theoretischen Beschreibung des LiCl-Feuchtefühlers. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 21 (1975), 2, S. 127-146

Bernhard, Frank; Heinze, Dirk
Bestimmung dynamischer Kennwerte des LiCl-Feuchtefühlers. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 21 (1975), 2, S. 117-125

Bernhard, Frank; Brokmann, Thorsten; Keßler, Gerd-Michael
Verfahren zur Bestimmung dynamischer Thermometerkennwerte für die betriebliche Praxis. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 21 (1975), 2, S. 99-116

Michelsson, Paul;
Elektrische Meßgeräte. - In: Elektrotechnik - Elektronik, (1974), S. 763-801

Michelsson, Paul;
25 Jahre Deutsche Demokratische Republik - 20 Jahre Meßtechnik an der Technischen Hochschule Ilmenau. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 20 (1974), 4/5, S. 79-85

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Greif, Heinz, Lichtelektrische Empfänger, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen optisch-elektrischer Wandler]. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, 1964-1976 , ISSN: 0374-2458 , ZDB-ID: 512430-XAutomatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen, ISSN 0374-2458, Bd. 10 (1973), 8, S. 190

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Erler, Wolfgang; Walther, Ludwig, Elektrisches Messen nichtelektrischer Größen mit Halbleiterwiderständen, mit 13 Tafeln]. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln. - München : Oldenbourg, ISSN 0026-0347, 10, S. 371
, Rezension von : Elektrisches Messen nichtelektrischer Größen mit Halbleiterwiderständen / Erler, Wolfgang. - 2., stark überarb. Aufl.. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, 1973
Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Bender, Dietrich; Pippig, Ernst-Egon, Einheiten, Maßsysteme, SI]. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln. - München : Oldenbourg, 1963-1991 , ISSN: 0026-0347 , ZDB-ID: 512087-1Messen, Steuern, Regeln, ISSN 0026-0347, Bd. 16 (1973), 10, S. 370

Jäger, Gerd;
[Rezension von: Woschni, Eugen-Georg, Meßdynamik, eine Einführung in die Theorie dynamamischer Messungen]. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln. - München : Oldenbourg, ISSN 0026-0347, 10, S. 370
, Rezension von : Meßdynamik / Woschni, Eugen-Georg *1929-2022*. - 2., erw. und überarb. Aufl.. - Leipzig : Hirzel, 1972
Michelsson, Paul;
Die Meßgrößenwandlung vom Blickpunkt der Größenlehre. - In: Zeitschrift für elektrische Informations- und Energietechnik, ISSN 0046-8398, Bd. 3 (1973), 5, S. 279-281

Michelsson, Paul;
Ähnlichkeitslehre und Modelltechnik. - In: Grundlagen, (1973), S. 214-232

Jäger, Gerd;
Direkte digitale Meßwertwandlung. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 22 (1973), 1, S. 27-31

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Ball, G. A., Korrelationsmeßgeräte]. - In: Umschau. - Berlin, Ost, Bd. 26.1972, 10, S. U247
, Rezension von : Korrelationsmeßgeräte / Ball, Georgij Alekseevič. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, 1972
Michelsson, Paul;
Elektrische Meßgeräte. - In: Elektrotechnik - Elektronik, (1972), S. 763-801

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Padelt, Erna; Damm, Henry, Handbuch der Messtechnik in der Betriebskontrolle, Bd. 2, Teil 1, Wägetechnik, mit 37 Tabellen]. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, ISSN 0374-2458, 4, S. 63
, Rezension von : Handbuch der Messtechnik in der Betriebskontrolle ; Bd. 2, Teil 1:Wägetechnik / Padelt, Erna. - Leipzig : Geest & Portig, 1970
Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Woschni, Eugen-Georg, Meßgrößenverarbeitung, eine Einführung in die elektrische Meßgrößenerfassung und -verarbeitung nichtelektrischer Größen]. - In: Feingerätetechnik. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, 1952-1991 , ISSN: 0014-9683 , ZDB-ID: 512398-7Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 19.1970, 4, S. III

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Ostrovskij, Lev Aleksandrovič, Elektrische Messtechnik, Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Theorie]. - In: Umschau. - Berlin, Ost, 1956-1972 , ZDB-ID: 161308-XUmschau, Bd. 24.1970, 11, S. U232

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Merz, Ludwig, Grundkurs der Meßtechnik, Teil 1, Das Messen elektrischer Größen, mit 13 Tafeln]. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, ISSN 0374-2458, 11, S. 165
, Rezension von : Grundkurs der Meßtechnik ; Teil 1:Das Messen elektrischer Größen / Merz, Ludwig *1905-1992*. - 2., verb. Aufl. - München [u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1968
Reineck, Horst;
Zur Untersuchung des Schwingungsverhaltens spannbandgelagerter elektrischer Zeigermeßinstrumente. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln, ISSN 0026-0347, Bd. 12 (1969), 8, S. 308-309

