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Berger, Priscila;
What is it like to teach digital natives? : university instructors' attitudes toward students' media use in class. - In: Médias numériques et communication électronique, ISBN 978-2-9557005-0-1, (2016), S. 263-273

Nawrath, Tobias; Fischer, Daniel; Markscheffel, Bernd
Privacy-sensitive data in connected cars : an overview of their collection, usage and protection. - In: 2016 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), ISBN 978-1-908320-73-5, (2016), S. 392-393
Döring, Nicola; Probstmeyer, Kristin
Gender-Diversity-Tools für Lehrende im ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenstudium : ein praxiserprobter Werkzeugkasten. - In: Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, ISSN 2367-3060, (2016), 1, S. 77-90

Fischäder, Holm; Halbig, Philipp; Schneider, Herfried M.
Versorgungskonzepte unter Total Cost of Ownership-Aspekten : Teil 2: Bewertung der versorgungsrelevanten Logistikprozesse. - In: Industrie 4.0 Management, ISSN 2364-9208, Bd. 32 (2016), 6, S. 42-46

Schwarz, Andreas; Schleicher, Kathrin; Srugies, Alice; Rothenberger, Liane
Krise im Jugendamt : Leitfaden zur strategischen Krisenkommunikation für Kommunen
Auflage: - Köln : Nationales Zentrum Frühe Hilfen, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (102 Seiten)Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 89-90
Arlt, Dorothee; Wolling, Jens
The refugees: threatening or beneficial? : exploring the effects of positive and negative attitudes and communication on hostile media perceptions. - In: Global media journal, ISSN 2196-4807, Bd. 6 (2016), 1, S. 1-21

In the actual debate on refugees in Germany the media’s role was heavily disputed. To understand this controversy, this study examines hostile media perceptions from the audience perspective. Building up on previous research on the hostile media phenomenon and considering literature on pro- and anti-immigrant attitudes, this study explores the effect of positive and negative attitudes towards refugees as well as of mainstream media, social media and interpersonal communication on hostile media perceptions. Using survey data (N=1005) and applying structural equation modelling, several hypotheses on the effects of attitudes and communication variables were tested. The results demonstrate that perceptions of media bias are strongly influenced by people’s negative and positive attitudes towards refugees and the basic hostile media hypothesis was confirmed. Moreover, our findings reveal that the perceived intensity of media coverage on contested aspects of the refugee issue also has an effect on perceptions of hostility. However, the various communication variables did not prove to have direct effects, whereas mainstream media use, social media use, and interpersonal communication with refugees had indirect effects on the hostile media perception.
Hartung, Patrick; Fischer, Daniel
Instant-Messaging - Bedrohungen und Sicherungsmaßnahmen. - In: D-A-CH Security 2016, (2016), S. 107-119

Fechner, Frank;
Artikel 5 [Kommunikations- und Medienfreiheit, Kunst- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit]. - In: Grundrechte-Kommentar, (2016), S. 529-667

Schwarz, Andreas;
La investigación en la comunicación de crisis en la era de la globalización y la hibridación. - In: La comunicación en situaciones de riesgo y crisis, (2016), S. 29-57