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Neuland, Jana; Grüning, Michael
"The relationship between information asymmetry and pictures in annual reports". - In: Controlling, Accounting, Risiko, Finanzen, (2022), S. 119-134

Pezoldt, Kerstin; Mikheeva, Evgeniia A.; Kovalь, Aleksandra Gennadьevna; Gubina, Maryana A.
Ochana geografičeskich ukazanij v meždunarodnoj torgovle :
Protection of geographical indications in international trade: prospects for Russia. - In: &ptbov;Ekonomika regiona, ISSN 2411-1406, Bd. 18 (2022), 3, S. 882-894

Geographical indications (GIs) represent the intellectual property rights, which protection could play a significant role in the increasing regional and national trade. The paper reveals the impact of protected GIs on international trade and provides certain recommendations for Russia. There is an evident gap in the study of the GIs effect on the development of trade links, especially for Russian enterprises. The paper applies the gravity model of trade and tests three hypotheses, whether the more protected geographical indications both exporting and importing countries have, the higher the volume of export of GI protected goods going out of this particular country and whether the existence of a trade agreement with specific provisions on the GIs protection increases trade between its members. The findings support one hypothesis that the more protected GIs the exporting country has, the higher the volume of exports of GI protected goods. Based on this result, we analyse the current situation of the GIs protection in Russia and indicate the positive trends in development of the national legislation and modern challenges in the implementation of GIs protection for the national development. The federal and regional support as well as the changes in the business strategies could lead to an increase in the Russian competitiveness. GIs could encourage the brand origin and promote the Russian products on the foreign markets.
Grebel, Thomas; Islam, Rohidul
Endogenous cap reduction in Emission Trading Systems. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (26 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 169)

Since its introduction, the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has been struggling with an oversupply of emission allowances and a highly volatile allowance price. One reason for the price decline is technological progress and ist demand-reducing effect, which is only partially taken into account in the system. We propose a simple benchmark approach to endogenously adjust the supply of allowances to technical progress. Using a non-parametric benchmark approach, we measure the required adjustment of the allowance supply to avoid a technologyinduced price decline and to maintain the incentive to invest in low-carbon technologies.
Fox, Alexander; Heim, Sebastian; Trost, Ralf
What about realized returns in reward-based crowdfunding?. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Medien, Fachgebiet Finanzwirtschaft/Investition, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (16 Seiten). - (Schriften zur Finanzwirtschaft ; Heft 20)

Crowdfunding is an alternative form of financing, especially for entrepreneurs in the early-stage development phase. It is well-known that for investors, beyond altruistic motives, material returns play a crucial role, too. A previous study in this field analyzed returns offered by founders and demanded by investors, resp., by means of a data set from, a leading platform for reward-based crowdfunding. The present paper additionally looks at the realized returns from an ex post view. It does not present new empirical findings, but identifies problems and limitations in this field, and presents some suggestions for future research.
Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira;
News sourcing practices in climate reporting in Indonesia. - In: Journalism studies, ISSN 1461-670X, Bd. 23 (2022), 14, S. 1841-1859

This study investigates news sourcing practices in climate change reporting in Indonesia, a country that contributes significant carbon emissions and is among the world’s most vulnerable nations in the face of climate crises. This paper examines two types of news sources: sources in the form of persons or actors whom journalists ask for information and sources in the form of international news flows from news wires and international media organizations. Through qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with 14 journalists and two editors-in-chief, I found three types of news sourcing practices that are currently adopted: news sourcing practices that use national actors as the main source; practices that use international news sources as cognitive inventory; and practices that rely on the international news flow. These practices are highly influenced by audience needs, the internet algorithm, and the news platforms for which the journalists work. The analysis also elucidates the transnational cooperation practices of several foreign public broadcasts in Indonesia.
Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira; Wolling, Jens
Between impact, politics, and action: frames of climate change in Indonesian print and online media. - In: Environmental communication, ISSN 1752-4040, Bd. 16 (2022), 7, S. 942-959

The lack of research on climate communication in the countries of the Global South is a frequently criticized research gap. This study addresses this problem by investigating the framing of climate change in eight print and online media outlets in Indonesia, the biggest emerging country in Southeast Asia. It identified three frames using cluster analysis: the “climate impact and science” frame, the “climate politics” frame, and the “climate action” frame. Further analyses revealed that print and online media used these frames selectively, as they relied on different news sources (national and international) and gave voice to various actors. These findings demonstrate the organizational influence on climate reporting. Furthermore, the study discovered that climate adaptation strategies were almost absent in the media coverage despite the urgency of this topic for the Indonesian public. Why the media ignore this important aspect needs to be investigated in future research focused on frame-building processes.
Goldenstein, Jan; Hunoldt, Michael; Oertel, Simon
How market conditions affect new ventures’ propensity to engage in category spanning. - In: Strategic Organization, ISSN 1741-315X, Bd. 0 (2022), 0

In our study, we examine how category density affects entrepreneurs? propensity to engage in category spanning, and investigate the moderating effects of category fuzziness, regional density, and the number of entrants in a system of categories. We test our hypotheses by focusing on 3707 bands in the British metal music industry. Our findings indicate that increased category density reduces the degree of category spanning, but this effect is attenuated by increased category fuzziness and an increase in the number of new ventures founded in the same market. Regional density has no moderating effect, but its positive main effect points to the independence of the effects of categorical and regional density on category spanning. Our findings facilitate theory building regarding the antecedents of category spanning and the evolution of the categorical system of markets.
Döring, Nicola;
Allerdings! : Bericht über den Fachtag „Sexarbeit in Thüringen“ am 4. Oktober 2022 in Erfurt. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 35 (2022), 4, S. 241-242
Bankhofer, Udo;
Quantitative Unternehmensplanung : mathematische Methoden und betriebliche Anwendungsbeispiele. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (X, 330 Seiten). - (Studienbücher Wirtschaftsmathematik) ISBN 978-3-8348-2466-0

Teil 1: Grundlagen der quantitativen Unternehmensplanung. Grundfragen der Planung -- Quantitative Planung im Unternehmen -- Teil 2: Optimierungsmodelle und Optimierungsmethoden. Lineare Optimierung. Ganzzahlige Optimierung -- Nichtlineare Optimierung -- Teil 3: Projektplanung und Netzplantechnik. Graphentheoretische Grundlagen -- Grundbegriffe und Darstellungsformen für Netzpläne -- Zeitplanung mit Vorgangsknotennetzen -- Zeitplanung mit Vorgangspfeilnetzen -- Optimale Flüsse in Digraphen -- Planung von Projektkosten -- Teil 4: Stochastische Modelle. Homogene Markovketten -- Warteschlangen -- Lagerhaltungsmodelle -- Teil 5: Nichtexakte Lösungsverfahren. Heuristische Verfahren -- Simulation -- Literaturverzeichnis -- Stichwortverzeichnis.
Robra-Bissantz, Susanne; Lattemann, Christoph; Laue, Ralf; Leonhard-Pfleger, Raphaela; Wagner, Luisa; Gerundt, Oliver; Schlimbach, Ricarda; Baumann, Sabine; Vorbohle, Christian; Gottschalk, Sebastian; Kundisch, Dennis; Engels, Gregor; Wünderlich, Nancy V.; Nissen, Volker; Lohrenz, Lisa; Michalke, Simon
Methods for designing digital platforms, business models and service ecosystems :
Methoden zum Design digitaler Plattformen, Geschäftsmodelle und Service-Ökosysteme. - In: HMD, ISSN 2198-2775, Bd. 59 (2022), 5, S. 1227-1257