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Merz, Ludwig, Grundkurs der Meßtechnik, Teil 2, Das elektrische Messen nichtelektrischer Größen]. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln. - München : Oldenbourg, ISSN 0026-0347, 4, S. 128
, Rezension von : Grundkurs der Meßtechnik ; Teil 2:Das elektrische Messen nichtelektrischer Größen / Merz, Ludwig *1905-1992*. - München [u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1968
Neuenfeldt, Diethard;
Mathematisches Verfahren zur Korrektur dynamischer Meßfehler. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln, ISSN 0026-0347, Bd. 12 (1969), 1, S. 21-23

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Carniol, Bohdan, Schwingkreisdämpfung, Verfahren zur Messung mechanischer und elektrischer Größen, mit 3 Tafeln]. - In: Umschau. - Berlin, Ost, Bd. 23.1969, 11, S. U189
, Rezension von : Schwingkreisdämpfung / Carniol, Bohdan. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, c 1969
Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Kuhrt, Friedrich; Lippmann, Hans Joachim, Hallgeneratoren, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen]. - In: Umschau. - Berlin, Ost, Bd. 23.1969, 4, S. U80
, Rezension von : Hallgeneratoren / Kuhrt, Friedrich. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1968
Trappe, Siegfried;
Lichtschranken für Meßzwecke. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen, ISSN 0374-2458, Bd. 5 (1968), 11, S. 182-183

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Jeschke, Gerhard, Kleines Lexikon der Betriebsmeßtechnik]. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen. - Berlin : Verl. Technik, 1964-1976 , ISSN: 0374-2458 , ZDB-ID: 512430-XAutomatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen, ISSN 0374-2458, Bd. 5 (1968), 7, S. 107

Lippold, Hartmut;
Meßwertgeber für die Fernmessung des zeitlichen Volumendurchflusses und der Durchflußmenge strömender Stoffe. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln, ISSN 0026-0347, Bd. 11 (1968), 7, S. 262-263

Michelsson, Paul;
Bericht über die Vortragsreihe Meßtechnik auf dem XII. Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Kolloquium. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 17 (1968), 1, S. 42-43

Michelsson, Paul;
[Rezension von: Karsa, Béla E. F., Electrical measuring instruments and measurements]. - In: Umschau. - Berlin, Ost, Bd. 22.1968, 8, S. U143
, Rezension von : Electrical measuring iInstruments and measurements / Karsa, Béla E. F.. - Budapest : Akad. Kiadó, 1967
Bernhard, Frank; Schaller, S.
Ein digitales Baukastensystem für Lehrzwecke. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen, ISSN 0374-2458, Bd. 4 (1967), 11, S. 188-190

Bernhard, Frank;
Ein Feuchtluftgenerator für dynamische Untersuchungen an Gasfeuchtefühlern. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen, ISSN 0374-2458, Bd. 4 (1967), 8, S. 297-302

Michelsson, Paul;
Über einige Fragen der Modellmeßtechnik. - In: Messen, Steuern, Regeln, ISSN 0026-0347, Bd. 10 (1967), 3, S. 93-96

Jäger, Gerd;
Prüfgerät für Feuchtigkeitsmeßgeräte. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 16 (1967), 9, S. 452
Kurzfassung zu Großem Beleg und Diplomarbeit 1964

Bernhard, Frank;
Temperaturregelung mit Mikroelektronik-Bausteinen. - In: Automatisierungspraxis für Grundlagen, Gerätebau und Betriebserfahrungen, ISSN 0374-2458, Bd. 3 (1966), 1, S. 6-8

Michelsson, Paul;
Über den Vektorcharakter des technisch-physikalischen Größenbegriffs. - In: Elektrie, ISSN 0013-5399, Bd. 20 (1966), 10, S. 388-392

Reineck, Horst;
Über das mechanisch-dynamische Verhalten spannbandgelagerter elektrischer Zeigermeßwerke. - In: Elektrie, ISSN 0013-5399, Bd. 20 (1966), 10, S. 378-382

Michelsson, Paul;
Zum technischen Stand der elektrischen Registriergeräte. - In: Elektrie, ISSN 0013-5399, Bd. 20 (1966), 10, S. 375-377

Lippold, Hartmut;
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen an einer Modellanlage des Systems Düse - Prallplatte. - In: Feingerätetechnik, ISSN 0014-9683, Bd. 14 (1965), 9, S. 437
Kurzfassung zur Diplomarbeit 1964

Frank, Bernhard;
Ein digitaler Netzfrequenzmesser. - In: Radio und Fernsehen, Bd. 14 (1965), 10, S. 293-296