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Döring, Nicola;
Online-Videos zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch: Anbieter, Botschaften und Publikumsreaktionen. - In: Forum Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, (2023), 1, S. 41-47

Dieser Artikel beschreibt, anhand einer systematischen Medieninhaltsanalyse der populärsten Online-Videos und zugehörigen Publikumskommentare, kursorisch den Status quo der deutschsprachigen Abtreibungskommunikation auf YouTube und TikTok. Wer sich über Schwangerschaftsabbruch informieren möchte, findet auf Social-Media-Plattformen heutzutage zahlreiche Beiträge.
Döring, Nicola;
Die »EMSA«-Studie : Erstes Mal, Menstruation und Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Sozialen Medien. - In: Forum Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, (2023), 1, S. 93-96

Onlineinformationen über Schwangerschaftsabbruch, Menstruation und Erstes Mal wurden im deutschsprachigen Raum noch nicht systematisch wissenschaftlich untersucht. Das Projekt EMSA soll diese Forschungslücke schließen und geht u.a. diesen Fragen nach: Welche Informationen rund um Menstruation, das Erste Mal und Schwangerschaftsabbruch sind online zu finden? Wie sind die Publikationsreaktionen auf diese Informationen.
Amthor, Peter; Döring, Ulf; Fischer, Daniel; Genath, Jonas; Kreuzberger, Gunther
Erfahrungen bei der Integration des Autograding-Systems CodeOcean in die universitäre Programmierausbildung. - In: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben" (ABP 2023), (2023), S. 67-74

Eine effektive und effiziente universitäre Programmierausbildung erfordert zunehmend den Einsatz automatisierter Bewertungssysteme. Im Rahmen des Projekts examING erprobt das Teilprojekt AutoPING den Einsatz des quelloffenen Autograding-Systems CodeOcean für übergreifende Lehrangebote und Prüfungen an der TU Ilmenau mit dem Ziel, selbstgesteuertes und kompetenzorientiertes Lernen zu ermöglichen und zu fördern. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über erste Projekterfahrungen bei der Adaption didaktischer Szenarien in der Programmierausbildung hin zu testgetriebener Softwareentwicklung sowie der Generierung von Feedback. Es werden wesentliche Erkenntnisse aus Sicht der Studierenden und Lehrenden erörtert, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze zur Integration und Erweiterung von CodeOcean für neue Anwendungsfelder diskutiert sowie zukünftige Perspektiven eröffnet.
Schaller, Sophia; Wiedicke, Annemarie; Reifegerste, Doreen; Temmann, Linn
(De)stigmatizing depression on social media: the role of responsibility frames. - In: Journal of health communication, ISSN 1087-0415, Bd. 28 (2023), 11, S. 757-767

Responsibility frames on social media could shape recipients’ responses toward people with depression, which is crucial for the public (de)stigmatization of the mental disorder. Thus, the present study examines the effects of different responsibility frames (individual, social, combination) in Instagram-posts about depression on respondents’ related attributions as well as their emotional and behavioral reactions toward people suffering from the illness. Our online-experiment (N = 1,015) revealed that frames emphasizing the responsibility of one’s social network (e.g. family, friends and professionals) for depression, i.e. social frames, strengthened participants’ attributions to the social network, i.e. social attributions, most effectively. Individual frames, however, primarily intensified individual attributions to those affected by depression. Contrary to previous findings, a combination frame did not prove to increase recipients’ social attributions more than a one-sided social frame. For emotional and behavioral responses, we did not find any effects of responsibility frames compared to the control group-possibly due to buffering effects of the narrative structure of the Instagram posts.
Bach, Norbert; Lindig, Sven
AI in intralogistics : how the use of AI will change the organisation of work in intralogistics. - In: Work and AI 2030, (2023), S. 287-293

Tasks of intralogistics are traditionally optimised with the help of algorithms. In contrast to methods of operations research, AI can overcome rigid objective functions and react flexibly to occurring events. The availability of real-time data and its evaluation also enables the prediction of events based on pattern recognition and thus a greater customer orientation. In addition, by 2030, real time simulations in the digital twin will become the norm and intralogistics will merge with overarching logistics chains. Furthermore, the use of drones will make the solution space for distances three-dimensional, which will lead to efficiency increases that were not possible before. Nevertheless, human beings remain the key factor in logistics. Wearables and exoskeletons enable the free collaboration with co-robots in a confined space, the human being becomes an integral part of a networked logistics system.
Lukičeva, Tatьjana A.; Pezoldt, Kerstin; Veredyuk, Olesya
Digital labour platforms as new relational structures: principles, characteristics and development drivers. - In: Networks in the Global World VI, (2023), S. 123-131

Digital labour platforms (DLPs) as an innovative technology transforms not only the space of labour services relations, but also these relations as such. This determines the importance of the paper’s objective, which is to attempt a generalised conceptualisation of DLPs as a new relational phenomenon. In particular, we specify and discuss the “wisdom of crowds” principle that is common across the diverse forms of DLPs. We explore the key characteristics of the new labour services relational model in terms of the way work/tasks are allocated, the configuration of roles and the bargaining power of agents. We consider the development drivers of DLPs as a new relational space for labour services. We focus particular attention on the propensity of agents, primarily young people, to use DLPs as a networking space to realise their professional, creative talent. We argue for a proactive vision of the higher school in developing students’ professional skills for this new relational space and designing an enabling information and communication environment.
Bergmann, Sören; Feldkamp, Niclas; Souren, Rainer; Straßburger, Steffen
Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023 : ASIM Fachtagung : 20. Fachtagung, 13.-15. September 2023, TU Ilmenau. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (XII, 485 Seiten). - (ASIM-Mitteilung ; Nr. 187)
Linke, Franz; Schaller, Sophia; Kayser, Johannes; Arlt, Dorothee; Schlegel, Steffen; Wolling, Jens; Westermann, Dirk
Studie "GLAS-LINK" : Untersuchungen zur Möglichkeit der Versorgung der Glasproduktionsstandorte in der Region Rennsteig/Oberfranken mittels Gleichstromtechnik. - Ilmenau : TU Ilmenau, Universitätsbibliothek, ilmedia, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (VII, 52 Seiten, Seite VIII-XXIV)

Quantum dynamics of a particle confined in a box with time-dependent wall is revisited by considering some unexplored aspects of the problem. In particular, the case of dynamical confinement in a time-dependent box in the presence of purely time-varying external potential is treated by obtaining exact solution. Also, some external potentials approving separation of space and time variables in the Schrödinger equation with time-dependent boundary conditions are classified. Time-dependence of the average kinetic energy and average quantum force are analyzed. A model for optical high harmonic generation in the presence of dynamical confinement and external linearly polarized monochromatic field is proposed.
Bougette, Patrice; Budzinski, Oliver; Marty, Frédéric
In the light of dynamic competition : should we make merger remedies more flexible?. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (22 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 28, no. 181)

Mergers and acquisitions shape industry competition. Effective merger remedies are important for market efficiency and consumer welfare. This paper explores the need for more flexible remedies to address changing markets after mergers. While the EU permits some flexibility with less restrictive remedies, we conceptually advance the design elements of a dual-phase, bifurcated merger control system. This system integrates ex-ante processes with more systematic and comprehensive ex-post measures. Such an approach can address the shortcomings of the current system and, consequently, holds the potential to enhance merger control in dynamic markets.