Publikationen der Fakultät ab 2015

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Results: 1507
Created on: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:10:03 +0200 in 0.0365 sec

Nissen, Volker; Seifert, Henry; Blumenstein, Marco
A method to support the selection of technologies for the virtualization of consulting services. - In: Digital transformation of the consulting industry, (2018), S. 243-274
Nissen, Volker; Seifert, Henry; Ackert, Mats-Niklas
A process model for the virtualization of consulting services. - In: Digital transformation of the consulting industry, (2018), S. 207-241
Nissen, Volker; Seifert, Henry
Evaluating the virtualization potential of consulting services. - In: Digital transformation of the consulting industry, (2018), S. 191-205
Nissen, Volker; Seifert, Henry
Digital transformation in business consulting - status quo in Germany. - In: Digital transformation of the consulting industry, (2018), S. 153-190
Nissen, Volker; Kuhl, Jochen; Kräft, Hendrik; Seifert, Henry; Reiter, Jakob; Eidmann, Jim
ProMAT - a project management assessment tool for virtual consulting. - In: Digital transformation of the consulting industry, (2018), S. 351-369
Füßl, Anne; Füßl, Franz Felix; Nissen, Volker; Streitferdt, Detlef
A reasoning based knowledge model for business process analysis. - In: Digital transformation of the consulting industry, (2018), S. 323-349
Nissen, Volker; Seifert, Henry; Blumenstein, Marco
Chances, risks and quality criteria of virtual consulting. - In: Digital transformation of the consulting industry, (2018), S. 137-151